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Carl Baird

Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Title: Rubber Chicken Football

Grade level 3-5
# of students VARIABLE

Lesson Objectives: Address each domain (NASPE Standards and Michigan

Grade Level Content Expectations):
K.RP.03.01: Students will recognize the need to practice skills for which improvement is needed
in isolated settings.
In this lesson students will learn about how to self-regulate (physically and socially) and will
practice monitoring the ways in which they can improve to help their team to score points.
Physical Fitness:
A.PE.04.0: Students will participate in physical activities that are moderate in intensity level (i.e.,
a minimum of 50% of class time sustaining a minimum of 60% of target heart rate) in physical
education, including: locomotor activities, activities inclusive of manipulative skills, dodging,
chasing, and fleeing activities, and modified games that include combinations of locomotor and
manipulative skills.
In this lesson students will be running towards an object that is placed in the center of the gym.
They will take turns doing this, and will be required to monitor themselves so that they do not run
into the other relay runner. This game should elevate student heart rates while giving them
adequate rest time.
M.MC.03.0: Students will be able to demonstrate all space awareness movement concepts for
location (e.g., self-space and general space) in isolated settings.
In this game students will need to actively monitor how fast they move when approaching the
object (the rubber chicken). Students will also need to be aware of when it is ok to leave the
starting line (the end zone) after their relay team member has returned to their side of the gym.
K. SB. 03.01: Students will be able to identify benefits of social interactions as part of
participation in physical activities.
In this lesson students will have multiple opportunities to race towards an object in a two-team
relay. Students will have to actively think about how to organize the order of their team members
and will need to work as a team to decide if and how the use of a strategy will improve their
chances at winning the game.

Instructional Segment:

1 rubber chicken
Objects/markers to define end zones
Two end zones will be set up at opposite ends of the gymnasium. The rubber
chicken football will be placed in the middle of the half court line. Students
will be divided into two groups and will line up behind their end zone.



2-3 minutes

Motivation: Good afternoon fourth graders! Lately we have been learning

about how to work efficiently in groups, and weve also talked about being
mindful about how we move our bodies during different games. Today were
going to try something new that will allow us to practice all of these things
that weve been talking about.
Student Expectations: Students will sit together in front of their instructor
as directions are given. Students are expected to listen carefully as they are
put into two groups. Students will also answer facilitating questions
respectfully and to the best of their abilities.
Transition: Listen carefully as I describe how this new game works. As I
explain what to do, be thinking about what we have been talking about over
the past few weeks with regards to how we move and how we work as a
team. Think to yourself, how does this apply to this new game?


Time: 3 minutes

Explanation/Demo of activity:
The game we are going to play is called Rubber Chicken Football. It is like
a relay race, but with a couple of special changes. You have already been
divided into two teams. Each team is going to line up behind their end
zone. The first person in line will run towards the rubber chicken when I say
Go. You will then stop: dont touch the chicken yet. When facing your

opposing team member, play a quick, single round of rock paper scissors.
The person who wins the round gets to pick up the chicken. As soon as that
person picks up the chicken, he or she will run as fast as he/she can towards
the other teams end zone. At the same time, the next person in line from
that defending team will run out and meet the person with the chicken. The
offense person will set down the chicken in front of him/her, and will
challenge the defender to a game of rock paper scissors. Whoever wins that
round picks up the chicken and runs towards the other teams end zone. If
the chicken is carried all the way beyond the end zone, a point has been
Simplify(teaching methods): Whole
Common Errors:
Possible Instructor Errors: This activity can sound a bit complex. It will not
be successful if the instructor does not as enough facilitating questions to
ensure that the whole class knows what to do.
Possible Student Errors: Not setting down the chicken when coming face-toface with an opposing team member. Students may want to pick up the
chicken right away: emphasize that a round of rock paper scissors must be
played first.
Key Words/Say and Do:
End Zone
Facilitating Questions:
Lets say I am next in line. My teammate has just lost a round of rock paper scissors. What do I
do? (Run out to stop opponent)
Ive run out to meet my opponent. What should he/she do as soon as I get to him/her? (Drop the
chicken. Play rock paper scissors)
Ive run out to meet my opponent. I lose rock paper scissors. What do you think I should do?
(Return to the back of the line in his/her own end zone.)
What do you think should happen if a round of rock paper scissors ends in a stalemate? (Allow
students to decide this: either play another round or return to the end of their respective lines. The
next person in line would then run out if the latter option is chosen)
Alright ladies and gentlemen. Lets give this a try. When I say go, you will
have fifteen seconds to get into your lines behind your end zones. Remember
not to start playing until I give the signal. Ready? Go.

Time: Variable (For purposes of this demo, we will probably go for ~45 Minutes)
Procedure: (how will students practice activity)
(See Explanation/Demo of Activity, above.)
Students will stand in two teams behind their end zones facing one another. The
first person in line from
each team will run out to the chicken and will play a fast round of rock paper
scissors. The winner of
round will pick up the chicken and will run towards the opposing end zone. A
member (the next in line)
that opposing team will run out to stop that player. Another round of rock paper
scissors will commence.
Players who lose the rock paper scissors round will return to the back of their line
and will wait for another
turn. When an offensive player gets close to the defending end zone with the
chicken, he/she will play
last round of rock paper scissors. If he/she wins that round, he/she may step into
the end zone to score a
point. The rubber chicken will be placed in the center of the gym for another
Options for activity:
Students will have more opportunities to run if team sizes are smaller. Thus the
class could be divided into
four or six teams, depending on how many rubber chickens are available/how
much space is available.
Important Safety Note:
Students may run into each other when approaching the rubber chicken.
Emphasize bodily awareness!
Now that everyone has had a chance to participate, lets regroup in the center of the gym to review how
things went!

Time: 2 Minutes

Today you learned:

Today you learned how to work as a team to work efficiently. You also thought a
lot about how to move
during relay activities.

Have students demonstrate:

Can someone tell me something that they were challenged by during this
activity? How did you adapt to that situation?
Can anyone tell me why they think relay activities are good for building

Homework(Attach homework sheet):

On this handout, come up with your own relay-style game. You will describe and
draw how your game will
work. Remember to think about how your game will help foster good

Inclusion: (Definition, Characteristics, teaching, modifications for your lesson, source)

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition that affects millions of
children and often persists into adulthood. ADHD includes a combination of problems, such as
difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behavior.

Often fails to give close attention to details

Often has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities
Often appears to not be listening when spoken to directly
Often has difficulty following through on instructions
Often has difficulty organizing tasks and activities
Often avoids or is reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort
Often easily distracted by extraneous stimuli

Modifications to lesson:
Students with ADHD might struggle while waiting for it to be their turn to participate in the relay.
This/these student(s) should be encouraged to stretch during their wait time.
Instructional modification: Students with ADHD would benefit from having their instructor visually
show the class how to participate in the activity instead of just verbally explaining how it will work.


Americans with Disabilities Act. n. page. Web. 8 Oct. 2013.

2. "Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children." Mayo Clinic. (2013): n. page. Web.

8 Oct. 2013. <>.


Homework: Creating a relay game

Name of game:___________________________________________


Reflection Question:
How does your game help to create a teamwork-oriented feeling?

Score: ___/6pts

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