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Name: _____________Farah___________

Our Solar System

Please research and find out more about the planets in our solar system. Please
include where you found the information.
The sun is so big, one million Earths
could fit inside the Sun. It takes 8
minutes for the Suns light to reach the
Earth. Thats about as long as a sunset
or a sunrise. The sun travels at 220
kilometres per second. The Sun is 1 AU
away from earth. That means it is
149,598,262 km. An AU is an
astronomers way to short-form the
distance between the planets. The Sun
is made up of hydrogen, helium and
many other gases, which makes it
boiling hot.


Mercury is closest to the sun, and
because of that, Mercury only takes
about 86 earth days to orbit around the
sun. Mercurys distance from the sun is
57,000 kilometers. Mercury has less
gravity than Earth, so if you weight 50
pounds on earth, you would probably
be around 26 pounds on mercury.


Please research and find out more about the planets in our solar system:
Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar
system. Its so big, you can fit at least
1000 earths in it. Jupiter is known to
have 4 rings, but unseen. Jupiter is also
known to have 67 moons. But not as
big as earths moon. The moons are
small craters. Jupiter is the fourth
brightest object in the solar system.
Only the Sun, Moon and Venus are
brighter. Jupiter is 778,500,000 km from
the Sun, and also the 5th in the solar
system from the sun. because of that, it
has a bigger orbit circle and takes 11.8
earth years to orbit around the sun.

Venus is really hot. It is the hottest
world in the solar system. Which is odd,
because mercury should be as it is the
closest planet to the sun. Venus is only
the second planet from the sun. The
surface of Venus is extremely dry, But
beautiful. The name Venus comes from
the Roman god of beauty. Venus is
known as Earths twin because of its
similarity in size. But Venus spins the
opposite way as earth normally does.



Mars takes 687 earth days to
orbit the sun. Mars is the
fourth planet from the sun.
One of mars many features is
that Mars has a mountain
called Olympus Mons, which
erupted something like
100,000 years ago. The name
originated from the Roman
god of war. The ancient
Greeks called the planet Ares
before Mars. Although very
far, pieces of mars have fallen
to earth, giving scientists an
easy sample to work on for
the next generation.


Saturn is the largest planet in our solar system
and is one of many gas giants. Saturns rings are
made up of millions of ice particles. Saturn is not
a peaceful planet. It has storm winds racing
around the atmosphere at 800/kmp/h. Saturn is
the 6th planet from the sun. The solid core of
Saturn may

Neptune is the eight planet from the
sun and is the farthest. Because of that,
it is also the coldest. Neptune is known
to have 14 moons. 1 of which, is Triton,
the coldest world in the solar system.
Neptune also has a series of super thin
rings, made of ice particles. Neptune
was named after the Roman god of the
sea, because of its blue atmosphere. It
is made of hydrogen and helium, with
some methane.

Uranus is the ancient Greek deity of the
Heavens, the earliest supreme god.
Uranus is hanging to the side. Uranus
also has rings. But they are so thin you
can only see them with special
microscopic telescopes. Uranus
atmosphere is composed primarily of
rock and ice, with only about 15%
hydrogen and a little helium.



What are some highlights that you learned from this?

I learned most of the distances of the planets

from earth.
I also learned about AUs. the astronomic way to
The distances between the planets.

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