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Journal 1 : A letter to myself My expectations of the Dip. Ed.

Programme - 05737423

Name: Zahir Ali


On Monday 21st July, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. I found myself sitting in Lecture Theatre E, Teaching and Learning
Centre ready to start my Dip. Ed. Programme. While I sat in this huge room feeling bewildered I thought to myself
what am I getting myself into, since it has been over a decade that I have not been in any type of learning
programme. However, after this knee jerk reaction and some deep breaths I have settled to having some great
expectations about this programme.
My expectations are, I expect this programme to affect and even change the way I perform my duties at
school and even at home. I expect this programme to affect my personality as the manner in which I carry about
myself, to affect me as a teacher in the way I shape and mould the minds and attitudes of the students, and to impact
on the students in the manner I deliver the syllabus or by extension the curriculum.
A graduate of the 2013 2014 Dip. Ed. Programme named Michelle, spoke with us in our Curriculum (I.T)
course about her experiences with the programme and the way she juggled her time with work, school and home. I
could relate to her experiences since I would have to carefully manage my time with my work, family and the Dip.
Ed. Programme. She survived, and also came out being a better person than when she started. Later on I attended the
lectures in philosophy, psychology and conflict resolution. I expect these courses to develop my rationality, thinking
and personality.
Dr. Kamalodeen on 21st July 2014 raised the point that Curriculum is the lifeblood of the education system.
She also pointed out that many teachers may have been teaching the syllabus and not teaching the students. It makes
me wonder what have I been doing right or wrong over these past years at Cunupia Secondary School. I like the idea
she threw out about developing a curriculum for Information Technology for Forms one to three. Therefore I expect

Journal 1 : A letter to myself My expectations of the Dip. Ed. Programme - 05737423

these classes in Curriculum (I.T.) at School of Education to re-energise me as a teacher, in me delivering the syllabus
or curriculum in a more meaningful way to the students.
I also believe and expect the programme to benefit the students at Cunupia Secondary, since the relationship
between me and student would be improved. I think that teaching in a different manner or the entire approach to
teaching and learning at Cunupia Secondary can change positively, to nurture all the students.
Zahir Ali

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