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Assignment 02

Application of Principles of Building

Design and Sustainable Construction
Concepts in New Building Construction


: - Mr.T.M.Ramzan Rafeek


: - H.N.D.QS


: - YasuruRanganathThannapitiya

Submission Date :- 25/09/2014

Register No

: - QS/N/03/10

Design Principles and Application

An Individual Assignment 01

I would like to express my deep gratitude to Mr.T.M.Ramzan Rafeek my lecturer, for his
patient guidance, enthusiastic encouragement and useful critiques of this assignment. I
would also like to thank Mr.Chamikara, for his advice and assistance in keeping my progress
on schedule.
Finally, I wish to thank my parents for their support an encouragement throughout my study.


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Design Principles and Application

An Individual Assignment 01

Table of Contents


Introduction................................................................................................................................ 1


3D model house for the Mr. and Mrs. Senevirathna ........................................................... 2

Environmental efficiencies, recyclability, durability and cost effectiveness for the fire
burnt bricks or compressed earth bricks........................................................................................... 3

The environmental efficiencies ....................................................................................... 4


Thermal insulation efficiency .......................................................................................... 4


Recyclability ...................................................................................................................... 5


Durability ............................................................................................................................ 5


Cost effectiveness ............................................................................................................ 6


Safe disposal methods for the waste produced during the construction this house ...... 7


Recyclable materials ........................................................................................................ 8


Reuse materials ................................................................................................................ 8


Landfilling materials ......................................................................................................... 9


Cost study and compare the financial implication of adopting interior floor finishes ... 10


Cost analysis for the terrazzo ....................................................................................... 12


Cost analysis for the porcelain tiles ............................................................................. 13

Roles and responsibilities of all parties involved in the design and planning process of
this building construction project ...................................................................................................... 14
Responsibilities and liabilities of all parties who are responsible for health, safety and
welfare at work .................................................................................................................................... 17

Giving the industrial training ......................................................................................... 18


Keep the workers health and safety records ............................................................. 19


Keep the records for plant and equipment at site ..................................................... 19


Giving the welfare facilities ........................................................................................... 19

Responsibilities and liabilities of all parties who are responsible for adopting
Construction Design and Management (CDM) Regulations ....................................................... 20

Conclusions ............................................................................................................................. 23


Recommendation ................................................................................................................... 24


References .............................................................................................................................. 25


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Design Principles and Application

An Individual Assignment 01

Executive Summary

This report is considering about the some part of the Design principles and Application.
Through this report discuss about the how and the ways we can use this design principles
and application affectively. Also this report contain with the designing the house plan
according to the client requirements with using the AutoCAD software, thermal insulation
efficiency, recyclability, durability and cost effectiveness when selecting the building
materials, safe disposal methods for the waste producing during the construction, what are
the roles and responsibility of all parties involved in the designing and planning process of a
building construction project and particular responsibilities and liabilities of all parties who
are responsible for health, safety and welfare and construction design and management
(CDM) regulations.


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Design Principles and Application

An Individual Assignment 01

1.0 Introduction

Excellent architectural design begins earlier than the design process. Once selected, the
design professional's challenge is to deliver a facility within the budget and quality factors
identified during the needs assessment with the hope that construction cost increase will not
be significant and that project requirements will not change. Therefore, the creation of an
upfront, comprehensive project specific program document is a critical step in preparing a
project to become an excellent design.

Once selected, the design professional must satisfy the project requirements as well as give
consideration for the client needs and requirements. To assist the design process, Mr. and
Mrs. Senevirathna should and must establish a set of architectural design guidelines, which
include their goals, requirements and a number of design checkpoints. It can be directly or
indirectly. But each of these requirements should try to preserve and enhance the living
quality of the Mr. and Mrs. Senevirathna.


