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Millions of years before the Silk Road

, Almaty

Devoted to the 20th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Ilya Fishman, Yuliya Kazakova

Millions of years before the Silk Road

Geoparks in Kazakhstan

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Edition board:
B.S. Uzhkenov (Head editor),
M.A. Saiduakassov, V.S. Shkolnik, T.M. Zlotnikova.
Translation: prof. N.S. Seitov (Kazakh)
A.Yu. Zotkina, Yu.I. Kazakova (English)

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Geoparks are the huge exclusively picturesque natural portals, opening for everyone who will enter into them, stone annals of history of the Planet. They are open-air
museums. Possibilities of Kazakhstan for their creation are unique. Having opened this
album, the reader will make unusual travel on remarkable natural objects which on the
importance for mass tourism do not concede to the best foreign geoparks. The numerous pictures mostly made by authors will help to the reader for this.


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The first colorful album of Ilya Fishman and Julia Kazakova Geotops of Kazakhstan, published in 2001, immediately became a bibliographic rarity. In their new book
the researchers invite all the lovers of wild nature to plunge into the geological past of
the planet, the world of the rocky landscapes of Kazakhstan, where over the centuries
the Great Silk Road passed.
Together with the authors with a 20-years experience of geological monuments of
nature study, the reader comes to the conclusion that geology is not only the search
of minerals, but also a close acquaintance with the magnificent landscapes, where the
memory of the Earth is recorded - the key to the foresight of our future .



Memory of the Earth is in our Hand

Declaration of the 1-th International Symposium on the
conservation of our geological heritage

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Translation: Ilya Fishman (Russian), Sharipa Bisarieva (Kazakh)

1. Planets, like people, have their own history they are

born, they mature and die. For planets, as for people, each
life history is unique: the time has come to recognise the
uniqueness of the Earth.
2. Our planet, the Earth, is the bond which unites all mankind. We are, each and everyone of us, linked to the Earth,
and it is the link between us, and indeed all life.
3. The Earth is 4.5 thousand million years old and the cradle of life: life which has undergone many metamorphoses
and renewals through geological time. Its long evolution, and
slow maturation, have shaped the environment in which we
4. Our history and the history of the Earth cannot be separated. Its origins are our origins, its history is our history and
its future will be our future.
5. The surface of the Earth is our environment. This en
vironment is different, not only to that of the past, but also
from that of the future. We are the Earths companions for
the present, but are only transient, and with time we will pass.
6. Just as an ancient tree retains the record of its life and
growth, the Earth retains its memories of the past, inscri
bed both in its depths and on its surface, in the rocks and in
the landscape, a record which can be read and translated.
7. We have always been aware of the need to preserve our
memories our cultural heritage. Now the time has come to
protect our natural heritage. The past of the Earth is no less
important than that of Man. It is time for us to learn to protect this Earth heritage, and by doing so learn about the past
of the Earth, to learn to read the book, the record in the
rocks and the landscape, which was mostly written before
our advent.
8. Man and the Earth share a common heritage, of which
we and governments are but custodians. Everyone should understand that the slightest damage could lead to irreversible
losses for the future. In undertaking any form of development,
we should respect the singularity of this heritage.
9. The participants of the First International Symposium on
the Conservation of the Geological Heritage, including over
100 specialsits from more than 30 nations, urgently request
all national and international authorities to take into consideration and to protect this heritage, by all the legal, financial
and organisational measures that may be necessary.

| | Geoparks

| | Contents




1 | | Plateau Aktolagay . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

5 | | Burabai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

9 | | Kaiyndy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

2 | | Ustyurt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

6 | | Bektauata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

10 | | Charyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

3 | | Shuyldak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

7 - | - | Aksu-Zhabagyly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

11 | | Sibinsk Lakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

4 | | Kokshetau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

8 | - | Altyn-Emel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

12 | | White Uba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142

. | | Millions of years before the Silk Road

Potential geoparks of Kazakhstan

1-2 : 1 ; 2 ; 3 i .
1-2 : 1 ; 2 ; 3 .
1-2 Potential geoparks of Kazakhstan: 1 Included in the album; 2 Other; 3 Silk Road.

| | Geoparks



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Picturesque nature spots, containing unique information about the history of the Planet, occupy more
space in the economy of many cou FOREWORD
ntries. The petrified forest on the Lesvos island, Rock
of Cirery, meteorite crater Rochechouart, and many
others were announced in recent years as geoparks in
Greece, Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Great Britain,
Czech Republic, Malaysia and other countries. In
China, successfully operate 158 Geoparks, and 20
of them have global significance. Such rapid development of Geoparks in the world is entirely justified.
They allow to combine conservation with mass tourism and consequently give a significant contribution
to the economy.
An enormous potential to create competitive
Geoparks in Kazakhstan clearly demonstrates the album Millions of years before the Silk Road. This is the
result of long work of authors who have been identifying on particles and examining the Earths Crust sites,
interesting for mass tourism and theory of geological science, already for 20 years. Implementation of
Geoparks can be a powerful impetus to give a second
wind to growth of the tourism industry - one of the priorities of state policy in our country. In addition, it is
another important contribution to building noncommodity economy.
We have all the possibilities and conditions to develop tourism: economic growth, political stability and
security, which became a reality thanks to the policy of
the head of our state.
Located in the heart of Eurasia, Kazakhstan has not
only geographical, but also the geological advantages.
At the crossroads between East and West the most
important evidences of the geological history of the
worlds largest continent are concentrated.
People of the areas, in which Geoparks open, become active participants of environmental protection,
get new jobs, further recognize the wealth of their native land.
There is no doubt that Geoparks meet national and
state priorities in Kazakhstan.
The authors hope that their performance will extend the existing ideas about tourism opportunities in
Kazakhstan, will open for readers new and little-known
routes, and will become an impetus for the spread of
Geoparks ideas.

. | | Millions of years before the Silk Road

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| | Geoparks

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. | | Millions of years before the Silk Road

Great rocks of Silk Road

The ancient artery of Eurasia - The Silk Road - for centuries had not only economic value,
but also served as a window into the great world, revealing to travelers the diversity of distant
countries nature. Sustained attention enjoyed the recognizable from a distance mountain
peaks - original steppe beacons.
Our current routes on this way pass in the footsteps of the ancestors. We reveal the
History of the Earth - this is our his- same great panoramas of rocky landscapes, blue
tory, the beginning of all peoples, of mountain lakes, noisy waterfalls and ice peaks well-known
every society, every human being to people. One should not, however, forget that all this
magnificence of nature contains the memory of even more distant past - the geological one.
Natural environment around us, as well as the life itself, is the outcome of the Planet. Earth
History recorded in the depths and on the surface - is our history. It is here hidden the deep
roots of humanity, the origins of all peoples, of every society and, therefore, of every person.
After all, the nature surrounding us, as well as the Life itself, is the outcome of the Planet
The most brilliant pages of the rock chronicle in many countries have long been carefully
reserved and are the subject of national pride. Monuments of geological nature or geosites
as public property can be infinitely long serve as an object of tourism, research and teaching.
With reasonable treatment these resources are inexhaustible.
However, despite the seeming firmness, the pages of stone chronicle are defenceless
exposed to unreasonable actions of a people who have the destructive power of a technocratic
society. In an effort to get a momentary benefit by negligence, ignorance, or darkness, the
natural masterpieces fairly easily and quickly can be damaged or destroyed.
It is easy to wipe geological
Some environmental miscalculations can be corrected,
monument out the Earth, not
possible to restore it
if not regret the time and money. You can, for example,
restore the population of almost extinct animals and plants, to grow forests and gardens.
You can clean up contamination from soil, water and air. But to restore at least one geological
monument of nature is impossible, even with the fantastic financing.

The solution is given by Geoparks, which serve not only as the objectives of tourism,
learning and dissemination of knowledge about the history of the Planet, but also offer an
excellent opportunity to preserve natural phenomena for future generations.
The purpose of our publication is to show on specific examples that Geoparks in
Kazakhstan have all chances to become competitive and will certainly be interesting to the
most experienced traveler.
The magnificent landscapes presented in geoparks, long troubled the man, overgrowning
with romantic legends, enriching the language and culture of the people, became cradle the
The unique landscapes preciously beaded the Silk Road decorate the country and can
tell much to the traveler.

Not less than forty Geoparks may be created in Kazakhstan. Complementing each other,
they, like the multi-volume edition, will be incorporated to the a consistent narrative about past

geological epochs. This stone chronicle is intended for repeated reading: new generations
of readers to open new subjects. The process of knowledge is endless.

About the eruptions of ancient volcanoes, movements of tectonic plates, animals and
plants that lived once on Earth about all these things will find tourists visitors of Kazakhstan
Geoparks. Nature lovers, curious travelers will get the possibility to immerse themselves in
past geological epochs, concealing a lot of mysterious and
Knowledge of the geological
unexpected. This information will undoubtedly cause interest history of the Earth - the only
not only for ordinary tourists, but also a professional geologist.
way to predict its future
Knowledge of Earth history is the only way of foreseeing the future of the Planet and all
living things. Todays alarming global phenomenon - earthquakes, floods, climate change,
rising then weakening, repeated many times throughout the geologic past. This is convincing
evidently from page stone chronicle stored in geoparks - centers of mass tourism.
Those who read this book, will commit their own geological discoveries, mentally flipping
through pages of geological history. The unique monuments of nature should be known to all
citizens of Kazakhstan since young age. They are not only illustrative examples that facilitate
the assimilation of the natural sciences, but visible images of the Motherland. To love your
country, you must, first of all, know it well. Foreign readers will surely be wake up for new trips
and an irresistible desire to see all this wealth personally.

Each region can have its own
Each region of the republic may have its open-air
open-air museums
museums. Monuments of geological nature - evidences of
the history of the Planet exist everywhere, they need only to be seen and skillfully presented.
To create a Geopark is much simpler than the usual reserve or national park: the large forms
of relief does not require special protection, they need to be protect only against unauthorized
economic activity.
As it is known, the decisive factor of business success in the sphere of tourism is
information. Entering the Geopark network the object of geo-heritage gets closer due to its
fame to such natural masterpieces of the list of World Heritage, as Mammoth Cave, volcano
Kilimanjaro, the Giant Causeway.
Geopark does not need a
Although the basis of a Geopark is formed by geological finished service infrastructure he had a hand in developing it
monuments, the wildlife is not ignored as well and cultural and
historical attractions are also popularized. Geopark becomes a kind of a visit card of the region
and the expressive shapes of its relief - memorable brand, landscape and cultural symbol of
the neighborhood.
Becoming centers of tourism development, Geoparks make a decisive contribution to
the culture and economy of regions, affecting education, creating new jobs and business
opportunities. Tourism, developed at the Geoparks - the most important source of funds for
the construction of roads and hotels.
Included in the album 12 potential Geoparks represent different regions of Kazakhstan
and a wide variety of geological monuments of nature. However, the book does not cover
the possibility of our country to create and develop a network of Geoparks. By nature itself
Kazakhstan is intended to become the land of Geoparks, a giant geological museum.

| | Geoparks


| | Plateau Aktolagay

Plateau Aktolagay


| | Geoparks

(.., .. , 1960)
1-3 1. , . , , . 2 . ,
, -. 3 .
4-8 : 4 ,
. 5 ,

. 6 , , .
7 , , .
8 , , .
9 .
10 : I , II , III , IV .
11 (
): 1 , 2 ,
3 , 4 , 5 , 6

( .., .., 1960)

1-3 , . , , . 2 .
, , -. 3 .
4-8 : 4 ,
. 5 ,
. 6 , , .
7 , , .
8 , , .
9 .
10 : I -, II , III -, IV -.
11 (
): 1 , 2 ,
3 , 4 , 5 , 6

Geological Map

(V. Samsonov, A. Korzhenevskiy, 1960)

1-3 Holocene. Lacustrine sand, clay, loam. 2 Miocene. Sarmat clay, sand, aleurite and coquina limestone. 3
Eocene clay.
Cretaceous deposits:
4 Maastrichtian chalk and marl with belemnites, mollusks and sea-urchins fossils. 5 Campanian chalklike marl
and gypsum clay with belemnites, mollusks and sea-urchins fossils. 6 Santonian marl, clay, phosphorite. 7
7 Cenomanian clay, sand, sandstone.
8 Albian sand, sandstone, clay.
9 Faults.
10 10 Salt domes: I Kuldy-Kuduk, II Tolagai, III Chili-Sai, IV Alasha-Kazgan.
11 11 Geological sites (for paleontological objects exact location is not indicated): 1 sea-urchins fossils location,
2 Chess Queen, 3 Tomb, 4 Titanic, 5 fossil shark teeth location, 6 fossil fish location.

| | Plateau Aktolagay

The film of the paleontological chronicle:

(1, 2), (3),

(4, 5) (6) (7),
(9), (10)

(1, 2), (3),

(4, 5), (6) (7),
(8), (9), - (10)

