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I. Research Title: A Meaningful Life: Correlating Subjective Well-Being with Individual & Social Positives, among IS Alumna from SY2005-06 to 2009-10 II. Name of Principal Researchers: Principal Researcher(s): Ms. Pacita Fortin (3 units) & Mr. Randolph De Jesus @ units) III. Introduction, Significance of the Study and Objectives ‘The International Studies (IS) department of Maryknoll/Miriam College was established in 1970. It remains as one the largest academic courses in the college with a current student population of 350 students. Each year the IS department graduates approximately 70-80 students. Through various and informal sources the department is informed that IS alumnae find employment primarily in government agencies, local and international non-profit organizations, development funding agencies, embassies, educational institutions, and the private sector. In SY2005-2006, the IS department introduced two tracks, namely Bachelors Degree in International Studies Major in International Politics, and Bachelors Degree in International Studies Major in Development Studies. Since the introduction of the IS tracks, there has been no systematic tracer study of its alumnae to trace their areas of employment, as well as satisfaction with their current life conditions, Such a study is deemed important for the further advancement and growth of the IS department. It would inform the department on the strengths of its alumnae as well as the challenges they encounter. A systematic tracer study would provide data on the professional and life competencies capitalized by its graduates, as well as the competencies that need farther development. It would also seek to identify the level of social involvement of IS alumnae, and the satisfaction social involvement provides in their lives. Finally, such a study ‘A Meaningful Life 1. would also provide insight into the character building the IS department has achieved among its alumnae. Its in this context that this research proposal is put forward. Research Objectives ‘This study seeks to answer the following research questions: 1. Whats the level of subjective well-being of IS alumnae? 2. What are the factors that correlate with the subjective well-being of IS alumnae? a. Which individual positives correlate with subjective well-being? b. Which social positives comelate with subjective well-being? ‘This study secks to measure the level of subjective well-being of life satisfaction of IS alumnae over five-year period, from SY2005-06 to 2009-10. It aims to determine the individual and social factors that are correlated with the life satisfaction of IS alumnae. In Particular, i seeks to determine which individual positives, for instance, income, type of employment, or professional development, are linked with an IS alumna’s life satisfaction, And which social positives, for instance, community involvement, volunteerism, and

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