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Design Principles and Application



An Individual Assignment 01

3D model house for the Mr. and Mrs. Senevirathna

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An Individual Assignment 01

Environmental efficiencies, recyclability, durability and cost effectiveness for the fire
burnt bricks or compressed earth bricks

When considering the climate and weather condition in Sri Lanka, there has four seasons as


First inter monsoon

March to April


South west monsoon

May to September


Second inter monsoon

October to November


North east monsoon

December to February

Then according to the given scenario, Mr. and Mrs. Senevirathna bought their land in
Teldeniya town, Kandy. Therefore before selecting the materials for the load bearing and
non-load bearing walls, must consider the climate and weather condition in Teldeniya region
in past years.
Teldeniya region weather is cold and wet as the Kandy city because Teldeniya is located
closer to the Kandy city. Teldeniyas dry season is begin from the December and it end in
April. It means, there average temperature is between 22C and 30C during the dry season.
Also, monsoon season is from the May through August with temperature between25C and
29C. Then third and final season of Teldeniya is second inter monsoon from September
through November with the temperature between 24C and 29C.
Also Teldeniya is located in a high level and middle of the Sri Lanka map. So Sri Lanka has
tropical climate but Teldeniya is being in the middle experiences cooler and pretty wet
weather conditions. There have mainly two types of seasons. Those are monsoon season
and dry season.

Monsoon Seasons
From the May through July and December to January, Teldeniya has monsoon season.
During this time the weather is rough and unpredictable. The coldest month is January and
its hottest is July. Then March through the middle of May is inter monsoonal period. During
this time there is light rain and high humidity.
Dry Season
Dry season in Teldeniya is from December to April having hot and humid climate. Rainfall is
very low during this period. The average temperature is around 26C.


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An Individual Assignment 01

The environmental efficiencies

When preparing the bricks, have to do the mining for taking the clay from the soil. Also clay
is renewable resource. But, when extraction of renewable resources from the soil will be
have some impact for the environment. So, some of the impacts can be show as follow. Its
mean, when extraction the renewable sources from the soil, there may be have the affect for
the environment.


Air pollution.

Water pollution.

Damage to ecosystems.

Water use.

Energy use.

When considering the impact of the noise, if any one uses the heavy machine for extraction
the clay, there may have the noise because of the machine. Also when the burn the bricks,
there can be have the air pollution because when burn the bricks, there release the CO2 into
the environment. But the compressed earth bricks not like that because there have no any
burn process during the manufacture.
Also when manufacturing both of the fire burnt bricks and compressed earth bricks, there
can be affect to the ecosystems because when extraction the large scale mining. As well,
when manufacturing the bricks, water is the essential source. If use the water without the
proper management, it can be affect to the environment in bad way because water is very
valuable resource for the all living being in this earth. Also when burning the bricks, mainly
cost effective fuel is timber. It is same as the water. Thus have to use fuel in effective way for
burn the bricks. Otherwise it will be bad affect for the environment.

Thermal insulation efficiency

When considering the fire burnt bricks, those are good thermal conductivity plus heat
withstanding as load and non-load bearing wall materials. Also make the wall heavy and
conduct the heat. Its mean, the thermal and moisture that the fire burnt bricks absorb and
then can keep the temperature relatively constant inside the house during the both of day
and night time. Therefore Mr. and Mrs. Senevirathna can be able to keep the comfortable
temperature inside their house easily particularly in cold seasons.


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An Individual Assignment 01

Compressed earth bricks are having less heat insulation compare with the fire burnt bricks.
Its mean, compressed earth bricks are fairly heat insulators. But after done the plastering
and painting things compressed earth bricks can be have the good heat insulator. As well,
this insulation can be placed simply between two raw of the compressed earth bricks. Then
a gap between the walls can be filled with a usual hay or soil mixture.


Compressed earth bricks are connecting well with the water. Therefore rest of pieces when
waste produce during the construction can recycle. Its mean, when adding the water to
those compressed earth bricks pieces, those pieces will reacting with the water. After that
again can prepare the compressed earth bricks mixture from that brick pieces where waste
producing during the construction. Therefore compressed earth bricks can recycle very
easily. So there have simple test for it. When get the compressed earth bricks mixture and
jam it from the hand. After open the hands and if it is has the ball still the moisture content is
good but if the mixture is falls apart in hand so that mixture need more water. As well the
mixture is having the shape of ball in hand and drops it to the floor and then that ball break
into parts, its mean that mixture has too much water.


