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1. What are your most and least favorite things to do after school?
2. What is an after school activity you would like to see offered at your school or in your

3. How do you define school, and who is included in your school?

4. How do you define community, and who is included in your community?

5. How do you think your school and community should work together?

6. What school events do you enjoy in your community?

7. List, describe, or name any events, places, or programs promoted by your school for your
community. Do the same for things promoted by your community for your school.

8. List in order who you feel more comfortable talking to, a parent, teacher,
counselor/mentor, or other school personnel?

9. What are resources available to help students solve problems?

10. How do you want your parents and families to be involved in the Solano School
community? (ex.: parent teacher conferences, after school clubs, lunch/recess duty during
school, classroom volunteer, after school parent nightsetc.)

1. How do you define school community?

2. Who builds and maintains a school and community relationship?

3. What role do teachers and administration play in developing a school community?

4. What does a good school and community relationship look like or involve?

5. How can schools create a community for parents and teachers? With examples

6. What are advantages of parent involvement?

7. How often should the school and teachers communicate with each childs parent?

8. Are school community relations cost effective?

9. Are school community relations effective in positive child growth?

10. With a growing number of cultures represented, how should schools and teachers treat
parents of different backgrounds? Should schools and teachers be more aware of cultural
background when building relationships and community?

Por favor, escribe sus respuestas aqu, las preguntas estn en Espaol en la parte de atras de sta
1. How do you define school community?

2. What makes a school and community good partners?

3. Do you agree that Solano School is trying to build community? Answer 1 meaning that
you disagree, and 10 meaning that you agree. Why do you agree/disagree?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4. Who is affected by a good/bad school community partnership?

5. How much time should one contribute to a school and or a community?

6. How often are you at the school throughout the year?

7. Do you communicate with your child's teacher? If so, how often?

8. What do you suggest teachers in your school should do to try to build a stronger school
community relationship?

1. Qu significa para Ud. la comunidad escolar?

2. Qu es lo que hace que una escuela y la comunidad sean buenos socios?
3. Est Ud. de acuerdo que solano est tratando de construir una buena comunidad para
los padres y alumnos?
Del 1 al 5, que tanto est de acuerdo con esto? Y por qu?
1 2 3 4 5
4. Quin se ve afectado por una mala o buena asociacin entre la comunidad y la
5. Cuanto tiempo debe uno de contribuir a la escuela y la comunidad?
6. Con qu frecuencia visita la escuela en un ao escolar?
7. Ud. se comunica con el maestro/a de su hijo/a? Y cmo?
8. Qu sugieres que los maestros de Solano deben hacer para construir un relacin con
la comunidad y escuela mas fuerte?

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