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Tactical Leadership Assessment Test

Question: 1 of 70
Another departments supervisor fails to give you information that you
should have received. As a result, your departments productivity has gone
down. How do you handle the situation?
Talk to the other supervisor about the situation and ask that he take
responsibility for the productivity decrease.
Meet with the other supervisor and discuss the communication
problems that exist.
Explain to the other supervisor that his actions are bad for the
entire company.
Help the other supervisor see the problems caused by his mistake.
Question: 2 of 70
One day, you overhear another departments supervisor complaining about
the quality of your departments work. You arent aware of any problems
with your departments work quality. What would you do in this situation?
Contact the other departments supervisor and ask her if you can
meet to discuss and solve the quality problems.
Increase the quality standards for your departments work so that
the other supervisor wont have anything to complain about.
Meet with the supervisor and tell her that your department is not
responsible for the quality problems.
Watch your department closely to make sure that they are
completing their tasks correctly.

Tactical Leadership Assessment Test

Question: 3 of 70
Your manager has asked for your help to make a decision on an important
issue within 24 hours. The outcome of this decision will have a direct
impact on how your associates do their jobs. The best thing for you to do is:
Meet with your manager and make the decision together.
Call a meeting with your associates and discuss the issue with
them as a group.
Work with your manager to reach a decision and then meet with
each associate to discuss the outcome.
Ask your manager to present the issue at the next associate
meeting because it will have an impact on the entire group.
Question: 4 of 70
After finding out that youve made a potentially serious error at your job, the
most important reason for taking action to correct it is because if you did
Someone else might find the error and improve their chances of
being promoted above you.
You might get caught by a manager and criticized for what youve
You would feel guilty about it afterward.
Coworkers might find out and think that you are a careless person.

Tactical Leadership Assessment Test

Question: 5 of 70
You turn down an associates schedule request. He angrily points out that
you granted the same request to someone else. Although this is true,
circumstances have changed since the previous request. What do you do?
Tell the associate that he must consider all of the circumstances of
the situation.
Tell him that you would like to grant the request, but your hands are
Apologize but tell the associate you will not change your mind.
Tell the associate that he should take it up with your manager.

Question: 6 of 70
Pat, one of your associates, calls you aside after a meeting to complain
about Steve, an associate from another area whom she is partnered with to
work on a set of tasks. She feels that Steve doesnt listen to her input or
ideas. As a result, Pat feels that Steve has taken over all of the tasks. The
best response would be to:
Discuss Pats problem with another associate from Steves area
and ask for that associate's help in resolving the situation.
Tell Pat to stand up to Steve and insist that he listen to her input.
Offer to meet with Pat and Steve to discuss the situation.

Tactical Leadership Assessment Test

Meet with Steve and make him aware of Pats concerns.

Question: 7 of 70
As a new manager, you receive several requests a month for help from
others about tasks which you used to be responsible for in your old position
but are not anymore. You would address this situation by:
Continuing to take on these requests along with your regular
Forwarding such requests directly to the person who has taken
over your old position.
Making sure that those making the requests know which tasks you
are and are not responsible for.
Setting up a meeting with the person currently in your old position
to explain the tasks in detail.
Question: 8 of 70
You get an anonymous note that says one of your associates was seen
taking company merchandise to her car after a shift. The note also says
this person should be stopped from stealing company property. The best
thing you can do is:

Tactical Leadership Assessment Test

Talk with other associates about the problem.
Warn this person that she is being watched.
Go to the parking lot yourself and watch this person leaving work.
Refer the incident to loss prevention or a member of management.

Question: 9 of 70
You have received several complaints about arguments between two of
your associates, Mary and Jill. A new project just arose and because Mary
and Jill have the best skills to complete the project, you want them to work
together. How would you approach this situation?
Meet with Mary and Jill together to discuss the problems that exist
between them.
Approach Mary and Jill individually about working together on the
new project.
Make Mary and Jill work together because they are the best group
members for the job.
Assign separate tasks to Mary and Jill and oversee them when they
need to work together.
Question: 10 of 70

Tactical Leadership Assessment Test

A day after returning from a day off during a holiday, you find that Anna, one
of your associates, has started making many mistakes and has stopped
communicating with other associates. Many of the associates are
personally concerned. What do you do?
Explain to Anna that you understand how holidays can be
depressing and that you would like her to try to concentrate on the
work at hand.
Discuss the performance problems and your expectations with
Anna; then ask if she has any concerns.
Remind Anna that an associate assistance program is available to
help her with any personal problems.
Ignore the lapse in performance for now because people go
through high and low points and usually work through it on their
Question: 11 of 70
You have been following a complicated paperwork process for months.
When looking through some old files you find a new page of process
instructions you did not see before. These new instructions change the
results of the process substantially. It would take you several days to re-do
the work. What would you do?
Find out from another manager what he or she would do if this
situation happened to them.
Re-do the work if it would not affect your current workload.