Shark teeth (1, 2), skate teeth (3), sea-urchin

testae (4, 5), fossil sea urchin (6) and its needles
(7), individual coral (8), marine lily stalk in cut (9),
worms-silteaters (10)


.. , | .. , | Collection from J.A.Pastuhovs museum, photo: Dmitry Podlipaev


| | Geoparks

Scattering of Devil Fingers belemnite horizon

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Paleontological finds of Aktolagay are the sea urchins testae and the shark teeths,
disclose the history of the Cretaceous warm sea


| | Plateau Aktolagay

The panorama of extraordinary architecture constructions created by the fantasy of nature from the limestone and chalk opens at the height of the plateau

| | Titanic


| | Geoparks

The Dog searching for its constellation

| | Atlantes & Caryatides


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60-80 , , .
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| | Plateau Aktolagay

Shark hill the Cretaceous sea fishes fossils location

Tourists are attracted here by the exotic: landscapes and the paleontological finds

| | Sphinx


| | Geoparks

Plateau Aktolagay

| | The White Cross


Plateau Aktolagay is located in the Aktobe region,

near its border with Atyrau region, 340 kilometers southsouthwest of Aktobe city and 250 km east of the city of
Atyrau. Amazing and unparalleled landscape of the plateau makes it one of the most interesting objects of geotourism. Distance from large settlements and bad roads
can not stop the true lovers of the exotic nature - the ones
who managed at least once to see pictures of Aktolagay
will always seek here. This is a gigantic museum of natural chalk figures. Chess Queen, White Boat, Titanic,
Coloss, Sphinx... If you search well, you can find here
copies of almost all world famous monuments.
Aktolagay is an elongated north-south ridge that extends nearly 50 km with a width of 9-10 km. By its nature
and morphology Aktolagay represents a plateau, although
it is considerably smaller than the huge Ustyurt. On the
western side the surface of Aktolagay breaks by a steep,
sometimes sheer 140-meter bench, where the section of
Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments is studied, serving as the reference one to the whole of the Ural-Emba
oil-bearing region.
Geological strata represented in the steeps were
formed at the bottom of the warm Late Cretaceous sea,
which extended to modern Hungary. Snow-white layers of
chalk and chalk-like marl are composed of billions of tiny
remnants of ancient organisms. Often you can find here
and the larger fossils: Cretaceous shark teeth, devils fingers - belemnites, ammonites, molluscs, corals, sea lilies, urchins, etc.

The surrounding hills, composed of gypsum clay, also

contain paleontological remains and are also quite picturesque, as covered by scattering gleaming in the sun
gypsum crystals.
Relief surrounding the plateau represents the alternation of salt domes, apparent on the surface by picturesque groups of hills and ridges with a height of 60-80 m
with sors and takyrs located in inter-dome spaces.
The plateau is adjacent by the four salt domes:
Kuldy-Kuduk, Tolagay, Chile-Sai and Alash-Kazgan. Salt
domes represent the raises of various forms, often limited
by faults. Located at a depth the layers of rock salt under
the pressure of overlying strata acquire plasticity and are
squeezed up into heterogeneities and cracks, resulting in
a fold formation with a salt core, expressed by a raise on
the surface. This process is called salt tectonics. Many of
the salt domes of the Precaspian depression include oil
and gas deposits.
Unforgettable landscapes, diverse paleontological
fossils and visualization of the represented here geological processes that occurred millions of years ago, make
the plateau Aktolagay very attractive not only for specialists but also for a wide range of tourists. Currently plateau
Aktolagay is not included in any tourism brochures. It is
easy to foresee that the popularity of the plateau as an
object of mass tourism will grow in proportion to the dissemination of information. Over time, this will make possible to create the infrastructure, and gradually develop a
modern service.

| | Plateau Aktolagay
- ,
Chess Queen is the masterpiece of the natural architecture, brand of the plateau Aktolagay


| | Geoparks


| |Titanic and the Iceberg

| | Plateau Aktolagay


| | Geoparks


| | Ustyurt



| | Geoparks

(.., 1965, .. .. , 1967)

I-IV : 1 , 2 ( ), 3 , 4 . V
, , , . VI , , . VII
, , , . VIII , , ,
, . IX , , , , .
X , , , , , , ,
. XI , , , , . XII .
XIII : 1 , ; 2 -
- ; 3
: , - ; 4
; 5 : - -
, , ; 6
; 7 ; 8 - . XIV .

( .., 1965, .., .., 1967)

I-IV : 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 . V ,
, , . VI , , . VII ,
, , . VIII , , , , . IX
, , , , . X , , ,
, , , , . XI , , ,
, . XII . XIII : 1 ,
; 2 : - ; 3 : ,
- ;
4 ; 5 : ,
- - ,
; 6 ; 7 - , 8 -
. XIV .

Geological Map

(E. Golovacheva, 1965, A. Slesarev, S. Petrov, 1967)

I-IV Quaternary sediments: 1 salina, 2 aeolian, 3 proluvial, 4 lacustrine. V Neogene sand, marl, dolomite,
sandstone. VI Paleogene clay, aleurolite, sandstone. VII Upper Cretaceous marl, clay, limestone, sandstone. VIII Lower
Cretaceous sandstone, clay, marl, conglomerate, aleurolite. IX Jurassic sandstone, clay, aleurolite, conglomerate, coal.
X Triassic sandstone, argillite, quartzite, conglomerate, dolomite, limestone, aleurolite, clay. XI Permian sandstone,
aleurolite, argillite, conglomerate, limestone. XII Faults. XIII Geological sites: 1 Mamedkazgan Canyon, beautiful
landscape; 2 Karamaya Mountains: outcrops and sections of the most ancient sediments of the Ustuyrt Plateau in the
North-West slope of the Kokosem-Karamaya anticline; 3 Atzhol Canyon: beautiful landscape, complete panorama of
the Kokosem-Karamaya anticline; 4 Cretaceous sandstone with disk and spheroid concretions; 5 Kokosem Canyon:
sections of Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments in South-East slope of Kokosem-Karamaya anticline, Kokosem
well with fresh water; 6 Paleogene remnants Three Brothers; 7 Bitter-salt Unere spring, 8 Bitter-salt spring Edilbai
Fountain. XIV Ustuyrt Reserve border.

| | Ustyurt

. | . | Cretaceous relics Three Brothers rise over the saltierra depression Kendyrlisor.

Paleontological chronicle:

(1, 2), (3, 4)


(1, 2), (3, 4) (5)

Ammonite (1, 2), osterea (3, 4) and inoceramus shells (5)



| | Geoparks

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The environs of Kokosem well. Concentric stripes on the erosion surface of inclined Cretaceous layers. In the foreground are the ball-type concretions


| | Ustyurt

The environs of Kokosem well. Bright Cretaceous deposits


| | Geoparks

: | Photo: Anatoliy Ustinenko



Mouflon (Ovis musimon) is an ancestor of the domestic sheep. The West chink of
Ustyurt over the Karynzharyk depression is
considered the most favourable place for mouflons habitat



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View of the western cliff of the Ustyurt plateau
Karamaya ridge towers in the middle of the Kenderlisor hollow on the background


| | Geoparks

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Bitter-salty stream, beginning from the hole Edilbai Fountain

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Discharge of the Onere Spring thermal water mounts to 100 l/second


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| | Ustyurt

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Particolored Cretaceous layers, folded into gentle folds, are overlained by horizontally bedded sediments of Cenozoic carbonate rocks

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| | Geoparks

Plateau Ustyurt is almost the perfect desert plain
located in western Kazakhstan between the Aral and
Caspian Seas. The steep slopes, limiting the plateau
- chinks - give the unique beauty to the landscape.
Especially picturesque is the western chink which
height reaches 340 meters. Ustyurt is the largest
geomorphological element of earths surface, which
like the Great Barrier Reef is clearly visible from space.
However, by its nature and the mysterious geological
history Ustyurt is much more interesting than the famous
Australian structure. The total length of the chink chain is
several hundred kilometers, which makes it possible to
create here a family of Geoprks. However, presently, as
the first stage for the development of geo-tourism only
relatively small (100 km) segment of the Western chink of
the Ustyurt, located within the reserve of the same name,
can be considered.
Ustyurt State Nature Reserve, located in Mangistau
region, occupies the western part of the Ustyurt chink, a
narrow pre-chink strip of the plateau and vast Kendirlisor
lowering. The area of the reserve is over 223 000
hectares. Reserve was set on 12 July 1984 by the Decree
number 294 of the Council of Ministers of Kazakh SSR in
order to preserve the natural state of the natural complex
of northern deserts of Ustyurt Plateau, including some
rare species of fauna and flora.
Flora of Ustyurt includes about 600 species of
higher vascular plants. It is inhabited by a large number
of invertebrates, reptiles, birds and 44 species of
mammals: rodents, lagomorphs, carnivores, artiodactyls,
insectivores, bats. Some of them are entered into the
Red Data Book: Four-stripes runner, houbara (houbara
bustard), serpant eagle, long-legged buzzard, saker

falcon, cheetah, caracal, sand cat, manul, Ustyurt

mouflon, antelope, gazelle, etc.
In ancient times the plateau was crossed by the old
caravan routes, including the Great Silk Road, and the
ruins of the caravan-sheds, ancient towns and fortresses
remind of this. Across the plateau the old cemeteries with
majestic mausoleums Mazarin are scattered. Ustyurt
knows about 60 Neolithic sites.
The studied block of the earth crust including
Mangistau mountains, south-western parts of Ustyurt and
their frame, passed complex and long geological history,
which is studied far from complete, but fairly certain
answers were received for many questions.
Permian (the oldest) deposits were studied in the
mountains of Karamaya, extending along the southern
chink of the Ustyurt among sors of Karynzharyk
depression. These are crumpled into the folds sandstone,
siltstone and mudstone, the color of which varies from
black, dark gray and grayish-pink to vine red. Here are
found the fossils of terrestrial plants, as well as limestone,
marked by wave-cut signs. In the Permian (250-300
million years ago) within modern Mangistau and Ustyurt
were settled areas of the shelf seas, lagoons and slightly
hilly coastal plains adjacent to the north to the Paleotethys
ocean, at that time divided the Arabian-African and
Eurasian continents (or rather their predecessors which
bear the names of Gondwana and Laurasia). These
conditions were preserved also in the Triassic (200-250
millions years ago).
At the end of the Triassic the great tectonic
movements occurred that led to the closure of
the Paleotethys ocean and the entire territory has
experienced drainage, and Permian and Triassic strata

| | Running mouflons

have been folded into steep folds. All subsequent

deposits since the Middle of Jurassic are characterized
by calmer structures: their layers are nearly horizontal or
very gently.
Further geological history is a alternation of
transgressions and regressions of the sea (offensive
and retreat), resulting in a powerful platform mantle
formation, consisting of differently colored (from pink and
blue to blinding white) sediments. The Jurassic period
is characterized by the formation of coal-bearing strata,
and the Cretaceous - by the presence of phosphorite
nodule and large spherical and disc-shaped concretions
of sandstone up to 3 meters in diameter.
At the end of the Cretaceous there was a very
important global event related, as believed, to the

() | | The West chink of Ustyurt above the saline soils of the Kendirlisor depression


| | Ustyurt

() | | Panorama of Mesozoic and Cenozoic layers from the height of chink

outer space disaster. In the area of the distant Gulf of

Mexico the large asteroid collided with the Earth. The
consequences of this collision are well represented in
many marine sediments around the globe, including
some areas of the Mangistau and Ustyurt. It was here
the famous Iridium horizon was defined in the USSR
for the first time - a layer of clay of 10-20 cm thick,
extremely rich in iridium - a metal, many meteorites are
saturated with. The energy released in the fall of the
Mexican asteroid, estimated to be equivalent to several
hundreds of millions of hydrogen bombs. The earth
was plunged into darkness. The sudden environmental
catastrophe was disastrous for many organisms, but
especially for the dinosaurs. The remains of these
reptiles, which are abundant in the sections of the
continental Cretaceous, completely absent in the
upper layers of the Paleogene.
For deposits of the Paleogene (23 - 65 million years)
the presence of thick greenish- and bluish-gray clay

including numerous fish fossils is remarkable. Fish layers

also contain iron sulfides with industrial concentrations of
rare earth elements, uranium, scandium, rhenium, nickel,
cobalt, molybdenum and other elements.
In carbonate-clayey rocks of the Neogene
(1-23 million years) sulphates - gypsum and anhydrite are distributed. The carbonate-clay stratum is re-covered
by limestone, marl and coquina layers of the Sarmatian,
which compose the surface of Ustyurt.
Sarmatian limestone is well familiar to citizens pink
and light yellow lining that adorns the fronts of many
houses. At Ustyurt the layer of this limestone covers the
whole surface as a durable coating that is easy to pass
water. Therefore, the plateau is always dry. Even with very
heavy rains the water flows are never formed, no rill and
gully occur.
Most recently, it became possible to solve in a new
way the nature of the borders plateau - chinks. Study of
satellite images in the thermal (infrared) range revealed

that along these steeps zones of elevated temperatures

are stretched. The broken line of positive termoanomalies
fully coincides with the western boundary of the plateau.
Obviously, that sors, regularly stretching near the foot
of the chinks, are connected with deep sulfate-chloride
potassium-natron thermal waters, an example of which
may be spring Unere and well Edilbay.
Among the geological attractions of Ustyurt could
be mentioned mountains Karamaya, Paleogene remains
Three Brothers, gorges Kokosem, Mamedkazgan
and Atzhol, Cretaceous sandstone strata with multiple
concretions, rich burials of ancient organisms,
including ammonites, belemnites, various pelecypods
(oysters, inoceramus and etc.), as well as gastropods,
brachiopods, corals, sponges, sea urchins and lilies, the
teeth of sharks and other fishes.
Unusual geological structure, scenic steeps, the
opportunity to travel on wheeled yachts - all these can
draw attention of millions of tourists to the Ustyurt.

| | Geoparks

Inclined horizon of the disk concretions near the Kokosem well


| | Ustyurt

- ( )
( )
Brightly painted Cretaceous layers make the fantastic landscape (Kokosem well environs)



| | Geoparks

(.. .. )
(): 1 , 2 , 3
, 4 - , 5
, 6 ,
7 , 8 , 911 (9), (10),
(11) .
12 : 5
, 6 , 7 -
(), 8 ,
9 (),
() 52 .
- : Zh , M , I , L
, U .
: 1- (2007
), 2 , 3 , 4 (

Map of Shuyldak region

( .. .. )

(on the I. Fishman and V. Yurish datum)

1,2 : 1 2 ,
3 , 4 - ,
5 , 6
, 7 , 8 , 911
(9), (10), (11).
12 :
5 , 6 , 7 -
(), 8
, 9 52 ,
- : Zh , M , I
, L , U .
: 1- ( 2007 .
), 2 , 3 , 4 ( ).

