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[[1ef1s Dlwust 5 years hau passed since The ewents on August 1? Q010. That event changed lives &nd in parheuter the lives of the tohras, OFten, TD have questioned in ind h pothe ti cals abou: history, and 7 hawing c see Onange thers loould T do rt? L believe that would, and j£ 60, whet sould clo? Real life doesn} at nis time present me wrth that dilema_or possibility 3on hind sight allows ne tofermulate Phen Despite the - roducton Sunreundi n nis case, want “to express worth sinccenty ret in no Wwe is that be mistinders}8od or understate Ynat TL. lacked compassion or remorse lon tire rea litres Phat the vichms experienced that day. + ts wrth reat hures)ity and i Pestinal -forhitude Peat T hope and proy earnestly thot pris will all be behind, us all ind that we all ow) MVE lpriverd and live our best lives. Sincerely eed

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