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The Globe Song Folio of Popular Songs and Duets - 1912 Bayley & Ferguson, London 2009 Believe Me if All. Moderate, 8 = = =. Sa = Seite = Faye Ae Ae AS 1. Be - lieve meitall those endearing young charms,Which I gazeon sufondlyto-day. Were to 2 isuotwhilebeaseyandyounaretiineonmyad ty checks nprafened by a exe, ‘Thovthe ca - « Cel — ee = changeby to-mor-row and. feat ta my arms, Like fal-ry_ gifs lat sing a+ way Thao wml ‘er svoveandlath ot” a goal can be. Loown.To hich imewi ber make thee tore deat onthe $ a Ss $2 s2| ¥ FF) ee FF F SSS SS —_—= = = == : so — PFE ef Ee » round thedear ru -in each wishof my heart Woulden-twineit - self ver + dant-ly ‘gun = flower tums on her godwhenhe sels, ‘Thesame look which she turned when he “3s = =

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