1,2 parallel dikes of spreading axial zones: 1 Kauldzhur and 2 Aktogai, 3 Aktogai
spreading zone border, 4 Volcanic-tectonic depressions, 5 basalt with numerous flint
interlayers, 6 volcanic island rocks, 7 Berchogur syncline, 8 granite massifs, 9 -11
volcanoes of central type basalt (9), islandite (10), rhyolite (11).
12 other geological sites: 5 ultrabasic rocks outcrops, 6 agate, 7 siliceousferrous hydrothermal deposits (jaspers), 8 basalt flows with tube and pillow structure, 9
outcrop No 52 with parallel dikes, screens and hialoclastite.
Volcanic-tectonic depressions: Zh - Zhanganinskaya, M Mynbaiskaya, I Iskhakskaya,
L Levoberezhnaya, U Urtenskaya.
Volcanoes of central type: 1 - Alabas (destroyed in 2007 for rock debris production), 2
Pridorozhnyi, 3 Kauldzhur, 4 Sarysai (rock debris quarry is working).


| | Shuyldak

, 400 . , |
Ancient basalt flows, flown over 400 million years ago back to the bottom of Devonian ocean, retained their original horizontal position

(1, 2)
(3, 4)


(1), (2),

(4), (5),
(6, 7),

(1, 2)
(3, 4)


Banded structure of variolite lava (1, 2)

Spheroid hyaloclastite (3, 4)
Volcanic glass fragments fill up spaces between lava pillows (5)

(1), (2),
- (3),

(4), (5),
(6, 7),


Dolerite is a rock composed by plagioclase and

clynopyroxene (1) Basalt tuff (2)
Basalt with titanomagnetite crystals grate (3)
Islandite with long plagioclase phenocrysts (4)
Tuff of the mixed composition (5)
Hyaloclastite (6, 7)
Islandite with pumpelliite string (8)


| | Geoparks

| | Pillow-lava

Alternation of massive and pillow basalt


| | Shuyldak


Lava tubes with sectorial polygonal parting were formed on underwater volcano steep


| | Geoparks



( 350 . )
, 3000



- . ( 1000 2)
() , , ,
- ()


, -

, ,

. ()
, . ( dike

. -
, -

() - , - - , . ()
) .




1 - , 10 -






| | Shuyldak

(, ..
1,5 - ,
80 - .



, ,
, 800 -

() .






Shuyldak river, along which the unique section of ancient ocean spreading structures is studied


| | Geoparks

. .
, , .
( 350 . ) ,
3000 . ,
, .
, , ,
. .
( 1000 2)

: , , , .
, ,
, : , .

. (
dike - ) ( 0,1-3 )
, .

, .

: (
, )
, .
. ,

1 - 3 . , .

Jasper lenses among ocean bottom basalt often have hydrothermal origin


1 , 10 .
, .
- - , ,
, .
, .
( ,
.). 1,5 80 .


, . , ,
, .

Thin-bedded jasper is overfull by radiolarian fossils

| | Shuyldak

. ,
800 .

. , , : , , . .

, ,


, .
, , ,

, , .

Large elliptical basalt segregations are typical for lavas own on horizontal surface


| | Geoparks

Among the many ancient volcanoes of Kazakhstan,
which mostly remained in the form of separate fragments,
special place occupies Shuyldak River area in the South
Mugodzhar. Volcanic structures that could be observed
and studied here are unique. They were born in the Early Middle Devonian (more than 350 million years ago) at the
bottom of the Ural paleoocean under masses of water for at
least 3000 m. The source of the eruptions served the deep
split of lithosphere with the bottom of the ocean moved
apart on both sides. Modern analogues of these structures
are investigated in the rift gorges of the Atlantic, Pacific and
Indian oceans. The information that is received there with
great difficulty and risk is very important for understanding
of the processes occurring in the depths of the planet. In
Shuyldak area the same information is much more easily
accessible. In this large area (approximately 1000 km2), one
can observe a complete set of structural elements of ancient
volcanoes in all their diversity: parallel dikes, basalt covers,
hyaloclastites, as well as the volcanoes of the central type.
It is particularly valuable that all of these ancient structures,
unlike many others, kept their primary orientation: dikes are
vertical, covers lie horizontally or slightly inclined.
In the river steeps a complex of parallel dikes is perfectly
presented it represents numerous vertical bodies of
solidified magma that rose from the depths of the mantle
and filled the cracks of the lithosphere. They are composed
of fully crystal basalt - the so-called dolerite. Dikes (from the
English dike - a stone wall) - are vertical plates (thickness
of 0,1-3 m) of harden mantle basaltic melt, which intruded
into the open axial crack of marine basin. They almost
always lie close to each other or are separated by small
plots of previously erupted basalt flows. The length of some
individual dykes does not exceed a few tens of meters, but
they replace one another, creating the impression of infinitely
extended bodies. Dikes can be traced in submeridional
direction far beyond Kazakhstan along the Urals as the
traces of the Devonian ocean. Often packages of dikes are
well revealed on the earths surface due to characteristic
striped pattern: steppe vegetation (mainly prevalent with
feather) is distributed in parallel gently curving rows along
the border dike bodies. These striped areas are extremely
impressive look at aerial images, which facilitates mapping
of these ancient splits of the lithosphere.
Basalt covers are lava floods hardened in the sea
bottom. For the most part they are consist of pillows rounded lava segregations occurring at a relatively slow
extrusion of magma at the bottom of the sea basin. At the
gentle surface of sea bottom apart flattened ellipsoids

flattened ramified turtles of 1 - 3 m in size could be found.

On the steep slopes the lava solidifies like a tube, resembling
an elephant trunk. Their cross-section is up to 1 m, and the
length mounts 10 m. Sometimes lavas heaps look like
toothpaste which has been extruded from the giant tube.
Here and there among the lava hyaloclastite is found
- rock composed of particles of basaltic glass, breaking
away from the crust in contact with hot basalt with sea
water. Accumulations of these fragments occupy the space
between the flows or pillows, and fill the hollow pillows
typical for pre-crater areas. In other cases, when the lava is
squeezed out by small portions, hyaloclastite is represented
by ovoid isolations with shell parting. These structures also
indicate the proximity of the center of the eruption.
Individual volcanic structures have emerged as
centers of divergence of lava tubes. Even more spectacular
and impressive are the hills covered with pillow lava
flows (paleovolcanoes Alabas, Zhalgyztau, etc.). These
structures have a diameter of up to 1,5 km and rise above
the surrounding terrain up to 80 m. According to indicators
they are comparable to the submarine volcanoes of modern
oceanic rift zones.
The great interest presents the peculiar oceanic
andesite, or so-called islandite. The eruptions of lava with
such composition often occur within the subaerial sections
of modern oceanic rifts, in particular, on the island of Iceland,
from which it got its name. In Shuyldak area these rocks were
found in a number of areas among the submarine pillow
basalts. The ancient paleovolcano Shahyr is preserved
which have a shape of hollow dome with a diameter of about
800 m. Coming down from it the tongues of islandite lava recover pillow basalt and dikes.
The unique preservation of ancient structures allows to
understand better the modern volcanic processes in similar
oceanic rift zones. There, on the ocean bottom, observation
is prevented by many factors: bad lighting, muddy, lack
of direct contact. At Shuyldak River it is possible not just
walk freely on the surfaces of lava flows, climb on top of
volcanoes, but also to explore the volcanic structures in
the section with boreholes. As a result, there appears new
information about this type of volcanism.
Shuyldak paleovolcanic area is already a place for
numerous scientific studies, professional tours. In the near
future visits to the area with tourist and scientific purposes,
of course, will be increased both by the growing interest
of the citizens of Kazakhstan and the inflow of travelers
and explorers from near and far abroad. The Shuyldak
paleovolcanic area is undoubtedly competitive geopark.

| | Shuyldak

() - ,
, ,
Dolerite dikes not always adjoin to each other; sometimes between them there are fragments of more ancient basalt flows, which are crossed by dolerite dikes


| | Geoparks

: | Photo: Erlan Jumay


| | Kokshetau



| | Geoparks

I - VIII : I , II , III , IV , V , VI , VII
, VIII . : 1 , 2
, 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
, 7 .

I-VIII : I , II , III , IV ,
V , VI , VII , VIII .
: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
, 5 , 6 , 7
. .

Scheme of the
geological sites location
I - VIII Devonian granite massifs: I Aiyrtau, II Imantau, III Ermakov, IV Urpek, V Burlyk, VI Karasu, VII Krasnyi
Kordon, VIII Losev. Other geological sites: 1 Two Brothers hill, 2 Kumdykol diamond deposit, 3 Raskolotaya hill, 4
Sulutobe eclogite hill, 5 Bayan wolfram deposit, 6 Island on Imantau Lake, 7 Waterfall on Chaglinka River.


| | Kokshetau


| | Geoparks



- , ,

, .




. -
, ,
. , ,
, , ,
, 2,5
. .


- .



) (60 )


, .

. ,

() -.


. 2,5 .

1,5 - .
0,037 .

. ,

| | Kokshetau



, . ,
( 450 . )
, ,
. . , ( 400 . )
, .

, , ,

, , ,



| | Geoparks

, .
60 - .

. -.
, , . .
, ,
, , .

Waterfall on Chaglinka River


, ,
, .


. , , , , .
, , ,
, , 2,5 . .
, , ,
. , .

, ,
, ( 10000 C)
( 60 ).
, , , , ,
. , ,
, .
, .

. 2,5
. ,
. .
. ,
1,5 .
0,037 .
. .
. ,
, , . .
, . .
, (
450 . ) : ,
, , .

. . ,
( 380 . ),
, ,
, . , , ,
. .

