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RADIOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES Source Positioning ‘The radiation source should be positioned where the radiation bear is as close to being perpendicular to the test specimen and film being radiographed. See Figure 3 below. Location Markers, Location makers normally lead letes) are used to identify the location of the firm positioning on the test specimen, They shall be placed on the test, specimen and not on the film cassette. The location of the markers shall be Permanently identited on the test specimen with a peemanent marker or low stress metal stamp. The required rumber of markers varies wih the exposure arrangement and test specimen size. The requirements for location rrarker pacetent i listed in SAEP-1143 par. 7. and also covered later inthis course Inthe section on interpretation. Film Identification tach radiograph shall be permanently Identiied by lead ettes or with alight flash technique. The requirements for fim identification slsted In SAEP1143, pat. 7-4and also covered later inthis course Inthe section on intergretation. RADIOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES (CONT’D) Image Quality Indicator (1QH) Placement A source side 11 shall be used at alltimes unless it's not physically possble to place the IQlon the source Se, in wk ase afm side shall be used, When a flim side QI is used, a lead letter at least as high as the IQ ‘denication numbers shall be placed adacent to a bloceiype IQl and en a Wwiresype IL When using a wire pe 10 it shall be placed perpendicuar acoss the weld When using a Hock-ype 121 a shim of similar material approximately as thick as the weld crown stall be placed under the 1Q. The block-type IQ) shall be placed adjacent ta the weld. Each radiograph shall have an 1Ql, except when using exposure arrangement “A (panoramic) in which case there shall be four IQS placed equally around the orcumference ofthe weld. Film Placement The radiographic film shal be placed as cose as possible to the back of the test specimen and as close to perpendicular tothe radiation source, Detection of Backscatter Each fl cassette shall have a lead letter’! which Is 1/2" in heght and 1/16" Inthicknes: attached to the back ofthe cassette to detect any backscatter,

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