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Personal and Cultural Health Beliefs: Self Reflection

My Tran 810-040-279
Humber College
Practice Nursing Theory NURS160
October 9th, 2013

Exploring Health Beliefs and Determinants of Health
Health factors influence a persons definition of health, health beliefs and personal health
practices. I will expand on my cultural health beliefs and how it influences my health.
Furthermore, I will discuss strategies to further improve my current personal health practices. I
will then compare and contrast my health beliefs with another classmate to obtain comparative
learning skills to relate and analyze how my nursing practice may be influenced.
Definition of health and personal health beliefs
My definition of health is a subjective state of positivity and well being; it is a concept to
optimistically highlight personal and social relationships as well as to feel inclusive physically,
mentally, emotionally and spiritually regardless of any illness or disease. Whether a person has a
physical disability or a health illness, they can still optimistically engage in personal and social
relationships, and feel inclusive, and then they are in a subjective state of positivity which
translates to good health.
The extent to which an able to realize aspirations and satisfy needs and
cope with the environment. Health is, therefore, seen as a resource for everyday life, not
the objective of living; it is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources,
as well as physical capacities. (World Health Organization, 1948)
The World Health Organizations definition of health best fits my personal health beliefs
because it focuses its concept of health around a persons subjective way of living and not merely
the absence of disease.

Current Health Beliefs
There are factors that can influence a persons health. Two determinants of health factors
that influence my personal health are education and social support networks. Education taught
me that Canadas food guide is recommended to follow and there are four food groups to have in
our daily diet. Im required to have seven to eight servings of fruits and vegetables, six to seven
servings of grains, two servings of meats and alternatives and two servings of dairy. Education
has taught me that we must actively eat well and engage in physical activities on a daily basis.
Furthermore, it is important to obtain an education to obtain job security and income. People
with higher education have access to healthier foods and better physical environments (Potter,
P.A., 2014).
My social support networks are a huge influence on what I eat. I have co-workers and
friends who are vegetarians. Im more opened to eat new things so when Im surrounding myself
with people who have good health practices, it makes me curious to try to eat the same way. My
sister, friends and co-workers have shown me their good health practices like minimizing eating
genetically modified processed food. If I want to snack, I should choose to snack on nuts, dried
and fresh fruit, granola bars, and low fat yogurt. I know it can be hard at times, especially
because of my hectic work, school schedule and social life.
Cultural Beliefs
In my culture, it is common to eat white rice with every main dish and to sit together as a
family at every meal. My cultural beliefs affect my health in a good way since my mother
switched us to eat brown rice, though, we dont often eat together as a family anymore, cooking
for ourselves isnt bad at all because my siblings and I are learning important life skills.

Personal Health Practices
My personal health practices can be improved by managing my time more efficiently. I
need to make the time to prepare my lunch and dinner ahead of time. I know I have long days at
school and I always resort to purchasing takeout food because I feel like I dont have enough
time to cook or do the groceries. For the most part, managing my time can give me a sense of
balance between work, school and my social life. I will be able to adapt to any change in my
environment and handle stress and have some down time for myself for my leisurely activities
and rest. If I manage my time well, I can definitely reduce stress, save time and money and have
a better overall health.
Moreover, the determinants of health affect my personal health beliefs. My health beliefs
are eating healthy and maintaining healthy personal and professional relationships to have an
overall good health.
Compare and Contrast with another classmate
My classmate said that employment is a health determinant that influences her personal
health and she also believes that eating healthy and exercise is important. Employment is closely
related to education because the higher the education the more job opportunities a person may
have. Employment is important for health because a stable income can give a person a sense of
security and can provide healthier food and better physical environments. Her health belief and
health determinants that influence her personal health slightly differ from my own. I believe that
eating healthy and having healthy relationships with people are important when it comes to my
personal health. When you surround yourself with people who practice good healthy eating
habits and actively engage in physical activities then overall it can affect health in a positive way.

My classmate and I are influenced by education. We agree that knowledge of health practices
through education has influenced our health beliefs. Education and literacy can influence health
both directly and indirectly. It can help us read medication prescriptions, use health services,
increase job opportunities and have a stable income (Potter, P.A., 2014). All in all, my classmate
and I are different in our beliefs and health determinants that affect our personal health but we
are also similar in certain circumstances.
Analysis of Nursing Practice
In relation to my nursing practice, this self reflection will help me prepare my ongoing
nursing practice with culturally diverse clients. This is an introduction of how I will begin to
broaden my understanding of cultural diversity. Its important to be competent, understanding,
aware and sensitive to maintain healthy personal and professional relationships.
In the course of this comparative learning process, it has opened a new perspective to my
own personal health and nursing practice. I realize that people have their own definition of
health, health practice and cultural beliefs. All things considered, it is important to engage in
ongoing self reflection to continually broaden our knowledge and understanding to focus on
client-centered care.

Potter, P. A. (2014). Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing. Toronto: Elsevier Inc.

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