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Physical Developmental Milestones

The Embryonic Stage

During stage 2 the baby has developed, "Face, eyes, ears, limbs, and bones, internal
organs systems devlop, foundation, the heart, lungs, bones, and muscles are formed, the
nurel tube closes, brain and spinal cord forming, critical stage for brain development."
( Three Stages of Prenatal Development
The Fetal Stage
At stage three the baby continues to grow, " First time mother can feel movement, age of
viability: fetus could survie if born, active but then rest, five senses start to work, cough,
sneeze, cry, hiccup, kick, weigh gain, last month: to get immunities from mother."

Language Developmental Milestones

Accoding toChristine moom, " The fist study showes that fetus learn prenatally about
particular speeh sounds of a mothers language." (
A mother voice is infulental in her unborn child language and cognitive development.
"The vocal sound in her speech are the loudests units and the fetus locks on to them.
Cognitive Developmental Milestones
"Sensory and brain mechanisim for hearing are developed at 30 weeks of gestational
age." (
" The central nervious system (which is composed of the brain and the spinal cord)
matures in a sequence from tail to head, in just the fifth week of conception the first
synapeses begain forming in the fetus spinal cord." When the door
of the fetus brain began to work)
Atypical Development
"There are many teratogens in the environment such as the sedative drugs: Thalidomide,
which was found to have frasstic effects in that, it produced gross malformation of the
embryo's developing arms and legs. Exposure to Agent Orange and other chemical
weapons have resulted in developmental prenatal delays for young children. Smoking,

alchol, drug use during pregancy has also been linked to developmental problems at
birth." ( Providers tab Tetrogens)
"Drug Abuse during preganancy will have a significant effect on the developing fetus."
Stratagies That Will Help Families Enhance Thier Childs Development
Eat 6 small healthy meals day.
Do not take medications with out doctors approvel.
Do not use Narcotics.
Stay away from chemicals.
Get lots of rest, and go to all your prenatal well check appointments.
Drink lots of water.
Read to your unborn child, and be happy.

Social Emotional Milestones

"In infancy, emotions arise primarly from physical sensations, such as hunger, fatigue,
and discomfort. Emotions and feelings can easily flood and overwhelm the young infant,
who is not yet able to soothe herself." (
"As a toodler emotions become more complex. The young child feels many emotions
with intensive is now expressing independance." (
Self Regulations and Moral Reasonings Milestones
The attachment between infant and caregiver can ensure the infants survival.

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