, , ,
. .

| | Kokshetau

| | Granite island on Imantau Lake

: | Photo: Erlan Jumay


| | Geoparks

In the North Kazakhstan near Kokshetau city
geologists studied a large assemblage of ancient
metamorphic rocks and granites, called Kokshetau
This region of surprising beauty lakes and forests
is now known as the State National Natural Park
Kokshetau organized in April 1996. The Park is
located 60 kilometers southwest of Kokshetau within
Zerenda area of Kokshetau region and Aiyrtau area of
North Kazakhstan region. Its main task is to preserve
and restore the unique mountain-forest and lake
ecosystems, as well as historical, archaeological and
national culture monuments. The main attractions of the
landscape of the park are the forests - pine forests and
birch groves. The largest animals living here are: elk,
deer, bear. Picturesque landscape is largely due to the
fact that forests grow on rocky granite hills, separated
by blue lakes.
Geological world-class attraction is the unique
Kumdykol micro-diamond deposit with the enclosing
rocks, formed under extreme pressure.
The oldest metamorphic rocks in the park compose
Zerenda series relating to the Lower Proterozoic. Crystal
schist, gneiss, marble, calcifer, migmatite and eclogite are
one of the most ancient rocks encountered in Kazakhstan.
Their age, according to estimation of Kazakhstan, Russia,
Germany, USA, Japan, Belgium geologists is about 2.5
billion years.
It is believed that in those ancient times the Earth,
like a modern Venus, was covered with a hot and dense
atmosphere. Therefore, even on its surface minerals
could occur that are stable to high temperatures. Such
conditions are considered common for metamorphic
rocks in many parts of the Earth. However, in the
Kumdykol diamond deposits area such unusual
association of minerals is studied, which makes
geologists from different countries to reflect on the
possible genetic scenarios.
Theoretically it is proved that those rarest combinations
of minerals, which form Kumdykol metamorphic rocks
could occur only at very high temperatures (up to 10000
C) and pressures (up to 60 kbar). According to modern
scientific ideas, the main reason lies in the movements of
continental plates and blocks of the lithosphere, which,
as in the present, took place in ancient times. Kumdykol
complex of metamorphic rocks is considered as a zone
of collision of two continental blocks. It is believed that
these mineral associations started formation in the depths

of the mantle, and then the magma, consisting of them,

entrenched in the earths crust.
No less interesting is another model when the main
role belongs to the deep faults. Through them from the
deep interior of the Earth high carbon liquids and gases
(fluids) raised. So in the earths crust the substance
necessary for the formation of diamonds arrived.
Simultaneously, the shift deformations happened causing
in some areas of very high pressure creation. Precisely in
these places eclogite and other diamond-bearing rocks
were formed.
Kumdykol is the largest diamond deposit in the world.
The estimated reserves are almost of 2.5 billion carats.
This is more than all the deposits of Yakutia. But the field
has not been fully studied. The forecasts of its reserves
can be increased by 3 times. Currently, diamonds are
not mined, because very small crystals dominate - not
more than 1,5 mm. The average size is 0,037 mm. These
diamonds are not used in jewelry. But for technical
purposes there is enough cheap synthetic diamonds.
However, by technical characteristics Kumdykol
diamonds significantly superior to synthetic and Yakut
ones. They have a high abrasive ability and much less
wear out in drilling crowns, and saws. In addition, the
situation on the world diamond market may change,
for example, in connection with the development of
nanotechnology. The field remains unique and causes
great scientific interest.
Among other events so rich for the long history of
Kokshetau crust blocks development, we select the
formation of large granite massifs. This happened
repeatedly. For example, in the Late Ordovician
(about 450 million years ago) the rocks of Zerenda
and Krykkuduk complexes were formed - granite,
plagiogranite, quartz diorite, diorite. They form the
hugest massifs - Zerenda and Samalkol. Krykkuduk
complex is often gold-bearing. Later, in Middle Devonian
(about 380 million years ago), a number of granite
massifs of Orlinogorsk complex appeared composed of
alaskite and leucocratic biotite granite: Aiyrtau, Imantau,
Ermakov, Zolotonoshsky etc. Raremetal mineralization
is connected with this complex.
Granite compose the bed of picturesque lakes Shalkar, Imantau, Lobanov, Zerenda etc. Rocky hills
are usually covered with pine forests. Devonian granite
is especially favorable for the development of forest
ecosystems. This is due to the peculiarities of its structure
and microelement composition.

Granite rocks with the typical plate parting are the ideal conditions for the pine-wood

| | Kokshetau
| | Sandy spit on Shalkar Lake
: | Photo: Erlan Jumay


| | Geoparks

On the quartzite pine-tree gives place to birch


| | Kokshetau

Exploration tunnel on the Kumdykol diamond deposit
| - | Eclogite hill Sulu-Tobe

| | Crystals of diamond under the electronic microscope




( - , , ..) - (G)
( - , , .) (G)
Diamond metamorphic rocks of Kumdykol deposit (crystalline plagioclase-diopside schist, gneiss, eclogite etc.) usually include coarse garnet crystals (G)


| | Geoparks


| | Burabai



| | Geoparks

(.. , 2006)

I (, , , , , ,
), II - (, , , , ,
), III - (, , , -, ,
, , , ), IV ( ), V
(, , , , ), VI-X : VI
, VII , ,
, VIII , IX , , -, ,
: 1 (), 2 , 3 ,
4 , 5-9 : 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 ,
11 , 12-13 : 12 , 13 , 14

( .. ., 2006).

I (, , , , , , ),
II - (, , , , , ), III (, , , , , , , ,
), IV ( ), V (, , , ,
), VI-X , VI - , VII
, , , VIII
, IX - , , -, ,
, XI , XII , XIII : 1
(), 2 , 3 , 4 , 5-9 : 5
, 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 ; 12-13
: 12 , 13 , 14

Geological Map
(M.M. Shershakova et. all, 2006).
I Middle Ordovician (sandstone, aleurolite, tuff, tuff sandstone, tuff breccia, andesibasalt, andesite), II Lower Middle
Ordovician (sandstone, aleurolite, argillite, tuff, tuffite, andesibasalt), III Lower Middle Ordovician (jasper, quartzite,
tuff, andesibasalt, diabase, sandstone, aleurolite, conglomerate, argillite), IV Riphean (schist and quartzite), V Lower
Proterozoic (schist, gneiss, marble, amphibolite, eclogite), VI-X Intrusive rocks: VI Silurian fine- and middle-grained
granite, VII Riphean, Ordovician, Silurian and Devonian coarse-grained granite, VIII Ordovician granodiorite, IX Cambrian and Ordovician diorite, gabbro-diorite, gabbro, Cambrian peridotite and pyroxenite, XI pegmatite, XII
main faults, XIII geological sites: 1 Kokshetau Mountain (Sinyukha), 2 Okzhetpes Mountain, 3 Zhumbaktas Rock, 4
mountain Camel, 5-9 golden deposits: 5 Irmovskoye, 6 Udarnoue, 7 Stepnyak, 8 Pervomaiskoye, 9 Birzhan,
10 Karazhar, 11 Zvoryginskoye, 12-13 optical quartz deposits: 12 Kotyrkolskoye, 13 North and South Zhukey,
14 Balpashsor medicinal mud deposit.


| | Burabai

: | Photo: Vladislav Yakyshkin


The ridge of Sinyukha Mountain forms the border between the Lakes Bolshoye Chebachye and Borovoy





(1-5) (6-8)

The stone chronicle of the most significant tectonic processes

tectonic breccia (1-5) and migmatite (6-8)

.. | .. | Photo where given by M.M. Shershakova


| | Geoparks

: | Photo: Vladislav Yakyshkin



. ,

600 - .
20 - ,


50 - .

. , ,


. -
, .
, 1
- 10 . ,
, , ; 800-
. 305

- .
. , ,


. , ,
400 .


- ,
- .

- ,


8 .

. ,
100 - -

200 . .
, .


? ,

- .

| | Burabai



2 . ,

, , ,
, , , , ..

1891 . 1905
1921-25 .
100- . -

. , 1,5 - 3 -

, , -
250 -

, ,

. 1960
, 45
- .


| | Geoparks

. 600 .
20 , .
, 50 .

, ,
, , .
, .

( ),
() ().
10 , . , , ,
800 .
305 .
- ,

, , , .
, , , .
, , , . , .


400 . .
, - -
, , - .

. ,
, ,
(), .
, , ,
, , . ,

- 100 .

200 . . , , .

. , .

| | Burabai

| | Granite bloks and bushes of Sea-buckthorn (Hippophae) on the coast of Lake Schuchye

. , .
. , ,
, , , , , .


XVIII , 1891 .
, ,
1921-25 . 100 . ,
. , 1,5
3 .
- ,
, ,

, ,
, .
250 .

, . 1960

, 45


| | Geoparks


| | Burabai

Among the many covered with pine forest granite
massifs of northern Kazakhstan the most notable is
Burabai (Borovoye). It is an almost perfect circle outlined
by a ring of hills. From the north and especially on the
west side its excess over the surrounding terrain reaches
600 m. In shape it resembles a huge crater nearly 20
kilometers in diameter, which is framed by a series of
concentric faults. The overall diameter of this giant
geological structure, which looks very impressive on
satellite images, reaches 50 km.
The State National Natural Park Burabai occupies
almost the entire crater. Beautiful pine forests, huge
cliffs, fantastically shaped tops, competing on its
showiness with the Egyptian pyramids, are separated
by tranquil lakes.
The National Park is located between the cities of
Astana and Kokshetau, near the town Shchuchinsk.
There are lots of lakes in the park; the largest in size are
Large and Small Chebachye (Ulken and Kishi Shabakty),
Shchuchye (Shortan) and Borovoye (Burabai). Some
10 more fairly large bodies of water could be found the
surface of which reaches 1 sq. km. Vegetation in the park
is represented by forest, steppe, meadow, swamp and
salt types, flora includes about 800 species of plants.
Vertebrate animals are presented by 305 species.
In geological structure of the region the most
important role belongs to the granite-metamorphic
complex, the rocks of which compose Borovoye dome.
For nearly a billion years, there existed one of the most
persistent hot spots of the Planet. In the Proterozoic
it led to the development of gneiss, crystal schist,
marble, amphibolite and eclogite. Repeatedly under the
influence of fluids rising from the interior of the earth,
in the depths of this nature furnace appeared melts
solidified as granite massifs. The oldest of them were
shaped in the Proterozoic, and the youngest, perhaps
in the Triassic or Jurassic. Thus, Borovoye dome for
nearly a billion years served as a factory of granitic
melts. The largest and most spectacular Borovoye
massif was formed over 400 million years ago - in the
Silurian. Two of its main zones are the core, composed
of large- and medium-grained biotite and hornblendebiotite granite, and the outer ring which is dominated
by medium-grained hornblende, biotite-hornblende
porphyry granite. Medium-grained granite of the ring
is more resistant to weathering processes. Therefore,
they rise above the central part, forming picturesque and
spectacular cliffs, and compose peaks, dominating the
surrounding terrain - mountains Kokshetau (Sinyukha),

Okzhetpes and others. At the foot of the granite ring both

from the outer and the inner side, are the largest lakes,
the baths of which emphasize the overall concentricring structure of the massif and the whole dome. The
story about the structure of the Borovoye massif is an
important part of the tourism product, as all visitors to
the National Park of Burabai are attracted, first of all, by
the well-known scenic rocky landscapes.
According to geophysical data, Borovoye massif is a
cylinder or cone traced to a depth of about 8 km. But the
geological history of the dome development witnesses
that its roots were associated with a much deeper
subsurface where the energy for the formation of granitic
melts came from. According to modern concepts, the
inflow of energy is released in the form of plumes - fluidmagmatic trunk diameter of about 100 km. Their base is
located in the lower mantle or even in the planets core.
The last time the lithosphere melting in the Borovoye
dome happened a very long time ago - not less than 200
million years ago. During this time, much has changed
in the Earths structure: continents were moving, new
plumes were forming. However, there is reason to
assume that the relic of Borovoye plume remained as
a giant pillar that connects the surface of the dome with
its roots. How else can one explain the unique seismic
properties of this interior block: there are exceptionally
favorable conditions for listening to the Planet. It is not
by the accident that the seismic observatory is based
here; its devices allow to fix all the shaking earths
interior. During the Cold War, the Soviet government was
immediately informed of the nuclear tests in Nevada.
When reviewing the other geo-tourism sites an
interesting mineralogy should be mentioned, which
may interest collectors-enthusiasts and a wide range of
tourists. It is necessary to study the collection potential
of the dumps of gold deposits, among which deserves
priority attention Stepniak mine. Interesting for tourists
mineralogical findings could be made in its dumps.
Besides native gold, arsenopyrite, pyrite, chalcopyrite,
molybdenite, scheelite, galena, tourmaline, garnet, and
many other minerals are found here.
The familiarity with alluvial placer deposits in
the region presents great interest. The region of
Borovoye placers is one of the most unique for the
North Kazakhstan according to scale of prospecting
developments of previous years. Placers have been
revealed in the first half of XVIII century, and the heyday
of their processing took place in 1891. By 1905
the extraction works had fallen into decay and were

soon practically ceased, although some enthusiasts

continued the process in the years 1921-25. There
were over 100 gold-fields in the area. Over the passage
of time it is difficult to estimate the amount of mined
gold, as its development was done by numerous private
entrepreneurs. According to some data from 1,5 to 3
tons of gold have been extracted.
In the north-east of Borovoye massif, near the
mountain of Big Berkutty, there are many placers,
industrial gold content of which has been exhausted.
But here outside the national park the fetching
attraction can be created where tourists can wash the
sand, extracting gold from it. According to the literature
data, in previous years there have been cases of finding
nuggets up to 250 g.
Mineralogical geotourism program may include a
visit to places of rodingite manifestations, pegmatite
veins with crystals of feldspar, fluorite, rock crystal and
rauchtopaz. In 1960 there was carried out exploration
of some pegmatite bodies, from which 45 kilograms
of tainted smoky quartz crystals were extracted. In the
prospecting mines, together with quartz crystals fluorite
crystals were met.


| | Geoparks

, ()
The most magnificent rocks of Borovoye massif: Okzhetpes, Zhumbaktas and mountain Kokshetau (Sinyukha) are composed of resistant to weathering medium-grained granite


| | Burabai


| | Geoparks


| | Bektauata



| | Geoparks

( ).
1 - ,
2 - ,
3 .

( ).
1 - ,
2 - ,
3 .

