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ICT Resource Statement

In designing our Web Quest we have endeavoured to use a variety of ICT activities
to be sure that every student has the opportunity to have an educational experience
that is tailored to meet their learning capabilities.


For the visual and sensory learner YouTube offers a huge variety of film clips.
Manifest in lessons one and two we believe using fun and interactive visuals (linking
the students world to the learning material in the classroom) engages students while
stimulating them into thinking about and grappling with the subject matter.

Survey Monkey

Highlighted in lessons one and three, we believe that using a SurveyMonkey offers
an easy and effective way to follow up and test what students have learnt. The ICT
resource also has the ability to serve as a reflective mechanism so students can
revisit key areas of a previous lesson.


Utilised in lesson two this resource is a great way to inject some collaborative and
self-reflective learning in the classroom. We chose Kidblog in this instance to
demonstrate how it could be used as a private record, or diary, of ones thoughts and
ideas (A day in the life of) and then as a public record for others to read and
comment on. This resource is safe and easy to use and has great versatility allowing
students to post text, images or videos and receive feedback through comments.

Interactive Map

This was used in lesson one (not created by our group but borrowed and embedded)
as it is a perfect tool for visualising where the Black Death spread and capturing how
devastating a pandemic it was. Simultaneously, it was able to test some higher order
thinking as it was designed to trace not only the spread of the Black Death but also
key medieval trade routes. Students are asked to draw a correlation between
affected arears of the Black Death and key medieval trade routes.


Again this is one for the visual learners which we decided to utilise in lesson three
looking at symptoms of the Black Death. Students will be required to build a poster
using graphic communication forms (Smore) to explain and communicate historical
knowledge and data. We believe this is an engaging, fun and interactive ICT
resource whereby students are able to demonstrate their knowledge in a visually
creative manner.

Spider scribe

This was used in lesson four in an effort to brainstorm and reflect on the key
concepts surrounding symptoms and effects of the Black Death. As a learning tool
its wonderful for drawing links between concepts and getting a big picture
understanding of where everything fits. Mind maps serve as useful ICT resources as
they can be saved and exported into blogs or websites.


This ICT resource is designed to be presented in a graphic slideshow format. As a

learning tool we believe photos/images speak a thousand words and is important
students are able to read and interpret information and not be persuaded or told
what to believe through words.

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