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Kristina Petro

CQ Self-Assessment
February 21, 2014
I was in the moderate range for all dimensions save drive where I was in the
low bucket. Given this, heres my description of my cultural intelligence broken
down by each of the 4 CQ buckets:

CQ Drive-I received 57% percent overall and found that I was higher in the
intrinsic interest than in the extrinsic and self-efficacy buckets. I think this is
entirely true, while I do enjoy experiencing diversity; I dont always see the
benefits and do not feel like I would be entirely confident in all countries
doing business. I also took this assessment with the lens of my experiences
working with my firms India practice which I think skewed my extrinsic
scores. I rarely see the benefits of working with them due to the time
difference and the quality of work is often times not what we would deem
acceptable in the US. I understand that its much cheaper for the firm, but
think that our partners are not fully capable of understanding the amount of
rework that US workers often have to do to compensate for the lack of
capability with US-I. Given that the west coast only overlaps for an hour
during daylight savings time, I either has to get online around 5:30/6AM or do
the work myself. So given that, I do not feel I gain many benefits from having

the work outsourced to India.

CQ Knowledge-I scored in the middle range on this one. I was high in both
values & norms as well as leadership but low in the business and
socio-linguistic dimensions. I think this is entirely fair as I have traveled a
lot and have had many friends with different religious and cultural

upbringings, but with my six years of Latin, do not feel comfortable trying to
communicate with non-English speakers about work. I would feel that too
much would get lost in translation. I have enough difficulties working with

English speakers in India due to so many terms being different.

CQ Strategy-I was on the lower end of the mid-range here. I was highest in
awareness and checking and low in planning. I think this is because Im
totally fine getting the pulse in the room, regardless of cultural differences
and checking assumptions. Both of the large firms I have worked for have
been international and have had robust transfer programs. I spent a big
chunk of time in Australia and enjoyed it immensely. I felt I came out low in
planning because I do not have a practice of studying up on cultural norms

when I know I will be faced with someone of a different background.

CQ Action-I was in the middle on all area of action. I feel comfortable
matching the cadence in the room regardless of cultural differences and
adjusting appropriately.

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