Clay is extracting from the earth and it has the plastic properties. Also when mix the clay, it is
became cohesive, then after adding the water it is expanding, when dry the clay mixture it is
become shrink and when clay is firing it is become get strength. Another property of the clay
is it can be prepare into various shapes that can suit to the exterior wall for the Mr. and Mrs.
Senevirathna house. As well, fire burnt bricks are heavy and when do the various heating in
several times fire burnt bricks will last for long time. Therefore durability of the fire burnt
bricks is very high.
For prepare the compressed earth bricks, there have mixing some stabilizers with the earth.
In that case, have to care full to add the small amounts of stabilizers. So these stabilizers will
be cause to increase the durability of the compressed earth bricks. As well compressed
earth bricks mixture must including the low level of the moisture contain. Therefore it also
helps to increase the strength and water resistance of the finished compressed earth bricks.
Because of the strength and water resistance properties compressed earth bricks have high
durability but not than the fire burnt bricks.


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An Individual Assignment 01

Cost effectiveness

Fire burnt bricks do not get alteration, corrosion, split, peel or fade too much with the time.
Also, no any harm from the termites and with the time gone, fire burnt bricks get more
beautiful color. As well these bricks not require the low maintenance and high durability. Also
not want to painting even and because of the strength this brick can use for the exterior walls
also. The thing is cost of the one brick will be high than other bricks. But when considering
the low maintenance, durability and strength this fire burnt bricks are cost effective than
compressed earth bricks.

When consider the compressed earth bricks, there have very low cost for prepare those
bricks compare with the fire burnt bricks because material can find in short distance. In this
case compressed earth bricks can make more environmentally than other materials.
Compressed earth bricks can make with using the available sandy and gravel soil. Also soil
can be extracting easily. Therefore it is consumption very low energy and low environmental
pollution for manufacture the compressed earth bricks. Because of the low level of energy
consumption the cost per one compressed earth brick also very cheap. The thing is, this
bricks not well suit for the exterior walls but well cost effective for using interior walls.


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An Individual Assignment 01

Safe disposal methods for the waste produced during the construction this house

Any type of construction going on, there can be generating the construction waste in
beginning and to end of the construction process. There have many ways to generating the
construction waste. Some of those are site clearing waste, excavation, construction and
refurbishment and etc. so these factors affect same for this house construction. As well,
construction waste can be dividing mainly into two categories. Those are inert construction
waste and non-inert construction waste.
Timber, bamboo, vegetation and other organic materials are including in the non-inert
construction waste. Then construction debris, earth, concrete and etc. are including in the
inert construction waste. Then begin to the end of construction process, we have to find the
methods for disposal the both of inert and non-inert construction waste in safely. In present
there have three major safe disposal methods. Those are land filing, recyclable materials
and reuse materials. When we make the list of the construction waste, high percentage will
be have wood, dry walls, masonry materials, cardboards, metal and etc.

Figure 2.3.1: Construction waste by weight


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An Individual Assignment 01

Recyclable materials

Discuss about the safe disposal methods of the construction waste, this method will be most
effective and successful method. According to the given scenario, when constructing the Mr.
and Mrs. Senevirathnas house, there must have the concrete and masonry works. Thus
there can be produce during the construction bricks pieces, concrete, glass, timber, plastic,
plasterboards, metals and etc. construction waste. So, all of these materials can be able to
recycle and convert into same material or use for another job.

Figure 2.3.2: Recycle the earth and prepare bricks


Reuse materials

This is same as the recyclable materials. In this case, some of recyclable materials can be
reuse. When after finishing the formworks (shuttering) of this house, those plywood sheets
should be remove. So if can be able to remove the plywood sheets carefully with the
minimum damage those plywood sheets can be reuse again for another formwork without
any recycle. As well, during this house construction going on there may need the 2x2 timer.
After use this timer for this house, these timber can reuse another job such as roofing works.
Same as we can reuse the reinforcement bars.


