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Appendix 1


Year Level: YR 1 Time: 9:00 9:45 Date: 26.3.15

Students Prior Knowledge:


Learning Area: Science

What makes up a sentence

Able to make coherent sentences
Are familiar with ants
Can name ant body parts
Have learnt about the human body parts in
previous lessons
Students have basic understanding of insect
parts and features
Students are confident in manipulating

Strand/Topic from the Australian Curriculum

Respond to texts drawn from a range of cultures and

experiences (ACELY1655)

Living things have a variety of external features


General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)

Critical and

creative thinking


Personal and


Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Asia and Australias engagement with Asia
histories and cultures
Proficiencies:(Mathematics only) Understanding and reasoning


Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the parts of an insect
- Confidently use ICT to explore insects
- Create and arrange a coherent sentence from The World of Ants by Mervin Berger

Teachers Prior Preparation/Organisation:

Big Book: The World of Ants by Melvin Berger
Whiteboard marker
A3 worksheets (26 = one per student + one
Muddles sentences (26 = one per student +
Lead and coloured pencils
Muddled sentence strips
Laptop computer
Bugs and bug viewers
iPads pic collage
Childrens workbooks/ lined paper and pencils

Provision for students at educational risk:

Activity one:
Need aid:
- Will be given groups of two consecutive words
to cut out instead of singular words.
- Will write a sentence about the most
interesting thing they learnt about ants.
Activity two:
Need aid:
- Given the plastic bugs to look at, can record
what they see in their workbook to help them
remember the features.
- Students can record their information in a
presented way of their choice in their
Activity three:
Extension: Can create more than one insect.

LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson)

Assessment of Lesson Objective and Suggestions for Improvement:

Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:

[OFFICIAL USE ONLY] Comments by classroom teacher, HOPP, supervisor:


LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as relevant)

Motivation and Introduction:
The teacher will introduce the topic of enquiry to the students.


A short video will be played as an introduction:
On conclusion of this video, the teacher will explain that there will be 3
activities through a rotation. The class will be separated into three even
groups, each assigned to either activity 1,2 or 3. Separate instructions will be
given at the activity stations about the task they will be completing.

The World of Ants

Whiteboard/ Whiteboard

Activity two will be dismissed to their activity first, activity three will be
dismissed next, and finally activity one will stay on the mat for their activity.





Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):

Activity one:
1. My group of children stay on the mat
2. Introduce the book
3. What do you know about ants? (Write on whiteboard)
4. Were going to see lots of sentences in this book. What makes up a
sentence? What does it start with? What does it end with? Does it
have to make sense or can it be muddled up?
5. Read the book
6. Reflect: Did you enjoy the book? What was your favourite part? Can
you remember the parts of an ants body?
7. Introduce sentence-sequencing activity: Ive got some muddled up
sentences from The World of Ants. You are going to cut the words out
and glue them in order on this line on your worksheet. When youre
finished come to me so I can check it. After Ive checked it you can
draw an ant in the box on your worksheet.
8. Ask students to repeat the steps back to me: What was the first thing
you needed to do? What do you need to do when youre finished
gluing the sentence in order? What are you drawing on the page?
9. Students are called by name to sit at the group table.
10. Each child is given a worksheet and muddled up sentence
11. Students complete activity
12. Students read out their sentence to the group and explain their
13. When the timer sounds, the teacher will instruct the students to rotate
to the next activity.

Example worksheet/
example sentence

Worksheets/ Muddled up

Plastic bugs/big viewers

Activity 2:
14. In activity 2, the students will be using a microscope to conduct an
individual investigation. When they first arrive at the activity, the
teacher will have the microscope set-up and will provide a
demonstration on the mat on how to use it for the task.
15. Once the students are confident on how to use the microscope to look
at the bugs, they will investigate the parts they see on the bugs.
16. The teacher will explain the task.
Today we will be using the microscope to look at bugs. I want you to
pay close attention to the body parts that they have, and any other




interesting features you can see.

17. Each student will have a turn to use the microscope. While they are
waiting their turn, there will be separate plastic bugs for them to look
at on another table.
18. The teacher will ask key questions at this activity:
- What parts can you see on the bugs?
- How many legs do they have?
- What other features can you see?
19. Once the students have had their turn with the microscope, they will
be able to record their observations into their science workbook.
20. Once the students have made their observations, they will move to
the other tables to view the other bugs without the microscope.
21. After 10 minutes has elapsed, the students will rotate to the next
activity when the timer sounds.
Activity 3:
22. When the children arrive at this activity, the teacher will instruct the
children to make their favourite insect out of the playdough provided.
23. The teacher will allow the students to mix playdough colours to make
their insect creation.
24. During the activity, the teacher will ask key questions:
- How many legs are you putting on your insect?
- Does your insect have wings? Do all insects have wings?
25. When students finish making their insect, they will inform the teacher.
26. Each child will take a photo of their playdough insect using the iPad,
and make their own pic collage image. This will include their name
and the name of their insect. The image will be saved to the camera
roll of the iPad and the teacher will use these images as a display in
the classroom.
27. When the students are on their final rotation, they will all return to the
mat for the lesson closure.

Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)



28. All the children will gather on the mat for the lesson conclusion.
29. The children will be asked a series of concluding questions to see
what they have learnt during the lesson:
- What did you learn about insects today?
- Did you learn something new that you did not know before?
- What is your favourite insect? Why is that your favourite?

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

Prior to the next lesson, the students will assist in the packing away of the
activities. The playdough will be broken up and put into their correct colours,
the iPads will be collected and put on the teachers desk, and the sequencing
worksheets placed into the tray of completed work.
After pack-away, the students will return to the mat ready to be dismissed for
morning tea.

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be judged?)
Objective 1:
Demonstrate an understanding of the parts of an insect.
This objective will be assessed through specific questioning by the teacher,
and observing the discussions that take place by the students. The teacher
will also collect the photos from each students playdough insect, and through
a checklist they can check that their insect has the correct body parts.
Objective 2:
Confidently use ICT to explore insects
Through using the microscope and applications such as Pic Collage on the
iPads, the students ill be observed using these resources throughout the
lesson. The teacher will move between activities, observing each students
interaction with these ICT materials. Recorded observations will be made for
students struggling to use the materials.
Objective 3:
Create and arrange a coherent sentence from The World of Ants by Mervin
The completed worksheet will be used as an assessment piece. When the
students have completed their sentence, they will bring it to the teacher to
mark. Students who have not made a coherent sentence will be asked why
they put the words in the order that they did. Misunderstandings will be the
focus of future literacy lessons.

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