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UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Peren G. PETERSON, Secretary NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS @ Lewnsxce M. Kusuven, Acting Director Tables of Molecular Vibrational Frequencies Consolidated Volume I ‘Takehiko Shimanouchi Department of Chemist Treci eaee niversty of Fakyo "Tokyo, Japan NSRDS-NBS 39 [Nat Stand, Ref, Daa Ser. Nat, Bue Stand, (U.S), 99,164 pages (June 1972) ‘NSRDAP al © 1972 by the Secretary of Commerce on Bebalf of the United States Government Part 3. Tesued June 1972 ‘Tables of Molecular Vibrational Frequencies Consolidated Volume I ‘T, Shimanouchi Tue ompasios of fundamental vba fequenin of moleles previously pula Naps Ne ‘lacs of he fundamental vibra “eibrational fan a2 be ‘gegen a NSHDS-NUS-II. and NSHDS-NES17 havo been tote ‘Maltional molorale, Thin consolidated volume 2 ml frquences ate given for each molacale,togeer with by nd etations ty the onal "bon based on careful studies of the spectral Vind ldo tn 38 laden data om total of 293 moleooles Selected i cts of ‘is tte ered fone wh eice {in molecular spectrostopy, thermodynamics, analytieal chemistry, |. Introduction Estabinhing the sigma of mules vibra tional frequencies has fomdamental importance in tlucidating various problems in physics and chem. istry, ‘The infemndon aouceradog” the Toros Held find motion of toms ins molecule can be mont directly derived from its vibrational frequencies. If Sl the vibrational frequencies of a molecule’ are iw eel ae se rcs etre ea fea gas model. Thus, the need for a tabulation of evaluated reference data on molecular vibrational Eegueuci ler often bees felt hy sany investiga tora, In 1964 project for producing such tables was inftatd at the Usivertey of Toko in evperaion with dhe National Standard Reference Data System Ut he Nasional Bureau of Sandnde The evalianed ‘data remting from this project have been published ‘Tables of Molecular Vibrational. Frequencies act 1 (NSHDS-NBS-6), Pare 2 (NSRDS-NBS-1) snl Pare 9 (NSRDS-NBS-I1). She presene volume Consists of the contents of thee three publications ther extensive revision in the ight of new expe ental data, pls tables for 38 aditional mola 2. Molecules Selected and Their Ordering ‘The present volume contains tables of funda. mental vibrational frequencies for 223 molecules, "The molevnles were eelosted from basic md inorganic molecules for which the vi ments have been established with li The effort of extending the tables to many other important malnfos ie sontining inthis labaestory. Distomic molecules and electronically excited spe ace not included in this volume, since refs. [I] and {Bl contain good compilations of dats. for them. Rosattoual more retiree Satopontont me lecular species, and a separate table i mate for each ofthe isomers: When the gas and liquid state spectra fee significantly diferent fom each other, they are ‘Shelled copaceely ‘The molecules are ordered according tothe fallow page resin brackets indicate the Ineeatare references on ing roles: (4) Nomber of carbon atoms (Orisa coat (8) Molar abupe nec, planar, and non (a) Mtoe symmetry, in descending onder of te nna of sfameay eu ae Copel "uintaed. "moked fel dh ara species ears of thee (e) Momie number of main atoms. () Atomic number of the other atoms. Molecules ate fst divided into groups by the se an tn ter Se sacl group is given by the tem {e), (Dy (ey a (Pamplin the odes pei ven at the begining of the tables, laces by cospoun name and empirical formula follow the tables. 3. Description of Tables 8.1, Symmetry \¢ symmetry (point group) of each molecule ie eth mel (eee coon) “t disowe Sons of symmetry propertics will be found in rel isjant i 3.2, Symmetry Number The symmetry number, o, is use in the caleula- vgn of ermal qui. 1 ho womb ‘Tindistingusheble positions nto which the molecule fan be transformed by simple rigid rotations. A fener Scum and pertinent ormolan may be ad ret (a age 3.3, Symmetry Species In the table the normal modes are divided into thesymmetry species ofthe point group to which the molecule belongs. ‘The ordering of species in each dnt proup in oven tbo I, whic is summary OF tables 13-30 of ref. [4]. When a molecule has two tr three planes of symmetry, the relationship be. tween the vibrational modes and symmetry spcioe Sieve be Gefaed uutgurly: dr uch cases’ gem erally fallow the notation adopted in efi 34. Numbering of Frequencies ‘The numbering is indicated by» given in the secon oluma ofeach table. The noi moar Erot grouped into symmetry epeciar, and then shove in each species are ordered. trom higher to lower Yalues ofthe frequeney. However, we always denote the beading vibration of a linear triatomie molecale wep Elloblng the srdely accrpecd trediton, For the’ GX type of molecule we adope the numbering given in ret (4, although itis based on Da syme fhetry, For some denterated ‘compounds the fre- tlusutis tv sme eta re sober erg "given to the corresponding vibrational modes o detterated and normal compounds. 3.5. Approximate Type of Mode ‘The approximate type of mode given in the third coltmn of each table & the local Symmetey cooral- ‘ate which makes the maximum contribution to the ‘normal mode. Local symmetry coordinates are de- fined for several chemical groups in table TI. Tt should be emphasized that wo or more local sym= metry coordinates are often coupled strongly in & normal coordinate, and the approximate type of ode given he table bas oly ned signee ‘The following abbreviations are used for the type of mode: stretching deformation rocking twisting saints jegencrate infiane tuto plane ‘The plane to which the in-plane and out-of-plane exprendons eters the moleduar plate of 2 paar molecule or the symmetry plane of a general mole- cule belonging to point group C,. Local symmetry coordinates of the CX: groups attached t0-a relac rely large molecule ake deaguated as s-atrteh Seleform, destreteh, and d-deform Tn such a mole- tale with low symmetry none of the normal vibra. tions are genuinely "aymmetrcal” or "degenerate ‘with respect to the ehive-fold symmetry aiis of the EX; group. However, the notation is retained he- cause'it is convenient for indicating the correspond. fence between similar modes in Targe and. small otecule 8.6. Selected Value of Frequency ‘The fundamental feequeney v, is defined as the difference between the term values Glo = 1, all oer = 0) and essed in m=" Fundamontel. frequencies rathor Than harmonic freque relisted inthe table, Although harmonic frequencies are of greater sical sigailicance, they are accurately known oo Fea enall snnbor wf yotyetoue sunken, TU selected values are rounded to the nearest 1 em ‘The letter code, A, B, C, D, or E following the selected value of frequency indicates the evaluator's jie of he acta te ale vel Stimating accuracy of an observed frequency is given in table Il, together with the range of Une ‘ertainty in em™* for each grade. Frequcuciew derived. from infrared sud Raman measurements in the gaseous state are chosen unless otherwise mentioned. When a detailed analysis of the rotational fine structure of an infrared band is $Waiabie, he pana omer choen a he fanaa rental frequency and given the uncertainty code A (Gee below). For a wellanalyzed perpendicular band cof a symmetric top molecule, the frequency lis fontaias the noavibrational part a’ fe where A the rotational constant of the vibrational level an Fis the Coriolis coupling constant. This is in accord ‘with the definition of os given in ref. (dl, page 404 4nd equation (IV, 00). ‘When the spectra in the gaseous state are not silable, the frequencies observed in the liquid or sofid state are listed. When no spectral data have been obtained, the results of normal vibration ealene Ttions or of some other methods of estimating fre- rence ave listed with the grade Tor F "Torsional frequency may be calculated using the barrier height and reduced moment, derived trom alrowave spectroscopy. The value obtained in thi way given at MW" (requeney a en) Sa the Gmments” column oF as & footnote for comparison with the value observed or caleulated by the normal foordinate. treatment. Microwave data are taken from ref. [6] wnlaos otherwise motod: "For many molecules the assignments given in the literature have been checked by normal vibration calelatons cari out i this laboratory ae part of the project one in, some a shave bbeon'made as a result of these ealeulations. The d tails of the normal coordinate treatment and evalua- tion of force constants may be found in ref (5) "Thormodynamio quantities may bo computed in most cases by employing the harmonic oscillator partition function and by assuming that the har- ‘monic frequencies are not much different from the Tindamontal frequencies given heres Buch an ap proximation is not adequate, however, for molecules trith highly anharmonic motions such as internal rotation, inversion, and ring-puckering. The vibra- onal pertition function about be forticd for theac moleeales by summing the terms due to the indi- ‘Vidual energy levels. 3.1, Infrared and Raman Spectra The tered nae nd Raman fen te hee integrand Ramee ree a pect cole fa tl mee oct ae tere sng gna creer tir ren aeee eee ore ged Bee hen Ritows: vs very stron 3 strong “ x Soa ¥ weak vw very weak. is inactive s roa th shoulder A arzed ip poleced For some molecules the relative intensities of Raman lines are indicated by the numbers from one to ten in accordance with the tradition widely used. These estimates of intensity are taken fro the original references without any attempt at critical evaluation. 3.8. Comments In the last columa of each table briof comments wre added to give special information which is not indicated inthe preceding columns. The abbrevia: tions used inthis column eas flow FR Fermi resonance with an overtone or Combination tone indicted inthe par OC Freauency estimated from an overtone o a ‘combination tone indicated in the pa entheses. GR Galenated rogueney. Calculation shows that frequency approx ‘mately equals that of the vibration indi cated in the parentheses, OV Overlapped by" the band indicated in the arenthese MW — Torsional frequency calculated from micro- "wave spectroscopic data. RP Frequeney determined! by the Rite ‘panei. 3.9, Footnotes and References ‘The footnote is used to supply other necess information whi sonnet be pleted dangly ie te column of Comments. The references accompanying the abl aefaatcompreteneve Only the papers Felevant to the present tabmlation are cited. “Ebbroviations IRAR, MW, and Th stand forinfearedy aman, microwave, and theoretical, respectively. T acknowledge the assistance of the members uf ny laboratory at the University of Tokyo in carry ing out this project. I also express my sincere thanks to'many members of the National Bureau of Stand- ards, particularly to C. W. Docket, D. R. Lide, Jey E. L Brady, and S.A. Rosemassier who offered ‘helpful suggestions in the planning of the tables Reforenene ee ee ee ait ei os mee ae Sa a heer ee aa oi we PES coe Tia aos eee Sova ww neg iin ieee i ea eh a inc ae eas ea Soa sea eras os ai CSc a ee Ct ay re) fumerical Data and Fune- 4, Tables of Vibrational Frequencies Gtriatomic molecules Pate 1 Nitrous oxide, NO. ° 2 Niwous oxide, “NNO. 9 3 Nitrous oxide, NO. 10 4 Water, HO. 0 5 Waterd, -HDO... 0 3 s2 s 5 Watery, DO Onygen difluoride, FO Oxygen dichloride, 5C0 Hydrogen sulfide, HS. Deuterium sulide, DS. Salford, Hydrogen ace Hydrogen desterinm selenide, HDSe. G,-four-atomie molecules Ammoaia'ds, Ds [Nitrogen telluorde, NPs Phosphine, PH, Phevphine dy Dy Phosphorus tiluoride, DF Phosphorus trichloride, PC, Amine, Ally Stibine, " SbHy Stibiaews, — SbD, Ge-five-atomie molecules sim. Sib, Silane-d., SiHD, Silne-dy, _SiDy Silicon teeauoride, Silicon tetrachloride, Silicon tetabromide, —SiBe, Slicon tetaiodide, Sil Germane, Gell Germaned, Gell,D. Germane-ds, Gell,Ds Germane-ds, GeHD, Germanedy, — GeDy Germanium tetrachloride, Gey Germanium teeabromide, — GeBry. Tia werachloride, SoC, Tin tetrabeomide, SaB. Sip fvoride, SiH Spl chloride, SiT1.CL Silyl bromide, SHB Renmatrchlorailne. SiC. Trchloroiodosilane, SiCI ‘Tabromochlorosane, _ SiBr,CL CChlorotriodoalane, SICH Coseven-atomic molecules Solfor hexafuoride, SF. Seleniam hexafloride, SeF Molybdenum hexafluoride, Mot. ‘Tungsten hexatlaoeld, WH ‘Uranium hexaflocie,— UFe, n n 2 1B a ir 2 33 3 3 ae gaaregesss 3se Ceeight-atomie molecules Diborane, "Biffy Diborane, BLE, Dikoraned, "B.D, Cr-triatomie molecules Carbon doside, "CHO Carbon diowide, GO Carbon disulfide, "CS, Carbonyl sulide, 8608. Hydrogen eyanide, HCN. Deaterinm cyanide, DCN Cyanogen chloride, HCICN CCysnogen chloride, ®CICN Cyanogen bromide, BCX ‘Cyanogen bromide, BeCN, C,-four-atomie molecules Formaldchyde, H.CO. Formaldehydedy, DCO Formaldehyde-d,, D:CO. Gefive-atomie molecules Methane, CF, Methane’, GHD. Methane-d, CUD, Methane-ls, CHD; Methane de) CDs. Carbon ttatoeide, Cy Carbon wtrachloride, CCl, Cacho tetaabromide, CBr Cacbon tatraiodida, " Cly Methyl fooride, CHAP Methyl fuoeided, CDF Methyl chloride, "CH, Methyl chlocided,, CD,CL Methyl bromide,” CHB Methyl bromide’, CD3Be. Methyliodide, CHL ‘Teifaoromethane, CH, ‘eichloromethane, CHCh, ‘chloromethane-t, CDC Tribromomethane-d,— CDBey Bromotrichloromethine, CBC, ‘Tribromochloromethane, BrCl Dicnorometnane, CHC Dichloromethaned, — CHDCL, Dichloromethaneds, _CD.Ch. Dibromomethane, " CHBrs Dibromomethane-t, — CHDBS, Dibromomethaneds, CD,Be, Dibcomodichloromethane, CB&Ch, Bromochloromethane, — CH:BrCl romochloromethane dy, CHDBYCL Bromochloromethaneds, — CD;BeC. neareessss ase 10s, 108 108 uo ut us us u6 am 134 2S a 1 10 BL 12 133 a4 136 1 Mt HICOOH. ‘DCOOD. Formic acy orm acid’ Cesix-atomie molecules Meinl, CHOH (Gas) Methanol, CH,OH (Liquid) Methanol-d, CH,OD (Gas) Methanol-, CH,OD (liquid) ‘Memanotady, — GDs01T (gi) Medhanal-dy, CD,OH (guid) Methanol-dy, — €D.OD (ga) Ceseven-atomic molecules Methylamine, CHNH: Methvlamine-d., | CELND: Methylamineas, CDNB Methylamineds, CD,NDs Cyfonrentamia malecnles cHOH. cHCD. CHC cHecl cHCBe Acetylene, ‘Acetylene dy ‘Fluoroacetylene, Chloroactylene, Bromoacetylene, Cesix-atomie molecules Ethylene, CHCHs Ethylene'dy, CDs Tetrafloroethylene, CECE, ‘Tetrachleroethylene, CLC. Teteabromocthylene, — CBACBe, de-,2-Difluoroethylene, CHRCHE. be, 2-Ditoroethylene-d, CHFCDP. is:1,2Dituoroetayene-d, CDFCDP. "2Dichlooethylene, CHCICHCL trans-1'2-Dichloreethylene'd, CHCICDGL teans-1 2-Dichloreethylene-dy, CDCICDCL /2Dichlooethylene, — CHCICHCL 2Dichloroetbylined,, _ CHCICDCL 2Diebloroethjlinedk, — CDCICDCL transl, 2-Dicloro-,2difeoroethplene, CFCICFCI L.LDichlorortiplene, CHC, T.LDichlorsetyene-d, CHDGCL, 1,LeDiebloroethslne-de, CD,CC, L,LDiehloro-2 2alifuoroethylene, CFCC Methyl evanide, - “CHACN. Methyl cyaaideds, — GD,CN. Methylisooyanide, CHANG. Methylisooyanidest, CD.NC. Ceseven-atomic molecules 1,2,5-Oxadiazole, cao Slgiaerylen, sinc Paes 6 6 6 6 7 66 9 150 BL 132 1st 156 157 158 19 160 161 82 168 164 165, 166 16 168 16 10 m rm cy 15 va 9 180 1 1s 18 185 116, iat 1a Ethylene oxide, CEO Ethylene oxded, C.D.O. Acetaldchyde, CHCHO ‘Acotaldehyded, — CH,CDO. ‘Acctaldehydedy, — CD,CDO. Ceeight-atomie molecules Ethane, CH,CH. Ethane, | CD,CD, Hoeratiuoroothaae, CECE, Hoexacbloroethane, — CCLCCh, Hewainvamrediavey —CDrsCDss 1.2-Dichloroetuane, — CH,CICHC (tans ‘orm 1,2:Diehioroethane, CH,CICHCI (gruche 1.2:Dibromocthane, — CHBeCHBe (rane oe), 1,2-Dibromeethane, CHBeCHBr (gauche ‘orm. -Bromo2.chloroethane, CH.CICH.Be (tans form). LeBromo-2chloroethane, — CH.CICHBe (gauche Phuoroethane, — CHCHR Chiloroethane, — CHCHC Bromocthane, CH,CBBr Exhylene imine, CARN Methyl formate, HCOOCH, Methyl formated, DCOOGH, ‘Methyl formato ‘seen sormate, Acetic acid, HCOOCD,, ‘cit.cooH, cH.cooD, Cenine-atomic molecules Dimethyleher, Dimetheletherds, cnocn, cHLOCD.. C-seven-atomie molecules Allee CH.CCH, Methylaceylene, ” CHLCCH. Methylacerylene-d, — CH,CCD. Methyldracstylene, CD;CCH Mothplrestyawedy CD,CCD. Malononitle, NCCELCN) Malonoaitilesd, — NCCD.CN. Coightmutuate mvlecules Propenal, CH.CHCHO. Grnine-atomie molecules Crores, ill Crapper. Cabs Styled” cake 28seR us us 16 6 ut ua us ny 120 a a 19 190 wo 92 wt 195 196 198 19 200 201 Bas g8ee C--ten-atomie molecules Acetone, CH,COCHS, Acetone ia.cedy _ CHLCOCD, Acetone, CD,COCDs, Ce-L-atomic molecules Propane, CH,CHCH, Propose 2,2.dy, CH,CD.CR,, Propane-1,1,1ds, _ CH,CH.CDy Propane-1,1,1,3,3,3-du CDsCH,CDs Propane, CD,CD:CDs. Methyl actate, GH,COOCH,, Methyl acetates, CD,COOGH, Methylaisacetate, CH,COOCD,. Methyl acetate, CD,COOCDs. Ce-six-atomie molecules Botadivae, HCCCCH, Cenine-atomie molecules urn, cau, ‘Thiophene, Cuil ‘Thiophene’, CDS. Ce-ten-atomic molecules 1,3:Butediene, CH.CHCHCH,.. 1,3 Butadiene 1-4, (ams), CH.CHCHCHD. 1,S:Butadione-,1.2y, CHCHCDCD,, 1,S-Butadione-, 14d, CD,CHCHCD, 1 124 15 126 rg 18 2B 130 1S 134 1 M0 iL rey 209 210 2 a2 23 au 215, ait 218 209 220 Br aa 223 1,3Buudiened, CD.CDCDCD, 2'Batyne, CHACCCE, C,-12-atomic molecules Cyelobutane, Call Gyelobutane-d, CDs 2.Methylpeopene, —(CHt),CCH, 2 Methyldypropenes, 3,34 (CDICCH, Cel3-atomie molecules 2Butanoae — CHLCOCHCH, tans form). Ce-l-atomie molecules Butane, EMCEE, (pane (CHCHCH{CH, (gauche form) Ce12-atomic molecules Benzene, Bensenedy, Call. CDs Ce18-atomic molecules Cyclobexan (CJelaieanedy Coil CDi Polymer Poly (methylene), Poly (methylene-d), (CH. (Cae 3 Ms 146 at 6 15 12 138 1st 155 156 17 ‘Tanem L Ordering of symmetry species (ln the present volume small eters ate uso to designate the species of fundamental fequencas) Symmetry species |] eit rome Symmetry species Ds AULA AS, As! BY BY AM AVIAY AUB Be, Be Br Aug Ait Ang Abs Bis Bio Bin Bow Bay Ea ‘Ag Aig Ap Ase Bus Bas Br Bass Ezy ‘Be Be Bae BEE EAB te te Be ba Be ALBEE, Ryker By By AU AP ED EE ANAS By Bos Bo By SOAS BBs By Ben Far, Fan Ene. o RR EAS As Ey Eos Fe Fi Pen F Rin Bin Rep Awe Ep Bo ag fae Ags Ata Ey Ean Pee Fane Pap Foe Dis AAs Bs, Es Es, By T AEE ‘Tante IL Definition of local symmetry coordinates (a) Local symmetry cooedinats forthe CH group (se fig 18) CH symmetrical steotching® (ars + ars + 8n)/V5 CHL degenerate eetenings [Zar ~ ann — ary)/ VB (an = ani/v3 (Cy symmetrical deformation: (ees + dey + Say — 29; ~ a0 ~A8)/VE (CHL, degenerate deformation: (280% ~ aay ~ aan) /V8 (aay, = Ae) / VE 1/6 (CH, rocking: (2891 — ae — (6s — 393)/v3. 1) aa gymmeny corinne fort Ci goup ot (CHfyeymmetical stretching: (An + An)/-V3 sntisymmetrcal steotching® (Ann — An) /V3 (Cttstetoes (4aer asin ~ ax — ay ~ ae) /VID CHL wagging: (A8sx + aac — Ady — Ades) /2 (CHL tiring: (Sax — ax — Adie + A800) /2 (CH rocking: (38.x — ABax + OSiy — Ade) /2 (6) Local symmetry coordinates for the CH group (coe ‘ig. le) cor cerenng® arcs GH bending: (299inx ~ SP ~ a6ua)/VB (5a — 36na)/V3 (@) Local symmetry coordinates for the planar CH, group “gee fig. 1a) : CH symmetrical stetching: (Ars + Ar)/V3 CHL, anisymmetialstetching (an, — )/VE (CH scissors: 2a ~ a8, ~ a8) / V6 Gifs ooking: (a — a88/VE (Cite wagging: 9-sin a Teal symmetry coordinates for the planar CH group (awe fg Ie) (GH stretohing: arc incplane CH bending: (361 ~ aBier)/ VE ‘out-of-plane CH bending: Sésinyay- © , a * 3 | pone tte st en jenn ie Notation | ‘Uncertainty Basiot oa i Seneca iomal fine structure partly ay ® ‘Ga spsctromeces ‘airy high resolution (eg, 100 ~ “Nall prism). eso Solid, liquid or tolution, inaccurate measurement. Do i) Value estimated from overtone ar combination tone Catosieed feeeney "The uncertaiaty assigned ere to each method of measurement isa typical val come ofthe methods, om rater accuracy is often achieved with NO No.1 Symmetry number ¢ Sym. Approximate Selected | | species| No. ‘type of mode value of | Infrared | Raman Comments a frequency (Gas) ot | on | NN mureete... zazsa | 2223.7 yw) 2220 © r | Bend. 539A | 58.78 | 589 W o | om | NO stretch 12s A | ies. ¥S | 1287 VB References GR. LapdoltBéenstein, "Zablonwerte und Funktionen aye Physik, Chemie, Astronomie, Goophyuik und Techni Ghee Hot hence Ra ‘Molekelaf (Springer-Verlag, Bein, Gotinges, Heidel. Bern 8 J. Mol. Speteos. 12, 360 (1968) fg) IR. 5. Plva, J. Mol [S]IR. TP. Grasso and EK: MeCubbia, ‘Mol, Spectro. 13, 240 (1064). Molecule: Nitrous oxide “NNO No.2 Symmetry Co. Symmetry number ¢ ] T a Sym. | Approximate Selected peces| No. type of mode aloe of Comments frequency 2202.4 585 A BDA ‘Mo, Spectrose. 12, 240 (1968). Molecule: Nitrous oxide "NO No.3 Symmetry Cor Symmetry number 6 = : _ : = Approximate Selected No. type of mode valoe of | Tnftared | Ramen | Comments Seqneney ot | on | NN teeth 2155 A eal ge ||Beod sm A & | OR | NOseench 1265 A References See No.2. Molecule: Water — H.0_ No.4 Spunmetsy Oe symmetry mamber #8 Approsimate Selected Sm) nen pecan aloe of | Tatearcd | Ramen Comments Seqpeucy | : (Ges) | Gas) a] on sesta | desores | Sas n 1595.4 | 159459, af a ook | dan References A) RE, F Rasher and WW later, J, Chm, Phy, 3,660 1985) tk, WS RSE NNeMar caren Tick Sieh, 9 ans Molecule: — Water-d: = HDO No. 5 Symmetry C, Symmetry number 6 = 1 _ . 3 | Approximate. Selected epecca| No. ‘ype of mode value of | Infeared | Raman | Comments coqeewny (Ge), | Gund a a OD streteh 2727 A 2726.73 2718 me | Bend uo A | 140230 1 | Offsite smo a | st074T References (BA Makan WW. le. Chem Phy 3608 Ai, Maan: Ce Sa Os 39 50), Bik Nu mad FB. Dickey, J- Mol: Speceose 4, 1 1960) 10 Molecule: Waterd: DO No.6 ‘Symmetry Cre ‘Symmetry number 6 = 2 r a | eo sree] me | EE | St | tse | ramen | comme frequency | | (Gas) (Gas) | |e Bend...... nwa | 1178.33 | bb | vy Antisym. stretch. | 2788 A | 2788.05 — re ng GR BS Bae Neta aed eye Chem, Pye 2s, 199 41956. eee al Appronimate Sctootad species | No. | type of mode value of | | foquney ax | om | Symes | sae | References ATER: Gebel apd Raman Speco Polym Molle (Von Norwand, New York, 1988). TTS, HJ Berstein and I, Powing, 7 Chem, Phy Ty 65 (1950). [B}IRTH ELA Jones JeS: Kishy Smithy PJ. He Wolte, and A. H, Nilsen, J. Chem. Phys, 19, 837 (1951). n Molecule: Oxygen dichloride “Chi*O No.8 Symmetry Cy Symmetry number ¢ = 2 ] s Approximate Selected | epics | No. type of mode sate | Raman | Comments Gas ay | on | Sym stretch, cop | olbts (Ar matrix) ne | Bend woe | ReAW bx fon | Antioym, stretch aoc | ol References UTR. tere, fuzed and Kaman Specs of Puystmie Molecules (Vn Nasi, Now Yor, 195) and ‘efecences cited there, [RTH — K'Hedherg, J. Chem: Phys. 19, 509 (1952). [S] HUTA MMi Roditind and’. €: Pimentel, J. Chem, Phys, 42, 1861 (1965), Molgoules Hydrogen sulle HLS No.0 ‘Symmetry Cx Symmetry number ¢ = 2 = wos speeia| No. ype of mode value of | Infrared | Raman | Comments | | frequency | t (Gas) ox | mx | Spans strete, zoisa | goin mo | Bond ius a | ius? be] S| Atlas 36268 | 2626 | | References UTR, Horse: fae and Raman Spt of Plyatomio Moleles (Van Noten, New Yor, 1985), nd oof fg)tR, J, Betohman. FB. Reding, and D. F. Hora, J, Chem. Phys 19, 252 (1951), BUTE Be eee Tatas ler ae GC Chom. he. 2,35 1956. [a] Ik Allen! Je ad Et Piyley J. Cham. Buys, 25, 132 956) 2 Molecule: Deuterium sulfide DS No. 10 Spamaetey Cae Symmetry number é = 2 = | Approsimate [Selected Se] xe | ARES | SHEE | sntanea | nun | commons Poe | (Gas) (Gas) ala rea | 1980 | ot Heed Ee | BEE | RES fa | a [Atm ics "| wie | 8" | | References IyIR AU, Nichn and H, Nile, J, Chom: Pye 27 0980. BUR SM Mla ead Ne Che PE 8 ie a, Molgeule Sulfur dioxide SO, No.1 Symmetry Cs, Symmetry number ¢ = 2 Sym. Approrimats | Selected species | No. aype of mode value of | Infrared | Raman Comments fuer (Gas) (Gas vs) aw | oe | Som, ateteh nar | usitts hago?» 5 Rae. SB | Gas A bx | one | Antiym, wreak 1362B | 1361.88 lis96-b We ay liquid) Refereneea opm 6. ‘ences ci thee (IR ROD Sichton, AFL, Nielsen, and W. H, Pletcher, J. Chem. Phys. 21,2178 (1958). {IS} HE $.R Polo end Mi. K. Wikon, J. Chem. Phys. 22, 900 (1954). B seul Pepa Mutha (Va ete ew Woy 4E)y sa ale Molecule: Hydrogen selenide H,Se No. 12 Smet Eo" SSatmetty number ¢ = 2 Sym. Appecsimats | Seeced | pele] wo. | MECHA | SRESE | tated | aman | Comme ape | (Gs) ee fon | gmemmen. ec aaggs | 2S 2 | Bi ek | iwta$ leas v3 | Antisym, stretch, 2358 B | 85" 8S 1 References 1, afoot of one Ma Von de Yas 9) tej ascam, a" OPER SS Spietroce 3, 299 (avoy). Molecules Hydrogen deuterium selenide HDS No.8 Set Ce re ther Fe sym, Approsinnte | Sete is] wo | EERE | SASS | satarea | aman | conmants cme, = | & | on | seb ae, nore | Si % | Bend, | 2c 912 | 2 | Siw: we | 38 | Reterences WRR™ BU Some. crag . Gr Aviage, I, Band, Atomand Molekularpbyik, Te Moekel, Is (penger Vesey Berns Cov Aa Bind, Atomand Mobley a ‘Sprinze-Verles, Berlin, Govtngea, u ecules Ammonia NH No. Molermmetry Coy Symmetry number é ~ 3 “Approximate Selected | are) nw | apres | Sit | anew | nee | commen | cat | oy | Sym. deform. 950 C 932.58 | 968:3a | ees awa fate leer vara | ae (ae | 1° and “a” refer to aymmeteic and antisymmetric levels [2] © and Raman Sposten of Patyotomie Molaoatas (Wan Nowtnnd, Nott Vor, 14%) ni vfer ag ¥ SEK gr Caps Ps 35, 125 (957), HE ESCs HH Nidan tnd RS Han a Sec, 06 a Wik W Eb, ida Chm. Poy’, 9 (100. fee EE inns Bo Pt Molecule Ammonia-d; _ ND: No. 18 ‘Symmetry Cay Symmetry number 6 = 3 7 . Sym. Approximate Selected | species | No. ‘ype of mode seat | Inara) Raman Comments frequency | (Cas) a | oo | Sym. stretch 2a0c | [280.18 FR @ro). 2490.60 vy | Sym. deform, use | [15.78 Be | © | | Dew. ateeteh 2564.4 | 2561.0 | | % | Beg: detocm eis | ist | \ 0" and “a oer to aymmetai and antaymmetic levels (2). References UU IRR, — G, Herborg Infared and Reman Spectra of Polytomic Molecules (Van Nostrand, New York, 165), and refer- sagen ced there fim, WEBNS ww yt Cam. J, Pym ay tage OE, ES], Fa Deacon ‘MM Spactrchime cee Bn, 393 C90. 6 Molecule: Nitrogen trifluoride NF: No. 16 Symmetry Cay ‘Symmetry number ¢ = 3 Sym. Approximate Selected | pci | No. ‘ype of mode value of | Infeaed | Raman | Comments sequeney \ (Guy) a | on | Sym. such uoszp | a0s2's fe | Sym: deform. "2 ou | ‘ow © | i | Beg stroteh Sore | S028 ni | Deg. deform aap | a2 rin Te: igs spite 8m, (1958) j-Chem. Phra. 4, 2562 (1966). rin Near Symmetry number 3 = 3 sy | Approximate | selctea | species | No. ‘type of mode value of | Infrared | Raman Comments | frequency (Gas) | (Liquid) a: | om | Sym. stretch | 2323.4 | 2322.9 2306 by | Sym deform, 902 B | 992.1 979 e vs | Deg. stretch. 2a28B | 2327.7 | Deg. deform | mea | mes us References HR E-Wofng and bs 8 Bark ire is an agai 1S. OD. Bi None F Rotetaa ete Pate 2 eb. iden J. Cheme Bhp, 59 (5 . MeConagile and H. Hf. Nicien, J. Chem, Phys. 2, 1836 (1 MC tian Nalin and KN. Bay Ze Barocas Tone tnd 1 Mt Mil Spetrochim. Atte 2 535 0900). ri (1960). 16 Molecule: Phosphine-ds PDs No. 18 | ve | Deg. deform es ef MN sry number 8 = 3 = fern oe poeta No. aype of mode value of | Infrared | Raman | Comments oe | oe ron | Gee ) ok | Sac dem SOB | 0 A n jeg, stretch 1687 D | cr pe). nee ese soe | G8 Ratoeocs ee ee UR Respir 8 Patan dS 2 8 a, Motsule: Phosphorus eiduorile PF, No.18 Symmetry Cy Symmetry number 6 = 3 ea ; Sym. Approximate | Selcted Se] nw | Sees | Site | sannet | mane | comm |__| a {— ——— os | om | Somat | a 2 | Beane A |. | 2 [Besser ie sa References: (UR, De M Yor nd 7. F, Anderson, J: Chom. Phys. 2,624 (193 pea and fing oC ee MK Walontdad’. 