Geological Scheme
of the Bektauata Potential Geopark
(by the cosmophoto deciphering results).
1 Late Permian Early Triassic granite,
2 Carboniferous Permian volcanite,
3 main faults.

, .

Rise over the steppe the domes of Bektauata massif are numerous and various in shape


| | Bektauata

| | Sarykulzha dome


| | Geoparks

| | Sharp rock

| | Little Penguin

| | Tortoise


. - , -
. ,
600 , 100


) 270
. 245-255 .
( - )

- .

- .





, -

10 -


, , ,
, ,
, 450-
, , ,
, , , , , ,
, , , ,


, .

, ,



, ,
, ...



* - .

| | Bektauata

| | Granite tubes


, 70

. ,

: | Photo: Anatoliy Ustinenko


Cranes flying over find here water and feed


| | Geoparks

| | Shark

| | Puppy

| | Head of eagle


, , .
. , . , ,

. 100
600 ,

, .
, ,
(, , ) 270 .
. ,
245-255 . ( ),
- ,

. ,

: , .
, .
, .

. , ,
10 . , *.
, , , , , .
. 1500
, 450 .
, , , , ,
, , , , , , , .
, , - , .

, , ..
. .

. , , .

* , , , .

| | Bektauata
, ,
, 70 .


| | Geoparks


| | Rock Merry Troll

: | Photo: Artem Arsentyev

| | Swinging rock

| | Monster


Bektauata mountain is perhaps the most remarkable place in the North Pre-Balkhash. From Kazakh
its name is translated as Holy High Mountain. Basis
for such name serve popular legends and beliefs that
are still poorly studied. Noticed, for example, that after visiting here the cave, the childless couple got the
long-awaited child. Lonely, visible even at the distance
of 100 km peak, yellowing in the surrounding steppe
at an altitude of 600 m, without a hitch served as the
guiding for caravans from the time of the Silk Road,
one of the branches of which crossed Lake Balkhash.
The mountain is still now performs its guiding function and is known as the Steppe Lighthouse of the
Northern Pre-Balkhash. Recognizing the outstanding
role of Bektauata in the history of ethnicity and steppe
navigation, we could assert that the geological essence of the rock massif is no less interesting.
Granite intrusion (or, as the geologists say, pluton) covers an area of approximately 270 square kilimetres. Granite with ages of about 245-255 million
years (Late Permian - Early Triassic), is introduced
into the Carboniferous Permian effusives crumpled
in a gentle fold of isometric shape - brachyanticline.
Bektauata comprises piezo-quartz and optical fluorite deposit and consists of two large domes: Eastern
with high and steep rocky peaks and less impressive
the Western one with a relatively shallow roof. Roof of
the massif, which largely coincides with the surface,
has a complex topography with numerous ridges and
small domes. Granite in the shallow areas has clearly
defined mattress separation; in the more fine-grained
rocks, the separateness better expressed, and the
less the thickness of individual plates. For more elevated areas massive structure of granite is typical, as
well as blocky separation, sometimes forming intricate
shapes. In the granite are widely distributed veins of
aplite having different dip angles - from horizontal to
vertical, sometimes fancifully intercrossed.
In the domes of granite massif pegmatite bodies with voids were formed. Pegmatite was formed
in the process of intrusion formation, when the volatile components were accumulated in magma and
formed the gas bubbles with the diameter greater
than 10 m. Enrichment with gases led to the temperature magma crystallization lowering and formation
of pegmatite with well defined graphical structure*.
In the central part of such cells quartz-feldspar core

and cellar are formed - a cavity, in which crystals of

quartz, rock crystal, beryl, topaz, fluorite, and a number of other minerals are formed. The mid of the cellar is filled with clay minerals. The better cellar part of
the pegmatitic camera is expressed, the higher is its
industrial value. Mining of rock crystal and optical fluorite was carried out here. Currently, within the massif
about 1500 pegmatite bodies are known, more than
450 of which have already been explored and worked
out. Along with piezo-optic minerals crystals of orthite, ilmenite, columbite, samarskite, sphene, topaz,
tinstone, wolframite, beryl, molybdenite, tourmaline,
apatite, thorite, davidite and pyrite can be found in
pegmatite. Numerous wells of round shape are found
everywhere - they are the remnants of the pegmatite
cells destroyed by weathering. Pegmatite may also
be confined to the vein rocks; in this case the cell has
veined form.
Around the mines where mining of piezo-quartz
and optical fluorite was carried out, mass collection
of samples by tourists is possible - the fragments of
quartz, crystals, rauchtopaz, pegmatite crystals etc.
The landscape of granite massif Bektauata is unusual and extremely picturesque. Almost everywhere
the naked curved roof of the massif resembles the giant waves of the ocean. Often, among them suddenly
appear the sculptures of fantastic monsters - the combined works of nature and the imagination of tourists.
The most visited places are the top of the mountain
and cave Aulie. There are also many other equally interesting sections, for example, Sarykulzha Mountain
and some smaller granite domes.
The advantages of this unique granite massif are
numerous and incontrovertible. There is an interesting proposal to establish an International Museum
of Natural Phenomena in this place. This idea was
substantiated by Moscow professor Igor Davidenko
- former Kazakh geologist, who has traveled all the
continents, the author of numerous scientific papers
and books of poetry.
Bektauata mountain is located near the motorway
Astana - Almaty, 70 km north to Balkhash city. It is
easily accessible and very promising for the development of geo-tourism, but this process must take
place under strict control. It is recommend to publish
booklets, to include this object in the tourist and ecotourism brochures.

At the background of potassium feldspar the oddly curved thin inclusions of smoky quartz create an impression of text written in Hebrew. This rock is called writing granite or Jewish stone.

| | Bektauata

| | Creepy juniper grows at fine-slab granite walls

| | Graves of patriarch


| | Geoparks

Gas bubbles at the surface turn into picturesque wells

Gems were mined here


| | Bektauata

(1), * (2), (3), * (4)

(5) -

Fluorite (1), davidite* (2), topaz (3), apatite* (4) and morione
(5) - are most widespread crystals grown in gas cavities of

(1), * (2), (3), * (4) (5) - , .

*: .. | Photo: .. Evseev (


| | Geoparks


- | - | Aksu-Zhabagyly



| | Geoparks

(.., .. , 1990).
1-4 : 1 , 2 - , 3 , 4
, 5 , , . 6 , ,
, , , 7 , , , , ,
, , 8 , ,
- , , , , , , 9
, , , , , 10-14 : 10
, 11 , 12 , ,
13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 ()
, 18 : I-III : I
; II ; III ; IV : -
, ; V ; VI , VII

( .., .. , 1990).

1-4 : 1 , 2 -, 3 , 4
, 5 , , , 6 , , ,
, , 7 , , , , , ,
, 8 - , , , , ,
, , , 9 , , ,
, , 10-14 : 10 , 11 ,
12 , , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16
, 17 , 18 : I-III
: I ; II ; III ; IV . :
-, ; V -; VI
-, VII . .

Geological Map of the Reserve

(V. Samsonov, A. Korzhenevskiy, 1960)
1-4 Quarternarysediments: 1 alluvial, 2 alluvial-proluvial, 3 glacial, 4 modern glaciers. 5 Neogene conglomerate, clay, sand. 6 Cretaceous limestone, dolomite, sandstone, conglomerate, tuff. 7 Devonian limestone, dolomite,
marl, sandstone, aleurolite, gritstone, conglomerate. 8 Cambrian Ordovician sandstone, aleurolite, argillite, flint, limestone, dolomite with trilobites, graptolites, stromatolites fossils. 9 Proterozoic schist, aleurolite, sandstone, ignimbrite, tuff
lava. 10-14 intrusive rocks: 10 syenite and shonkinite, 11 monzonite and shonkinite, 12 pyroxenite, shonkinite and
fergusite, 13 granite, 14 granodiorite. 15 main faults, 16 reserve border, 17 point geological objects, 18 geological sites: I-III intrusive massifs: I Irisu; II Kaindy; III Maidantal; IV Zhabagly River right bank: geological sections of
Proterozoic Ordovician, paleontological fossils; V Kshi-Kaindy waterfall; VI Kshi-Kaindy pass, VII Aksu River canyon.

: | Photo: Vladimir Shakula


- | - | Aksu-Zhabagyly

| | Car a typical element of the Alpine landscape

, , , ,

: , , , ,

: | Photo: Vladimir Shakula

Irisu and Kaiyndy ultrabasite massifs are presented by quite

rarely met rock complex consisting of syenite, shonkinite,
monzonite, pyroxenite, fergusite

| | Geoparks

The highest peak of Ugam mountain range Sairamskiy peak
: | Photo: Ludmila Beloysova



- -
. ,
, ,
. ,


1926 , 1924


. 1926

, , ,
. , , , , ,
, (,
) . ,
, , , ...
, , , ,
, ,
, - 30 .


. -
, , , ,

300 - .
- ,
- .



, , , ,

, , , , ,
.. .
600 -
- .
, ,

. ,
, -

- | - | Aksu-Zhabagyly

| | The walls of the canyon of Aksu river are formed by Cenozoic conglomerate
. 1921 -

, , ,
, - (19
, 150 , 500 , 1200 ) .


, ,


3000 ,

, -


, ( )
, ,
260 , 830 ) ,
, ... .

, ,

, ,



| | Geoparks

Stone Gates at Boldyrbek river limestone of Carboniferous age
: | Photo: Vladislav Yakyshkin


, ,
-, ,
. - .

. , .
, ,

- , -
, 132 . . 1926 ,
1924 , ..

. 1926
, , , ,
, .
. , ,
, , , ,
(, ).
, , ,
, . ,
: , , , , -, .

, , , , , , 30 . ,
. ,
. , ,
, , , , ,
, .
. , . 300-
, ,
, .

, . :
, , ,
: , , ,
, .
- ,
, , ,
, , . ,
600 , -
. , ,

, . ,

- | - | Aksu-Zhabagyly

| | Lake Koksai in the northern part of the reserve

: , , ,

- .

- , . 1921
.. .
, .
, , , ,
(19 , 150 , 500 , 1200 ).


: , , , . , ,
. ,
3000 ,

, .

: | Photo: Lina Waldschmidt

: , () ,

( 260, 830 ),
, ..
, , ,
, .

| | Geoparks


| - | Kshi-Kaiyndy waterfall


Aksu river canyon. Conglomerate and juniper are the head participants of the landscape


Among the mountain systems of Central Eurasia,

which always attract lovers of travel, a special place occupies the western end of the Tien Shan, the point of junction of the Talas Alatau, Ugam Ridge and Large Karatau.
Here the Aksu-Zhabagly Reserve is located. In its territory
the variety of a relief is most contrastly shown, and dynamics of modern and ancient geological processes is exclusively clearly illustrated. There are also here very interesting petrographical, mineralogical and paleontological
sights. All this together allows us to consider the reserve
as a great Geopark, within which, in its turn, can be allocated areas, each not yield to many famous Geoparks in
the world by its importance.
Aksu-Zhabagly Reserve, located in Tyulkubas district
of South Kazakhstan region, covers an area of almost
132 thousand hectares. Although the official date of its
establishment is 1926, actually the story of the reserve
takes start in 1924, when, thanks to the initiative of the well
known naturalist B.P. Trizna, the unique burial of ancient
animals and plants Jurassic Lake was taken under the
protection in Karatau Mountains. This plot was destined
to become the first natural reserve in Central Asia, as well
as the first paleontological reserve in the Soviet Union.
Since 1926, Jurassic Lake is the paleontological zone
of the reserve Aksu-Zhabagly
The flora of the reserve is rich and varied - juniper,
cherry magalebka, willow, birch, Talas poplar, dense
grass vegetation and various shrubs. Here also grow
tulips Kaufman and Greig. Representatives of the fauna - mountain goat, snow leopard, white-clawed bear,
long-tailed marmot, lynx, wolf, fox and small mammals
(mice, ground squirrels). Here live birds such as snow
cock, partridge, nightingale, paradise flycatcher, Blue
Bird, and others. No less interesting are geological attractions, some of which are already included in tourist
routes: the mountain peaks, rivers, glaciers, alpine lakes,
waterfall and pass Kshi-Kaiyndy, gallery of rock paintings
Kaskabulak etc.
The high mountain relief of the reserve, as all of its
landscapes with multiple peaks, glaciers, rivers, lakes,
was formed as a result of geological processes associated with the growth of the Tien Shan, started about 30
million years ago and continuing at the present time. This
is evidenced by high seismic activity typical for the area.
Numerous young gorges and canyons, deeply incised
into Paleozoic rocks, open the possibility of studying more
ancient geological history: plate tectonic movements,
sedimentation, folding, magmatism, formation of mineral

deposits, a variety of geological processes that took place

over hundreds of millions years.
Most effective and popular with tourists is canyon
of Aksu River, which continues its formation. Its vertical
300-meters walls are composed of conglomerate with
calcareous cement. Downstream the canyon narrows,
its walls obtaining fancy shapes, converge. In some places the river disappears under the natural conglomerate
Among Paleozoic structures intrusive massifs, formed
by the introduction of molten magma, are of great interest. Within the reserve there are three such massifs:
Maydantal formed by granite and granodiorite, Irisu and
Kaiyndy, which include quite rare set of rocks: syenite,
shonkinite, monzonite, pyroxenite, fergusite. When magma introduced into limestone broad zones of contactmetamorphic rocks were formed - marble and skarn, in
which you can find garnet, diopside, epidote, tremolite,
hematite, magnetite, and much more. To zones of contact metamorphism, reaching in some places the width of
600 m, adjust copper-magnetite, and magnetite deposits
and occurrences.
On the right bank of Zhabagly River in the mountains Zhabagly the most ancient in the region rocks of
Proterozoic, Cambrian and Ordovician age outcrop.
Here the geological sections of the Upper Proterozoic,
Cambrian and Ordovician are studied. In Ordovician sediments numerous imprints of fossil organisms are found:
trilobites, brachiopods, graptolites, as well as stromatolites - traces of blue-green algae activity.
Paleontological part of the reserve Jurassic Lake is an
area of scientific work of paleontologists, closed to mass
tourism. In 1921 a mining engineer, A.A. Aniskovich found
there the remains of ancient organisms. Excellent preservation of these fossils, as well as extraordinary, even by
world standards, the abundance of insects attracted considerable attention of paleobotanists, paleoichthyologists
and paleoentomologists. Here have been found and studied beautifully preserved remains of fishes, flying lizards,
salamanders, turtles, crocodile, assembled the worlds
largest collection of insects (19 orders, 150 families, 500
genera, 1200 species). Most of these unique items are
stored in the Moscow Museum of Paleontology.
In the limestone strata within the Aksu-Zhabagly karst
manifestations are extensively developed: multiple caverns and depressions, karst grooves,karren, grottoes and
caves. Some mountain lakes, presumably, have karst origin. The reserve territory is poorly studied in this regard,

