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Running Head: Legalization of Marijuana

Legalization of Marijuana
David Davila
RWS 1302

Legalization of Marijuana

Many individuals argue whether or not there should be a legalization of the drug
marijuana. All throughout the world there have been many beliefs whether or not the effects of
marijuana are beneficial or if the outcome would bring nothing but problems. The results found
in two genres show different ideas on why marijuana should be legalized and why there is many
people torn on whether the plant should be legalized. The image by MK Northum shows the
different views individuals may have on the legalization of marijuana and the article by Jeffrey
Miron Why Congress should legalize pot (2014) argues that the legalization of the drug will
benefit congress and not harm any states but help them.
Audience and Purpose
The intended audience for both genres is male and females, 18 years or older, individuals
interested in politics, working men and women of American race, and college students. The first
genre an image by MK Northum is to inform and show the different views people have on the
legalization of marijuana. The second genre Why Congress should legalize pot (2014) is an
article written by Jeffrey Miron is also to inform the writers audience on how marijuana is
viewed badly but it can be beneficial for the states that legalize but says Yet despite the
compelling case for legalization, and progress toward legalization at the state level, ultimate
success is not assured (Jeffrey Miron, 2014). They are both aware of the different views on
marijuana and still get the intended purpose across to each specific audience. In MK Northum
image, people will know and see the different views that some individuals other than themselves
will have on the legalization of weed. Unlike in the second genre Why Congress should legalize
pot (2014) people will be required to read information and understand it as the audience reads the
article. The article is perfect for the target audience because of the fact the language is

Legalization of Marijuana

appropriate and appropriate for the purpose that the article is trying to get across. It is a simple
article nothing crazy it focuses on a black text that is written on a blank white background. It has
well organized pictures that help support the article. The difference between the first genre and
second is in the first it does not require the audience to read but the viewers do have to
understand the image and the purpose the visual is trying to get across.
In the first genre, MK Northum may not be viewed as a credible artist because the artist
studied at a small school know as Tyler Junior College. The audience might feel like she is young
and not well known but once the artist artwork is seen she might have a different view on the
artist. In the second genre the writer Jeffrey Miron, he is senior lecturer and director of
undergraduate studies in the economics department at Harvard University. The audience can see
this and feel like the writer is credible because of the background of the writer. Credibility can
also be established by the way the article Why Congress should legalize pot (2014) is written and
the high intelligent flow the readings bring.
The image evokes several emotions with different small details with the way the image is
shown. The picture shows two blank faces and out coming out the mouth of the blank faces is a
word bubble, one has the word no several times and the other yes being said several times. This
can have the audience confused as to what the blank whit faces are in disagreement about.
However once the people viewing the image takes a closer look in the brains drawn in the blank
faces head , the image shows the one saying no with the an image of a marijuana plant equaling
bad health, crime, and a needle meaning higher more powerful drugs. In the brain of the face

Legalization of Marijuana

pictured saying the word yes is the images of a health sign, money symbols, and the word jobs.
This evokes different emotions in different viewers heads. Some of those emotions maybe
scared, surprised, or even a sense of shock. The article is very limited in evoking any sense of
emotions because it is an article written to inform the audience and not a visual image people can
see and feel any emotion. The reader may find emotions in the article if something comes along
that may provoke or make the reader happy by agreeing with something the writer has said. For
example legalization has been that marijuana users can now purchase and use with less worry
about harsh legal ramifications (Jeffrey Miron, 2014), a certain amount of the audience can see
this and feel as if marijuana legalization is only so users feel safer and there may be no real
The second genre uses logos with the way it states facts and the article is supported with
evidence. It uses several things to help the purpose of the article. The author of the article uses
facts like since legalization in 2012, marijuana use, crime, traffic accidents, education and
health outcomes have all followed their pre-existing trends rather than increasing or decreasing
after policy liberalized (Jeffrey Miron, 2014). The author also uses statistics like In 2016,
another five to 10 states will likely consider legalization -- possibly Arizona, California,
Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, Nevada, New York, Rhode Island
and Vermont (Jeffrey Miron, 2014). The first genre, the image, does not really use logos due to
the fact that it is an image. However what is used in the image is appropriate for the purpose
because the visuals are related to the point and what the image is trying to get across. The
similarities of both the first and second genre is both of the genres are affective in achieving the
purpose. The genres are similar even though they portrayed a different look on the legalization of

Legalization of Marijuana

marijuana and that is how both genres are different. The first genre, the image is showing the
different views individuals have on marijuana and why different people would want to legalize
weed or why other people may not want too. The second genre, the article by Jeffrey Miron is
intended to inform the audience on why congress should legalize marijuana and the benefit that
will come out of making weed legal in states.
Structure and Delivery
Bothe genres information is shaped differently but still manages to give the appropriate
information to the intended audience. The article by Jeffery Miron is organized in a simple way
so the audience does not all the information that is written and feels the need to not read it
because the article is long or looks boring. The article deliverers the information to the audience
with just the simple black text written on the blank white space, the layout has a flow that
benefits the audience. The article uses some images organized well alongside it to help the
audience maybe to give them a visual understanding. The image has great structure and delivers
information to the audience even though it is an image. It has much space since it is a visual
image and the pictures are organized well so the audience can see and understand what is going
on. The illustrator of the image MK Northum, uses simple colors such as black and white other
colors used are green to symbolize the marijuana plant in the far background. The similarities of
both genres are both use very simple ways to get the audience and both are effective in relaying
the intended information to the audience. The major difference is that one of the genres is a
Iconographic and the other is a Typographic.

Legalization of Marijuana

The genre that was most affective was the second genre the article Why Congress should
legalize pot (2014). The reason being it was mainly on the purpose of legalizing marijuana and it
was effective at getting the purpose off. Both genres where great at supporting the purpose of the
legalization of marijuana. They both concentrated on the same reason but had different views on
the subject of marijuana.

Legalization of Marijuana

Miron, J. (2014, November 19). Why Congress should legalize pot. Retrieved February 11, 2015,

Visual by MK Northum

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