4. Bolo f Chem" Bhys, 30, Tio 1 HUTh. AMC Min Seappisand BG Favers Specie Aeta 21, 965 (1965). IS}R) f'Wievin‘and'S. Abramowies, I Chem. Phys. 44 2562 (1966) Molecule: Phosphorus trichloride PCI; No.2 Symmetry Ce Symmetry number 6 = 3 sym. Approximate | Selected species | No. ‘ee of mode value of | Infrared | Raman | Comments | frequency | | Gs | aii ss | on | smarench... soc | Gor) | sto'toy | oh | Sym defor Be Be [Bree ef R | Begeatetehs 2. fc | ie [4a0) bp | Mo | Deg. dato ee | ise | 190Gb ap References GR EW pRasingah Pog Seta tomen Fee, Freforgbn Y]U-107 1 Since, 1 fiji. EW Baten Deon Nasyedees Scie aga” By) caleba 945 oe )Ru, XM'S I Stn nd 6: Favez,Spectrchin, Act 21 965 (1965) Molecule Arsine Asif No.21 Symmety Cy Symmetry number 6 Sym. —_— peas| No. otmode | value of | Infrared E Raman | Comments ffeaueney | Gem [ = a aoa | sie ‘3098 | 306.0 : 2133 B | 2129-0 ions B08 P eConagie id HH. ile, clea, 20,795 HLH Nise, 5 chem Ei 20, 1955 (1952). 1B : stow), Gone Ay 120, 261 (1920). snd C. Wer Trae. Baraday Soe 95 1506 (1985) Fay Rev. To, 65 (199), Spoctuotlin Avea 20, 929 964), Molecule: Arsine-d; ASD; No. 22 Scalsnetry Cor Sytnmetry number 6 = 3 | pprorinats | Sete Bibts| No. typ of mode value of | Infared | Raman | Comments | eqpeney | 1 wt | ct le Gs | wf [Som aan see | Py | | Sym deform aC | 660.0 e | on | Deg. stretch. |. | 1520 | 1529/3 | Bog em | ‘mec | Tae References Gl a: "ScOscaphsy ad Hei. Neues, Paya: Revs 10,032 (190), G2 RSS eE ee ies eee a Symmetry Cs inert haar Ih 3 See) wo. | Geetrmote | SSE | tateared | Raman | Comments cas, | \ a eee e lon ‘Deg. stretch. 1894 C |r| Deg: deform’ a1 | BE Aa Ce ya ss) Milly Spetcochim. Acta 20, 525 (1968) v Molecule: Stibine-d, SbD: No.2 Symmetry Gi Symmetry number ¢ = 3 Sym. Approximate Selected species | No, ‘ype of mode value of | Infrared | Ramen | Commente frequency | = ent | @o au | on | Sym. atrete, isso) 1B y2 | Sym. deform. 561C | 561.1 | | | Beg atone BC | 1362.0 | ne | Dee deform: 593 € | 30215 | References TR. W.TE Mayan and 1. Nem, Chom Page, 149 159), [A SaMtnz'sny TMs Spas, Rete 3,388 56h Molecule: Silane Silly No. 25 Symmetry ‘Ty Symmetry mamber ¢ ~ 12 ym. | Approximate Selected species | No. type of mode value of | Infrared | Raman | Comments sequeney (Gas) (Gas) } ax | a | sym. stscte, 107 auios S| A | Bog detoem 950 | ia, 904.6 | “918 W fu | om | Dog atetch, asta |" ais0:6 2 | Deg: deform up | “ou | + Obvrved inthe infra through Goris interaction with References ay B, bl t. GUIRR i) me. 5] Pr, 4 820000). rman Speciea of Plyatomic eke Phys. Hew, 62,181 (1949) “Molecules (Van Nostrand, New York, 1945), and refer. 18,1019; 1029 1962). ists 1962). Molecule: Silane-d, SUED, No. 26 ‘Symmetry | Crv Symmetry number 6 = 2 Sym. Approximate Selected species | No. ‘type of mode value of | Infrared | Raman Comments frequency : Ga) a Siff, sateetch. 219 ¢ | 2189" si 1sa7¢ | 1587 8 4B | 44 W 6B | 6.5 M a Bue | ia cru 6: 2183 | 2183 § UB | 13S b aoe | rot & 82B | 862 M Reference [1] TR-TH, JH, Meal and M. K, Wilson, J. Chem, Phys. 2,385 (1956). Molecule: Silane-d, SUED, No. 2 Symmetry Ci, ‘Symmetry number 6 = 3 Sym. | Approximate Selected species} No. | tgpecef mode valueof | Infrared | Raman Comments | | freqneney (Cas) a zigec | 21824 15BE | 15738 83 | 63S SF (Uh . asaRE |) rsa § #51B | a51S 683 C | 6838 References al at 1H, Maan MK, Win, J, Chom, Phys 2435 1956) ECW. Lovin nd WE King Chen Phye ys 1900) aL SF () h Molecule: Silane-d, Si, No. 28 Symmetry Tr | Symmetry number 6 = | : ] sym. | Approximate | Selected species | No. typeofmode | valueof | Infrared | Raman Comments | | stequncy | (Gas) a | om ‘Sym. stretch. 1558 E cr Pe oo] | Bog: detonn 0 crit fe | om Deg. stretch. 1597 B 1597 S$ m | Bee dab are | 'ear8 No.20 syn | Appensimate Selected specks} No. vel mode valve of | Infrared | Raman | Comments Semency iia a, | om | Symstreteh 200 ¢ as | | Rie detiem pate Sea w feof OM | Dee ae 1032 | war's g | 1010W Z| Deg: defor | "S008 | "Sa0's58 | "S90W References 1} IRR. E.A. Jones, J. 5, Kisy Smith, PJ, Hh. Wott and A. H, Nien, J. Chem. Pops. 1, 242 (98), He Jr ata ana'V aenspcciom, os 30 (196) Al Py, Ede Bascnpl nt Mil Speen eae, Ry ite, Ew, nian AR Sorgen Is]IRTS. XW. Lovin and S: Abvomowits Res Nat Bee Stand, (U-9),724 (Phys. and Chem.) No.3, 247-249 (960. Molecule: Silicon tetrachloride SiCl, Symmetry Ty Symmetry number ¢ = 12 . sym Approximate Selected species | No. type of mode value of | Infrared Raman Comments - | eaeney Gas) | Chiqui vy | Sym atch | ac | GO | Se vy | Deg. deform | 06 ia 150 (4) vn | Deg. stretch 621G | 62ivs | 610 (2b) n| Deg deform | 2G 21) References G)R™ Gcepbeardané em sengy freon Mata Yan Non NewYork 18 tim. Atm) Gham, Pipe a ise ss). a KY BA ng ¥ iW spose De Wests ahd: A. Woodward Pre Roy, So, (Landon) Se. ,240499(085) Bm Mad Eig: Gham: Haar i a He BY ODD: Molecule: Silicon tetrahromide _SiBr. No.3 ‘Symmetry te Symmetry number ¢ = 12 Approximate Selected No. ‘ype of mode value ot | Infrared | Kaman | Comments equeney 1 — (Gu) | iquiay a, on | Sym, stretch. 29 ja 219 (4) p. | @ | om | Deg: deform: 90.6 ia 90 (3) | fe | OM | Def etreten gre |.) aera | > | Deg, deform. Bre | : 17) | References (UR, BeTcumpy,Z, Phys. 8, 675 193) BITE.R, G: Herebetg, Infrared aod Raman Spectra of Polystomic Molecules (Van Nostrand, New York, 1945). Blk brat Loagtly Speadle, GR" Whos ana ka, woodward, kre, toy. Soe. (London), Ser. A,240, 49 (1987) Bt MM islinany Z. Phys Chom. (Frankfurt am Main) 35, 247 (1963). om ‘ 23 Molecule: Silicon tetraiodide Sif No,32 Symmetry Symmetry number ¢ = 12 Sym. Approximate Selected spree | No. BBEeFmads | Selew'ot | Taérared | Raman | Comments seuency | | guia) vy | Sym. stretch, 108.6 18 5 ec 3 Mt, bp a 403 € 403 W; dp if |e 348, | pe eee dang Poe Madham 15, 206 (195) Molecule: Germane Gat. No.8 Symmetry Ty Symmetry number ¢ ~ 12 Sym. Approximate Selected | specica | No. iype of mode value of | Infrared | Raman | Comments | seuency | | Ge | Gy ox | om | spun ste aiosn | “GO | ates p | om | Bop deem saLD | iaesto.9 | 920 Wi fo | Ro | Dee erench of ati | SHES | site Been as a ‘iguia) Observe in the infrared through Coal References Pry QR Stroy CH, Tindal, nH. H. Niue, Phys, Rew 6,161 1942) [3] H.R. iman Spocira of Palyatomic Molecules (Vi Hie Lp. (Frankfurt am Ms 5] IR. Chalmers nd D.C. MeKeut, Spectrochim. Acta Bl, 1941 (1965). i coe W Nowtrand, New York, 1945) 9,29 (1956) Molecule: Germane-d, _ GelLD No. 34 Symmetry Civ Symmetry number ¢ = 3 = eee sone | | Siiis| No. ‘type of made alae | Totrred | Raman Comments | -queney { | j we (Gas) (Gas) | | 7 ee ond Ge eine ae cb lies oe ane lenge . ene nae) (anaala ace nee) | | 2 | Saas Pecans — ee Bia, ER Heimann § Weed Gen ee 2 Oy ae eens or a ee 7 —F Sym. | ‘Approximate Selected Coed a eee ee oe ee | | i | a | Palas ape | §8 : oe ee : ae eae lee me} a | ae 7 | 8 |e | c cae {2 fe ealenee i foe | Tho | = Molecule: Germane-d; _ GeHD; No. 36 Symmetry Cir Symmetry number ¢ = 3 ym ieee wae fesen)| SNuaee| species | No. ‘ype of mode value of | Infrared | Raman | Comments frequency | (Gas, | (Gas) a | oy | Goth teetch ae | atid ri | GeDs stretch 15088 | 1508 vs | GeDs sadeform. 00000001) 5956 | 595 | «| 8 | God, aestroteh vg | 1a | me | Gell'bend Toa | 703.3 | v4 | GeDs dedeform. | 5G | 625 -K. Wilton, J. Chem. Phys 2, 1728 (1958), Wilson 2. Phys: Cham. (Feankfurt am Maia) 9,29 1956), Molecules Germane-ds _ GeD, No.3? Feet Te yet ey umber & = 12 | ] Sym. Approxima ected | splat 90. yeti Sa | antearea | aman | Comments frequency (Gas) ‘Gor ve | Sym. stretch. ..0.0...6,] 1504 665 (IRR. 1.P, Lindeman and M, K, Wilson, Z: Phys: Chom. (Prankfurt am Maia) 9,29 (1956). 26 Molecule: Germanium tetrachloride GeCl, No. 38 eee ee Sz) vo, | ARNE | SEE | samara | maman | commen fae (Liquid) ; be | Deg. deform. - Bec ft 134 6) | 2 | Bekee te Bo a ee oh ea oe Amer. Chem. Soe, $4, 3917 (1932). (UR: Bo ag eh Ssptsedeebink WSR, Sih Rewitadeasd ee oy. soe, ondon), Ser A 280,499 UL) BB: tag, PVSSpeacer De site: Gqmaaiom brome Ge so. Sa Eni ete Cy om] a Sel sw | SERRE |S | carat | ame | commen nee | | Go | a lon 2a5.c om? | Toc [} R. D.A, Long, T. V, Spencer, D.N. Waters, and L. A. Woodward, Proc. Roy. Soe. (London), Ser. A, 240, 499 (1987). ro Molecule: Tin tetrachloride SnCl, No. 40 Symmetry Ty Symmetry number 6 = 12 ] ] Sym. Approximate Selected species) No ‘type of mode valu of | Infrared | Ramen Comments | pams iid ax | oo | Sym aren soc | in | Senlts} e | om Si] owe | ia | t08 Gy fh a 403 C 403 (6) nm | mc | 1346) Amer. Cha So, 4 3917 ats, sad'L- Xe Wosdward, Pv: Roy Soe. (London), Ser. As 260, 499 (1957). Molecule: Tin tetrabromide _ SaBri No.4 Symmeny tr Symmetry number ¢ = 12 Approximate Selected | pyr of mode value of | Infrared | Raman ‘Comments fequeney | = Liquid ax | n| Sym cteoteh soc | ie | St) | ot | Blog: deform ac | is 61.) fe vs | Deg. stretch. 29 279 (3) | Be aa BE | 88 References, YR. B. Trumpy, Z. Phys 68,675 (1931), El Be ROR REDS gat Wei Mnkisn J Asner. Chow, Sae, St 2917 (992). [5] RB.A. Long, Ve Spencer, D-N. Water, and EA Woadward, Pros. Rey. Soe, (London), Ser, A, 240,499 (1957). 8 Molecule: Silyl fluoride _ SHELF No. 42 Sree ten gy ttey number = 3 j | . Approinate | Seed Sm) no | faba | Saeed | teed | naman | comments | frequency q | { | } (Gas) boa | om zzu0 D | 2200 . UY a. fom 990C | 90 Ss | | oe. | SiBL rock. | 728B | 728.1M ‘ie hal wont wa somtdaate hy Duna on te baie ofthe data of Newanan oa (I. Mian oD chm. Digm , 886 1956. 1964). Spectre. Acta 20, Molecule: Silyl chloride __SiHCL No. 43 Symmetry Cy, Symmetry number ¢ = Sym. Approximate Selected species | No. {ype of mode value of | Infrared | Raman Comments frequency | { t (Cas) ax | on | Sifts watcotcb z201D | 2201 OY 6. x | Sify deform: 49D | “949 by | SiCl steetch Ss1C | 551 $ | St | Sint ectetorn 398 B | ats | | Sits rook cote | coho References Ly TR. A. Monfls, J, Chem, Phys. 19, 138 (1950) TR Al Monti, €. B. 236, 795 (1953), B]IR. C. Newman, j.K. O'Loane, S. R. Polo, and M. K. Wilson, J. Chem. Phys. 25, 855 (1956). TH) Te SCN Spectrochim” sees 20, 1007 OD. ide SiHBr ‘Symmetry number é = 3 sym. | Approrimas | Selected | fama) mn | Aram | SME | ned | oman | cman eee ea feemency | | po t t t | | p= | | a, | on | Si satretch 200 D | ov oo | ft | Sift sdeform 9306 | me | Sede ioc | | |) 8 | Sat Seas | 266 | | me | SHER d-detorm | “950 8 | | ve | Sid | ose | | ee | | References [i] I. DW. Mayo, HE, Opite, and J 8, Peake, J. Chom. Phys. 28, 1344 (1958). II TR. C Newman, Toi. O'boanoy 5. Polo. and MLK. Wilon, J. Chem. Pays, 25, 855 (1956) B) TK 1-1SBonot,Specuocim’ Acta tir 198i! Molecule: Bromorrichlorosiiane _ StBxC, No. 45 Symmetry Ca Symmetry number 6 = —T a po oe T sym, Approximate Selected | species | No. ‘ype af m value of | Infrared | Raman | Comments | | frequency | | a, | nm _ | SiCh sateeteh Mh) Site Sreteh vs | SiCls s-deform e mi | SiC deatretch hy | SiC rock 205 M, dp | 189 Map | | Pe | SIC; dedeform: References 1M. I. Delwaslle, M.B. Buieet, and ME Delbaye, J. Amer. Chem. Soe. T4, 5768 (1952). MEL Dalwale J Buys. Chem. 86, 355 (1952 YY! Kabluchi, Ball: Chem. Soe. Japan 26, 260 (1953) 30 Molecule: Trichloroiodosilane _ SiCLL No. 46 Symmetry Ce Symmetry number ¢ = 3 | | | =a sym. | Approtimats | Selected SXiss| No. ‘Weotmods | valuoot | Infared | Raman | Comments mon equeney | fea | a | on [Sihesmeb | spe wee n | Sistah. | see SOS F | 7 | Sich edefora 19 ¢ 19 Sir © | M | Sich dsteeteh oan € 00 W: bp ns | Seneares bre tor Wea 6 SiCl; d-deform. 123.C | 123 M, dp | | References Seno. 45 Molecule: Teibromochlorosilane _SiBr:C1 No.4? Symmetry Ge Symmetry number # = 8 Sym, Approximate | Selected Jee) ne | Agree J | soos | some | commen | | - | | - a | om | SCh atone 519 | | Sie setetch ban € | | Sit edetom: ic - | 2 seas. ae m | Sis 1.acioem ise . & | Siead mie 10M dp References See Novis 31 Molecule: Chlorotrliodosilane _SiCII, No. 48 Symmetry Cr Symunetry number ¢ = 8 j T | Sym. Ay imate | Selected specs aypeofmode | value of | Infrared | Raman | Comments frequency | a | on ssc ” BoC n mc e me 4c 4 We n 3 I Reforonoes See Nou45. Molecule: Dibromodiehlorosilane _ SiBr.Cle No. 49 Symmetry Cy, Symmetry number @ = 2 Z T 7 Sym. Approximate Selected specs | No. ype of mode value of | Infrwred | Raman | Comments foqueney | a vx | SiCly s-stretch. 363. C | 563M, p Be | SiBre weteeteh. 0000.0] 3266 2) 926 8p mi | Sick st 12 € 1RS'p % [spas ie TL isp fafa al eicle cosas mc | iM, fo | Sich asteet 605.6 603 W. Bp ” SiCh rock... DIE 191 VW be | | Berens | 500.6 So Wrap v» | SiBrs rock. | ™ Cc 174 W, dp, Roforonoes seo No. 32 folecule: Sulfur hexafluoride No. 50, bs Symmetry Oy Symmetry number 6 = 24 m. Approximate | Selected poses | No. @foatmode | valveot | Infrared | Raman | Comments | frequency (Gas) om || a stot mu maavs fe |b | Deg. stretch 612 B ona W fe | ms | Deg: stretch 548.C ja | Deg. deform 616 G ia Jon | a | Beg deform... 525 6 as Ww Se | om | Dee deform. | MIE ia 0€ (re) [3]. Taferemoes ny TR. 8, Abramowitr and I. W. Levin, J. Chem Phys 358 196), Wii, Mmetcrt te Shem A a a tra he ple eer d ome ee ire 1 Ol) dtr ote Molecule: — Selenium hexafluoride — SeF. No. 51 Sect Sa oy mise 6 = 24 Sym. Approximate Selected send nw | agme [stats | taewet | mana | commen | frequency | (Gas) (Gas) Be | etree wre | GP | ass ge | | Bee: strech 9B is | ostw | fiw | on | Dog. stretch 780 C ja | me ‘Deg. deform 487 ia fo vs Deg. deform 405 C 405 W |p )ieden se BY lease | References el QR" Bissesarsy ySiterper acre ha SAP aL Gli aE aig a bg com Pua 90 OTD, 33 Molecule: Molybdenum hexaftuoride MoF, No. 62 Symmetry Oy ‘Symmetry number é = 24 Sym. Approximate Selected species | No. type of mode yalue of | Infrared | Raman Comments frequency Ga, au | m1 | Sym. stretch | wR 141.5 V5, p ey | om | Deg. stretch, | 6528 651.6 W, dp fia | om | Dog. stretch. mc | va1vs ia m | Dog. deform. 