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Absolute Rulers of Russia

1. While reading, list in chronological order the rulers of Russia.

Ivan III
Ivan lV
Michael Romanov
Peter the Great

2. Identify the following terms: boyar, czar, westernization

Boyar- When a young life is disrupted by the struggles for power among Russias
landowning nobles.
Czar- An emperor of Russia before 1917.
Westernization- Using western Europe as a model for change.
4. Why did Peter the Great believe that Russia's future depended on having a warmwater port?
The reason the Peter the Great depended on warm water ports was because with
war water ports it made it easier to trade with European nations. Also more
modernization would come with trading with European nations, such as
5. What were some of the ways Peter attempted to westernize Russia?

Peter the Great opened a school for navigation.

He traveled all over Europe looking for ways to modernize

Started first newspaper in Russia

Brought womens status up by allowing them to come to social gatherings.

6. Who do you believe was more of an absolute monarch: Ivan IV or Peter the Great?
Explain with
evidence to support your answer.
Ivan Iv was the young prince who changed Russia. He made the boarders of
Russia expand as well as the trade. Ivan changed during the 1560s and created
strict policies and participated in violent acts. This created the name Ivan the
Terrible. The death of Ivans wife caused the change in his behavior. Because of
this it shows that Peter the Great was the one was more of an Absolute monarch.

You can tell this because peter wanted to westernize things and become more like
the European nations.
7. Which class of Russian society probably did not benefit from Peter's reforms? Why?
Serf, low class, peasants.
8. How might Peter's attempts at westernization have affected his people's opinion of
Christians in Europe?
After Peter going to Europe and seeing their religion maybe it would change his
idea on Christianity.
9. Which event in your reading do you believe had the most impact on modern Russia?
Peter the Greats reforms were a first step toward Russias westernization. Today
the country continues to become and be more modernized.
10. Write a one-paragraph expository essay explaining which of Peter's actions reveal
that he saw himself as the highest authority in Russia.
Peter the Greats narcissistic actions shows through his power hungry and
highest authority ruling in Russia. After Peter removed his step sister, he
recruited men from lower ranking families and proposed the idea of promoting
them to some of the most highest rewarding positions; as a result he bribed them
with grants of land and job. By modernizing his army and hiring European
officials he helped drill solders by giving them weapons and European tactics. In
order to pay for the army Peter created he raised taxes.

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