- | - | Aksu-Zhabagyly

| | Maidantal river head

and the caves existing here are eagerly awaiting for their
first discoverers.
In difficult for access Kaskabulak stow, at an altitude of 3000 meters above the sea level, you can visit
an original art gallery consisting of a set of ancient rock
paintings. They depict wild and domestic animals, hunting scenes and life of ancient people. Within the reserve
there are ancient burial mounds, around which fragments
of pottery are found.
In the immediate around of the reserve there are
also many geological attractions: scenic continuation of canyon Aksu, caves Stalactite (Vannovskaya)

and Kapteruya, Boroldai caves, as well as a large karst

region - Ridge Karzhantau with the largest in Kazakhstan
cavern - cave Uluchur (depth 260, length 830 m),
paleontological remains, mounds, etc.
Objects of geotourism are already partially included in tourist routes of the reserve Aksu-Zhabagly.
The development of geotourism requires further study and popularization of geological sites,
the development of geo-tours, supplement of
museum with interesting paleontological remains, samples of rocks and minerals, visible and
reliable geological maps.

. -
Alatau mountain range. Lake Kyzalgen-Kol of obstruction origin
: | Photo: Ludmila Beloysova


| | Geoparks

The walls of the canyon of Aksu river are formed by Cenozoic conglomerate

- (a), (b)
(a), (b)
Canyon walls of Aksu river in its lower stream sometimes disperse (a), sometimes nearly adjoin (b)


- | - | Aksu-Zhabagyly

. ()
Kaiyndy intrusive massif is formed by rare rocks biotitic piroxenite. In the left vertical syenite dike


| | Geoparks


| - | Altyn-Emel



| | Geoparks

1 ,2
, 3 , 4

, 2 , 3 , 4
, 5 ,
6 (), 7 , 8 , 9
, 10 ,

11 ( ), 12
, 13 , 14-16
, 17-19
: 17 , 18
, 19 .

1 , 2
, 3 , 4 .
: 1


, 2 , 3 , 4
, 5
, 6 , 7 , 8
, 9
, 10 , 11

( ), 12
, 13 ,
14-16 , 17-19
: 17 , 18
, 19 .

Scheme of the Geological Sites Location

at the Altyn-Emel National Park territory
1 geological sites, 2 main faults, 3 National Park border,
4 cordons.
Geological sites: 1 Aktau Mountains: reference section of
Upper Paleogene Lower Neogene with invertebrate fauna fossils, exotic landscape badland, 2 gypsum canyon, 3 mountain Jurt, 4 steeply dipping Neogene deposits, 5 Dinosaur


track, 6 Singing dune, 7 desert landscape, 8 forming

deltaic deposits, 9 Cenozoic myd volcano Besmaya, 10
petroglyphs Taigak, 11 Besshatyr mounds (ancient burials), 12
Kzylshoky complex ore occurrence, 13 agate occurrence,
14-16 malachite and azurite occurrences, 17-19 desolated

tunnels: 17 for potassium aluminum sulfate extraction, 18 for

uranium search, 19 for copper ore extraction.

| - | Altyn-Emel

13 ( ): 1 :
(), (b) () , 2 (), 3
. 4 . 5 :
2-2 , 1-2 , 2-1 .
. : , B , C , D ,
E . F (), G
(), H , I , J , K
, L , M
, N , O , P .

1-3. ( ): 1 - :
(a), (b) (c) , 2 - , 3 . 4 - . 5 : 2-2 - ,
1-2 - , 2-1 .
. : , B , C , D , E
. F , G , H
, I , J , K
, L , M , N
, O , P

: | Photo: Anatoliy Ustinenko

, ;
, ,
. -
Goitred gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa) is the Asiatic gazelle, a typical inhabitant of
deserts and semi-deserts, is included into the International Red Book. One of the
most plentiful populations is presented in the Altyn-Emel national park

Scheme of Paleovolcanic
Sights Location in Katutau Mountains
1-3. Geological sites (geological nature monuments): 1 ancient volcanoes: reconstructed contours (a), craters of central (b) and
fractural (c) type, 2 dikes, 3 others. 4 Main faults. 5 Demonstrative geological routes and age of crossed deposits: 2-2
Middle Carboniferous Late Permian, 1-2 Early Carboniferous Late Permian, 2-1 Early Carboniferous Early Triassic.
Geotourism objects names. Permian volcanoes: A Ainabulak, B Konurolen, C Karakuduk, D Katutau, E Aschibastau. F
radial dolerite dikes of Konurolen volcano, G elbow dolerite dike, H bubble ignimbrite, I decorative gabbro, J agglomerare
andesite-basalt tuff, K rhyolite ignimbrite in cross-bedded sandstone, L separated andesite-basalt cover, M Valley of petrified
geysers Aschibastau, N classic cuesta relief, O Kuzgun cuesta, P Dostar cuesta.


| | Geoparks

Photo was given by Altyn-Emel national park

. ,
. .

. .
. .
Kulans adapted very well at the Ili right bank after moving from former Barsakelmes island
of Aral Sea. Kulan has common features with donkey and horse. It is contemporary of
mammoth, in geological chronicle is known from Early Pleistocene. In Late Pleistocene
was a part of Mammoth fauna.




- .
, ,

. ,
- .

. 460000
135 -
, , ,
300 6000-
. , ,
-, (100-
) .

, .





, ,
, , ()

) .
3 -


- (
, ,
, -
. ,
, ,

, ,


, .

( )



| - | Altyn-Emel

() | | Singing Dune
: | Photo: Vladislav Yakushkin


| | Geoparks

, , , .
. ,
, .
- - .
460000 , 135 . , ,
, , -
. 1800
, 10 . 300 6000
. ,
, - ( 100 ), .

( ) .
( ).

. . .
-, ,
( ),
. ()
- ,
(, , , - ),

, , , , .
, , ,
. ,
. , .
, .
). ,
, -
, , .


, .
Today an attempt of Przewalski horse reintroduction, which does almost not exist in
nature, was undertaken. It is endangered species, which thoroughbred book is kept
by Prague zoo

Photo was given by Altyn-Emel national park


| - | Altyn-Emel

.. | . | Digeres Moutains. Layers of volcanic ashes

| - | Petroglyphs are masterpieces of ancient designers


| | Geoparks

Altyn Emel

Some parts of Aktau Mountains are composed by red clay

It is easy to understand here what is discordant bedding


Altyn-Emel Ridge in southern Kazakhstan and its

foothills due to saturation with unique geological structures and, in particular, with the diversity of their nature, could hardly be compared with any other region of
Kazakhstan. Here you can see visual illustration of the
geological processes that occurred within a few hundred
million years and continuing into the present. In addition
to the monuments of inanimate nature, Altyn-Emel allows
to get acquainted with the most interesting ecosystems,
as well as with archaeological sites. It is no accident that
here was created and functions the state national natural park.
National Park Altyn-Emel is the largest reserve in
Kazakhstan. Occupying the area of 460000 hectares, it extends for 135 km along the right bank of the Ili River and includes various landscape zones. The park was created to
save the natural environment of mountain, steppe, desert,
forest, riparian and wetland landscapes with characteristic
biological communities. Flora of the Park has about 1800
species only of vascular plants, belonging to 10 types of vegetation. The fauna is represented by 300 species of vertebrates and almost 6000 - invertebrates. Wild ass, gazelle,
saker falcon and other animals (about 100 species), as well
as a number of endemic plants are entered into the Red
Book. Wild ass is a newcomer of the park: its population was
relocated from the former island Barsakelmes (Aral Sea) and
has successfully got acclimatized. Currently works on the introduction of Przewalskis horses are carried out in the park.
The continuing interest of tourists attract valuable archaeological sites - petroglyphs and unique in size and
preservation ancient graves - mounds of Bes Shatyr (five
The modern relief of the park was formed in the
Neogene as a result of the Alpine orogenesis caused the
formation of Zhongar Alatau mountain structures and intermountain Ili depression. In addition to the vertical crust
movements the greater role was played by the deformation shear. Satellite images show how the position of Ili
river bed is changed under their influence.
Mountain structures - Altyn-Emel, Kalkan, Katutau
and Aktau - are essentially horsts (raised tectonic
blocks), continuing their raise. Adjacent grabens (valleys) to a depth of more than 3 km are filled with significant Neogene clayey sediments which are exposed only
in the mountains of Aktau, where they form very picturesque landscapes.
Intense volcanic activity that formed the powerful terrigenous-volcanogenic strata of motley composition,

appeared in the Permian and Triassic. The remnants of

volcanoes of the central type and their fragments (vents,
volcanic cones, subvolcanic bodies, lava and lava-pyroclastic flows) could be observed in many mountain constructions. Their study is of great interest due to their good
state of preservation.
The greatest number of similar structures composed
of rhyolite, dacite, andesite and basalt, were found in the
mountains of Katutau. In the past, there acted large volcanoes, which by their parameters are not inferior to the
famous Vesuvius, Etna, Besymyanny.
On the studied territory the intrusive activities is revealed as well. Devonian intrusive rocks compose the
small area massifs, which are exposed in the southern
foothills of the ridge Altynemel. These massifs are composed of granite, granodiorite, diorite and gabbro are less
Detection of distinctive mud volcanoes, in which emission of clay was accompaniet by basaltic slag, indicates
increased volcanic activity in the alpine time. The activity
of these volcanoes is referred to the latest time (from a
few hundred to several thousand years ago). They were
discovered recently near the cordon Besmaya and still
insufficiently explored.
According to richness of geological formations that are
of great interest for mass tourism, Altyn-Emel surpasses
many of the world reserves of the geo-park status. Special
geological mapping that should be made here will allow
to create exclusively attractive tourist product.

Gypsum Canyon: numerous gypsum crystals among variegated clay

| - | Altyn-Emel


Permian volcanic construction fragment formed by riolite lava

Coarse-clastic tuff is the result of powerful volcanic explosion

- ()

Basalt dike of unusual elbow form

Harden acid lava centre is overlayed by sedimentary layers

(2), (3,4), (5,6),
- (7,8)


Alternate layers of Permian sedimentary and pyroclastic rocks

(2), (3,4), (5,6)

Ignimbrite with agate bubbles (1), agglomerate tuff (2),

classic tuff (3,4), malachite in veins (5,6) cross-bedding (7,8)

| | Geoparks

(a), (b), (c)
-: (a),
(b), (c)
Modern mud-basalt volcanism is mystery of Altyn-Emel: the slag hill and solidified in
the form of takyr clay flow (a), slag blocks (b), small mud volcano (c)


Acicular diopside crystals in slag fragments are seen using microscope

| - | Altyn-Emel

( , 96- 104- )
. ,
(. . 96, 104)
In Aktau Mountains one of the most complete sections of Upper Paleogene and Neogene is studied. Red clay composing understrata of the section gives peculiar picturesqueness to the mountains (see also photos on the pages 96, 104)




Middle part of the section is no less

photogenic, where bluish-grey clay
with dolomite, gypsum and marl interbeds prevails


| | Geoparks

: | Photo: Juriy Kolokolnikov


| | Kaiyndy



| | Geoparks

Kaiyndy lake is situated in alpine coniferous forest zone


| | Kaiyndy

( )
( )
Underwater images of flooded forest are provided by Almaty divers (head Vasily Kalashnikov)

The landscapes of Kaiyndy Lake and its surrounding area

Color Dreams of flooded wood...


| | Geoparks

Massive limestone rocks near the lake are the remains of the warm Carboniferous sea reefs





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| | Kaiyndy


| | Geoparks

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The structure of the tectonic collapse: place of tear (above), and formed natural dam (below).