2646 | 2648 fe | me | Dog. doform aie is W, dp. fu | om | Deg. deform 16 E ja ia? | 0C Gro BL Retorannee Q)IRR. H.H. Classen, ‘Chem, Phys. 36, 2888 (1962) BUIRR. Weber tnd GT Goodman, Alvan: Chom. Pps 9, 10) (90) and efron td ther. GB)” HLH Claassen, G. L. Goodman, J. H. Holloway, and Hi. Selig, J. Chem. Phys. 58, 341 (1970). Molgeule: Tungsten hexafluoride WE, No. 53 Symmetry “Or ‘Symmetry number ¢ = 24 Sym. Approximate Selected species | No. ‘ype of mode value of | Infrared | Raman Comments frequency (Gas) (Gas) Cll a stretch. mB ia | 77.03, my Gs stretch. ome 627.2. Wed fw ” stretch. 712 C 712 VS ia ” deform: 258C | 2588 ia fin | deform 3206 ja [320 Wydp Fo | deform. 17 E 7 in?) OC Grd (2h References [R1M.R.—D. 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Phve. 3. 34 (1970), Moleculs Diborane “BH, No. 55, Symmetry Du Symmetry number ¢ = 4 se) a | arm: |S | ml species No, | type ofmode value of | Infrared | Raman | Comments frequency (Gas) (Gas) ay | om | BEE wserech astro | “Sa” | assr'ys bs | Ring stretch noc | is | anos >) | Bir scia peters 1156 c fa 1186 M me | Ring deform asc | ia | “8168 a. | i | BiStwine ase | in te sa buy | ne | Bing stretch wesc |" ia | 1108 w ” BH: wag. 850 E ia . OC (rr + vu). ow | OR | ut xR abs & |anze" ys [ia Po BH; rock... 955 E 7 o ia CF (9). Po | Ring puckering.-.. 3086 | 3088 ia by | mm | BHewateetchs 2640 E | ia” | 2640'W,b mi | BH rete bee feceso RE Eta OC Grn +0) 16) bs | min | Ring stretch. | 19208 |/ 1982 Mi)" ia FR (y+ vin) 992 W)| onc | or s OLE ia 2528 | 2528 Vs 1606 | 1606 VS usié | usi v3 cre 3 hg sem Pe ‘pegs Roy. Soc. (London), Ser. Ay 183, i ate Soe. (London), 188,857 (1945) Ghee. 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OC (10 + m2). ig | 38 | Ming’ steetc WE |p aeeP mV Ga {a9 Wy |/ vu | BULs wag... orc [93 S$!) ia toe | oie | BEG twist wre | ia” | 1012) ap, i | oe | BHseatreich 35256 | 2525 vs) "ie ya | Ring deform: 1602 | 1602 VS) ia oo | BH seis uc | um vs) ia ‘Observed very weakly and alo confirmed by combination bands. References See No.5. 37 Molecule Diborane~d, "B.D, No. 87 Symmetry Ds Symmetry number & Sym. | Approximate Selected species | Nou ‘ype of mode value of | Infrared | Reman | Comments frequency iauid) a, | | BDysstretch 1860 E (1880 VS, p|)FR @r.). USS8 S Ring stretch we | ie | IHS BDs sei sc | ia ing deforin moe | ia Bots, p a BDs ti 52D | ssevw | “ia bur | me | ine stretch wae | ia | Bre) ao | BDr weg a0 E 06 +m). due | | BDy astreteh 1999 | wo9vs | Ga | | BDstock.. 705 E in [OC +n. on | ine guekering aoc | 368 NF i [bey | a | BBS Steet wo80E | Ta | 2978» a | (zon (6) | riz | BD: rock : WOE | ia 06 (on +) |. | oh] ing stret vss | (1498 a] Pe OP | | /\1459 Ms ne | BD: wag | rec | mas ia be | ons | BD: owise 706 | ia 730 (4) dp be | ne | BDs stretch | isc |fagstys |) “ia FR (0s + on), | ds99 8) |} ry | Ring deform, | osc | 20s ¥s | ia ru | BDsse. | are | evs | in | “Obseried very weakly and alto confemed by combination bande, References “ J, T, Now and KS. Plas, J. Chem, Phy. 1, 1007 (1989), fale, HG Leetiad E, Nhe Gham. ja 9 98h an dR, Emegy, Spectrochim Acts 10,819 (1950). LTR BOgand and Miytenens Sfectockin Acie ah 2% C196, 38 islerules Carbon dioxide, C0, No. 58 Melgvominetry Da. 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Ay ate Selected | species | No. typeofmode | value of | freaveney Comments ost | on | Sym. stretch...) 658.8 REIN). g97B 1535 B References Ly RR. sat, Spt of Polytomie Molcles (Van Nostrand New York, 194). fi. Dill, J Res, Na. Bur, Stand. (U-.), 664 (Phys and Cbem.) 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Bend. 342 A RP [2]. | OR | Brewer, | HE | | ee sac FB Nn Che Pg 2 1085) ad eee “GoMaks Sad GT, Gave fe Chere Phan 86,2382 0003) Aan Burs Sole GO, oe No. 67 egg brome cu nauber 9 = 1 a | | | 22E.| we | Samer |] Steed | sanarat | naman | commence ae Gas) | (Liquid) elon stretch ayea | 2198.3 | 3Ir 7 rates | ena saa | 33 | 337 | RPE) ol oO | Be? | 8 References serrate Molecules Furmaldchyde 1LCO No. 68 Symmetry “Cx Symmetry number ¢ = 2 — ——— - = en ao eel species | No, ‘ype of mode value of | Intrared | Raman | Comments | frequency _| f 7 ~ (Gu) | Gas) on ry | CH sestreteh, .| 27834 | 2782.58 | 2781.68 Ro | Cokieun sn oo! Tae | Trao't¥s | iiaz's Ww n 1500 A | 150018" | 14997 M a lon 2ea3 A | Beis! VS | 2866" W % 1249 4 | 1249'18 bs ” | tera | 1107.3 5 | | | | References Re BRO ei ot | Ree Gopi a ome BIT HCE Bla fed HL HE Nc. Mik iar ost | He, K-B. Maroy and JF, Opvie, Con J, Chem 1 85 (1962). fh MR, T!Nakagana, He Ruse H Rasary snd 4: Morio, J. 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Vs n T06€ | 1106.0 8 | & | om | 2160 | 2160:3 Vs fe | “os0€ | “990°2 § Jo | om S38E | 938 8 Molecule: Methane CH, No. 71 Symmetry Ty Symmetry number 6 = 12 | sym. | “Approximate Selected | species | No. aft mode value of | Infeared | Ramon | Comments en teqeeney | | em | ot } (Gas) (Gas) Fo | om | Som. steeteh gota | ia 217.0 | | on | Beg deter: TMA finds | 1588-6 Loh | | Deg stretch a0 |" a018.9| 3010'S, | | Deg: deform: 1306 C 1306.2 ~ Observed in the nrazed trough Cail interaction with > 5] References mg xd a Raman Speen ot Plyzomle Moecles (Van Nosand, New York 195) Bi wa EK, Bier Jobe Pye a2 ae) ae M HL, Web Can, J By 8, 1591196) ae oF Sth Sl, Specne 1, #8 (8), IB IR, Jc Heeane PMtveio aud: Cane, Mab Spt. 1206 (900). 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Molecule: Carhon tetrachloride Clk No. 77 ‘Symmetry Ty ‘Symmetry number ¢ = 12 = ene ] specica| No, ‘ype of mode value of | Infrared | Raman Comments frequency (Gas) | _ iiquia) ay | on | Sym.streteh. 459.¢ ie ise. 70) © ” Deg. deform. . 217 ii 217.0 (7) dp| fejon T6E {8 Ys [100.4 (4) dp)\FR (1+ »0. 768 VS |261:7 ) dp) ” sic |! 409.9. W [313/5 (9) ap) | | | ‘anyuiay cn of Payee Males (Van Nostra, New Yer, 19) ue fe Se a Git RAPA Siento Mis Pad panh nba. SR Frontier eed ae ao 8 KYB: A"Tiner'b.'C. Miner and-A: G."Thomas, Proc. Roy. Soe. (London), Se. Ay 240, 499 (1957), Mello cron ee ahi eh Molecule: Carbon tetrabromide No. 78 ‘Symmetry Te Symmetry number ¢ = 12 | Approximate ecto iype of mode aloe of | Infrared | Raman | Comments frequency (Benzene soln.) ax | on | Sym ctrotah 2616 ia | 267 @ | i | Deg. deform Wwe i | 122 Go dp Se | om | Deg: stretch o2¢ | evs | oma) ap bv | Deg. deform 182 ¢ vf 2) ap oie Molly (Van Nowa, New York, 194. Tem. Phys, 8, 26 (930, Bes. WHS $y 903 (1950), M2097 ss Pros: Roy. Sot. (London), Ser. Ay 240, 49 (1957). Molecule: Carbon tetraiodide Cl, No.79 ‘Symmetry Ts ‘Symmetry number 6 = 12 yO Approximate _|_ Selected ‘ype of mode value of | Infrared | Ramen | Comments srequency Gola) | Sota) a | on gD ia 138 00) ae 90D ia 90 (4) Be | aw | we) “| $35D 533 VS {naw = Ceyeal Go nping, Reference (IRR, HL Stammeich, Y. Tovares, and D. Bass, Spectrochim. Acts 1, 661 (1961). Molepnles — MethyHinaride CHAP No. 80 Sraser gC eam ecco - . em. | as eS aiia| on | atraci | Stet | tataet | naman | commas | cane | | a lon CH; s-stretch, 2930 EB FR (205). loom CH; s-deform. 1464 A 2 | Gian wet |e Serta, 3 A 2 Ghat at janes 1a — 1) IR. K.P Yates and LW, Nien, Pye, Rev: 1, $49 (194, | HR: J:Dicvworts ena HW Thompuen Bre Rey. Soc (Eon), Sens Ay 232, 48 (1954) Be eA Andean Ralsand S Rigen Joan Rin 909 0986) IS]IR. E,W. Jones, E-J-L, Popplewell, aud HW. Thompeons Pros: Roy. Soe. (London), Ser. Ay 290, 490 (1966). Molecule: Methylfluoride-d;_— CDF No. 81 Symmetry Ci, ‘Symmetry number 6 = 3 Sym. Approximate Selected species | No. type of mode value of | Infrared | Raman ‘Comments | frequency | Gas) a: | nm | CD, stretch 2N0E |f 3090 |) FR (v5). 2150 |f vy: | CD, sdeform 1136.4 1136 vy | CR atretch 01 A 01 e vm | EDs d-streteh. 2258 A 2258 vm | CDs d-deform. 1072 4 1072 vm | ED, rock. 908 A 903 References UTR J, Prekor See. (Landon), Ser. A, 222,443 (195 ni. W. Thompson, Pro. Hoy. Soe (London), Ser. A, 290,490 (196). Molgeule: ., Methylehloride || CHCl No. 82 ‘Symmetry ‘Symmetry number ¢ = 3 = - - Som. Approximate Selected . species | No, ‘type of mode value of | Infrared | Raman Comments, frequency ip = aa (Gas) | (Liquid) a: | on | Cisatreteh aor |a967 8 a 20554, [eR cr. | '3g70.98 M) 286 M re | Cll seform asss a | 1854°9° 8!) 1310 Vw, p| mi | Gch swete ma | 32.1 § | t00 Vs. | © | oh | CHL datretck 2039 Blaine § [aos ede | FR nd 6,0, | 2-75 § |! nu | CB d-deform ase. a |'H883°P Btl'1046 w, ap | CHa rock, | wa | wr 3M aoe Wap | References BJ Nagoen,Z Phos Gh Ban, 36 0038, Bl Tk. F Pikworth and H.W: iy. Sg, Lando) Sere 23,48 0950 He Wed Rings tM Nt “Ge Phys 37,455 1984), Le Yaonaolind } Nakamors, Bal: Cem, Soe” ae pa i, 8 (0) FE Wefan 1 Rone ind Tuogpaons Speci. Acta 22,69 0906) TR. AG Maki and R. Thawte J. Chem. Phys 48, 2168 0 iL Mi. Morilon:Chapey and G. Grane, J. Mal Spectro. 31,135 (1969). 1] TR. 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FR (+ oes me | CH rook. sana | 4 M References ‘and B. Crayford, Jr. J. Chem. Phys. 275435 (1951) fl Te. W.7. King, TM. Mi I “i, W.'Thompron, Broc Roy” Soe. (London), Set, Ay 2 50 (1965). Bi mm Bunt amaray Ball, Chen Se, Japan 38 868) ae Sy Fememtgr- Mol Spurs a 94 1967. shan "Bivona, fMol Specuose 28,302 Goo}. Molecule: Methyliodide-ds CDI No. 87 Symmetry Ci ‘Symmetry number 6 Sym. Approximate | Selctod | species | No. | ‘ype of mode value of | Infrared } Raman Comments | fequency a | ny | CDy stretch 21305 #K Gra. ny | CDy deform =| 951A me | CLatretel SOL A e | om | copa‘streteh. 2245 A bs | Dy dedeform. 2200002.) 1049 4 . [| % | 6dr rock 6564 | 655.9 Referene UTR WT King LM. Mil nd Beato JJ. Chem. Ph 7 jones, R. JL, Popplewell end 1. W. Tlaompeon, Prac fut Mongo suo wavaetlre"Buit Chem, Soe ple Bh g5 UB)’ HTC KL W!'Peteron Snd TH Edwards, J Mol Spectrosc, 28,1 (1971) 21, 485 1957). oy, So. (London), Ser. A, 28%, 39 (1965). 53 Molecuie: Intiuoromethane Uti No. 88 Symmetry Cry Symmetry number 6 = 3 Sym. Approximate Selected | | species | No. ‘ype of mode value of | Infrared | Raman Comments, frequency | | (Gas) (Liquid) CH stretch 3036 | anges | 3062 8'p Fy sustretch ii € 7 VS. p GR; sedeform 7006 |" 700M || 697 Sp . ea [ie | RM [25 | GP, d-stretch ma2G | Tavs | 1160 W, CP) dedeform sovG | 507M | 508 VS,.dp i a i References A] Me Hey Meme and: Hear. I.E Phe 16 99 D4), 2) R,” D-H. Nank, E. He Shall aad Ee i sid 885 0950, Bit Rae aw eae bessaceem gas Molecule: ‘Trichloromethane _ CHCh No. 88 ‘Symmetry ‘toe Symmetry number 6 = s Sym. Approximate Selected, species | No. ‘ype of mode value of | Infrared | Kaman Comments frequency | | (Gas) | (Cas) joa | om | Ci streten. suse | sos M | 3050'W | be | EClysstreteh 208 | 630" S| “ors jm | CC SMetorm: 563 | 360 363 M | ‘liquid) . 1220B | 1219.7 VS} 1217 W | CCh desteetch 4B | 774.0 VS| 760W | ECE ddeform’ 261B | 260 261 W | E, Ward, J. Chem, Phys, 10, 81 (1942). #, Cleveland, J, Chem, Phys, 19, 119 (2951), “US Yaron, Opt Spectro 9,81 L901) & Mckinney Amer Chem, Soe 33,1881 4951). Molecule: Trichloromethane-d; CDCl No. 90 ae im ] ee ee fetal on | Spratt | Sd | as | mae | com | frequency (Gas), (i v 659 B 658.5 S an Pp ” 369 C 366 W | 369 (9) p os ye | CCl dedeform: 2... 262 C (liguia) me | COlsdestretch | 9B | 148.5 VS | 735 (2) 20° W |ae% Bl fii, YR Afsdigin.# Freeland 18,1001 1950) AH Te Metts MG Fe BRE Bstaaremptiass Molecule: Tribromomethane CHB, No. 91 Symmetry Gy Symmetry number & = 3 7 Sym. Approximate Selected speees| No. ‘ype of mode value of | Infrared | Raman | Comments | trequency | Ga) | ai a | on | Cttetetch sown | obatee pote) | 2 | CBr estreich SHB | 'siiM |'540(8) p } | | ear eteform | 233.¢ 222 (10) e | ox | CHtbend na9B | iidd VS 1143 @)’ bp | = |giet cs | & |aemce 55 Molecule: — Tribromomethane-d; CDBr; No. 92 ‘Symmetry Civ ‘Symmetry number ¢ = Se] nw | Amerie | Seed | co | naman | comme | aaa rq aa ) aiquia) | ciquiay wn lemma cccccl zane | SNe | ai | Spam ne | SY |S | She ate bet € ”% CD bend. 850 D 858 VS 856.5 (3) Pe (os + 4). 644. VS 840 3) CBr; d-streteh. 632 C 632, VS | 628.5 (5) » | Sree #88 | 259 — Bie ee St ang er ent a matin, Teams | eae ammeamnte | S| set | nam | Commun frequency aia aes | 23:3 00) B BS fs:3.0) 9 bae'0 &) an 193.3.) oy e | om | Ch dsteetch | CBr bend | me | €Cly dedeform References AT ER: Zton, FF Geen. and, G, Meir, J. Chem Phy: 1076 1950. UHR ReMi and FF Cling Coem, Bia 15-09 Ge) I] TIC ELK. Plyler and W.. Benedict, 1. Ror. NBS 4, 302 (951), RP 324 56 Moleenle: _‘Tribromochloromethane _ CBnCl No. 04 Symmetry Cr ‘Symmetry number ra. Approximate Selected | ecco] No | typeofmote value of | Tnfrared | Raman Comments frequency | | (CSch, | (Cale, CL soln) soln.) a, | on | CCletroteh, me | tars | usa) (CS; soln.) v2 | CBr stretch .. 3296 | 330°" | 526 (10) p (CH, soln) ru | Gs edeforta. = 2106 210.00 8 e | oH | CBr disteetch oC | 65S" | oT) dp (C8: soln.) x | CCl bend mE |. crt). He | Dry dade mic | iG) ay References Cleveland, J. Cham. Phys 8,346 (1950), st, Js, NS iy 305 (1950), KP2067. ‘Delbeyec I: Amer. Chem, Soe, 7 3768 (982). -Reupp, £3 Fetoglr and As Weber, J Cem. Phys 4, 385 (0050). Molecule: Dichloromethane CHCl, No. 95 ‘Symmetry Cor ‘Symmetry number é = 2 7 Sym. Approximate Selected | specica| No. aype of mode value of | Infrared | Raman Comments | frequency ent ont (Gas) | (Gas) a | on 2999B | 2999" M [2096 "'S. p * 467 | det W [1430.1 Wip * TMB | Tt M713" sp ve | CC sis 282B | 384 | 281.5 Mop guid) a | om | CHa twiee, usp |. 3a iss yw Ho] oo | GH; atch: a (igus v1 | CH rock. } sp | g9f7M | 93 vw be | on | CH wae. 1268 B | 68 S265 liquid) my | CCly asteeteh.. 7588 | 158 VS “in te spectrum of iquid CHCl, weak band is found a 1156 cu, which may be anigned ton References f) RHE, Welsh, M.F. Crawford TR. Thomas, and C. R. Love, Can. J- Phys. 80, 877 (1982). | 1K. T Shimanove ana ts Samak, J: Mok Spectre 222 902) GIIRR, FE: PalmayE. Av PlowovekS, Sundafam, aod F.F. Covland, J. Mol. Spectro. 1, 119 (1964). 