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Figure 2.3.3: Reuse the plywood sheets


Landfilling materials

This method is the easiest way to disposal the construction waste. But this is not the good
way to dispose the construction waste. If cannot be able dispose the construction waste for
the recycle and reuse, then it is fine to dispose in this way. When, constructing this house
there should be excavating for the foundation. Therefore there may generate the remaining
earth. Some of earth can recycle and prepare the bricks and some soil cannot use for it.
Then that earth will be dispose to filling another land somewhere. Also when plastering
works going, there may produce the mortar as a construction waste. So has to dispose as
the land filling. Small pieces of timber, cement bags and etc.

Figure 2.3.4: Land filling with construction waste


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An Individual Assignment 01

Cost study and compare the financial implication of adopting interior floor finishes

According to the given scenario, there have two interior floors finishing selections. Those
materials are terrazzo and floor tiles. Therefore, before selecting the one material we must
do a cost study and compare the financial implication. In this case, Mr. and Mrs.
Senevirathna can allocate the maximum 8.5% of total budget for floor works.

Total budget for floor works = 7500000 *

= 637,500.00Rs
So, we must do the entire house floor finishes within this limit. As well if we select the
terrazzo for the floor finishes, we have to use floor tiles and wall tiles for the bath, and toilets.
Therefore we must do the cost study separately for bath and toilets and floors.
Bath and toilet floor area

= (6x10x2) + (6x10x2)
= 240ft2

As well, usually bath and toilet area has wall tiles up to 6 feet height. Therefore we must
consider the wall tile area also.
Bath wall tile area

= (6x6x2) + (10x6x2) = 72 + 120

= 192ft2

For both bath wall tile area

= 192x2
= 384ft2

Toilet wall tile area

= (6x6x2) + (10x6x2) = 72 + 120

= 192ft2

For both toilet wall tile area

= 384ft2

Total wall tile area

= 384x2
= 768ft2


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If considering the other rest of floor area (bedrooms, living room, dining and kitchen) in this
house. In this case, we must calculate the skirting area also. Usually skirting height will be
Bedrooms floor area

= 12x12x3

= 432ft2

Skirting area for bedrooms

= 12x4x0.25

= 12ft2

Total floor area for bedrooms

= 432 + 12 = 444ft2

Living floor area

= 25x20

Skirting area for living area

= [2(25+20)]*0.25

Total floor area for living area

= 500 + 22.5 = 522.5ft2

Dining and kitchen floor area

= 15x10

Skirting area for dining and kitchen

= [2(15+10)]*0.25

= 500ft2
= 22.5ft2

= 150ft2
= 12.5ft2

Total floor area for dining and kitchen = 150 + 12.5 = 162.5ft2
Rest of living floor area without the bath and toilet area = 2400 - 240 = 2160sqft

Total floor areas of this house with skirting = 2160 + (12+22.5+12.5) = 2160+47
= 2207sqft
Now here have the total floor area, bath and toilet floor and wall area of this entire house.
Now we must select the suitable floor finishing material from the terrazzo and floor tiles.
Therefore we must do the cost study for them separately. Before do the cost study must find
out the unit rate for the terrazzo and floor tiles in the market available.


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An Individual Assignment 01

2.4.1 Cost analysis for the terrazzo

According to the alibba (2014), for 2x2 terrazzo tile price is 5200.00Rs. Therefore we must
consider about the how many number of 2x2 terrazzo tile require for the total floor area
without the bath and toilet area.
Total number of 2x2 terrazzo tile require

= 551.75

Let us assume number required a 2x2 terrazzo tile is 552. Then we must add wastage for
this. Normally wastage is 5%.
Wastage =

= 27.60

Therefore total required number of 2x2 terrazzo tile = 552 + 28

= 580
Therefore cost for the floor area

= 580 x 5200
= 3,016,000.00Rs

According to the alibba (2014), the cost for 2x2 floor tile is 725.00Rs. Therefore now we
must calculate the cost for bath and toilet areas.
Total area of the bath and toilet area

= 240 + 384 + 768

= 1392sqft

Required number of 2x2 tiles for the bath and toilet area =

Wastage =

= 343

= 17.15

Total required number of 2x2 tiles for the bath and toilet area = 343 + 18 = 361
Cost for the bath and toilet area

