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Mrs. Allison
Period 5
November 5, 2014

The Preamble and its power

Did you know that the Preamble gave the power of helping victims after pearl harbor a day
americans should forever remember because of the constitutional rights stated in the Preamble? Well the
Preamble was an introductory paragraph to the Constitution and has an enduring impact. The ideals of
giving justice,tranquility, and a common defense are evident in the events before and after Pearl harbor.

What the Preamble means

The Preamble had a very important role to the constitution and means a lot to the citizens of the
United States of America. The preamble was created by the framers of the constitution to state the main
points of the constitution used to better and free America from the Articles of Confederation. The purpose
of the Preamble was to summarize the Constitution in a way citizens and everyday people could understand
what they were being offered without having to read the entire document.

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Preamble line by line

The Preamble (a summary of the constitution) states the main points line by line what the framers
promised america and its citizens. The line we the people of the united states
meant the citizens of the united states. The next line in order to form a more perfect union means they
wanted to free america from the articles of confederation and to form a new government for america. The
line after that Establish Justice means to be fair and give criminals a punishment sentence and this is
done from the court systems of america.The phrase Insure domestic tranquility means keeping the peace
and keeping things running as they should be. This is done by providing police forces and having the
constitutional right to make peace treaties with other countries. The line Provide for the common defense
means to create, maintain, and keep a healthy military. the government does this by taxing the citizens and
accepting donations to keep up a military and they even have schools and training programs with certain
Requirements to insure they have a strong military that will not break down even during torture or other
rough times. The next line Promote the general welfare means to educate and keep a healthy country. The
government does this by taxing citizens for schools and education for their kids and to help create medical
treatment for the country. The line and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity
means to secure these freedoms to ourselves and all our future generation and this is done by the preamble
and the Constitution giving us such power to make a free country. The line Do ordain and establish this
constitution for the united states of america means that the framers of the constitution wanted to create a
new government for America and have it go through.

What America did to protect its citizens

Even now the Preamble leaves an enduring impact in its tracks even today and even before and after
pearl harbor. According to source 1 in september 1940 the U.S government put an order prohibiting

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exports of scrap iron, steel, and fuel to Japan because they wanted to protect america from ww2 and Japan
had taken over the north French Indochina. Britain and the Netherlands also prevented Japan from buying
fuel which would in a matter of time destroy Japans Air force and Navy. According to source 2 the
Japanese Prime Minister prince Konoye arranged a meeting with president Roosevelt to discuss possible
solutions and Roosevelt agreed but Konoye wanted to meet in of all places Hawaii. Roosevelt kept putting
it off trying to prepare a common defense and protecting his people. Unfortunately the nice Konoye was
replaced with a meaner Tojo Hideki.

Japanese internment camps get justice and tranquility

Another way the government gave justice and domestic tranquility was by attacking japan with
nuclear bombs and tried to help by putting japanese americans in internment camps. According to source 3
President Roosevelt and the government ordered all japanese americans to be put into internment camps
many from the west coast because the government thought they were a threat in 1942. The internment
camps were terrible the families and even children were locked behind barbed wire fence and families lost
their buisnesses, jobs, and money when they were taken from their homes and locked in internment camps.
Decades later there were rumors of what really went on in the internment camps President Reagan and
congress established a commission to investigate the camps after the victims were interviewed. The report
of the camps stated it was A grave injustice motivated by racial prejudice, a war hysteria and the failure of
political leadership. In 1988 President Reagan signed the Civil liberties act giving 100,000 Japanese
Americans a tax free which means they do not have to give a portion to the government $20,000 to each
surviving victim of the internment camps. Unfortunately this act only got approval after a 10 year
campaign ran by John Tateishi who said We came out of these camps with a sense of shame and guilt of
having been considered betrayers of our country. The government gave the victims of pearl harbor

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internment camps justice and tranquility for their wrongdoings by giving the victims 20,000$ because they
knew they had violated the constitution and put people through unnecessary pain and suffering so they can
live a peaceful life. On the other hand the Government was in a panic and tried to do the right thing to
protect American citizens and the acted fast on a common defense by attacking japan with nuclear bombs
and they promoted the general welfare by taxing citizens who thought taxes for the military were not
important and were able to provide a stronger military for America.

The Preamble still leaves an enduring impact on America still even today in 2014. The preamble still left
an impact for the victims of pearl harbor by giving them justice and tranquility for unconstitutional acts. All
in all the preamble will forever protect its citizens and keeping tranquility , give justice ,and promoting the
general warfare and much more to make sure America will be be the best and fairest country forever.

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Works Cited
US News. U.S.News & World Report. Web. 04 Nov. 2014.
"Could the Attack on Pearl Harbor Been Avoided?" Historic Mysteries. Web. 04 Nov. 2014.
"From Wrong To Right: A U.S. Apology For Japanese Internment." NPR. NPR. Web. 04 Nov. 2014.
"Welcome to the Official Site of the Attack on Pearl Harbor." Pearl Harbor History: Why Did Japan
Attack? Eyewitness Accounts, Casualty List, Background. Web. 02 Nov. 2014.

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