81 Moleenle: — Dichloromethane-d,__ CHDCh, No. 96 Symmetry Cy Symmetry number é = 1 Sym, Approximate Selected species | No. type of mode value of | Infrared | Raman Comments, frequency (Gas) | (Liquid) a | om | CH etreteh 3o24B | 3024 | 3019 M, p | ee | GD severe: | a2i9B | 2249 | 3246 M. | | Cit bend. NUNN) 1ae2p | a2 | 1276 | bs | ED bend. mec | 78 | T9W.p iguia) os | Cl estretch, 2B | (62 | 6928,p me | CCl seis 283 B | 283 M. a” | oy | Cit bend 1293.4 |" 1393.9") aaa1-V vs | ED bend. | “904 | 89:8 | 886 VW | Get sures 8B | 138 | 723. W,ap] References fi] TR. T, Shimanoeli and I. Sueuki, J. Mol. Spectrose 8 222 (1962). (atin, EMPASOSEL ATH Sosa & Maharani, a. spect. 8,319 196) Molecule: Dichloromethane-d; CDCl; No. 97 Symmetry Cy ‘Symmetry number 6 = Sym. Approximate Selected pe No. type of mode value of | Infrared | Raman ‘Comments frequency (Gan) | iguiay a] on 2203 | 2208'W | toa M, ” 1052 D | 1052 VW" p n 7B | “eaTM | 677 Vs,p mn 282 C 282 8, a | } eae f° ia) 36 WA i |) Dp atreteh | 2301 | a30¢ | 2304 VW (liquid) nm | CDerock.... 12D eae OY (»). | | oprmag 2) Ser [serve me | CC estreteh 002] 7B | wTvs | T16w * Calaated fom prodtnt re WIR. T, Sbimanouehi and. Sueuki, J. M BIRR, FL Re Palme Fs 4" Bltrowet Sy Spectrosc, 8, 222 (1963). (Pre Si Clowns. 1 Mol. Spectrur. 1, 10 1960. 58 Molecule: Dibromomethane — CH.Bry No, 98 Spmmmenry Cor pees eee . = : : Approximate Selected | No | plat mode Salveot | Infrared | Ruma | Comments sequency (Gas) (Gas) ay | on | CHesstreteh 3009¢ | soos | sone (i) ve CH, seis, 1382 C 1382 VW) 1402 (0). | Gr setreteh, sec | ‘Seat | ‘30 cop | CBr: seis. 169 C : 169 (10) a: | oo | Cie twin. 1093 D ia | «1005 S[k | Cs actrees 3073. | 3073 VW] “3064 B | CHE rock a8 | “8M | ssi bt, | om | CHa wag 1195B | 1195 Vs | +1194 [om _| Ca esteth 653B | 653.8 | 640 (0) er ape em. 8 08 199), Tidal tad Rate Bye Madi 75 rt Nests) Hen NBS tts 26 190) RPa nba ad "Clon J Ce Py 1y 365 C68). Molecule: Dibromomethane-d: _ CHDBr: No. 99 Spmmenry Ce Symmexry number 6 = 1 a | Sym. Approximate Selected | species | No. aype of mode value of | Infrared | Raman Comments frequency | em em—* | (Ge) | ciguiay @ | om | cHatreteh sowe | aoiow | 3020 VW, p v2 | CD stretch nD | OW 2265 We) | igi) | CH dena wae | GI'W | 1239 Ww, p | CD bend. qe | 120W | 702 Mp | CBr eetreich. S03¢ | “68VW) 561 Sep or 120 Tap J" Cit bend uisiB | “iiss Vs CD bend. 438 B | ‘evs | as vw. ap CBrz a-streteh, 632 B 632 VS | 623 W, dp References AUR. RS. Dennen, E. A. Piotrowaki. and FP. Cleveland. 1. Chem. Phys. 48,4485 (1968) 59 Molecule: Dibromomethane-d: _CD,Br: ‘Symmetry Cor ‘Symmetry number ¢ = | \ Sym. Approisnate Selected spoie| No. ‘ype of mode aloe of | Infrared | Raman | Comments eeney | 5 | dbs) |, feo [ieee coeeecerss o| snee | aan'® laut’ | no | eBid 2) 036 | 7036" floae Wb | iguid) no | CBryestreteh.. ss9c | ss | 551 ,p pale ensseee iD tail ae | | Ge ewist 120) wD {is | om | CDs actreteh wee | asa [ts va? al | Dero sp | “@sys [aio vw | on | oDiweg : Sop | Sor YS | 903 Wr ap B | Ope eis, oe 612 ME dp quia) References wR. Teypas Z Pag 100 250 080), Bian, R-PWRRCEMT AMIS tet n . clevtana, J. Chem. Phys 49, 4885 196 Molegwles —Tiihgamadiahlgramethane RRC. No. 101 Spimmety Co Syanmetey number # = 2 i Sa ae ] sym. | Apronimate Selerted re ee aaron orae eed | reeeeett |G eeeett | e tceeerens ae | | Giqwiay | _igiay ax | on | Cet streten aac | “asvs | aed) p 2 | Gite Sateen ame | aw | indy h | Geir 2c 22) b | GBs ses “) Ate 154) ae | om | Getter. 7 Ese | Va |13@) fp Bob | eee thos Ree | oa'vs | die G) B | CC wage 0c | B36) o be | OR | Colt aetench woe | wavs | 710) ap Jom | ec rook U) ase [220 op References Hy ER RDM goa § Beste Je NS 47,202 (95), BP 246, Plite 1 Pi Chocalandy end AoC. Meister, J Chome Phe 20, 454 (1952) 0 Molecule: Bromachlaramethane _ CHBrCl No. 102 Symmetry C, ‘Symmetry number ¢ = j | | | " | Approximate Selected | | openca| No. aype of mode value of | Infrared | Raman | Comments frequency | Ge» | aqua) | a | on | CHL estretch soos. a | 3003'S | 2886 Mr, Th | Git ec yee | eiaea we | 1410 Mp | CH: wag | wap | “sis | 1229 wip | CChatrete Lu] “tp | Tavs | 73M p rs | CBr atretel ou | 64S | 606S,p me | CDsChacs 229.6 209 8p a | om | CH avstreteh 30668 | 3066'W | 3055 Nap | CH twist HoeG | te | sow | ny | CHL rock sop | ‘32'W | ow | "Te corzespondng feqency in the Lig sat i found at 407 cnr This band may be aged to the overtone of the cca eting acne, een en cae oi References WIR, AK, Piles I, Angi, Tes, NS. 4,508 950), 097. Bite. CW Ty val J Chm, 1 930 (15 Bie aie 4 yates enfin. Sonaram, A Petro wm ot 2 : Molecule: Bromochloromethane-d, _ CHDBrCl No. 103 ‘Symmetry G. ‘Sommetry number = 1 ] j Sym. Approximate Selected Se) ma | re | SEE | eat | maa | commen | | srequency | a | | Ci stretch 3031. a 5 | sors | | cD otreteh 2252 aM 2246 8. p | on | cethena mac | BOS) | 1204W,p | | ‘igquid) | CH bend. nae | tM | v9. [| om | @Dhend co) WBBM] Wane me | CD bend...) mu6B | 6W | 743 vW | om | Get stretch mB | ms | 707M p [2 | Chir atreteh are | aw | ssn |B | eect BE BOSD | Reference D)IRE. A. Tonka, KV, Nersimbam, A. G, Meise, M. Dewiing: FE Cleveland, Sunderam, B.A. Botow. x. ‘ski, I'S, Bernatein, and 8-1. Miller, . Mol. Spectro. 15,319 (1965), a Molegule: Bromochloromethane-ds — CDsBe41 No. 104 Smee Symmmetey number 8 = sym. Approximate | Selected | | lots) No | yeatmole | salcat | Tnfared | Raman | Comments | | frequency { f | | (Gas) suid) | me [ere eamateh soma, | 32 | oAe®, | | CDs sci 1050B | 1050 W 1032 Mp vs | CDs wag | 936B | 9368} 922 Wip ) vs | CCl stretch 711B ais 702 Mp. [oc ema wn | ws | gaat! | | epecics Boe Best a | OM | ebpaateeh SE HHS 35 Why | CDs twist, sus | ‘sw | sooW,ap| { | fy | CDs rock, 667 C | 668.W | 667 W, dp | | Giquid) Reference see No.8 Molecule: Formic acid _ HCOOH Spmmnetey Ee symmetry number #1 r eee —— eee | Sym. | Approximate | Selected } | [Szm.| xo | ARETE | Sek | rasa | manan | Comments | ‘frequency | ] = e (Gas) @ | on | ottareten 5n0D mo) Gt sera Bis ¢ me) a gaete yee CH bend. 1387 C x | Olt hen bb ¢ mead | Tos € ™ | Sco dare ae e w | % | ited 1033 € | 3 | Seni eee References fp] YZ Wine J chm roe 28 28 on RIE GM. Sein, Boia sk SSH Bh, St Gs, (4) TR LX. cea eRe A 5. 478 (1956), Bien, ce MIRAI CORPS it 1s sen, LMC Sacemmact aN pre’ apne af ote Gay? ETT Mua an Ray coated ea) a Molecules Formie aetd-d, noon No. 106 Sine “Soa mer #1 5 ; - : Aeorinate | See Sila] sn | Speen | SHE | tated | amen | Commons sy & Pf [oped] gene | ace m | eBsecc SE |S a mj eeeta mae iets Bp | em eee | nos % [SBaedc ccc) the | meee mae Wao | Sap ome te | aw a | | eons ae |W | Roa ie | tw References Sonn Motgsles _Methanel _CHLOH (gue) o.107 Saheey Siimee Rte 6 = 1 spprninae | Seed so | ABE | SEES | antnat | ramen | Comment con | (Gas) @ | [onsen asia 2 | Riek: aie 2 Shee aes M4 CH; d-deform. MTB OV (rm) | eit Hak | Gini Hea ay | CH, rock. 1060 D. OV (wm) mf genesis Wek iw a » CH, d-stretch 2960 C 2955 (4) vw | CH, d-deform... WB OV () ma | CH rock, «| 165 c 468) v2 | Torsion. 295 (A) ||80~300 = {MW:* 295 (A) 200 (E) \ 200 (E) _ SI ES References HI 2m Nate X Ba Cam Pe. 808 LH Eohatend WG Py aa ad New Yas 8 Sake Hemessantet aust tiene Naot ee Ca Sein Mitaet Wetman ied SH. SUSRRES ber eie Shere on Bre) i Th. MMs Mio: Pg im 04 0) ce hea! i nt sl GR SERS aid rs sae ta Bn, EA Soarehai Gros 6 Molecule: Methanol _CH,OH (liquid) ‘Symmetry C, Symmetry number 6 = 1 No. 108 Sym. Approximate Selected | Ee } wo. | typeof mode value of | Infrared | Raman | Comments frequency | | Liquiay | wf | omnes sag0D | a0! 6 2a34G | 20548 | 2034 (10) " | soo e | i4aoe | Adee Gb) | ov oa. * | 1450.6 | so ar n 1186 | 1418 My» pois M56 | m5M"° | auor @ ) = 020 € | 1030 V8 | 1033 (6) Ja | on 29466 | 29468" | 2040 (9) | | om 1480 | 1480M | 1464 (Sb) | OV G9. { } | | eit rak 1163 € ..| 1165 (1) | ma | Torn 035 | 0358) | | eal | References BR. §, Mihi, ¥, Morn dC. Okamoto, Bl, Chom, Sz Japan 1s 8 0886) EK inane and Haron Seren sf Paps Molva (Van Nowrand New York, 945 [S) ERR { E. Whalley, J. Chem. Phys. 34, 1554 (1961), and referenoes cited there. ne Tr Shock wapaliciel. Molecule: — Methanol-d, _ CH,OD(gas) No. 100 Symmetry C. Symmetry number 6 = 1 j 7 7 — | Sym. Approximate Selected | species | No. aype of mode rate | Tnrred | Raman | Comments | Gequeney | { | | [Te te | (Gan) | a | | OD stretch, amiga | 2718: M | me | CH dssteete 3000 C | 3000 Mt SF (» of CH.OH), | ni | CH stretch bes A | 2883S m | CH d-deform w3B | 143 M OV Od. me | CHL deform 1goA | 136 M ve OD bend, 864 A 8643) | Cle rock: 2308 | 308 | | Co streteit Jou 4 | Youo ys | a vy CH; d-stretch, 2960 C | 2960 8 SF ( of CHOH), vu | CH; d-deform, MBB 1473 M. OV (v4). mi | CHL rock: | oo | i160 vw ma | Taetiom | ORE ora min, ‘Tanaka and EShintanowahtonpe age) and E- Whalley. J. Chem. Phys 34, 1954 (1961) and rforences it ‘Overend and B. Cravifor ‘Chem. Phys 38, 129 (1963). es on ot urchin. Acta 9,368 (1951) I New Work, 1045). ted there ‘Mulccules Methanel-d, CHLOD liquid) No. 10 Symmetry C, Symmetry number 6 = 1 Ss a Sm) x. | Seem | Shed aman | Comment eo of a’ mn OD stretch 2467 D 2420- es eae eee 38 a CHs s-streteh, 2838 C 2834 (10) M4 CH; d-deform. 1469 C 1463 (5b) | OV (rw). 3 | adie Mog me OD bend. 940 C 955 (1) 7 CHL, rock. 1231 C 1226 (0) mw CO streteb. 1038 C 1029 (6) | nt ceneete id 19) m | ees TBE ESB) | ovo. on CH; rock. 1163 C 1163 (1), | | | Sats 1S — bli Clear k el Fa Sar fl Sms Si agar Vis Nostrand, New Yorks 18), He §& Sie eC BIRT ¢. imsenoochiy unpublished. Molecule: Methanol-d; — CD,OH (gas) No. 111 pee een eeaean eee tel = Sees Si) x | SETEER | SEES | satan | man | commen . oe so eee a CDs s-streteh. | 2077C Desa arc Spree euB OH bend. 1297 C ened Rae Sefer) ag CD; d-deform 1075 C pa coos tb me | SOs ae we oe we Mee paree Phys. Radiom fis and Whalley, J. Ch ELEN T Geen ali 8. Chern, Phy €:Peaaka and: Shimanoucht, unpublished. 6 ‘3, 1851 (1962), and references cited there. ‘8, 122 1968). Molecule: Methanol-ds __ CD,OH (liquid) Symmetry number Symmetry C, | Sym. Approximate Selected | speci | No. agpe of mode value of | Infrared | Raman | Comments frequency | : : | Ciguia) | riquia Oo a eas aaron | sito leas aa) | * CD, d-stretch. 2235 D 92235 M = =—(2230 M, i | ve CD; s-streteh 2078 C | 2078S 2074 VS, m | CD, deform | ney ¢ | toes Ww toa Med. | OF Go. | te | CDescdetorm Bec | vs as Me vo OH bend. 1391 C | 1391S, b VW. vb | | CDs rock. az | aaa” oa Me dp | OV Ou). fn | CO stretes 902.6 | a2 vs | 986-V8.p fw | eat oe ee | vio | CDs dedeform: 1069 C | 1069W [1072 M, dp | OV Gy. | mn | Dy rock 2D | 82M | 84M dp | OV Ge | va | Torsion. 665D | 6658, vb “The value obtained inthe vitreous slid (—160°C). References (DIR. —-M, Flan Wha, J. Chm. Phys 164 (1960, and reece cited her, Be Gin iii taped. Molecule: Methanol-d, __CD.OD (gas) No. 113 ‘Symmetry C. Symmetry number ¢ = 1 ] a cose ~| sym. | Approximate Selected | lnecies| No. ispeofmode | value of | Infrared | Raman | Comments | ae | | Gas) a) on | op seth, md | 2Bt jos CD; d-stretch. 2260 E 2260 SF (v; of CD,OH). |. fees Sno & | Sonn s m | GD) dedeform, ish | iow [ite |lcpreaeens asc | 1135 Vs |e OD bend. 1060 D 1060 W | 2 | ener ame | lamas Ms CO stretch. 983 C 983 VS a % CD; destretch... 2228 D 2228 S vw | CDs d-deform. | 1080C | 1080 W mh) ents oo "goo Ww m | Tonio. : 196 E CF f3}. References [JS Me Martin Mason 1. Ph dian 1, 34100), ith: Me Ravans'e, Waly, J Chen Phys. 3h 1504 (90). iB) TH, ClTanats and T Shicenvedls opellced. 66 Melee Methvlaming, _ CHLNH: No. 114 Symmetry C. ‘Symmetry humber é = 1 som. | Aoprosimate | Selected | | |pecies| No. ‘ype of mode value of | Infrared | Raman Comments frequency Gas) | (Gas) e NU s-stretch 3361B | 3361W | 3360 V8 CH, deetreteh 206i | 2061VE | 2960 VS CH, s-streteb 2e0B | 2a20V8 | 26208 NIL seis 1638 | 1035 CHL dedefor ump | 173s | 1460M | Cl edeform 10 ) 14304 CH, rock. 11304 | 130M CN'streteh | roa | toms | roses Tava | Taovs | 761 ” an7e | aarw | sow doa | 3985 VS 1485 D | 1485 M9 D : cr pl. tive D | sids 2668 |” 268 ‘MW: 272 (A). 265 CE). * Batimated from MQ branch fequeney References oe 1.§ Kihy Smith an 6. Rages 1, Chey, Ps 80 (1899) Ti A's ref asa df Che, Pye Bs, 80 cE. Bye Misael AV eka, ep Shak pd KC: Tamngnb, J; Chem Th Ay 2721 968). slik ML AY Hike Pamagake, J. Mol. Speetore 22, 272 (196%)- sit AY. “anpablirhe ete © bap, Y, ahaa, J, Chem: Pye, 5536 (1960). SLUR. J. DatgsS, PJs aod F. G, glia, I Cherm Phys 49,5108 (1968). Rie ER ESGEE oon Saat a Molecule: Methylamine-d;__ CHND; No. Ut Symmetry C, ‘Symmetry number 6 = 1 T Approrimate | Seated | type of mode value of Infrared | Raman frequency | a vy | NDes-streteh. 2479 B vy | CHyd-streteh: 2061 B | vy | CHy s-stretch 2817 B me | NDs seis 1234 B oe | CH: dedetorm ea ve | CHy s-deform 1430 B | CHy rock, Cl) ta my | GN'streteb 2 9974 995 $ ~ ‘ eas & a” | ot 25563 | ma . 2985 C ns | CHs deform... 1485 D fe | ND, eeiee, 1050 E but | CH, rock. : 1187 C me | Torsion...) BBC * Brtimated from *Q branch frequeney. References 4B Bil nd Snr. Chop Pg 520,24. Ai. Gy a a Lv Chem By Bi C980) Aiba EER masa J, Chom, Phys 41,272 0960 fmagake, J. Mol. Spectrose, 22, 212 (1967). 7 ciel AY, Firaknen, 1. Chan. Phys, 48, 5536 (1068) FIR Danig, & Fs Bashy and ¥.'6. Baglin, 1. Chem. Phys. 49,2106 (1969). (Gas) 2480'S 2969 M 224 M 14 M U7 M L | : | Comments | Molecule: Methylamine-d: CD:NH: rar gale, Meaning CON ] ; ao (So) Ne | proms | Seed | soeaea | aman | Couens fre -quency | \ (Gas) [teste] gaan | aS = | eto etal eee m | Goiere aaa 6 CD; d-deform. 