= 361 x 725 = 261,725.00Rs

Therefore total cost for the 2x2 terrazzo tile

= 3,016,000 + 261,725
= 3,277,725.00Rs


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2.4.2 Cost analysis for the porcelain tiles

Now we have already calculated the cost for the bath and toilet area. Now we have to
calculate cost only for the rest of floor and skirting area. It is 261,725.00Rs.
Total floor area

= 2207sqft

Required number of 2x2 porcelain tile

= 551.75

Let us assume number required a 2x2 porcelain tile is 552. Then we must add wastage for
this. Normally wastage is 5%.
Wastage =

= 27.60

Therefore total required number of 2x2 porcelain tile = 552 + 28

= 580
Therefore cost for the floor area

= 580 x 725
= 420,500.00Rs

Therefore total cost for the 2x2 porcelain tile

= 420,500+ 261,725
= 682,225.00Rs

When considering the cost analysis for the terrazzo and porcelain tiles, the cost for terrazzo
tile is 3,277,725.00Rs and cost for porcelain tile is 682,225.00Rs. Then we can clearly
decide the most economical floor finishing material is porcelain tiles.


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An Individual Assignment 01

Roles and responsibilities of all parties involved in the design and planning process
of this building construction project

Architecture is the person who creates the design of the building for according to the Mr. and
Mrs. Senevirathnas wishing such as they want to that design must be economically, beauty
and etc. Also architecture has to have sound knowledge about the building regulations such
as planning permission and should have considered about environmental factors when
designing the sustainable construction. So it is not an easy thing to do. But it is the job of the
architecture in the construction industry. Also designing is not only role of the architecture.
When the any construction begin then have to finish it some due date. Therefore architecture
has to involve to that construction project until finish it. Because the planning stages are
normally very confuse until the final design produce and some of designs can be change
middle of the project. So during the construction going on, architecture is joining with Mr. and
Mrs. Senevirathna and makes the design according to them. This system will be happen
continuously until the project is over.
Civil Engineer
After architects design this house then civil Engineers make the calculations for find the
suitable strength to construct the building safely. Because there may have earthquakes,
floods and etc. treads for the building. That is the major role of the civil Engineer. They may
be work inside the office and on construction site. When they in the office they do the
computer modeling for their project. Also when they are on the construction site, they
supervise the technicians for editing the detailed drawings, construction workers, make and
checking the specifications, keep the records of the works and etc.
When the construction going on, civil Engineer has to find out is this construction happen
according to the designs, specifications, plans and etc. otherwise that construction may not
be safe to use and not happy the client. During construction, civil Engineer has to connect
with the client, contractor and sometimes with the public. So this is the role of the civil
Engineer as construction design team member.


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An Individual Assignment 01

Interior designer
Interior designers are not connecting with other design members such as architects,
Engineers and etc. after construct the sketch of the building then interior designer start his
role. In this case, interior designer have a meeting with his client and discuss about what
clients expected. Then he will develop a design suit for clients needs and his budget. Also
he has to consider about the type of the building. Now he can prepare the primary sketches
for showing to the client. Then client will give the feedback to him about the color schemes,
fabrics fittings, furniture and etc. then again interior designer will create the basic sketches
with detail drawings consider with the cost and estimation. So these designs usually do from
computer aided design software such as auto CAD. Then designer can showing how the
spaces inside of the building will be organized, constructed and finished. Also designers
must ensure those designs follow the rules and regulations of building regulations, planning
and advertisement restrictions.
Mechanical Engineer
The core role of the mechanical Engineer is managing the energy such as solar, electricity,
wind and etc. when consider the Teldeniya region, cannot get the solar and wind power all
over the year in same way. In this case mechanical Engineer must have good knowledge
about standard building codes where his licensed area. If someone licensed in Sri Lanka, he
must have good idea about the Sri Lankas building energy efficiency standards. Also
mechanical Engineer is designing, stamping drawings and specifications for the
dehumidification and air conditioning systems including the installation of air conditioning.
Not only the air conditioning, heating, ventilation systems also have to design. In most
important work are doing the energy calculations for the building.
Electrical Engineer
Electrical Engineers also work with the design team. They are design, develop and
maintaining the electrical systems and items within the suitable specification, considering the
economy, safety, quality and sustainability. In this case Engineer has to consider about
some factors. So the first thing is identifying what are the requirements. So these
requirements may be varies according to the clients need of construction.
Then electrical Engineer has to follow the design specifications of the project. Then only he
can plan the work how to do his job. Also he has to estimating the cost and time scales for
the entire electrical works of the project. So before begin the work, he will makes the 3D
models and may join with the other members of design team, client and contractor.