Tactical Leadership Assessment Test

Meet with your manager to explain the situation, then re-do the
Leave the old process results as they are, but change the process
from then on.
Question: 12 of 70
You have just received feedback about the quality of your departments
work. Your department is above the accepted standards for quality.
However, you do see some problems. As you review the feedback, you see
that one associate, Rick, causes most of the quality problems. How do you
approach this situation?
Discuss the situation with Rick and make plans to train him further
Suggest to Rick that he should sign up for additional training.
Ask a high-performing associate to watch Rick and help him when
he makes a mistake.
Wait to take action because your department hasnt yet fallen below
quality standards.

Question: 13 of 70
You have recently been given a new managerial assignment. Chris, an
associate in the group you now manage, applied for the position but did not
get it. Recently, he told some of the associates that he didnt feel you were
the right person for the job. The best thing for you to do is to:

Tactical Leadership Assessment Test

Inform your manager of the situation and ask him to speak with
Perform the job you were assigned and hope that Chris will
eventually accept the situation.
Tell Chris that your manager appointed you to the job and ask him
to stop speaking negatively about you to the other associates.
Tell Chris that you are sorry that things did not work out as he had
hoped and that you would appreciate his support to help assure
Question: 14 of 70
You and your department have been asked to solve a problem. The
problem is not difficult; in fact, you have come up with a solution on your
own. Your supervisor has asked you to review the problem with your
department and produce a solution at your next meeting. The most
appropriate response is to:
Review the problem with the department and wait to see if they
come up with the same solution you have.
Present the problem and your solution to the department and have
them try to come up with a better solution.
Let the department know that you have a possible solution but that
you want to hear their ideas first.
Wait until after your department meeting to give your solution to
your supervisor.

Tactical Leadership Assessment Test

Question: 15 to 21 of 70
You have more responsibilities than you can handle on your own. You need
to delegate some tasks to others. How effective would each action be in
this situation?
Delegate tasks that will stretch the capabilities of those you delegate to.
Very Ineffective
Somewhat Ineffective
Neither Effective nor

Somewhat Effective

Very Effective

Delegate a task in phases, assigning the less risky parts first.
Very Ineffective
Somewhat Ineffective
Neither Effective nor

Somewhat Effective

Very Effective

Clarify expectations and limits for the tasks being delegated.
Very Ineffective
Somewhat Ineffective
Neither Effective nor

Somewhat Effective

Very Effective

Identify all tasks that need to be done and decide which can be delegated.
Very Ineffective
Somewhat Ineffective
Neither Effective nor

Somewhat Effective

Very Effective

Delegate tasks that you are not good at.

Tactical Leadership Assessment Test

Very Ineffective

Somewhat Ineffective

Somewhat Effective

Neither Effective nor

Very Effective

Keep close watch over delegated tasks until you are sure they are being
performed correctly.
Very Ineffective
Somewhat Ineffective
Neither Effective nor

Somewhat Effective

Very Effective

Avoid delegating tasks that will take you longer to explain than to do
Very Ineffective
Somewhat Ineffective
Neither Effective nor

Somewhat Effective

Very Effective

Question: 22 to 28 of 70
You must prepare for a major project that you will lead within your facility.
How effective would each action be in this situation?
Making sure your budget exactly matches expected tasks, without extra
Very Ineffective
Somewhat Ineffective
Neither Effective nor

Somewhat Effective

Very Effective

Developing backup plans for likely obstacles.
Very Ineffective
Somewhat Ineffective

Somewhat Effective

Neither Effective nor

Very Effective

Tactical Leadership Assessment Test

Waiting until you have all possible information before starting to prepare.
Very Ineffective
Somewhat Ineffective
Neither Effective nor

Somewhat Effective

Very Effective

Prioritizing project tasks to make sure that easier tasks are completed first.
Very Ineffective
Somewhat Ineffective
Neither Effective nor

Somewhat Effective

Very Effective

Reviewing similar projects for common problems.
Very Ineffective
Somewhat Ineffective
Neither Effective nor

Somewhat Effective

Very Effective

Limiting project tasks to what is possible with resources that are already on
Very Ineffective
Somewhat Ineffective
Neither Effective nor

Somewhat Effective

Very Effective

Gathering input from department associates about their preferred role in
the project.
Very Ineffective
Somewhat Ineffective
Neither Effective nor

Somewhat Effective

Very Effective

Question: 29 to 38 of 70
Indicate how much you agree or disagree with each statement.