1065 D CF [3}. m | pes Be sag | m | epprat ssa | ‘3S | |: [eta gee | ae eal et alae een esses wee | say, m= | eee aie | Sa me | Cora pce | Mi | aes eee | vis, ‘Torsion. . | 27D { . CF (3). Chem, Phys, 26, 690 01957), ind K. Tamiagake, J. Mol. Speetrons 22, 272 (1969). Molecule: Methyluninesds — D:NDs Nour Symmeny Cy, ‘Symmetry number ¢ = 1 sym. Approximate Setected Ipecics] No. “ype of mode qalueof | Tneered | Ramen | Comments a | | Ga | a lon zane | 2e7TW. * 3302 B | 3302 vs | * 2073 B | 2073 VS | | ” ire | irs | ” 1065 D | CF 1 | * 3B | iis8xt) | n | 0B | asom | n | 9B a | ons | NDowag | ma | ais a | de | ND, petreteh 2) 28566 | 2836-W | mt | CDs distreteb |) 23386 | 2338 vs his | EDs dedeform... le | low be | NDs wise. 102 B cr ey [me | be roo cu) ‘stom | oie xe ns | Torsion’ 201 +++] CF fh, | MW: 200 (A), | ns (B) l I | References B)RR 48 Grasso 1c. tnd 3. Chem, Rs 26690 980. BR RE Seay gmbh B]URR. 2H Dunes SF Blah and F.C, Maplin, J. Chem. Phys. 4, 2106 1968. (s] MW. DB. Lido, J. Chem. Phys. 21, 343 (1057). Molecule: Acetylene CHCH No. 18 ‘Symmetry Das Symmetry number é = 2 sym. Approsimate Selected j GO| so. | SRC | SE ata | namin | Comens frequency I ee aes (Gas) Gam at | on | CH stretch 3374 C ia | 3373. my | CG streten 1974 C i | Sars at | om | Cit stretch, 3289 B (3204.98 ia | FR Get t 3281.9 VS ry | | Chena 2c ia 611.8 VW Ho} on | Cibena TVA | i¥SVS| Oe \ References (1) TRR. Herter, Infrared and Raman Specs of Plystmi Moles (Van Nostrand New York, 145) and refer fam. HC eo tide nd BK Poe, J Res, NDS 218 66), SR EA Ripavtaetieg mB BEI te bee 3 ep. iim War if ee tm = ER Hime | F. BOLE bln kE Molecule: Acetylene-d; _ CHCD No. 119 Symmetry Cov Symmetry number 6 = 1 sy Approximate Selected lspecies| No. ‘ype of mode Infrared | Raman Comments a | om | cet stretch vy | CC stretch 81S vy | ED stretch’ | on | Citbend RP (g) | ED vena RPL References LIRR. 6, Herahory,Infwed and Raman Speen of Polyatomoe Moles (Van Nesta, New Voth 3948) LIT” S-Overspdtad i W. Thomguom, Fie Roy. Sc” (Condon: Sen" A, aii, 306 Gags)” "8° [HEH C'Alen J, Eb, Tuell aod EK Hes mer Chom, Soe 0 3084 (180). Is}: WLS. tary, K- Plyler and, D. Tidwell}. Chom Pye 351581 (962) a Molecule: Acetylene-d; _ CUUD Wo. 120 Symmetry Das Symmetry number & Sym. Approximate Selected cies] No, aype of mode value of | Infrared | Reman ‘Comments i oP frequency | a | om | CD atreteh 27016 | 6C steeteh 1162.6 et | re | CD steeteh 27. 2430 je | ox | CD bend 505.C 06 (+ »9) [le | w me | CD bend | 87 A \ | | References neared ana naman spectra of Fotyauomie Molecules (Yan Tostrana, New ork, 1939). | re Overend dnd Hi W. Thompson, Poe. Roy. Soe: (London), Ser, A, 3,391 (1959). se ‘G-Allen, dr, L_ Ro Blaine, and E- K- Plyler, J: Rex: NBS 36,279 (1936). fae idl hE Pll JO Soe Amer 52 5, 96). []IR S$! Ghersetttand I. N-Rao, J: Mol. Speetrone 28,27 (1968) Molgcules Flugroavetylene CHP Nu 121 ‘Symmetry Cay Symmetry number 6 = 1 ym. Apponimate | Seocted | Ipecics) No. iype of mode value of | Infrared | Raman | Comments frequency (Ga) vs | CH stretch gassB | 3353 Vs re | GC stretch 22558 | 2253.vs bs | CE stretch 1055.8 | 1055.VS x | ox | CHtbend 510B | 53S |_% | SCF bend. 367 B | 367M | References BUFR Wd Wee ee Shaken ership Eng W:8 Mehnedeen end: H: Colastala, Bum 'K Wilson, J. Chain. Phys. 8, 1901 (1961). and end Molecule: Chloroaeetvlene CHCCL No, 122 ‘Symmetry Coy ‘Symmetry number 6 = 1 Approximate selecea | | No. type of mode value of | Infrared | Raman Comments frequency Gas) | a | on | CHletreteh 3008 | 3340 V8 mi | Cc stretoh buon | >novs rr | CChateeteh, 756B | 756 VS ® x | Cli bend. 6o4B | 6s re | CCCU bend ROB | 820W References See No. 121. Molecule: Bromoacetylene CHCBr No. 123 Symmetry “Cov ‘Symmetry number 6 = Appronimats | Sulcted ispecies) No. ‘type of mode value of | Infrared | Raman Comments frequency Gas) ot | om | CHatreteh.... 3325B | 3325 Vs vr | EC ctrotah- aoe B | 30a ve ni | CBrstreteb, asc | 618 YS SF 60. ® | GH bend. 618 | 618 YS SFO). rm | CCBr bend. 258 | 295 W | References See No. 121. B Molecule: Ethylene CH.CH, No. 1% Symmetry Da ‘Symmetry number 3 = 4 Approsimate | Selected | ] No. ‘ype of mode value of | Infrared | Raman Comments frequency | (Gas) (Gap Jay | oo | Cs sstretch...........| 30268 ja 3026.4 0)p. | by | GG stretch 1623 D fa 622-6 (8)p" | FR ra) by | CH seis. 132 B ia [1342/2 10)p fas | oe | Cle twist =] 1028 E. ia i OC (ou + vd) I) bie | os | CHE avstretel 3103 B ia [2102.5 Gap. be | CHp rock’ 1230 6 ia [1236"" yap, liquid) Be | on | CHs wag, . 49 A fa 2 om | CHa wag. 943. C ough bw» | CH astretch 31068 “a rw | CH rock... 826 A ia bu | om | Cis e-streteh 2089 A ia | ya | CHy sets : 14 B * | References L) IRR. G. Hersherg, Infared and Raman Spectra of Palystomie Moleeales (Yan Nostrand, New York, 1945). Bb) Ro AE Ranke Ee We Shull, and D. WE Avford,J- Chem, Phys 1, 116 (195 BTR. IE Le Amseee and Be. Crawioed, Jr. J- Chom Phys: 18, 18 (1930), iB. Feldian, J" Romanos and HI: Welsh, Can. j Bhy 3, 737 (1956 ud: it Geta: S008, 2819 980). | 1 fy 288 (1962) 7] IR ‘ahd 1 ME MI, 7” Chem. Phys: 40, 2095 (196). “ ‘molecu Ethvlene-d. y No. 125 olgenetsy Dane syaehetry number 3 = 4 Som. Approximate | Selected specs] No. eetmole Skt | tattered | Raman | Comments cones, | (Liquid) a | | edeestrer 216 Sy B at & San M o |) ebt tee aE i big vs CD, a-stretch. cevees| 23046 2304 W mE foe |e S| 208 | woovs| vie bey | om TB0C | ia 780 W dow ” 2345C | 2345 8 ii Sie 200 [5800.38 on 1078 € | 1077.95 * From produ rule, References HER: Revouee Sap. ed tneas Sore passes Meta Ven Nowand New York 2045, AR EA. Chamards.J-cym See Ch, Sand 181 (0) RIT: MeaR/ ADT stindenall pelle Molecule: —Tetrafluoroethylene — CF.CF; No, 126, Symmetry "Da jymmetry number ¢ = 4 Sym. Approximate Selected lpecics| No. ‘ype of mode value of | Infrared | Raman Comments sequency (Gas) ae | om | Oc ateeh ec her "Mt, p | oh | GReemench.: 718 € 1.9 Sp oo CP: seis... 394 C 394 Wop ay CF, twist. . 190 E ia CF [3). fo | aaa Lu) ae hao vw jo | Cepeda | BID 331M | | liquid) | me | om | CF ewag asc | 406s Tt fer) oR | eeepc 508 D ia | 500 (liquid) be | oe | Che aetretch aare | ass7s tT | vw CPs rock. 218 C 218 ia fa) mm | GRE Sca: nee | anes g | Crest 3a8 6 | 75888 i References Ly} IRR, JR, Nien, HH Casin, ana D.C; Sit, J. Chern Phys. 1 82 (1950, ‘A. Monfls and j. Duchesne, J. Chem. Phys: 18; 1415 11080) BB) TR DLE. Mann, N. Aequista, and E. K. Plyler, J. Res. NBS 53, 67 (1954), RP2474, 5 Molules Tetrachlorecthylene CCLCCI, No. 197 Se ee | ; | om Coleulated by assuming 2HC-d) mise nen ee oe a eels tmag 2 Dimontilng HEC = ne im] no | aaa | Si — | | a, a | GH stretch. 3073 C ” CC stretch. | 1578 C 2 |e ie ay v6 oe . oe be my CH stretch, 3090 C a | aia ee ve | Std a8 References [UTR Horherg, Twfnred and Roman Spectes of Palyatomis Molecule (Van Nostrand, New York, 1045) FV TRI TE Y"ernstainand'D."A. Remecy, J Chem, Phys I7y 856 100) B)IRR. HI. Bernstein and 4. D: E- Pali, Con. J, Chem $0; 968 (1952) OK nd J, Ls Hollenberg, J: Anicr, Chem Soe! 76, 1493 (1954), ieee J Ghem. Boye 8 388 156), ‘Molecule: trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene-d,_ CHCICDCL ‘Symmetry Cy ‘Symmetry number é = 1 7 7 Sym. | Selected lpecies| No. value of | Infrared | Raman ‘Comments frequency (Gas) | Liquia) J fom soavc | 30878 | 3074 M n aso | 23108 | 2304 M ” 14D | is4w | 15748 (iguid) * ac | pars | arg 963 | 963vs | 9578 * a3 | s25vs | 923 Giguid) " msn | revs | 7500 a BBC *.| 348 VS » BSE jo. ....| CF [6 a | asoc | 'a30VS | 234 W Ea con | soos | sow na 24E I CF 5,6. \ Referonese See No. 182. Molecule: trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene-ds_ CDCICDCI ‘Symmetry Symmetry number 6 = 2 No. value of | Tnfrared | Raman ‘Commen:s frequency (Ca) | Ciquiay a | on 2325. C ia 3335 8 m 1570 C ia 1570 8 mn 992 G ia 992 8 = 765.6 i 765M m 346 C ia 346 S a | om 660B | 6608 ia ” Ze |... ia | CF 5,6). te | om 67 ¢ ‘a tM mw | om 2200 | 22008 ia > 916€ | “916 Vs ia ma mc | 71v8 ia oa HOB |... lori. References See No, 182 Molecule: cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene CHCICHCL No. 135 Symmetry Cx Symmetry number 6 = 2 Sym. | Approximate Selected lpecies) No. aype of mode value of | Infrared | Raman Comments frequency (Gas) a | om | Cif ctrotch 3077 re | CC stretch. asa7€ [1500'S Giauid vs | CH bend amc | 1183 Giguid) ve | CCl stretch, mic | Gis, liquid) | v5) | CCCI deform. we fe a | | Git bend atc i mr | Torsion 406 C ia by | oy | CH stretch 302 | 3072 x | Cit bend 1308 | 1303 yw | Ccrsteereh’ 357 B | “ast ma | CCCL deform SUB | 57 563 M, dp b, | mm | CHbend... 7B | 697 References See No. 182 Molecule: cis-1,2-Diehloroethylene-d, _ CHCICDC1 No, 136 netry Ce ‘Symmetry number ¢ = 1 ] 7 z = Sym. Approximate Selected lpecies| No. ape of mode value of | Infrared | Raman Comments | frequency | | ey | cigaia | ae | on | CH stretch 3076 | 0S | 3078VS | Ligeia) |, vx | Ga streten z3u0G | 230B'S? | ayy vs ny | CCatretch Bec | 1528 | 15538 | GH bend, 1253 | 1253V8 | 1245 M x | CD bend. 97 | as7vs | 950M me | Cr stretch: eH | AVS | BIW nr | CCl stretch mc | avs | 03 vs m | CCl bend. SBC | 5388 | 5618 ms | ECL bend IBD 15 Vs a | he | Cit bend... abe / ave] Btw | oa | GD bend a9 | savs | 590W ma | Torsion 387 C 3878 \ References, See No, 132 Molecule: _ cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene-d: _ CDCICDCL No. 137 Symmetry Gy Symmetry number é= 2 ] ] a Sym. Approximate Selected lspecies| No. apye of mode value of | Infrared | Raman Comments frequency (Gas) ee |e [ep atetthe ee. aaas.c : ¥ CC stretch... wee) 1575 C 1875S 15708 nm | 6D end | “ss0¢ 230 MC me CCl stretch... 700 C 700 S 6893 me | 6ochdetonn 00000) ime |. mms a 6 CD bend. . 686 E ia CF (6). m | Torsion soc | ia 368 te | om | CD steich aap | 2200 | 23808 3 | Spien: joer | ion | own ve Fa | CCheneeehs III) "66 | 7266 761 VS page| (Cocl dscmateemeerel eins Cylltetms | cco bs | om | CD bend B10 C co) 408 References See No. 182. Molecules trans-I,2-Dichloro-I.2-difuorocthylene CCIFCCIF Symmetry Ca Symmetry number é = 2 | Sam Appresiaate Selected lpécies| No. ‘ype of mode value of | Infrared | Raman ‘Comments fequency (Gs a | om | Cater, 1707 2 | Grate cocci) Hoe me | GC eeeneb 2007 632 € m | GF bend. asc | is nm | Cclbend pee | in a | % | Stel wag gave | oad ” ‘Torsion. . 140D CF (2). a | om | CEChe ; soc | ia Bo Persweed I aE | dys FR (wt ow). ner ¥s ay CCl stretch... 892 B 892 VS ia mh | GF bed TY ee | gem | ik me | Gen bend 22200002 we | iM | is References (URN. -E. Man and EK. Pp J. Cham, Ps 26 78 (1057), BYIR™ BoE Misa iAMion PMMata tad Poo 9 Chm 27, 51 0352 al Molecules | LteDichloroethylene | CH:CCL | No. 159 Symmetry” Gy Symmetry number 6 [sym | Approximate | Senet | | |species| No. type of mode value of | Infrared | Raman ‘Comments sheqoeney | (Gas) apo, ay | om | CH wtrotah | a0asm | sanas'w | a0ss bi | 6cstreteh ier | ‘Ter Vs was 8p ‘CH, seis. . = 1400 C 1400M_ | 1391 x | Gch sstrteh @3C | “OVS | “GOL VS!p st | och ea | gc | sow | S98 p a: | % — | Torsion : | 6D ia 686 M. dp be | om | City astreteh 3180 | “3130. W. | $130 8, dp mh | CH rocks. 1095. | 1095 vs | Toss VW" | Gebswsurcci 2005 | ‘soeyS | “an Meap ie | Gch roe sme | 3BM | 315 8a | by | oon | CH, wag | 3B | 38758 au Ww | ri | CCly wag... 460B | 4608 | 458M, dp i * CC selation References UTR LW. Thompn and. Tetngo, Po Ro Se, Londo) Ser Ay 3h 2 088) Pr Josne ale: Clean J Ch es a0 36a 0S {5} tire, Solnocas snd Simin unpubl! Molecule: 1,1-Dichloroethylene=d,_ CHDCCI, No. M0 Symmetry”, Symmetry number ¢= 2 7 | Sym. Approximate Selected | Ipecies| No. aype of mode value of | Infrared | Kaman | Comments | foquency | a | nm | CHatreteh 3082 D he | GD stretch: 2288 D ” CC streteh 1585 C Me CHD scis. . 1280 C ¥ CHD rock. 999 C me | CCl aetretch mac m CCl; s-stretch, 590 C % CCl: rock 348 C | » CCI; seis. 306 E «| CF fl}. Fat | Se | CHI ng mon mi | Torsion Sss¢ | ba | Ch wag. a8 * GC seaon. Reference 1) IRR, T, Shimanouchi and S, Shimiza, wapublihed, Molecule: _ 1,1-Dichloroethylene-d: — CD-CCls No. 14 Symmetry Cy Symmetry number 3 ~ 2 ; i 5 Sym. Approximate Selected lypecica| No. age of mode value of | Infrared | Raman Comments fepeeney (Ga ax | | CDs satetch 22620 | -2262'W. mo) CCitieteho 4565 C | ‘1565 VS mn | Cede. } 1089 E cra, wm | GCheaticich 2] "Sa | seo vs m | Gtlyecs StS E cen. ex | oh | onions: aE | ia cri fe | | CDs nstretch 2380 | 2380. W mn | CDatock 398. | 993 VS ye eriveeesek are | ane SF (ou) Be | CCl tock. gic | Bim | oh | Cea: arc | ors SF (n). ma | CChwageessssccdl op | 0s 60h atin. Reference (HIRTH 7. Shimenooei end 8, Shinizy, unpubl. Molecule: 1,1-Dichloro 22- — | ‘Torsion onl 120018 | CDs sretretehis 2. 2087 DB ve | CDs s-deform. 1) 1077 B ey | om | EDs d-stretch: 2226 A v | GD; dedeform.22°°71.") 1041 B | EDs rock... Pe | gorola| ee | me | CDrdestretch...........] 2285 B vx | CD; d-deform 108i B via | C3 rock.. YEA References (2) Weak, 6, Harber, Tare and Raman Spetea of Polystone Molecules (Van Nostand, New York, 1945), an rele. UR. ‘EWaneen and'D. Mt Dennison, J, Chem, Phys. 20 313 (1952). (3) TR-R, RC Vin Mee, ull, Roy, Acad. Belg. 1955, 18, ik W. Leper, DeM. G, Swcsnys ed He L, Welshy Can, J. Phye, 10, 1567 (1962). I] Ti. 8 Weisstnd G: E Leoi, J. Chem. Ps, 48, 962 (1968). To] IR L/Nakgawa and 1. Shimanoucht J. Mok. Spector 9, 255 (1971), ‘Molecule: Hexaffuoroethane __ CF,CF: No. 187 ‘Symmetry number 0 = 6 Approximate Selected ‘agpe of mode value of | Infrared | Ramen Comments frequency | on CC stretch, 1228 D oce GBysestreteh 222200001) “go | GF sedeform 348 C ay Torsion. os 3D ia cre) a ue | tvs 74B | 714 V8 ‘ 1250 ia {1250 VW. dp. 619 C ia | 619 W, dp 372 C ja | 372 W.dp * BEB | lptys ia 520 3308 ia 2206 | 2008 ia "Mean value of frequencies obtained from six combination bands i. 1, Beating ed PP. CleyelaayJe Mu Opteone 74809 (961). Molecule: Hexachloroethane _ CCI.CCI: No. 158 Symmetry Ds: Symmetry number 6 = s Approximate Selected lpecica) No. ape of mode value of | Infrared | Raman Comments frequency Geiay | Shay ay | on | CCateteh. eee] TEE fa my | CCly sestretch.. 41 C ja m deform Tne ja os a. | om AD | its (chm rota) * sec | 328 afon 859 ia a 340 fa » Bc | ia ee | me | COs destretch.- mmc | mvs bn | CGh dedeform: mc | ams be | CCl rock Lu} awe | naw Ll References (VIRR. RA, Carey, BA. Potowaki, A. . Meister, J Brun, and Fs F, Cleveland, J+ Mol Speco, 75 208 (abet). [)IRRTH, 7. Fajiyama and T. Shimanouchi, unpublished. 