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Unit 1 The Online World

Serena Khan

Possible Threats to Data

1. Explain the term hacker
Hackers are people who a person who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data. If a business takes
information without permission this is hacking.
2. Explain the term computer virus
These are small programs that can be replicate themselves and spread from computer to computer. A virus is a
simple program designed to cause harm to someone else's computer. A virus spreads by attaching itself to other
files. The extent of the damage depends on how bad the virus is. There are tens of thousands of viruses all around
the world. Some virus can delete all of your work and make your computer corrupt and damage your files. They
are caused by bad programmer who cause problems for many users.
3. The following are ways in which data can be protected. Explain the way in which the following systems work.
User names and Password: Creating passwords helps to protect your computer because this is harder for
a hacker to get into your files and cause damage. This also can protect all of your personal documents
being deleted. Passwords are sequenced of characters, know only the computer user, which allow access
to a computer, network application. Passwords should always be strong so that it would be hard for the
hacker to try and guess them or even to try and work it out.

Access Levels: These can be set up to allow individuals to have access to only specific levels of
application and prevent unauthorized users from accessing particular data. Network managers can set
up groups of users with different levels of access to the network. At the highest level, the network
manager can install and remove software, access all user areas and change permissions. At lower levels,
a group of users may only be able to access particular pieces of software and their files stored in their
own areas. We have a hierarchy for our school the administrators have the most access, the teachers
have a little less and students have limited access.

Firewalls (virus wall): This is a piece of software that monitors all data arriving at your computer from
the internet and all data leaving your computer. A firewall protects (a network or system) from

unauthorized access with a firewall. It stops anything that is harmful or unwanted (such as
viruses, spam and hackers).

Data encryption: This is used to codify data so that it cannot be read by anyone else who does not have
the key to the code. An algorithm, sometimes known as a cipher, is applied to the data at the
transmission end and the reverse is applied at the reception end. Data encryption is the act of changing
electronic information into an unreadable state by using algorithms or ciphers. Originally, data
encryption was used for passing government and military information electronically.


Anti-Virus Software: This is set up to intercept computer viruses before they can become resident on the
computer. The software can isolate the virus, remove it and sometimes repair any damage. Equivalent
security programs exists for other types of malware. Antivirus or anti-virus software (often abbreviated
as AV), sometimes known as anti-malware software, is computer software used to prevent, detect and
remove malicious software. Antivirus software was originally developed to detect and remove computer
viruses, hence the name. It can fix a remove viruses.

4. Explain how you would back up files on a computer network in order to protect them and keep them secure.
Making backup of data is the only way of recovering from a total data disaster. Many individuals and organizations
back up data Flash solid state storage devises or magnetic tape at night. Large organizations will back up there
information on server. You can back your information on a cloud e.g. Mrs. Manthys IPad (ICloud would back up
all of her information)
5. Explain ways in which you would prevent physical access to computer systems.
Locks on doors and windows

Unit 1 The Online World

Serena Khan

Secure hardware on desks

Alarm the computers
Security guards and reception

6. As a Systems Manager how would you cope with the following?

i. Not losing data if there was a fire on the premises.
Back up the data other than the premises
ii. A member of staff has asked you to explain to them what phishing is.
Phishing: Is a type of threat that attempt to gain your bank details which includes your passwords to your
back account.
iii. You have heard that there is a virus being sent as an attachment to an email.
Advise you to delete the email and check to see if there is any viruses
iv. Someone has found out a colleagues password and has been accessing their files.
Advise the collogue to change their password immediately and they would be consequences for the
person who has stolen there
v. A member of staff has been discussing the private details of other staff members, such as their telephone
numbers and salaries
Consequences for the person who has stolen there details because they have broken the data protection
Passwords and usernames are used to help prevent unauthorized access to computer data. The data could be held on a
standalone computer system or on a network. Guidelines when choosing a computer password
a. The length of your password should be between 6 and 10 characters.
b. Do not choose a word that could easily be associated with you, e.g. the name of your favorite football
team, name of girlfriend/boyfriend, pets name or birth date.
c. Replace letters in the word with numbers or spell it backwards, e.g. the word online would become 0n1in3
or enilno.
d. Use a word in a foreign language.
e. Keep it secret.
7. Passwords are used together with usernames. Why is it necessary for each person using the network to have his
or her own username and password?
This is important because its unique so that you can only access your data.
8. Some users may have different levels of access to the network. For example, in your school the teachers will be
able to access more areas of the network than you can as a student. Explain why this is necessary?
This is necessary because these can be set to allow only authorized people to access your personal teachers e.g.
9. What is an e-reputation?
Having good netiquette online and thats where e-reputation come from.
10. What is the Data Protection Act and what is it used for?
This is an act that is a law to protect information when stored on a computer.

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