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Action Plan for My Long Term Goals

Where do I want to be at the

end of this year?

By the end of this year, I hope to achieve an ATAR of 93+ so I can go to University of Melbourne to do
a Bachelor of Science. Also, at least 80% in my final WACE exams (top four subjects) on top of that. I
would need a scaled score of approximately 74.5% in my top four subjects.

Where do I want to be next


What do I need to get there:

- personal skills?

Next year, Id like to be studying a Bachelor of Science (Psychology) at the University of Melbourne. By
the end of the year, Id like to have gained experience into university life and passed all my units with a
high enough grade to continue onto a path that leads to a Doctorate in Psychology. Id also ideally
have a part-time job that utilizes the skills required in the field of psychology as well as affordable
accommodation thats nearby the university campus. Id have a reliable method of transportation
(probably public transport) to travel between school, work and home.
Personal skills
Id need to have the ability to adapt to new situations. From my encounters with numerous types of
people, Ive learnt how to adapt to new, foreign situations without hassle. Using this skill, I can grasp
concepts in class easily by applying my knowledge from past experiences, which makes it easier for me
to reach my goal of obtaining entrance into university with a 93+ ATAR. Without adaptability, I
wouldnt be able to cope with the many changes and transitions that occur throughout the course of
Year 12 and life in general. Id also find it hard to change my way of thinking and learning, making
things harder for me to learn.
Resourcefulness is the ability to use quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties. Life doesnt always
adhere to a fixed plan; there will always be factors outside of my control. However, by using my
resourcefulness, I can come up with innovative ideas and improvisations that can help solve problems
easily. Itll make me a reliable asset to any workplace since I can come up with alternative plans in case
primary plans go awry. This resourcefulness also helps in studying, as I can find ways to make up for
things that I lack. For example, if I found out my weakness was integration in mathematics but the
tutoring only covered differentiation then I would find a way to improve my integrating skills on my
own. Probably using internet resources, the WACE study guide and past exam papers.

learning and work

information, skills and

I can cooperate with almost anyone, and Im willing to make compromises whenever necessary. I value
the ideas and opinions of everyone, and I usually try to get as many as I can. This helps me in studying
because I can access a wide range of methods rather than just the method found in the book. If one
method fails, then I can use another. I can also gain a greater understanding of a certain topic by
asking multiple teachers to explain the same concept.

Over the years through school and from work experience, Ive learnt important skills in selfmanagement. I know how to manage my time, how to think innovatively and how to plan ahead for the
future. These skills can help in my goal of gaining a 93+ ATAR, and later on they can help me find a job
in the field of psychology.
I should obtain as much information as possible about the university Im entering. Id have to know
about the prerequisites of entering University of Melbourne as well as the resources available on
campus. Also, I should find out what scholarships or special extracurricular courses that the university
I should learn about the apartments available for rent in Melbourne. Ill need to consider the price
ranges that are realistically possible, as I may or may not have to find a roommate to share the costs
with if necessary.
I might not be able to gain the ATAR I need to get into the University of Melbourne.
I might not be able to get into University of Melbourne despite having the grades needed because too
many students are doing the same course
I might not be able to find any decent places to live
I might not have a reliable source of income

What challenges might I face

in achieving my goals?

If I havent achieved the ATAR of 93+ then I would settle for going to another university that offers the
same courses. Its possible for me to go the University of Sydney, or to stay local and attend UWA or
If for whatever reason I do not pass their interview for potential course candidates or if I cannot get into
the courses I wanted then I would go to a different university. Also, Id try to get some feedback as to