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An Individual Assignment 01

After create the models and then he will begin the work. Now electrical Engineer will do the
design and conducting the tests and will record that everything. So with those results of the
tests, he will analyze and interpreting the data. Then again make the modifications and
retesting. Then only he can make sure about the final quality of the work.
Prime Contractor
When the any contractor has 500 employees under his control or has any project more than
30 days that contractor is called main contractor or prime contractor. The prime contractor
role is to plan, manage and coordinate health and security while carrying out construction
work. Therefore prime contractor is the person who managing contractor for that project.
The main responsibility of prime contractor is he has to have well cooperation with all of
subcontractors on the site. They must ensure they are transmitted to everyone who is
working on the draft of the rules laid down in the construction phase health and safety plan.


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An Individual Assignment 01

Responsibilities and liabilities of all parties who are responsible for health, safety and
welfare at work

There have involved several persons for the health and safety inspection in this work site.
Also, there have separate officer for check about health and safety in this construction site.
So he is a safety officer this site. Under the safety officer, there have supervisors of every
sections and labors. So, labors also had involved for protect the work site health and safety.
Because of, if they observe the safety advices, accidents will decrease.
Safety officer not stay with workers during the working time. He is in the site office. But he
visits the site several times per day. During safety officers visiting time he bring some
records document. So, if he seeing any worker not following safety instructions, safety officer
is recording the faulty description in that document. Also, if safety officer seeing any unsafe
work in the site, he will stop that work until do that work with safely.
Safety officer had given safety instruction and advices for all the supervisors. There have
supervisors for every section. It means, there have one supervisor for brick work and etc.
therefore, those supervisors control and take care about whom working under his
supervision. Supervisors attitudes play an important part in obtaining or preventing the
acceptance of safe and healthful work practices, policies and procedures in the work place.
So, safety officer had given instructions and had given the procedure about the health and
safety of this construction site to those supervisors. Because of, supervisors are who stay
with labors during the working time in the working place. Then supervisors are following that
health and safety procedure and they implementation that health and safety protecting
advices. It means, supervisors give those health and safety protecting advices and
instructions to labors. how to wear health and safety protecting equipment, how those
equipment protecting their health and safety, how working with machines safely and etc. are
some of the health and safety protecting instructions and advices given by the safety officer
in the construction site.
Now let us find out about what are the responsibilities and liabilities for protecting the health,
safety and welfare at construction work.


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Giving the industrial training

All the labors (workers) have not pre experience about every work and health and safety. But
there could have several experience labors. Therefore before begin the construction; health
and safety officers in the site had identified who are the experience and non-experience
labors they had. Then safety officer can give the advices and training for all the labors
according to the periodically.
The first one is training programs about the health and safety practices in the construction
site. It can be divided these practices into several factors. So Safety officer can give
training about how use head protecting helmets, boots, goggles, glows, safety belts and
other safety equipment (dusk mask and etc.). Then how those equipment supports to protect
their health and safety during the working time in the construction site. This is one factor.
Second factor is how keeping the work place clearly. It mean, how removing the construction
wastage properly. It mean, if workers put polythene bags and things in the site, then if there
remain water it can be cause to make mosquitoes in the site. Therefore it can be cause to
many illnesses like as dengue, malaria, filarial and etc.
Then third factor is how workers work carefully. It mean, hazards are everywhere in the site.
So if workers are not working carefully they have to face serious damages. Because of those
officers do not allow to use alcohol for workers inside the site. As well, they can display the
safety pictures everywhere in the site. Because of that workers seen those pictures and
things, they can follow safety status.
The second one is given training to how to use equipment safely. Officers said they had
used pre experience workers for show how to use equipment safely to other workers. It
means, if there have to bend bar various shape; officers can use pre experience person for
that and then show it to other workers how do that. Actually workers should have to know
how work with machines and things safely and they must consider about that. Because of
that will be very dangerous for them.
The third one is first aid training. In this case, construction site must have at least one first
aid box. There have enough chances to happen small cutting injuries for the workers. But
there can be happen serious injuries also. If happen small cutting injury for any worker, other
workers know how to give first aid for that injured worker. Also officers had given training, if
there happen any serious damage that must need hospital admits treatment.