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| | Kaiyndy

, . .
Horizontal area, planted with firs, is a surface of ancient Carboniferous reef limestone. There are two little karst lakes near its foothill. In the background there is a body of the tectonic obstruction.


| | Geoparks

Kaiyndy Lake

, ,
350 .
The limestone reef, rising over the lake, was formed in the bottom
of the ancient sea 350 million years ago


Kaiyndy Lake can certainly be considered as a potential Geopark, comparable to their merits with the
best world geoparks. Magnificent in its appeal and at
the same time mystical landscape is combined with an
exceptionally clear manifestation of the tectonic events
of the recent geological past.
Kaiyndy is a mountain lake appeared as the result
of tectonic landslide. In the landscape of the lake blue
mirror of water, reflected in it snow-covered peaks and
forested ridges as well as the flooded forest, dry stems
of which rise above the water surface are harmoniously
The lake is located in the eastern part of the Kungei
Alatau, near the settlement Saty. The name of the lake
means birchen, which at first glance seems odd, since
it is surrounded by coniferous forest. This name the lake
has inherited from the river on which it was formed. 20
km downstream the largest birch grove across the Tien
Shan stretches. Since ancient time this place and a
stream, and the entire valley had the name Kaiyndy. Now
the lake is included in structure of Kolsay national park.
Geological bed of the lake, as well as surrounding it
watershed ranges are formed by Lower Carboniferous
(more precisely, Serpukhovian) carbonate rocks, which
were deposited 340 million years ago at the bottom of
the warm shallow sea. Massive reef limestone is present along with plate laminated one. If you look closely,
you will notice that it is composed entirely of fossilized
remains of marine animals. In some places the bedding
of the plate limestone is parallel to the slope gorge.
Such an unstable construction can not withstand earthquakes, which are frequent here. Stone avalanche
which fell down from the right board of the gorge run
its course on its bottom and formed the natural dam.
The result was a lake formation. This happened recently
presumably no more than 100 years ago. Not yet had
time to rot the flooded trees, and trees growing on the
avalanche body are relatively young. Initially, the water
level in the lake was noticeably higher. After the partial
erosion of the upper part of the dam and water break
the length of the lake decreased to 400 m, depth - to
30 m.
The layer of reef limestone which lying horizontally
in the left side of the gorge is rising over the lake as
the small plateau, which has been recently planted with
pine trees. Under the young fir trees, deep in the ancient reef, modern karst processes develop. This is
evidenced by the two lakes at the northern foot of the
plateau, which likely have the karst nature. It is quite

probably that in the depths of the plateau a fairly large

cave can be found.
Kaiyndy is not just one of many young seismotectonic structures, which are abundant in the mountains
of South-Eastern Kazakhstan. It is also a beautiful landscape: mountains, hills and trails, canyons, tall green
spruces, masts of flooded forests. For tourist, who rose
to the crests of rocky slopes, the beautiful panorama of
gorges Kaiyndy, Saty, and Chilik will be opened.
Kaiyndy Lake is already included in tourist routes,
however, without mention of the geological history. It is
quite popular among tourists and local people. For the
development of geo-tourism it is necessary to compile
and publish brochures and leaflets on tourism, telling about the geological processes taking place here.

Fault surface gliding plane is a result of the tectonic movements

| | Kaiyndy

The small ermine protects the possession from gatecrashers

Trunks of the dead firs are rising over the water surface


| | Geoparks


| | Kaiyndy

: | Photo: Juriy Kolokolnikov

20 -
20 -
20 km downstream the largest birch grove across the Tien Shan stretches


| | Geoparks

: | Photo: Vladislav Yakushkin


| | Charyn



| | Geoparks

1 , 2 , 3 , 4
, 5 , 6 , 7 .

1 , 2 , 3 , 4
, 5 , 6 , 7

Geological Sites Location

1 relic Sogdian ash-tree grove, 2 Boguty wolfram deposit, 3 Castles Valley, 4 Small Canyon, 5 Toraigyr
Mountains, 6 Jurts Valley, 7 mountain mouth of Temirlik River


| | Charyn

Big Ash Tree is the oldest tree in the relic ash-wood

Illustrations of ancient
geological processes:

(1); (2);

(5,6) (7) ;

(1), (2), , (3),
(5,6) (7);
(8,9) .

Silurian rocks of Chushanai suite: puckered phyllite schist

(1), phyllitized sandstone (2), conglomerate with pebble
of ultrabasite replaced by green fuchsite (3), molybdenite
of Boguty wolfram deposit (4), Myocene rocks coarsegrained (5,6) and fine-grained (7); system of carbonate
stringers under marl horizons (8,9) can indicate on its
sedimentation by thermal water


| | Geoparks


Basalt dike among carbonate rocks in Toraigyr mountain range

: | Photo: Alexander Kolokolnikov


Panorama of Cenozoic stratificated rocks in Small Canyon


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5 - , 50 - ) .
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| | Charyn

| - | The bridge over Charyn River on the Almaty Narynkol road

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| | Geoparks

() .

Ignimbrite (.) . ,

Ignimbrite (latin) is translated as stone downpoor. Ignimbrite layer, which we can see
in the Small Canyon, is the result of the catastrophic eruption, accompanied by the
discharge of the huge amount of melted magma, the red-hot parts of which filled up big
area in the environs of the volcano


(220 ),


23 2004 . 90
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| | Charyn

| | Jurts Valley

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( , ) (540-500 . ) .

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| | Geoparks


: | Photo: Vladislav Yakushkin


Canyon of Charyn mountain river is one of the most

popular tourism destinations across the Almaty region.
Although this influx of the Ili River flows enough far
from the city (220 km), all the guests of the southern
capital come here at any first possibility. Fantastic picture of brown striped almost vertical towering canyon
walls produces a great aesthetic experience. Making
the existing here national park the Geopark status will
help visitors to learn a lot about the geological history
of these rocks.
Charyn State National Park is one of the youngest
reserves. It was created on 23 February, 2004 on an
area of more than 90 thousand hectares in order to
preserve the unique natural complexes with special
ecological, historical, scientific, aesthetic and recreational value. Here grow rare species of flora: Sogdian
ash, poplar - Afghan, sileaves, heterophyllous, Ili honeysuckle, Semenov maple, saxaul and others. Fauna
includes 24 species of mammals, 48 species of birds,
3 species of amphibians, 14 species of reptiles.
The most popular tourist destination for visitors in
Charyn National Park is the Valley of Castles. It is a
network of picturesque canyons as deep as 300 meters with the exotic relief, consisting of a number of
fantastic shapes, carved by the river in horizontal layers of Miocene carbonate-terrigenous strata, containing interesting paleontological remains. In the walls
of the canyon numerous slides, faults and thrusts can
be clearly seen, which cut the Miocene strata and
much more ancient deposits of Toraigyr suite of Early
Carboniferous. All this combined present a stone record of geological history: the growth of mountains,
formation of intermountain depressions, tectonic
In the Toraigyr mountains a number of testimonies of
the Paleozoic geologic history can be observed. Here
the stratotype of carbonate-terrigenous deposits of
Toraygyr suite of Lower Carboniferous is studied, where
the overlap of basal conglomerate-breccia of Lower
Toraigyr subsuite to Ordovician granitoids is clearly
observed. Above lie variegated sandstone, siltstone,
algae limestone of Lower Toraigyr subsuite and pink,
lilac, fawn rhyolitic tuff and ignimbrite with horizons of
sandstone, limestone and flint of the Upper subsuite.
This stratum is crumpled into folds and is broken by
Late Paleozoic dykes of andesibazalt composition violated by numerous manifestations of microtectonic.
Jurts Valley presents unusual by shape outcrops
of Ili suite of Middle Upper Pliocene. Their shape

resembles the numerous jurts, placed along the walls

of the canyon. It is hard to imagine that conventional
yellow clay with layers of gray gravel and sand could
create such an unexpected landscape. Under layers
of Ili suite, we can see the familiar to us from Valley
of Castles Miocene strata, which is drawn down to
the Carboniferous deposits. Sometimes the Middle
Upper Pliocene strata lies directly on the Carboniferous
volcanites. Below the gorge the Carboniferous rocks
form the walls of the picturesque canyon, sometimes
forming ledges on which the water running along the
bottom flow in the form of small waterfalls.
The Small Canyon is formed by the right tributary
flowing into Charyn River, near Bestamak Mountain.
Here are observed (from the head to the mouth):
Miocene terrigenous-carbonate strata, overlying on a
light-gray, very strong weathering crust. Then you can
watch the beautiful outcrops of Carboniferous tuff with
rounded blocks of volcanic rock. No less spectacular
is ignimbrite strata, rocky outcrops of which resemble
stone idols of Easter Island, compose the walls of the
narrowest section of the canyon. Ignimbrite means
fire rain. This rock is composed of particles of molten
lava, raised in the air as a result of catastrophic explosions. Different sufficiently large fragments of lava (usually up to 5 cm, but sometimes up to 50) are observed
in ignimbrite. The latest resemble in the cut a candle flame, so they are used under the term fyamme
(Flame - Italy.).
Then the canyon expands and in its right side volcanic-sedimentary strata with thin lenticular gray tuff
horizon of about 2 meters is exposed. Further down
the gorge there are spectacular outcrops of the various intrusive and volcanic rocks, and near the mouth
of the canyon - the granite. It is the deep center of
Carboniferous volcano, which was active 300 million
years ago. In its depths we can deepen as we move
towards the mouth of a dry riverbed. Small Canyon is
the ideal venue for geological excursions.
When compiling geo-tourism routes one should not
forget that many interesting things could be seen in the
adjacent areas as well. For example, near the mountain mouth of the river Temirlik there is a very spectacular outcrop of ophiolite. This rock complex (serpentinized pyroxenite, gabbro, and listvenite) represents
the remnant of the Cambrian (540-500 million years)
paleoocean. Details of its structure can be seen in
the walls of the gorge Temirlik, although deep, but still
available for excursions. To the south of the outcrop of

| | Charyn

Rose and white stratificated rocks in the right slope of Small Canyon are the remains of the ancient geyser

ophiolite in cliffs the attention of tourists could be attracted by gauffering fillite shale and other schistose
rocks of Silurian. Conglomerate of this strata contain
pebbles of serpentinized ultrabasic rocks. They are rich
in chromium, as evidenced by the abundance of fuchsite - chrome mica, painted in bright green color.
In the mountains of Big Boguty, at the contact of
flish sediments of Middle Ordovician with Devonian
granite the tungsten deposit Boguty is located.
Intercrossing of innumerable quartz veins (so-called
stockwork) is concluded here into the halo of greisen rock that appears under the influence of hot orebearing fluids. In the dumps of drifts collectors can find

molybdenite, scheelite, pyrite, chalcopyrite. Here you

can get acquainted with the stratotype of marine volcanic-sedimentary deposits of the Lower Ordovician,
gray-coloured terrigenous strata of Middle and Upper
Ordovician, brightly coloured volcanites of the Lower
Carboniferous. All of them can be studied in the representative sections.
Territory of Charyn National Park is rightly regarded
as a potential Geopark. Numerous tourists who come
here, are attracted by the unusual landscapes of picturesque rocks. Stories about their geological history
will significantly increase the interest to this wonderful
corner of nature.

| | Geoparks

| | Stone Miocene poles near the entrance to Small Canyon


| | Charyn
: , -
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Two structure levels are presented in the walls of the Small Canyon: below are Carboniferous volcanic rocks, above is Miocene stratificated sedimentary strata

. ( )

. ( )

Volcanic deposits of Carboniferous. Agglomerate tuff (gray layer) show the closeness to the volcanic crater

Miocene deposits in Small Canyon


| | Geoparks


| | Sibin Lakes

Sibin Lakes


| | Geoparks

1 - ; 2 - ;
3 ; 4 .

1 - ; 2 -
; 3 - ; 4 .

Geological Scheme
of Sibin Lakes Area
1 Lower-Middle Carboniferous sedimentary rocks; 2 Upper Devonian Lower Carboniferous sedimentary rocks;
3 Early- and Late Permian granite; 4 Main faults.


| | Sibin Lakes

Blue water surrounded by the severe rocks is the fundamental element of Sibiny Lakes landscape


| | Geoparks

| | Pika (Ochotona hyperborea)

: | Photo: Anatoliy Ustinenko



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| | Sibin Lakes

Plate parting appears as a result of magma solidification, when the size of cooling massif decreases


| | Geoparks

Wild leek uses the insignificant accumulation of soil in the crevices

Rare plants brighten up the rock surface of Sibiny shore


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| | Sibin Lakes


| | Geoparks

Sibin Lakes

- | | Lilies

Granite domes are a typical feature of Sibinsky massif structure

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, ,
Plate parting of granite, which is forming the relief, sometimes has very steep incline.
Stone wall nearly vertical dip to the water.