95 puget seynromveinine conn se ee om ee lsd ce | amresmee | Steet | seat | teman | commas ome | (Golia) | (Solid) ; aon woo | SR | oS pote Bele lliae Qin ‘Torsion. 51D ia OC (vst rw, vst Pu1).| Fa eal ena a | 7686 ia ne me ae BE | cts CBr; d-deform... 168. C 168 S CBr; rock. ... 2c 82M | ae parsers Molecules 12-Dichloroothane —_ CHCICH.CI (trans form) No. 160 SSmmetry” Ca Symmetry number ¢ sym, Approsimatc | Selected ecies| No. type of mode value of | Infrared | Raman Comments frequency } pa (Gas) cre a CH; s-streteh 2957 D ii lost (10) CH: sels. 1445 C 1445 8, CH: wag. i306 | 1304 (6) p CC stretch... 1052 C [1052 (4) p Cctetreteh 7546 754 (100) p CCCI deform. 300 C 300 (8) p a CH avtreteh 3005 D SF (gauche ns, | ‘enuthe nid ” 1123 B a fa me 123.6 is 's mo CH, a-streteh. 3005 D [3005 (8b) dp vie GE twist. 1264. C 11264 (3) dp bh | Groce. aoc ia | oe) p by | oe | Cs setrech 2! 2083 | 2oas.3m | ia oy CH, seis. 1461 A | 1460.6 : ia re | Cll wag 1232 B in ra | CChetwetch 28 G i: [me | eect ern 26 Bs | References [DIRK G. Uernberg; Infrared and Raman Spectra of Plyatomic Moles (Van Nostrand, New York, 14), and refer 1S, Yemagachi, J. Chem. Phys. 1, 591 (194). 3K. Brows E Nakgeawe and S. Mizu, I. Iehisima, HK Chem. Phys, 29,1190 (1958). ile te Mines 18, 447 (1959). ‘Molecule: _ 1,2-Dichlorocthane _CH,CICH,CI (gauche form) No, 161 Symmetry” C, ‘Symmetry number 6 = 2 | Sym. Approsinste Selected lspeccs| No. ‘pe of mode value of | Infrared | Raman | Comments | frequency | | sp | one ay poli | | cre wstsct. oes | ds hy) or amo ve | CHy stretch. «| 2987. | 2057'S 2957 C0) p | SF (trans vs, ; Ciguid) ‘rane id. vs | CH ein vss. | 0H hen co ap | oF ni | Cite wag oJ} aise [13s Whos @) bh | Cite twiet.: Luc 1207) p mo | edna Teer [cdi -w [tess @) Bp M | Giietock.. 8488 | ‘4.7 M | 943.) ph | Gist.) 669. | 669" M_| 654 8) p | GGL deform, “] ERD | 2a yw) 866)p ‘igus ro | Torsion - «| 25 «sb e | om 3008 B/ S605’ W "3003 (2b) dp | SF (, tran»). te 3957 | 2957.2 W m 1808 1803 W me v2 B | 202.18 | a : hae |1146". Vw [i145 (8) dp be | CH rock fin | ON.9 Ml (dp be | Ochetreteh G93 B | 692.8 W | 617 (ob) dp ra | Cech deform, 10 ¢ | ‘o9.6at | 1 6) ap Neterences See No. 160 Molgeules || 1:2-Dibromoethane || CH:BrCHLBr (tans form) No. 162 ‘Symmetry Ca ‘Symmetry mun Sym. Approximate | Selected | pects] No, aype of mode value of | Infrared | Raman Comments frequency 1 | liquid) a 2972 D b972 do)» van ¢ Nan (5) ap | 1255 C 1288 (ip | SF Gu). | 1053 C 1058 (9) dp ‘6606 | {660 (10b) p ton c a 3037 D 1087 C 753.C 1B », 3013 D 3013 (4b) dp 1255.6 1255 (10b) p | SF (). 933 C or be | 2974D | 2974s Mad | 14M usc | 1186 VS 1186 () soo | cae 193D | 193 ia 8. Mizushima, ¥, Merino, I. Watanabe, T. Shimanouchi, and 8, Yamaguchi, J. Chem, Phys. 17,581 (1989). | HLH: Jopn Noo and Wi D-Grinn J Ce. Pf, 108 190), | HEI: °K. Brown and N. Sheppard, Tess, Faradey Soe 48, 1281 ISH” 1 Tebichima. Ht Kamaivamea T. Shimanoneht:and'8, Mizushima. 1 Chea. Phy. 20,1100 1058, 99 Molecule: 1,2-Dibromoethane _ CHjBrCH:Br (gauche form) No. 163 Symmetry” Cs Symmetry number = 2 Approximate Selected No. aype of mode value of | Infrared | Raman | Comments frequeney via) | Liquid eye soos | OM lo” | sr ua 6 BED | avs [3p : ” v0 | 120M 419 @) dp ” Bed | BaM (biG) > nor | iorm [iio G) ap | SP (x). % 1019 | 119M [1019 a) nm | Cis rock 398C | 898M | 899) p n “] sso | ssom | 551 @) * ac | -| 351 @) p on 91D 91 2b} dp bl oon 3005 D '300s (5) * | SE (:). in 2958 | 3053 V8" R058 @) p | SE Go) a 1200 | wom irae) dy | SP Ga): me 1245 C | 12458 1243 (1) ba | ModE | 110¢W 1108 G) ap | SF Gm). me wec | “aes | 36 2) dp oa Lo] a8 | 3393 | 509 Gb) dy ym | CCBr deform BC | 855° | $55.6) ap References See No. 16, 100 Molecule: _ 1-Bromo-2-chlorocthane _ CH,CICHBr (trans form) No. 104 Symmetry Cy ‘Symmetry number 6 = 1 =e ] species] No. ‘ype of mode value of | dnfrared ) Raman ‘Comments | remeney ; T Gola) a | on | Cita sstreteh a9co0 |.. 8%, foodd Gindy | SF ome webe vy gauche 9). ny | CHas-stretch.. 2960 | paso iow) | si gauche ve gauche v. ” wep |6 s aad C hase (ab) m ret G fides ME [1284 @) p i 1203 f1203 $1208 G) a 1052 C {1056 M_f1052 (4) ap s mec [799 | 796 Goh) 630C | 630 S| 630.0) vo E) sre [20.020 251.00) p_ | SF Gauche x). mi | CGBr deform... 2026 |'202.0°"") 210 (2b) (Ci, cate) a’ | ne | CHtsa-stretch S010 D. [eet 8010 ub) | SF (re gauche vs suche v3). ny | CHyasteeteh..........-| 300D ‘3010 (vb) | SE (rus gauche ni, suche 9). CH; twist. 1259 C [1258 VW {1259 (3) ms CH, twist | Wud Wt M ve CH; rock. . 961C | 961 VW | 961 (1b) meek pete |e pa eae ee vas Eat) eeencos Mpa gin, Mn pr Mem: fp. Py 8 8 Uti. RST Abas ary cn te gt gt com om ar PERC (Engr, an Insts) Non 8, 207 C1963), 101 Meleonter —1eRromo-2-chloraethane —_ CH.CICHBr (gauche form) No. 165 Symmerry C Symmetry number = i j : | j | Sym Approsimate Selected | species] No. ‘ype of mode valve of | Infrared | Raman | Comments | frequency Ciquia) | ciguiay | | Cyaatretch.o.e.) 3000D poro dsb) | si tans vy | CHzastreteh...........] 3000D Is010 vb) | SF (on, trans rn tame o)e | | re | CHy stretch 2960 D 2960 (10sb) | SF Gow trans vis ees ne | Cle sstreteh, | 2960 12960 (L0sb) | SFG trans» ‘rams vs | Cite scis.... wad | aes faa @n) | OV Gw- | rn fee tz | tuzs8 [iui (sp) | oF oo. my | CHa wag. i29€ | 12998 L299) pe | Cs wag. 2220] 32606 | 13608-1250 (3) J] Cite III igo | niga Mt 2189 @) die | CH mist zie | uzem [128 G) bp pn | GCstretch 2! 10256 | 025M [1023 (1) is 9286 | 9238 | 9198)p be Bee | ass | gee a) mt bore | Goss | G65 (6) he suc | 318 | 3680) ou 385 C 385 (3) Up te aD | BEG” | SF Gram vn ms word 307 Gb References See No 164 102 Molgeule: .. Fiugroethane, | CH,CHLF No. 166 5 “Symmetry number 6 = s A te Selected lpecica] No. ‘ype of mode value of | Infrared Comments frequency Gas) a fm | tty} 3908] 3008 V5 OV (ris rue nm boa D | 2041 n 2015D | 29158 m aoc | 1479 M ” wo D | 1498 OV (0 mn 1395. | 13058 ” 5 1365. | 1365 M Giquid) ” concen u0g@ | 1108 Vs = ee Tote | rose VE Aaa ROW, ap] OV Gu) > : 880B | 880VS | 873 VS,p mm : : asc | 415 — | 419 W.'p a” | om a 30031 | 3003 VS 2086 VS,dp io ‘| 30031 | 3002 VS poss ws) he | CH dedeform, I) 149 | 1449S” [1458 Mb, dp] OV G3. | ie | Gets twist. wire | 1277 {1276 Wb.ay | ne | CH rock. 10481 | 1048 VS 1041 M,b, dp] OV (»). ve | Gila rock. soc | sow | eis we ou | ‘Porsion 23B | 243 References ATER. BEY BS Alm 103 J. id Nien, 9d EF, Ferguton, J. Chem. Phy. 20, 847 (952). *hys. Chem. 62, 873 (1958). cme hae ‘hel Pigeon $1 0509) Molecule: Chloroethane _ CHCH.CL No. 167 Symmetry C, Symmetry number 6 = 1 ; j ‘Sym. | Approximate Selected lnecice| No. type of mode value of | Infrared | Raman | Comments frequency | (Gas) | Liquid) | ee eh ve | CH, destreteh, ..| 2946 | 29968 | 2934 M, p BCH Stretch desi | 28013 | 3583 Wp | CHL Geetoem: MSD | las CH wis wisp | 18s | 1459.M, ap | OV (nds City edeform: | ages | t3as_ | 1383-W! dp CHe wag | 1c T2R0-VS_ | 1283 W. p Cit ro Jon D | am Vw | 1078 Wp EC stretch. oad | OTS. W. bp | OV Gu). CCI stretch. 67 677 VS. 2 we Cee Setar See | Sexe | Sra Chi entretch, sols | sois-vs_ | 3013 Ww" CH deteeteh axed | bma6 VS | 2978 W Hf dedeform 14isD | 1448S” | 1453 M, dp | OV Ga. Cin ae Was | Tass, | MSs a, dp | CH rock... 94D | 974VS | 969 W, dp | OV (). CH rock... TB | 6M | ‘Torsion. 251B | 2siw |. MW: 251 (4). ! De ado te Ge, ie 8 8, [eee ry EE ET cm 08 SAIS co Pe rat ar Aa EBB ncn areas ba 3) IR. lot Molgenle: Bromocthane, CH.CH.Br No. 168 Symmetry Ce Symmetry number ¢ = 1 —— 1 1 § | Appronimate Selected | a] No type of mode value of | Tnirared | Raman | Comments pe | srequeney (guia) vy | CH dtreteh aoe | 2088's | 2971120) p | OV Gu. | te | GHlso cerctah boa7 BR | 2026.58 | 3024 @) pt | Ci catreteh 2600 B | 3870:88 | ne | Cree MSLD | 1450" M | 1442 (2b) dp, OV Gus na). n | CH deform. M481 | 1451 M | 1442 @b) dp OV Ga no. Bo | CHS deform: 16 | 1386 M cs CH, wag 1252 E |f1258 VS /\1248 (2b) p| FR (+o). \BaT Vs | = | Suet 1061/1061 YW} 1069 4) p { B | estes, Deed | ‘904 Br] "960 by ag] Ov Gu). Se | CBr stretch 383B | $83 VS| 560 (0) p ya | CCBr deform: 2908 | 390 § | 2026) pr ne | CHy as go18B | 3018 | ms | iia do0a¢ | 3900 8 | 2972 cen) pu | CH, dedeform. 41D | 14st M | 1442 (2b) dp} ra | Cy wwist Baa E : ya | CHa rock. ‘964 | “964° S| 960 (aby dp De | Gna Nak top | to Be ma | Torsion are | 247 MW: 247 (5,6). 1 ges Pi chem i. 98. EPoger2 Bee Shae Be a FS Se Se Ready sx 2,56, ide, J. Chem, Phy oat aa 2968 196 105 Molgonles Pthplene imine CN Ne 180, ‘Symmetry ‘Symmetry number ¢ ~ 1 Sym Approximate Selected lspecies| No. aype of mode value of | Infrared | Raman | Comments frequency | | (Gas) | | on | NH stretch | asec | 3338 liga 309 | 2078 OY (rn). Jon 3015 | 30158 P| OV Gu). Ju i uac | ew luTlWp ye | Ring otreteh wie | Bs R12 Vs\p me | Cisewist 1095 | 10958 ftoss wep | CH wa 1090 | 10908 1088 Wp nm | Nubend 998} 998 M_ froze W' me | Ring deform as6G | as6vs [835 M, ap Mo | CHtsroek tise | uss) | ier weap a’ | om | Elly astreteh 3029 | 30798 [3059 dp | ov (9. ma | CH satreteh 301g | 301s 8 see VS. | OV Go. ra | CH ects 1463C | 146s W [1452 Wedp mh | CH Sse fas C | Bos Mm |B T6 vw rs | Nit bend w37é | ws7M {307 Ww, ye | CHa wa maié | sim |130¥ ps | Ring deform a0 | 904s Zh | Gitfroce 8175 817 M, dp References [LIRR H.W. Thompson and W. T. Cave, Trays Faraday Soe. $7, 951 (1951). Bl mr Hollman, Te. G.E. Evang, and G, Glock, I Amer. Chem. Soe, 78, 8028 (1951), BI IRR, W.J. Potts, Specttuchim, Aste By 511 1965). 106 Molecule: Methyl formate | HCOOCH; ‘No. 170 = es | | frequency (Gas) (Liquid) a mn CH, d-stretch. 3045 D 3045 M | 3030 (3b) Pe | CH, s-streteh 2969 D 2969S 2955 (10) p 6 a d-deform. 1454 D 1454 W eae stretch, re Cc 1207 aH th (9:8) Sea Stes ae | SESS | BE GB) 0CO deform 67 C 167 M 765 (2) COC deform. 318D 318 M (CC soln.) le nan (See om C0 tor 332 D 332 M. 332 (3b) p ne CH; torsion. 130D 130 VW MW; 132 [3]. ee eee 12] IRR, J. K. Wilmsburst, J. Moh ia iy it (957). mete scree 7a Speirs "Keus 19, 1988 (1963), UE, DRE Assy eae 10T Motggules Methyl formated, DCOOGH, Mein Symmetry Ge” Symmetry number @ = 1 | sya. [ Appronimate Selected | | leptder] No. ‘eeofmode | values | nfared | Raman | Comments or | a a na CH; d-stretch.. 3041 C 3041 M a | Gin dovsst ae | Say ” CD stretch 2216C | 22168 } me | C=O stretch 1739E |; 1755 vs FR Qi). Tite vs ne | CH aeeform.. awsse | Tow (CClysoln.) ve | Cllr eaeform wap | Gain | Gb bona Tow D | ioe M 5 [Bk Bee | REY My CH, rock, 1157 D 1157 VS vw O-CHy, stretch. . 878 C 878 S van OCO deform. 762 C 762 M. mi | C00 dete | Sbe | goa a” vas CH; d-stretch. 3007 D. 3007 S | om | Gata ioe | Taso w (CCl soln.) vis | Gitsrock | tose FOV (ws me CD bend. B70 E 4 CF [2], OV (x). Joe | Co tori | So | 360. | ve CH, torsion. 130 E CF (2). References bum Bim, Sait Reer 5 telikcwa, . Tor 108 Apis 10, 1039 (2060) ‘ind'F. Sizaanouck, smpubiihed, Molecule: Methyl formate-d, _HCOOCD; No. 172 ‘Symmetry Cy, ‘Symmetry number ¢ = 1 sym. Approximate Selected lpecies| No. ‘ype af mode value of | Infrared | Ramen Comments frequency (Gas) | a | nm | CDydateteh..........| 24D | 2384e be | CDs stretch 2. 3087 | 3087 M | | Ciletretch 22) 29a | 29318. me | C=O stretch 2.2 W754 | 1754's nm | CDs dedeform. 1060 | 1060 .| OV (0. me | CDs sedeform... HE | N02s | Gilipsbend.... 00> 1368 D | 1368 ME mn | EO stretch, wi0G | 1210 VS = as | ORs M Yn : auc | stM oa m4¢ | max vis i) gore | 207M al oe soa | 99h At me 1060 | 1060 W OV (7). hs ‘905 D 1080 E 3D va so) “96 E | cre. References See No, 171. 109 Molecule: Methyl formate-d; _ DCOOCD; No. 173 Symmetry Cy Symmetry number 6 | | 7 Sym. Approximate Selected lspecice| No. type of mode value are aman ‘omments rs N .ype of mod: altel | Infrared | C frequency | | | _ | or Gas) ws | OD aateatah o201 | ap0T Me Ho | @Dyssteth. 210D | 210M | ny | CD streteh. 2uop | 22108 | vs | C=O stretch TPE [CAMB VS Desc sssoo] FR Gr. vs | CDs d-deform. 1060 B | 1060W |, OV Gd. re | CD, deform. noid | 107s | GD bend... {| 11 E | ios Ww m | GO stesch 1209 | 1503 Ve mh | CDy rock... | oD | 974M rin | O-CDs stretch oD | 840M | me | Sees | ep | sex ma | GOG deform, | ,295@ | 295M | a” | om | CDydstretch | ast | aera | te | EDs dedeform.... 1060) 1060W |... OY (0. we | CDsrock.w eee 908 D | 908 M fe | GD opebend’ | erp | srow yx | G-0 torsion 280 | 380M ye | CDs torsion. | soe |. I cri. Reference [) R-TH, —S. ehikawe, K. Toriyama, and T. Shimanouchi, unpublished. no cH.coom No. 174 Symmetry number é = 1 a oe lpecics| No. ‘ype of mode alue of | Infrared | Reman | Comments | mae | ar | at | (Gas) @ jon | On eureteh e--] 35888 | 38858 2 | omeasicai doa D | dot vw, vs | CHysestretch..........-| 2984 | 2944 VW n | C=O stretch, YesB | ies vs re | Cts deform 2.00000] 14806 | 1430 ab SF (ou). me | tts seefora 1302 | 1302 M | OW bend. 1264B | 1264 Mt me | C0 stretch 01 nap | 1928 | Clfe rook... 02000000) og B | 989 Po | Go stress sap | ctw mh GiB | 67s ma seB | 581M a | oe 2996 B | 2996,VW me 1430 G | 1930 an -| SF @0. me toi B | 1048 W ne 6eB | oes | ts 5B | 534M | a SOE | | oF BF References ALAR WRehpesF Amer, Chem, So. 7,361 gas [2] IR) J. K. Wilmshuest, J. Chem. Phys 25, 1171. (1956) BUR Be Hau and A Novak im, Be 2 197 (965 TR M: Osera and'T, Shimanouchi, uapublce um Molecule: Acetic acid-d, _ CH,COOD No. 175 Symmetry C, Symmetry number 6 = 1 Sym. Approximate Selected | ) species] No. type of mode | value of || Infrared | Raman. ‘Comments frequency | (Gas) a | | Ct aateeteh 3039 B | 3039 VW vs | CH s-etreteh 2952B | 2952 VW re | OD' stretch. | 2612 B | 2612 M Hh | CaO stretch 1158 | 73 VS re | Cts d-deform 1440 C |) 1440 sh SF Gu). | re | City sedeform: 1383 B | 1383S | or | G0 stegteh BOB | 12708 Pale | Clty rockets 990 | 990 sh » | OD bend. 955B | 9558 bn | CC stretch sip | 3i0W ra | OCO deform: 0B | 600M | is | CGO deform: 2 5i3B | 543M a" | on | Clty destreteh 2097 | 2997 VW bi | CH dedeform MHOC | 1440 sh SF oe | GHG rock, tose R | tos W be | C=O Spcbend. 