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Keep the workers health and safety records

There can be use manual and electronic methods for recording workers health and safety
status. When discuss about the manual method, there can maintain box file for keep
recording on health and safety of the workers in this construction site. So there have record
about all the information of all the workers in this site. The names of the workers, what are
sections of they are working, national identity card number of the workers, if there have any
illness and etc. because some of the workers may have been any illness. So this will be
good way to record workers health and safety status.


Keep the records for plant and equipment at site

Also there can be keeping the records of plant and equipment maintenance. Therefore
safety officer can refer those records and get the idea about the how long they have check
again those machines and equipment. If they do not do checking machines and things within
the right duration, those machines and things may be dangerous for the workers. As an
example, if chain ropes not checking correctly that ropes can be broke and fell it onto the
workers head. So that will be cause for the serious damage for that worker. Then this also
affect for the labors health and safety. So that plant and equipment maintenance and check
reports also must keep in proper way.


Giving the welfare facilities

Every human need water. Because of, water is a one of the major source to live. Therefore
labors should have pure drinking water. Actually providing the drinking water is a welfare
facility to the labors. After labors stop their work every each day, they want to clean their
body. So, there must have facility to that. So, there should have bath area.
Also, Construction Company should provide and maintained accommodation for all the
labors at site. It may be outside of site or inside of site. Also should have electricity and
water facility for labors accommodation.


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Responsibilities and liabilities of all parties who are responsible for adopting
Construction Design and Management (CDM) Regulations

In construction industry, there have large number of hazards in everywhere. Also, there have
enough probability to happen the high level of injuries and accidents rather than the other
industries. Therefore there must have a solution for reduce the risk in construction industry.
In that case there should have the excellent co-ordination, management and co-operation
between all the parties who are involved to the construction work. So, that is why there have
introduce the Construction Design and Management (CDM) Regulations.
As well, the target of the CDM Regulations is to improving the overall management and coordination regarding the health, safety and welfare for all the stages (Substructure,
superstructure and roof) of the construction project to decrease the accident happens in the
construction industry in every year.
When find out who are the responsible for adopting the CDM Regulations, there have mainly
six duty holders. They are client, Construction Design and Management co-coordinator,
designer, principal contractor, other contractors and workers. All of these parties have
particular duty throughout the course of any project. Now let us discuss about the
responsibilities and liabilities of all parties above mentioned.
The Client
Client can be the any organization or individual person for whom a construction project is
carried out. So he has responsibility for appointing the all parties join in the project. Also,
then he must be able to ensure that all appointed parties are enough to do their duties with
competently and have adequate resourced. As well, if the project becomes notify able to the
HSE, client must also appoint a CDM coordinator. The client must also ensure that relevant
information likely to be needed by designers, contractors or others to plan their work is
passed to them in order to comply with the regulations.
The CDM Coordinator
Construction Design and Management coordinator is giving the advice to the client about
the management of construction health, safety and welfare risk problems. Therefore he is
helping to clients carry out their duties for coordinate with health, safety and welfare
features of design work. Also prepare the health, safety and welfare files and support to
client with assessing the competency of the other duty holders in the contractor are another
role of the CDM coordinator.