What can help me to stay


why I failed their interview so Id know what I would have to do differently the next time I get
interviewed for a university course.
I can fix any income problems I may have by using the money I saved in my bank account for
emergencies. It can only be used as a temporary fix, but it provides me more time to search for possible
job positions since I can live off the money in that account for small period of time. Alternatively, I could
ask my parents for an allowance every month or so, until I find a job for myself.
The university campus provides accommodation for interstate and overseas students. I could pay the
school to live in one of their dorms for the duration of my schooling at their university. These
accommodations can be found in almost every university, so I can find accommodation even if I cant
find an apartment to live in, no matter what university I get into.
In order to stay focused, I should clean up my workplace and only keep objects related to studying
around the workplace. I plan to keep my phone and my home computer away from my desk so that Im
only focused on the school work when Im studying. Ill also activate the Page Block plug-in on my
browser so Im not tempted to be distracted on the computer when I should be researching. The plug-in
redirects me to Google whenever I try to access a social media or humour-based websites. Having a
diary, calendar or the assessment timetable around would help, since Id be able to prioritise my tasks.

Action Plan for my Short Term Goals

What do I want to achieve by the end of
this term? By when?
A decent average for my top 4 subjects.
Specifically, Im aiming for an A grade in
each course (80+ % average).
Career and Enterprise

How am I going to do this?

Id have to study consistently, everyday for

at least 4 hours or so. Id need to finish all
the homework and understand it as well as
studying separately.
Id have to understand all the concepts
covered and ask questions whenever
Ill ask for help whenever needed either in
or outside of class. Sometimes the teachers
miss things out in class or I dont know how
to do complex questions, so Id need to ask
for assistance.
Reading the question in tests or exams. I
find that I usually have a problem with
comprehending what the question is really
asking for because I have a tendency to
only look for key terms. I have to learn to
read the whole question in full and answer
all parts of the question.
Taking notes in class and paying attention
to what the teacher is saying.

Who or what can help me?

Teachers: I can ask any of my class

teachers for assistance if required,
since theyre around to help and
Friends: I can ask my friends for
assistance or I could ask any exstudents that I know
Tutoring: The school provides free
tuition classes for certain subjects. I
could attend those classes to extend
my knowledge and learn some exam
tips or methods in stress relief
Past papers: I can try using the
concepts I learnt in class to apply in
past exam papers (with worked
solutions). If there was something in
the exam that I didnt understand, I
could ask someone about it.

A balance between sleeping, studying and


I want to discover what my fourth best

subject should be (out of Physics or

I have to eat properly, ideally three

fulfilling, healthy meals per day. These
meals should have variety and give me the
energy I need for the day.
I should sleep at reasonable hours so I
wake up refreshed. This is also good for me
because it gives my body a chance to
recover and aids in health (certain
chemicals are released at night to promote

I have to investigate which average is

higher. I can do this by finding out what my
grades are in each.
I also have to consider the benefits and
disadvantages of both subjects (How can a
high physics score help me? How can a
high Chinese score help me? etc.)
I have to reflect on myself and think about
which subject Im more naturally talented at
or find more interest in.

Diary or journal: I can keep track of

what I do everyday, then I can
understand my own personal
behavioural patterns.
Alarm clock: This prevents me from
oversleeping, and gets me into the
habit of waking up at around the
same time everyday.
Video games: As a reward for myself
after working hard for a while, I use
video games as a reward. This is also
a form of self-reinforcement, since Ill
be inclined to work harder so I can
play more video games later on.
Progress Reports: I can see how well
Im doing in both Chinese and Physics
from my current ranks and scores
compared to others in my year
Teacher: I should talk to both my
teachers for some feedback.
Depending on their responses, I may
choose to

To stop procrastinating

I can stop procrastinating by prioritizing my

tasks and by eliminating distractions. I can
do this by setting small goals, cleaning up
my desk and finding an effective study
I have to learn how to motivate myself or
learn how to get past the boredom.

Music: It may seem a little odd, but I

usually have headphones on with the
volume up to shut out the rest of the
world whenever I study. This helps
eliminate environmental distractions.
To-do list: I can make a to-do list with
all my tasks and the steps to get it
done. As I complete each step, I can
cross it off the list, giving me a sense
of accomplishment and satisfaction

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