603 B | 603M vr | C0 torsion a5B | 415M on | CH torsion 9E | cr is). References See No. 174, a2 Molecule: Dimethylether _ CH:OCH wo. 170 Symmetry Cs, ‘Symmetry number om. ac No. ‘ype of mode value of | Infrared | Reman Comments frequency | (Gas) | | (Liquid) a CH dstretch. 2096B | 20068 | 2080", CH stretch 26178 | 2817S | 2815 Vs, p CH, dedeform MoiD | 164M CH, s-deform 452 | 152M. | 1452 8, dp CH, rock. BUR | BMW Go ‘stretch 928B | 5288 | 9228, p OC deform. aisc | 4isM | 428 Mp a CH, dstretch 2952 C ia | 29528 CH: d-deform 1464 CH, rock. 150 € 1ib0'M, a ‘Torsion... 2. 203 E i b cH 2996B | 20968 | 20898 dere | on178 | ORS VS, p CH, dedeform...... 64D | 64a |... CH, s-deform 1452 | 1452M_ 1452'S, dp CHG rock. 127 | 2aTW 60 ssrvetcn to | “iids' Ve] Nad we, ap by City dstreteh 2925B | 20258 CH, d-deform: 1464 | 1464 M CH, rock. n79B | 179vs | 1170s Torsion oc | 242W References fy mn. A (st fs Hk. oc Fapen $5,613 (1902). ne : A Mie, Spector. tai 977 C3) bine ae ‘it Oks unpaid 3 Molecules Dimethyleter-ds — CILOCD: Beart Symmetry C, ‘Symmetry number ¢ = Approximate | seeorea | No. aype of mode vahie of | Infrared | Ramen Comments frequency @ | on | ths dstreteh, 2902 B | b | CHy stretch 2619 B | vy | CDs destretch.- 2244 B x LEI) 2058 B rs | CH, dedeform 1465 G ve | CHy sdeform.2200000.0.) 1453.6 | GH rock L2B | on | Golasteetch 1156 C SF (2). S| ED, SAntorm | ame yo | CD, dedeform 1061 SF (x). ma | CDs rock... on G mz | CO stretch 860 C me | COG deform: 0s E cr pl a” | nt | CH, detreteh. ris | GD, dsstreteh a usee | lise vs 2] SE Gn ms iol | 1061 M SF (rs) mu gor | 91 va BITE ee! cr. m iE cr By References, LA. do, Perea, a. BT T.Silmanooei 4a Molecule: Allene CH,CCH, No. 178 Symmetry Dus ‘Symmetry number = 4 sy. Approximate | Selected | lees) No, ‘ype of mode alue of | Infrared | Raman | Comments frequency emt (Gas) ax | on | ctw mceut 3013.4 | CH eis... 1443 A | | ni | CC stretch 1073 A j by | oe | City twist 865C | 865 by | om Cita sasteetch...........] 3007 | 3006.7 re | OC stretch... yos7¢ | i957" my | emtreeis. | aswe | ss e | oe | Cty asteeteh...........) 3086.4 | 3085.5 | Hy rock... ‘| “999. | 999° ry | Cy wags) saa | B08 ma | CCG 'deform, BA | 158 Retercuves ALAR & Hegtie Infor nd Reman Spats of Plot Males (ap Notand New York 198) ALT HM Whom, Pry Soy Tend Sr, i, 11) hee Pedal eee = ea He weg as cm 108 (1959). ik eB, 2112 195), aie £ HW, Thompson, Trane: Faraday So. 82, 195 (1956). im Mike He Plater Gis ne 19195). iol I awk i Pye 29, 1002 (1958). hal Re eros 139 (1060). R tk Fr Oe css, is] IR: ‘ei. Spectres. 17 138 (1063) us Molecule: Methylacetylene — CHLCCH No. 179 Symmetry Co. ‘Symmetry number ¢ = 3 | sym. Approsimate | Seleted |epecics) No. typeofmode value of | Tnfrared | Raman Comments | | | frequeney | | «| aalGas) | (Liauia) a: | on | Cif stretch, gsc | 3334" | 3305'M. mn lieeieauacad | 2018 {e041 ‘M /||2041 VS, p gs | CaCatretch..... 22a 2142.2 | 2142 ¥S.p 1382 D 1382S. 4p | 931G | 930.7 W | 9808,» el» ann | 3909.8.9¢ | 207th » } 14528 | 1452” M | 148 M ) % | 1053 A | 1052.5 W | 1035 VW » 3G | 633" S| 613 Sa | tone | Soa Ww | San vel References AYR, @. Mleabeng, Feared qu Kamen Spectr uf Puy avons Molwales (Vax Nostra, New Voth, 1945). BU BURGE Besant amp tans Factay Sc 5 {3} Th. J. Leiancen, Spectcchim. Acts 31, 1197 (96H. Molecule: Methylacetylene-d,_ CH,CCD No. 180 Spmnnety Ger Symnmetey nace @ = 3 = T eee ] | Sym. ] Approximate Selected 23 No. type ofmede | vale of | Intared | Raman | Comments [| call | L “| = | (Gos) a, | om | City sstretch san [peer FR @m) (1). 2381-0 ML Jz gary | Geet x Bite | 2863 Wy vs BBE | 1378 W OV (or). vs B86E |. ands CP (I). + | a 209 8/3808 9 AE 7 HED G3 N n 10318 | 1031-0 W ; a Ha aah | 0° | | References ee ete os fe} ah Seal Banca Speck, Noes 3y 157 sea), 16 Molecule: Methyl-d-acetylene — CD,CCH No. 181 Symmetry Cay ‘Symmetry number 6 = 3 | sym. Approximate Selected lepecies| No. type of mode value of | Infrared | Raman Comments frequency (Cas) a | on | CHetretch 3336.4 | 3335.88 rs | CDs sstreteh 208 |(2121-0 -| FR (es + 2m) 2 {2077.0 M ve | C=C stretch awa |'2142.0 M mh | EDy edeform mise | 1s" M mn | C-Catretch 3308 | 930 W OY (n). © | | CDs detretch 2235.4 | 2234.9 M ny | CDs dedeform: oss A | 1048.2 M ms | CDi sock oo A | 008.4 W |... | ov oo. wm» | Ci bend. 63B | 63'S me | CCC bend. 305B | 308.5 M References ue. Soc. 52, 139 (1956). MT. Christensen and H. W. Thompson, Trane, Faraday 304). TAK, HiT amosne Spectro Acta 20,1097 Cs Molecule: Mothylacstylene-d, _ CD,CCD No. 199, Symmetry Cx ‘Symmetry number ¢ = 3 Sym.) Approsimate Selected lepecica] No. ‘ype of mode value of | Infrared | Raman | Comments frequency Gas) a lon 2616 A | 2616.3 VS re 2N0E |/2121 M |\.. FR (: + 2m) Ble 2077 Mt |} ” 2008 A | 2008.49 m moa | 10:1 M 7 O10 essere. cr a. ej on naga | 2284.88 n yois A | 1048.2 M n ata | 834.4 W a seo | $92" V9 Ys a04B | 304 M References See No. 181. ut Molecule: Malononitrile _NCCH.CN No. 183 Symmetry Ca “Symmetry number ¢ = 2 sym. Approximate | Selected oF eFC | sequen 1 | | (Lic | ‘rid a | om | Ca eatath | asc | GHEY jon CN e-streteh. 5 C 38M SF (»). |e oes 196 | igos ys Soe 250 C 5 ee ea me | ECS hen re as | oy i 1220 C a 7 SF (ry 7 ' age & G3. | rw | CH wag. Bec | vu CC a-stretch. 982 | ie CCN bend. 366 C SF (m). be | Seni 2 0 vu CH, rock. 933. C 933 M Scat re | 38 | References Vm fs Raped Tn pon ZC, 4 085 Bl Bim, Erivsctaltih puny eg 2 ss Ch 1H, Ecacibone ani dhmoncehk Stasi Aska, fos Molecule: Malononiteileds -NCCD.CN No. 184 hr Sym. oo | Ins) Na fpepimare | Schl | feared | Raman | Comment | egteaey | | oir | (Liquid) | (D.0 soln.) a mn CDy s-stretch, . 2146 C 21468 | 2146 (4) vm | GN sstretch.. | 29726 | 2972M | 2273(8) | SF (). 2 jesse ae | Bast | RES | me CC s-stretch. 858 C 858 M 854 (5) | vs CCC deform. | 577c 577M 581 (2) | % CCN bend. 163 C «| 163 (4) | 3 ee ie [ivosavw, OFS * CCN bend......... 356 C ia 356 (4) SF (rs). by » CN a-streteh. 272 C (2272 M | 2273 (8) SF (v2). ve | CDy wag... 1153 | (1165 M | 1162 (0-5) FR (2 + 1)» (HS BE | uS3 6:3) ee soc | “ego Mt | “8 fh) we CCN bend. 356 C 3356S 356, @ SF (ys). by va CD: a-streteh. 2230 C 22308 | 2228 (2) (2 |eSe we | 738 | ons CCN bend. | 302 C . 302 (1), . 1) IRRTh. ‘T Fajiyama and T. Shimanouehi, Spectrochim, Acta 20, 829 (1964). us Molecule — Propenal CH,CHCHO* No, 185 Symmetry Cy ‘Symmetry number 6 = 1 - sym. Approximate Selected lsecies| No. ‘type of mode value of | Infrared | Raman Comments frequency (Gas) a | m | CHtyaatretch | ano.) 3fb3'Re nr | CH(g) stretch 3028 | 3028 M (cli) CH, stretch 000 | oo M CHa) stretch. 2800 | 28008 CO stretch. Tac | ims C=C stretch........ 1625 C 1625 M San ae toe | ieee ‘CH(e) ip-bend. 1360 C 1360 M ‘CH(G) ip-bend REC | BBW C-Catetch nse | ses Saree) Tae | Tas CCO deform. . 564 C 564M. ECC bend gic | iM a CH() op-bend. .. 903B | 9038 SH) pied: Sook |S. crn CHiswag ne. 859 B 9568 GH twist sac | $038 | EC tarion Bre | istM “+ Numbering of atoma: CHLGHCHO, References BUFR KG BBendana 0,6. Wiimpon, Die Faraday Sox 35, 104968) BI TR. KK. Harris, Spectzochim. Acta 20, 1129 (1968) ug Molecule: Gyclopropanc __ Cally No. 188 Symmetry Ds Symmetry number 6 = 6 Span Approsinate Selected lepecica] No, iype of mode giaheot | Tntared | Raman Comments | frequency | (Gas) (Gas) af | | Cis sstreteh | 3038 & ia’ | 30388, p me | Citzsais 149 D ia |fis0n Wp FR Gro. (1453 Wp | vs | Ring stretch 1138 ¢ ia | 11888, ay’ | om | Citsewise 26 D ia, ia, ze Vw | 1133) a’ | om | CHa wag. 1070 ia, ia | OC Ge + ow). | 1075, (colid) as |v | Clty astrete, 3103¢ | 3103'S vr | GH rock: : 854 | 8548 ia ¢ | om | Cis ssteeten: 3025 | 3025 Vs | 3020s, mw | CH seis. SOUP dase | lesa | ie aed bio | CH wag. 109 | 1039S | 1033 VW" 5 Giguid) yux__| Ring deform. 866 | 866V8 | 8608, dp e' | ame | Ce anstretel 3082 ia | 30928" dp, | ns | CH twist 1188 ia 1188 M || me | rts rock: 796 ia 739 W, dp eee tomie Molecules (Van Nostrand, New York, 1945), and nt "Cord, J. Chem, gh 2 1686 (1959), aC seni bin, Je. 1, Chem, Pha. 25, 168 (1956) hy an J By Bi 1H (850 . ford; 3 Chem. Phys 85, 1097 (0961). IG IR, YL Dwacan and BC. McKean i: Mol Speetons 1,117 (50). 120 Molecule: Cyulopropenets CDs No 187 Symunetyy Dae Symmetry number 6 = 6 sym. Appronimatc — | Selected | jepecies| No. aype of mode Salve of | Infrared | Raman | Comments sequeney (Gaui) a! | on | CDesstreteh 2236 2236 V8, p 2 | ebredi bu D BMS. p P| ing teeth 956 C 9568. p a” | om | CDeewise 0D | ia, fia’? | cri). 800 VW af | on | cdywag. sop | ia | crpoc ai (bons (wold) oi | om | Deastretch, asec | 2scvs | ia | 6BE roc tine | Cols Ww it e | OR | ebteaectek aae | aai1¥s | 2208'W, dp nm | CDseds 10S” | 1068 W, dp | me | CDs wa 885M | 884M. dp mh | Rae Wefan: SENS | at Map | ma | CDraatreteh. in | 23298, mh | CDs tie is | cr 21,06 ru | CDs rook in | x8 weap References IRR, A.W, Raker and RC. Lord J GUE. fata ehsain ke €e em, Phys. 25,768 (1956 BUT Feathered 5: Maka fai Speco 26113 6 1 Molecule: Ethyleyanide_ CH.CH.CN No. 188, Symmetry Cy ‘Symmetry number ¢ = 1 sym.| Approximate | Selected | lpecies| No. aype of mode value of | Infrared | Raman Comments frequency (Liquid) vy | CH, dateeteh, 001 VS OV Gus) oy | CHs sstreteh. | 2955 VS ve | CHys-stretch { 2900 8 % | CN stretch. 2254 VS % 1465 8 SF (rw) % 1433 S vy | Gly s-deform: 1387 M | CHy wag 119M % | GeGn strexch 107T s ny | CC streteh: { 1005 M ou | CHy rock. 836 W rm | CCE deform. 545 M oa | GUN bend 220M. ne | CH, destretch 3001 VS OV (). vu | CH: acstretch 2819 8 ng | CHy dedeform. 1465 S SF (04). pa | Cs twist 1250 VW oe | CH roek. . cre) vy | CH rock 786M" 784 VW, dp rm | GCN bend. 378M | 378 M, dp. va | Torsion : MW pI. References (WIRE. NE, Duncan nd J. Jone, J; Chem, Py: 2,484 (095 Bai W. Laorie, Chem. Phys: 81, 1500 1999) i] IWtn, ‘Shem, See. Japan 44, £9 (97). 9 Molecule: Acetone CH,COCH; No, 189 Symmetry Cy ‘Symmetry number 6 = 2 Sym. lpecies| No. 7 Approximate Selected iypeotmode | alveof | Ineared | Raman | Comments queney | (Gas) te CO streteh. . p, SF bie oo cri Cr iA. CF (a). Crisf new: teen SE (». SF (2). SF CH, d-stectch. 3019 C CH; stretch. 2937 D CHL d-deform: 10 G CH, s-deform, 1864 G 4e4C | 484° W 93 Wap] 109D | 109 MW: 102, (11. ID, Salen and GC, Conta, J. Chem, Pye 1 1562 (100), ¥. tl PA. Miler Section A FE Goute and SH. Sehiachtachgetder, J. Chem Pb Moot ae) Gea ere ercate td f Shimasoecs Beh’ Chon SI 123 Molecule: — Acetone-a, a aed: CH,COCD; Symmetry C, ‘Symmetry number ¢ = Sym. Approximate | Selected speci | No. | typeotmode | value of | Tafrared | Raman | Comments | Sequeney | \ a | on | CH, dstretch, 3018 & me | Bh sstretch 2022.¢ ” 2 de-stretch 2265 C M. | mf epi SSreh 215 E YYW BLES WS.» JR @o. VW [2005:58.p vs | CO steotch 134 ys re | CH, d-deform 1430 € 8 | GH: weer 3g60 | 1 a 1353 | 1234.5 V8 » 10586 |. me 1021 € 8 ) me 1003 i ha wie | ai W hs moe | 735 0 hs 5026 | 501.58 = aoc | as w | ase sw a” | ste | CH, destreteh. 2868C | 2968 S265 ° Ss vr | CD; d-stretch 2222 | 3202 M pairs bm | GHG dedeform: 1447 8 te | GB rock 1035 6 5 bm | CD; dudeform.. 999 G 8 ym | EDs rock. 64D M vu | CO op bend aoc ya | CH torsion 106 E | cB. | ya | EDs torsion. -- BE :| CF RL \ References 1) TRRTH —G, Delepiane and I. Overend, Spectrochim. Acta 22, 595 (1966 fe) teacrh: SiRikhed HD Jakes tay of kyo, Be 124 Molecule: Acetone-d, _CD,COCD; No. 191 Symmetry Cx. Symmetry number 6 = 2 | approriness Selected No. aype of mode value of | Infrared | Raman ‘Comments frequency a 2264 G SP Gx). 2123. SF (ud. 12 € 1080 € 1035 D 887 ILENE) 6a9¢ GCE deform, 321 W | 330" VWy "9 a Dy stretch. 210 E cr 3). Dy dedeform.... WE cr bl. Dy rocks! 669 E cr By. Torsion pele ia go | FR a | Cie Ssivetah 20 T) 226t | 268% s [5356:8'8 SF Gy). Dy e-stretch 2123 | 2123" W. SF (). €C stretch... Bec | Bal 7s 1248.5 VW Dy sdeform.. 1035 D | 085" M1036 CBee] eek |e ME G6 a CDs rock. : 4D | 24 W CO inden ase | 8% ae weap be | mh | Cbs thstreteh....0201.] 228 | 2226.58 eae s pa | Dy dedeform.002.22°0.] 10506 | 1050"" S ma | CDs rock. 9606 | 960 M 2 | C0 apehensd amc | 408 W | aio VW. ap mr | Torsion : BE cre. References ALTRRTH. —B, Gouee and JH, Scbachachcien, J. Che Pi sp 44 2000) | HCRCTR. —G. Dulleiane and J. Overend, Spectrochim Acta [5] HR-Th, —M. Mik, PhD. Thess (University of Fokyo, 190) 135 Molecule: Propane CH,CH.CH, No. 192 Symmetry Coy ‘Symmetry number ¢ = 2 Sym. Approximate Selected species | No. type of mode yalue of | Infrared | Raman Comments, equeoy | (Ga) | aaqmay a | x | CHedsteteh...........] 20776 | 2977 i | vy | CH, sstreteh: 2062 | 2962 vs | CH sstretch. 2887 | 2887 >. | CHs dedeform. WG | ise ms | CH, Mec | i462 bu | GH, sdetorm: 1392 | 1392 m | CH rock sg | 158 | sew m | CC'sreteh 809 C 808 8078 vm | GCC deform. 369 C 369 315 W az | oe | Clty destretch 2967 G is 2967 M bu | GH d-deform 1451 ¢ ia 14518. pis | CH twist. 1278 C ia 1278 W bis | CH rock, 940 D ia 940 VW ne | Torsion. 216 G ia |, | MW (10.11) by | oie | CHe destreta 2068 | 2968 bie | CHG setretch. 2887 | 287 |. f OV Oe yin | GHz dedeform...2212.2.1| M464 | 464 ma 1BC | 1378 va 1338 | 1338 | 138M oo 10546 | 1054 | 1054 ME | oa 922 G 922 by | ome 273G | 2973, vo damn e | 06 me wc | 1m ms usc | 1192 me asc | “148 te an | Mw [10,111 sreement with the reults of neutroninelastic scattering experiment (D. M. Grant, RJ. Pagmiee, ‘and RC. Livingston,J- Chem, Phys.'52, 434 (1970))- 2 “ Eas References IIR. D.M Geter J. Chem, Phys 17,39 94). BER: Ee sfetisay. "Blakes hah Condon, J, Chem, Pos. 17, 98 (194. HB MGMTY a eRe th: ge Hoyts WIR 1-3 comterd apd Io Code. Mok Spe 474 (960)- Be i i Nip Ragas 42, "304 (5. fee Pi Sclechaineider Spectrechin. Acta 185 0968) mF Spetrectim: ets 19 1 00. lie: Henan Wel. King, Speaurgetiny Acte Bi, S48 (1960), by ar ul] Mi. fit) we 176

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