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Courtney Michelle Anders


A Writing Inquiry Finale

My knowledge and skill as a writer has always been very enriching for me, due to how I
love to write, I am very creative, and well, I'm a very skilled writer. This course being my very
first college writing class, has had an impression on my skills due to the multiple linked
assignments. Our writing inquiry project consisted of several reflection papers all focused on a
single goal, or bucketlist item, a multi modal project of that goal, an annotated bibliography for
sources that enhanced our goal. Throughout this process, i made a choice with evidence for that
choice, designed and created my own work, made specific claims of the impact, and discovered
new and old knowledge of the topic. Now, this project was a key importance of this course, and
it reflected y overall journey and success within the course.
At the beginning of the course, we had to make bucketlist and choose one key goal on
that list and reflect on it. I chose a more personal goal or dream, to get engaged and marry my
boyfriend. The main reason why i chose this is how it connects so well to what I morally believe
and want in life, presently and in the future. This choice was and still is a much ranged topic for
young engagements and marriages go through a roller coaster ride of opinions. When reflecting,
I furthered my choice into analyzing the codes, the statistics, and personal views. It is a highly
argued and taboo topic in society for people see it as non-realistic, but according to my research,
I found out that my beliefs of it being a beneficial choice is growing daily. We all make choices
based on how we feel, react, and connect, and my dream of engagement and marriage to my
boyfriend Zach, remains strong.
Every write has to design and create a plan and project thatll define the reflected topic at
hand. For this one, I created a multi-modal that consisted of a two sided canvas where I painted,
drew, and wrote my reflection of my bucketlist dream. Its a piece of artwork and academic
based piece that helps me express my inner connection and creativity of my topic. Also, an
eportfolio had to be designed to hold all of our work throughout the course, as well as the key
casing of m future reflection, getting engaged and married to my Zachary. This eportfolio is
designed on a weebly social powerpoint page where you get as creative, academically based, and
personalized as you wish while sharing all of the work completed in and out of the topic choice. I
personalized my eportfolio with personal pictures, fonts, and all of my essays, and overall
assignments in the class. Designing and creating these two major pieces were slightly

challenging but I personalized to a stand point where it helped me express, understand, and enjoy
my very own creativity.
Any writer can state claims on their work, as long as they have reliable sources to back
up the choices made and written on. For this specific assignment, I claimed my belief of young
engagements and marriages to be beneficial instead of completely ignorant, bias and taboo in this
world. This choice is a touchy topic for a lot of logic goes behind it to why it is seen as a nave
decision. However, It also has logic behind that support my belief of it being a good, beneficial
move in life due to how I researched and found sources that connected, strengthened, and
supported my claim of young marriages. Most claims are viewed as being all factual related
proofs, but for me, facts are not always reliable. Any writer can state claims on their work, as
long as they have reliable sources to back up the choices made and written on. For this specific
assignment, I claimed my belief of young engagements and marriages to be beneficial instead of
completely ignorant, bias and taboo in this world. This choice is a touchy topic for a lot of logic
goes behind it to why it is seen as a nave decision. However, It also has logic behind that
support my belief of it being a good, beneficial move in life due to how I researched and found
sources that connected, strengthened, and supported my claim of young marriages. Most claims
are viewed as being all factual related proofs, but for me, facts are not always reliable. You have
to rely on your personal beliefs, and your faith that it is a positive life changing decision, for you
and those around you, especially when in a lifetime partnership.
Discovery was the final piece of this reflecting puzzle, and I discovered new as well as
old skills about myself and the deciding dream of young marriages within society. The new
discoveries that I unlocked, were how young marriages benefit a person more at a younger age
for it creates better morals, bonds, early success and challenges, basic essentials of life, and it
gives a happier, longer, healthier life span whereas older marriages are usually frozen in old
fashion methods of only logic and reasoning. Now, logic and reasoning is very much needed but
they only last so long if you dont morals and faith to keep you moving forward in challenging
choices. The basic old skills that I already contained were able to be strengthened, such as my
belief in the heart leads better than the mind, and that taboo ideals are not always positive and
benefiting to a person. I have strong beliefs in following your heart and letting it lead your mind,
if you have a strong enough mind-heart synched set.
Finally, the closing of this reflection is a conclusion of briefing up on my overall success
and uwrt 1102 and this entire writing inquiry project. As my first college writing course, it
proved that I am indeed a very skilled writer with growing and improvement to come. The
assignments completed, from the forums to the multi-modal project, I noticed how I was able to
be creative and academically keyed in when creating and completing the assignments. Most were
simple forums on a topic discussed from the book Into the Wild, and it stretched all the way to an
inquiry of our bucketlist, life altering choices. Inside each assignment, we had to express some
form of ethos, logos and pathos of the topic and our personal connection. First off, ethos is the
moral, ethical standpoint, logos is the logical, and pathos is the emotional. Each depend on each

other to make a proper reflection. In each assignment I expressed each, but I mostly reflected
them in my eportfolio, and Future reflection papers. I shared my knowledge of the topic based on
a factual, logic standpoint, stating whether it was credible and had reason to be a decision. Then I
would break into my emotional, personalized, connected point, known as the pathos. Here I
would express how I felt and what it meant to me as a decision, and if It could be held as
accountable to my own life. And finally, I gave the ethical side of my topic, where Id debate
whether or not it made any moralistic sense, and had any effect on my life and those around. All
three of these points give the writer and the viewer an understanding of what a reflection pin
points when making a decision and topic analysis.
A reflection paper can travel in so many directions depending on the topic choice,
evidence, the design and creation of the work, claims made, discoveries, and just an overall
review and success in the course given. This was probably my favorite assignment for I truly
enjoy expressing my beliefs, and I truly love thinking more outside of the facts and more into the
moral, emotional based decision making factors.

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