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Design Principles and Application

An Individual Assignment 01

As well he has responsible for issue the notification to the project health and safety
Engineer and ensuring the current (ongoing) construction works of the project with
coordination between the designer and the main contractor. Also CDM coordinator should
find out and submit onto the main contractor about the information of pre-construction from
the client and other parties who has knowledge about this project.
The Designer
The Designer must ensure that designs are carried out so that any foreseeable risks to the
health and safety of those involved in the construction, use and maintenance of the project
are avoided.
When preparing the design, designer must consider and try to remove or decrease the
hazards items which could be having a risk for the construction works. Therefore designer
must follow the risk assessments on identified hazards during occur the design stage. So,
there can be have unforeseen hazard and risk during the design stage. Therefore details of
the rest of those hazards and risks must deliver to the Construction Design and
Management coordinator for contents in the pre-construction information.
Principal Contractor
Principal contractor has big responsibility for adopting the construction design and
management regulations during the construction going. Main contractor has responsibility
for health and safety matters on the site. It mean, there can be occur various health and
safety matters such as sanitary facility, mosquito matters, not having enough machineries
for do the heavy works and etc. at that time principal contractor has responsibility for make
the solutions for all the matters. Also they must ensure that they are competent to address
the health and safety issues likely to be involved in the management of the construction
One major point is, principal contractor must have properly planned, monitored and enough
resources to do the construction work affectively. It means, there have sub-contractors,
therefore principal contractor must ensure those all other sub-contractors who are working
on the site are provided with the information they need to do their duties safely and without
risk to health. As well, principal contractor must submit to the Construction Design and
Management coordinator the suitable construction work plan before beginning the
construction works in the site.


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Design Principles and Application

An Individual Assignment 01

Every sub-contractor must work in the construction site with safely. In that case, principal
contractor must give the safety instruction and provide the safe machines and equipment for
the sub-contractors for work safely. Also sub-contractors must follow the safety instruction
given by the principal contractor during the work.
A 'worker' is anyone who carries out work during the construction, alteration, maintenance or
demolition of a building or structure. Worker can be a plumber, electrician, scaffolding
workers, painter, decorator, steel erector as well as those supervising the work such as
foreman and charge hands.


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Design Principles and Application

An Individual Assignment 01
3.0 Conclusions

Through this report reader can get the idea about the Design principles and applications.
This report is describing about how to use design strategies and how to design according to
the client requirements for the new construction project.
Also through this report we have discussed how to select building materials for wall with
considering the environment efficiencies, recyclability, durability and cost effectiveness. As
well we have to consider about the weather and climate condition in that area for past 10
During the construction works, there can be produce the construction waste, therefore there
must have proper and safe way to dispose those waste. Thus, through this report I have
described about the several methods for dispose those construction wastes safely.
For the interior floors for this this house is hope to use terrazzo or floor tiles. In that case,
there must be doing the cost study for selecting one material for the interior floor of this
house because maximum budget is 8.5% of total budget is allocated for floor works for this
The one of major factor is health and safety during the construction phase. Therefore this
report has described about the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved in the design
and planning process of the building project.


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Design Principles and Application

An Individual Assignment 01
4.0 Recommendation

When the construction works going on, there can be occur the unexpected obstacles such
as heavy rain, floods and etc. so it will be cause for the construction delay. But that delay
ought to be avoided. So have to change the planning and design process of this project that
suitable for the current situation after that should follow that edited design and planning


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An Individual Assignment 01
3.0 References

1) Nelson, W 1976, compressed earth blocks, habitat for Humanity International, United










2) National Engineering research and development centre of Sri Lanka 2014,

compressed earth blocks, department of civil Engineering, viewed on 14th
September 2014, Available from
3) Traditional oven 2014, fire bricks, KangaRado Hand, viewed on 14th September
2014, Available from

4) World weather online 2014, Kandy weather Sri Lanka, viewed on 14th September



5) Landfilltmchs 2014, land fills, team one , viewed on 15th September 2014, Available

6) YIFAN 2012, YIFAN vigorously promote the construction waste recycling,
Zhengzhou, viewed on 15th September 2014, Available from
7) Google. (2014). [online]. Last accessed 15th September 2014, Available from
8) Google. (2014). [online]. Last accessed 15th September 2014, Available from
9) GovHK 2014, construction waste, Hong Kong, viewed on 15th September 2014,
Available from
10) Projen 2014, CDM Regulations, PROjEN House, United Kingdom, viewed on 18th
September 2014, Available from


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