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Instructional Module/Training Plan Template

AET/520 Version 3

University of Phoenix Material

Part I: Vital Information


Jessica McCurdy

Instructional Topic

Stresses of the job

Instructional Module/Training Plan


Best ways of handling the stressors on the job

Learning Setting

Business setting


Employees, from the boss to the employees in every area. Male

and female.

Delivery Modality (online, hybrid,

face-to-face, and so forth)


Total Time Allotment

Once a month

Instructional Module/Training Plan


Employees with know how to hand the stress of their jobs.

Two Performance-Based Objectives

Employees will know how to identify stressors

Employees will know steps to take to eliminate and control

Summative Assessment Description

Once each training is complete, employees with understand and

know about the stressors of their jobs and steps they can do as
well as techniques they can use to overcome this.

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Instructional Module/Training Plan Template

AET/520 Version 3

Instructional Module/Training Plan Template

Part II: Development

Attention Getter

Detailed Input of Content

I would choose Beach Ball Ice Breaker, You write questions

on a beach ball and throw it back and forth and the trainees
must answer the question their left thumb touches. These
questions would pertain to stresses of the job and their
experiences. After this is over, we would get started with my
training. Handouts of examples of stresses of the job,
examples of ways to help, and a survey for if they want to
ask a question but do not want to draw attention to them.
I. Introduction to Stresses of the Job Training
A. Start with Attention Getter
1. Answer questions, talk about new ones
if they bring them up
II. What types of jobs might cause what types of stress
A. What jobs might cause what stress
B. What exactly stress is
Hand out Stress exercise
A. Divide class into groups
B. Give each group an exercise
Hand out How to relief that stress
A. Steps to take to get rid of stress
B. Things to do to get rid of that stress
V.Steps to keep calm and stress free
A. Steps to keep Calm
B. Ways to keep stress free
A. Close lesson
B. Answer any questions

Part III: Implementation

Instructional Strategies

Employees will know how to identify stressors- Assign each

person to a group, run through scenarios that might arise
and have each person identify the stressors of the situation.
Employees will know steps to take to eliminate and control
stressors-Once those stressors are identified, the teams will
go through the techniques I showed them to eliminate and
control their stressors. Also they will use what I taught to
help prevent the stressors in the first place.
I will show each technique before the students are divided
into groups. I will take a volunteer and show what
techniques will help with what situations and how they will
learn to not let stressors get to them on the job.
I would use direct instruction for how to identify those
stressors, and some ways to eliminate those stressors. I
would use indirect instruction when they are broken up into
groups. This way they can use my instruction as a guide and
still learn how to identify some on their own.

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Instructional Module/Training Plan Template

AET/520 Version 3
Formative Assessment


Materials and Resources

Questions, I will ask random employees questions as well

as answer any questions anyone has for me.
Next will be self and peer assessments, I will hand out a
paper with both assessments on it and have each person
assess not only themselves in the group but also their
group. I will also have done assessments while walking
around each group.
This training is to help and train employees with stressful
jobs how to identify the stressors and how to handle and get
rid of those stressors as well as maintain a calm
appearance when under pressure. It shows them how to
identify, deal, and maintain a stress free environment.
Paper, pens, and handout of different stressors as well as
the handout of self and peer assessments.

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Instructional Module/Training Plan Template

AET/520 Version 3

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