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Immune Cells and

Steven Gia, Talles Rezende, Joo Francisco
& Bernardo Penido

Basophils( Bernardo Penido)

- Are the the least common of granulocytes
- Representing about 0.01% to 0.03 %
- Mediates hypersensitivity reactions on the
immune system
- Also produced in the bone marrow
- Can be found in many tissues of the body

- Releases histamines
- Source of common allergies

Memory Cells(Talles Rezende)

Do not respond when it first encounters

an antigen
Facilitates a more rapid secondary
response when the antigen is
encountered in another occasion
T cell: rapidly initiates the immune
B cell: proliferates and produces a large
amount of a specific antibody
Originated in the bone marrow

T-Cells(Joo Francisco)
Produced in the bone marrow, but mature in
the thymus
Coordinate immune process by
communicating with other cells.
T-Cells help the immune defences in two
ways: some directly attack infected cells and
other direct and regulate immune system.

B-Cells (Steven Gia)

Produced in the bone marrow
Secrete bodys fluids with
o Ambush foreign antigens
in the bloodstreams
Each B-cell has the role to
produce one specific type of
Ex: One for cold, another one
for pneumonia

Process of Cell eating
Cell censes the bacteria/virus chemicals around it
Predator hunts the prey
Wraps its cell membrane around
the bacteria
Food is broken down and
nutrients are absorved

"Immune System." B Cells. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2015.
"Phagocytosis - Time to Eat!" Cell
Function: Phagocytosis. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2015.
"Memory Cell." - Definition from N.p.,
n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2015., n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2015.

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