Tactical Leadership Assessment Test

I particularly enjoy solving problems and thinking about new ideas.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

In past jobs, I often suggested improvements to the way work was being
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

I often dont know what to say to an upset coworker.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

I sometimes come to meetings unprepared.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

I sometimes give up on projects when I get too discouraged from setbacks.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

I am able to understand people I work with very well.

Tactical Leadership Assessment Test

Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

I enjoy discussing ways to change my job.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

Once I have achieved a goal, I set a new and more difficult goal.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

My ability to understand the problems of others has helped me deal with
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

It takes me a lot of time to get started when I arrive at work.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

Question: 39 to 48 of 70
Indicate how much you agree or disagree with each statement.
I sometimes make impulsive decisions at work that I wish I hadnt made.

Tactical Leadership Assessment Test

Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

I pay close attention to others' facial expressions.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

Changes in my work responsibilities have taught me a lot.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

Often I dont complete all the tasks I have started.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

I have good intuition about how to present myself to others at work.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

Many of the changes I have seen at work tend to cause more problems
than they solve.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

Tactical Leadership Assessment Test

I have been known to do far more work than other associates.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

I feel uncomfortable when I don't understand the reason for an important
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

At the end of each workday, I make sure my work area is clean and neat.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

In the past, other associates treated me in ways that often made me angry.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

Question: 49 to 58 of 70
Indicate how much you agree or disagree with each statement.
I always seem to instinctively know the right things to say or do to influence

Tactical Leadership Assessment Test

Strongly Disagree


Strongly Agree

When I see a problem, I fix it.
Strongly Disagree

Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

I am not always able to focus on work I should be doing.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

I am not always good at sensing the motivations and hidden agendas of
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

Even if a task starts off badly, I almost never get discouraged.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

I am often surprised by the emotions others display at work.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

Tactical Leadership Assessment Test

I rarely agree with changes made to my job.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

I usually know the right things to say to calm others.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

Even when my work situation looks bleak, I do not become sad or
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

I prefer to stick to the ways I have always done things at work.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

Question: 59 to 64 of 70
Indicate how much you agree or disagree with each statement.
I frequently misunderstand the non-verbal messages of others.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

I tend to avoid situations that present new problems I cannot handle.

Tactical Leadership Assessment Test

Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

I rarely get angry with other associates for things they do.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

I like going into new situations where I don't know what to expect.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

My previous supervisors have complimented my problem-solving skills.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

I keep all of my files organized so I know where to look for information.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree

Question: 65 of 70
You have found that the level of direction you desire the most regarding
your work is:

Tactical Leadership Assessment Test

Close supervision so that your responsibilities are clear.
Some supervision so that you can ask for help when you need it.
Minimal supervision so that you can check to make sure your
decisions are correct.
Hardly any supervision so that you can act independently as much
as possible.

Question: 66 of 70
In past jobs, you have been able to persuade other associates to go along
with your ideas by:
Standing behind your ideas and staying confident in them.
Presenting the ideas in a dynamic, exciting way.
Changing your ideas to include others suggestions.
Trying many different persuasion tactics until the other associates
give in.

Question: 67 of 70
Which role have you most often had in a group that was organized to solve
a problem?
The supervisor of the group.

Tactical Leadership Assessment Test

A member of the group.
I have not been involved in a group that was organized to solve a
Question: 68 of 70
What best describes your experience providing advice and feedback to
others about work-related tasks?
You have not yet gained experience doing this.
You have provided work-related advice to co-workers.
You have provided work-related advice to direct reports.
You have given constructive feedback to direct reports about their
You have given constructive feedback to direct reports and have
established performance expectations.
Question: 69 of 70
Which of the statements below best describes your experience in
developing and tracking performance goals for yourself and/or for others?
You have not yet gained experience doing this.
You have developed your own performance goals.
You have developed your own performance goals
them over time.

and tracked

Tactical Leadership Assessment Test

You have developed performance goals for yourself and others.
You have developed

and tracked

performance goals for

yourself and others.

Question: 70 of 70
When you have worked on major projects in the past, you have:
Focused on parts of the project that you knew already had a
Focused on parts of the project where you could be creative, even
though it may make the work product harder for others to
Used your creativity for the most important parts of the project.
Limited your creativity so that the work product was easy for others
to understand.

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