Granite and lakes is a combination often found in

Kazakhstan nature, but in the source of the river Sibinka
granite include as many as five contiguous lakes.
Sadyrkol, Tortkara, Shalkar, Korzhynkol and Karakol these lakes, stretched parallel to each other, decorate
the southern edge of Sibin granite massif. Baths of the
lakes are intercupola depression of the oddly curved roof
of the magmatic body.
The unique Sibiny natural complex is located 85 km
south of the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk. More than 30
species of aquatic vegetation grows in the lakes. Surface
flora is presented by species typical for arid regions:
pinnate feather grass, bluegrass ordinary, timothy grass,
sedge. A number of medicinal plants are met here:
burnet, yarrow, plantain large and lanceolate, geranium,
The Sibin (Ablayket) lakes are one of the favorite
tourist destination. Recreation centers and health centers
are built here. Rocky northern shores of lakes are the
most picturesque. They can be reached only by swimming
or passing through a long mountain routes. Located here
beyond the reach of cars beaches (there is even a nudist)
are designed for true lovers of nature and peace.
The silence and solitude people found here a long
time. In XVII century near the lake Sadyrkol acted an
ancient Buddhist monastery Ablainskit. Here, according
to legends, is hidden a treasure, which includes a golden
Buddha statue in size of an adult. But equally significant is
the treasure that has already been found - a rich library of
Tibetan scrolls. Still higher, on the watershed with a Bayga
river, you can see the stone walls of ancient Dzungarian
fortress. Nearby is a cave Baukuys, where traces of
ancient people camp are preserved.
Each lake is surrounded from three sides by steep
slopes composed of Sibin granite intrusive of Late

Permian (according to some data, Jurassic) age,

introduced into the DevonianCarboniferous sediments.
The area of granite massif is about 280 square
Large grained till gigant-grained porphyric leucocratic
granite is painted in light gray or pinkish color. Granite
domes with brightly evident mattress parting, parallel to
slopes, are separated by a cup-looking depressions. In
five of the deepest the Sibin lakes are located.
At the contact of Sibin granite massif with the host
rocks fields of pegmatite veins are observed. The contact
of Sibin granite and Kalba intrusive complexe is interesting
as well, which is revealed by the surface excavation Chernyshov stripping (1946, length 70 m), where you can
find rare minerals - lepidolite, rubellite, black tourmaline,
etc. In the northern part of the Sibin massif petroglyphs
(animal pictures) are found.
There is an opportunity to pave the numerous hiking
routes, during which you can admire the beautiful scenery
- lakes and granite rocks, forming intricate shapes,
and with the help of qualified guides to learn about the
geological processes that shaped these landscapes.
From mountain peaks Bayga, Medvedka, Koktal and
passes of the same name magnificent panoramas of the
surrounding area are opened.
Near Sibin mountain massif in Asubulak village, an
interesting object of geological tourism is located the
placer deposit of rare minerals of pegmatite veins. Mainly
red garnet almandine is found.
In the future it is planned to create a national park at
the territory of Sibin mountain massif where under the
protection will be landscape zones, plant communities
and faunal complexes. Making to the future national
park the status of Geopark will widen the variety of tourist
attractions and provide an additional flow of tourists.

| | Sibin Lakes

| | Korzhynkol Lake


| | Geoparks


| | White Uba

White Uba


| | Geoparks

(.., .. .., 1961, .., .. .. , 1959).

: 1 , 2 , 3
. - - : 4
, 5 , 6 ; 7 ;
8 , 9 - , 10 , 11 , 12 .

( .., .. ., 1961, .., .. ., 1959).

: 1 , 2 , 3
. - - : 4
, 5 , 6 ; 7 ; 8
, 9 - , 10 - -,
11 , 12 .

Geological Map
(E. Levitskiy, S. Bazhenova etc, 1961, G. Yakovlev, A. Volkov etc, 1959)
Carboniferous volcanic and sedimentary rocks: 1 Middle Visean, 2 Lower Visean, 3 sediments of Turgusun suite.
Middle Upper Devonian volcanic-sedimentary rocks: 4 Beloubinskaya Suite, 5 Uspenskaya suite, 6 Berezovskaya
suite; 7 Proterozoic metamorphic rocks; 8 Permian granite, 9 Late Carboniferous Permian granodiorite, 10 Middle
Late Devonian gabbro-diabase, 11 faults, 12 reserve border.

| | Siberian deer is most beautiful forest animal

: | Photo: Anatoliy Ustinenko


| | White Uba

i ii | | Exhibition of a granite sculpture


| | Geoparks

| | Sphinx

| | Warrior


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| | White Uba

| | Stony Alpinists


| | Geoparks

| | Dinosaur

: | Photo: Vyacheslav Izrastsov


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| | Helmet

| | Globe flowers (Trollius asiaticus)

| | White Uba

| | Camel


| | Geoparks

Belaya (White) Uba

| | Dialogue

Frog Princess


Looking at landscapes of Beloubinsk granite massif

in eastern Kazakhstan one involuntarily recall the famous
Krasnoyarsk columns. Obviously, raising up granite teeths
and columns, both in Kazakhstan and Siberia, are created
by nature on a single project. Despite the fact that the
massif is not distinguished by the presence of valuable
collection of minerals, exotic forms of relief and unique
ecosystems allow us to offer this site as a competitive
Beloubinsk massif is the most attractive part of WestAltai nature reserve, which includes parts of Lineysky,
Holzunsky, Koksinsky and Ivanov Ranges. In the sources
of Barsuk, White and Black Uba Rivers alpine relief is
particularly picturesque and varied: rocky ridges alternate
with snow basins, mountain lakes and swamps. Natural
systems of the Western Altai are protected in the reserve landscapes and unique flora and fauna. Among the larger
animals it is inhabited by a bear, wolverine, Siberian deer,
roe deer, elk, musk deer. The golden eagle, peregrine
falcon, saker falcon, owl, black stork are entered into the
Red Book of Kazakhstan.
You can observe here four plant zones: small-leaved
forests, mountain-taiga forests, subalpine and alpine
meadows, alpine tundra. The forests of mountain taiga
zone are distinguished by the greater variety of plants:
Chernevaya taiga, cedar and fir, and dark coniferous
forests. Into the Red Book of Kazakhstan entered: Kandyk
Siberian, Slipper megalanthus, Rhubarb Altai, Springhare
snow, Rhodiola rose, Sibirka of Altai, Astragalus sweetleaves, Fir Moss.

| | Stone Town Ruins

The age of Beloubinsk massif traditionally is regarded

as Permian, but it is quite possible it may be younger Triassic. Spectacular granite rocks are composed of
biotite, muscovite, and leucocratic two-mica granites with
mattress separateness. This separateness reflects of the
dome structure of the massif and generates a relief: the
watersheds coincide with domes (often with plots linked
pine woodlands), but to inter-dome depressions confined
valleys, usually abundantly watered: network of streams
runs, shores are generally marshy or covered with brightly
green grass-shrub vegetation.
Crests of ridges are often crowned with picturesque
chain of outcrops, which sometimes exceeds the
height of 30 m. These rocks, known as Stone City, are
monuments of nature and are considered as the main
tourist attraction. Some of the rocks resemble animals or
people - the characters of well-known fairy tales, myths
and legends: The Frog-Princess, knights head, back of
a dragon, etc.
Beloubinsk granite breaks the volcanic-sedimentary
strata of Middle and Upper Devonian, crumpled into
folds, forming Barsuk and Tigeretz anticlines and
Bolsherechensk syncline. Around the massif an extensive
(up to 2 km) zone of rocks is formed in the Devonian
sediments that have experienced the impact of hot
Giving Beloubinsk section Geopark status (with regard
to the requirements of the reserved mode) will help to
expand the range of tourist attractions and to increase
interest in visiting the reserve.

| | White Uba

| | Pluto teeth


| | Geoparks


| | White Uba


| | Geoparks



Ilya Fishman, Yuliya Kazakova

Millions of years before the Silk Road
Geoparks in Kazakhstan


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We thank those who accompanied us in the travel

and provided transportation:
- school teacher, producer, bard, head and
creator of the paleontological museum and the Junior
Academy of Sciences Yuri Pastukhov (Atyrau), who
has repeatedly included us in their expeditions to the
plateau Aktolagay;
- colleagues-geologists Tigran Akopov, Anton
Zayachkovsky, Vladimir Yurish;
- deputy-director of Usturt reserve Zhalgas Ustadov;
- well-known photographers Vladislav Yakushkin
and Almat Mukhamedzhanov.
It was with their help that we were able to visit
Geoparks presented in the book and make a significant
amount of photos.

( ):
World Discovery , ,
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, ( ): World
Discovery, -,
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Used in the album author collection of photos has

been supplemented by a number of shots, which we
were graciously provided by their authors or owners
(the references are given in the captions): the magazine
World Discovery, National Park Altyn-Emel, Artem
Arsentyev, Alexandr Babkin, Lyudmila Belousova, Erlan
Jumay, Alexandr Kolokolnikov, Vyacheslav Izrastsov,
Anatoly Ustinenko, Vladimir Shakula, Lina Waldschmidt,
Vladislav Yakushkin, Juriy Kolokolnikov. The authors
express their gratitude to all of them.


. | | Millions of years before the Silk Road

| | Authors
1935 . . 1958 . -
. 1962 . .
-. 200- ,
- , , .
: , , , .
( ,
) .
, .
1992 . ,

. , ,
- .
( 1970 ).

1970 . . 1992 .
(500 )
. , ,
50- , .
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, ,

1935 . . 1958 . .
1962 . . - .
200 , - , ,
. : , , ,
( , )
. ,
1992 .
, ,
- .

( 1970 .).

- 1970 . 1992 .
, (500 ).
50 , ,
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, .


Ilya Fishman was born in 1935 in Moscow. In 1958 he graduated from the Sverdlovsk Mining Institute.
Since 1962 he has been working in Kazakhstan. Corresponding member of the Academy of Mineral
Resources. Author of about 200 scientific works - papers, educational publications, geological maps, data
banks. The main areas of research: metallogeny, formation analysis, metamorphism, paleovolkanism. In
his paleogeodynamic researches he develops ideas about connection between the large elements of the
earths surface (in particular, the Caspian and Aral Seas) and deep tectonic structures. Member of numerous scientific forums, including the International Geological Congress.
Initiator of the studies on the problem Geological heritage of Kazakhstan, the development and promotion of which he has been carrying out since 1992. His documentary photography is usually transformed
into artistic photo shoot, bringing the researcher diplomas of Kazakhstan and international competitions. And
pages of dry professional reports are transformed into publicistic articles, in which he opens new opportunities for tourism development in Kazakhstan, offers solutions to pressing social and environmental problems.
Participant of numerous competitions in cross skiing and sport orienteering (champion of the Almaty
region in 1970).

Yuliya Kazakova was born in Alma-Ata in 1970. In 1992 she graduated from the Kazakh Polytechnic
Institute. During her student years and after graduation she took part in geological mapping on the Kamchatka
Peninsula and the North Balkhash. Later she connected her researches with problem of geological heritage
of Kazakhstan and environmental problems of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site.
She has made a series of works on the problem Geological heritage of Kazakhstan, including the
development of an overall concept, the creation of the first in the republic database (500 sites). Published
over 50 papers and made a number of reports on various workshops, conferences, International Geological
Congress. In the articles devoted to the study, protection and use of geological heritage she, generalizing
the extensive experience, examined the ways of its use in Kazakhstan. In her works on speleology and karst
she systematized data on the known caves of Kazakhstan and analyzed the possibility of opening new underground labyrinths.
Participant and winner of numerous competitions in alpine skiing and sport orienteering, caver.
At present works at the Institute of Geophysical Research of National Nuclear Center of the Republic
of Kazakhstan.



Ilya Fishman, Yuliya Kazakova

Millions of years before the Silk Road

Geoparks in Kazakhstan



Head editor B.S. Uzhkenov

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Edition board: M.A. Saiduakassov, V.S. Shkolnik, T.M. Zlotnikova.

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Translation: prof. N.S. Seitov (Kazakh)

A.Yu. Zotkina, Yu.I. Kazakova (English)



Editor T.M. Zlotnikova

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: .. , .. ,
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Design: J.A. Kolokolnikov, Yu.I. Kazakova,

I.L. Fishman, I.I. Chernitsyna

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Imposing: J.A. Kolokolnikov

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Flyleaf V.A. Bochagova

300250, , Pragmatica,
, 400

300250, , Pragmatica
. 400 .

Format 300250, Paper Fillet Pragmatica

Offset press, Circulation 400 copy

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Printing house Idan

Kommunalnaya, 39, Almaty, Kazakhstan

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