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Running head: LEADERSHIP

Student Leadership
Arianna Arede
Sport and Medical Sciences Academy
March 18, 2015

Running head: LEADERSHIP

According to John C. Maxwell, a leadership expert, A leader is the one

who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way (Brainy quotes, 2001).
Leadership is essential to academic and personal success. It is a way to develop and
maintain ones sense of self-esteem and self-worth. Even those who do not possess a
natural sense of self-esteem can possess it if they are willing to develop their leadership
skills. The acquisition of good leadership skills help youths in the classroom, on the field
or court, in social settings, and beyond. Through leadership training youths can develop a
positive sense of self and improve their overall performance in both a social and in an
academic setting.
Self-esteem is a characteristic that teenagers need in order to thrive academically
and socially, but so few truly possess it. Self-esteem is a realistic respect for or favorable
impression of oneself. (Dictionary, 2015). Self-esteem is an important characteristic to
possess; it can help you in and out of the classroom, dictates how you act in social
settings, how motivated you are in an academic setting and how you choose your friends
and make decisions in life. For those who do not possess a natural sense of self-esteem,
they can develop through the development of leadership skills.
Self-esteem and leadership skills can help youths in the classroom; by having they
feel good about what they are doing. When a youth has good self-esteem, they are more
motivated to be successful throughout the school year. One study found that students who
do not feel confident in their ability to succeed are not likely to attempt to do the work
(Akey, 2006). Leadership skills can help by empowered students to take charge in
situations where as they wouldnt before. Students are more likely to answer and ask
questions, offer opinion, and take risks during discussions. They will also be engaged and

Running head: LEADERSHIP

devote substantial time and effort to a task, caring about the quality of their work. They
commit themselves because the work seems to have significance beyond its personal
instrumental value (The Center for Comprehensive School Reform and Improvement,
2014). In leadership training, they are required to speak their opinion without being
corrected or even shut down by other students. They are required to share their thoughts
and views on the topics that are discussed within the group. This gives them a sense of
welcome and that they are accepted, which can help them feel more comfortable
expressing themselves within the group. Youths who do not possess this important quality
can do something to acquire it.
In order to develop self-esteem, youths can seek to develop their leadership skills
which will help them in all aspects of life. To put them in more challenging positions that
they wouldnt be involved in before i.e..: starting the conversation in a group for a class
discussion. In order to become a leader you have to take risks, for some students it can be
a piece of cake while others err on the side of caution. The first step in managing ones
self-confidence is recognizing that it is not some magical quality, but something that can
be managed, and to understand how confidence impacts performance (George P.
Hollenbeck, 11).
Self-esteem and leadership skills can improve a students performance on the
court and on the field; the leadership skills that they have gained through training will
show within the students performance. How one handles all types of athletic play will
allow a forming of a bond with other players, and will surely bring their abilities to the
light. When people are able to show how confident they are they can help move the team
to victory, and show their strengths as it affects all those around them.

Running head: LEADERSHIP

Some people, unfortunately, dont have the natural ability for leadership and for
lack of self-esteem, and havent had any leadership training. For those people may
struggle with being in social settings; some may bask in the attention while others will
turn away to avoid any direct contact, for as to do so would be taking a risk. Youths
should be gently assisted, by friends and family would allow them to talk to new people
at the pace they are able to handle.
At the Student Leadership Training Program (SLTP) camp over the summer they
are introduced to 52 new faces that they have never seen before, but in the beginning they
dont know anyone, but by the end of the week they know everyone. There are activities
that are held within the groups in order to get to know everyone. One activity that was
done was called the Name game; it involved having the group of students standing in a
circle facing each other. One student had to start out by saying their name while doing a
motion of their choice. Once done the remainder of students had to reciprocate the
motion while saying Hi. Insert name This created a sense of welcome within the
group, this way the students feel more comfortable and open to what they do with each
other. Other activities were held throughout camp, some involved learning skill shops
while others were learning more about each other. The skill shops and the training the
students will learn can help prepare them for future decisions that will be made.
Leadership skills that they have gained at the camp or within school can help
prepare them for their future choices and decisions that they will make. Depending on
what skills they use, they can possibly help change the world. Right now, the U.S has a
bulling problem. Those students that have gained the skills can help change that. They
can stand up and try to stop it; one skill that they will learn at camp is working together.

Running head: LEADERSHIP

Brainstorming and working with a group of students to come up with different ideas. The
students can then put that skill to use and possibly change the problem. Not only can the
students help change the problem, but they can also influence other students to do the
right thing. Maybe even have other students look up to them, the students who are using
their leadership skills can use those skills to influence good behavior. In high schools,
there are a lot of leaders and followers, some more than others. The student leaders can
influence the followers to make better decisions, i.e. the student leaders can promote
no drug and alcohol use. The students can help make a change in their schools which can
help them in the future. The skills that they will possess after training can help make the
students transition into adulthood easier.
Leadership skills and training can help with the students transition into adult life.
Self-esteem and leadership skills give you the confidence to interview for the job and
give you the maturity that is needed. Good things come to those who wait Bull! Good
things come to those who work their butts off, and never give up! (Boutilier, Capstone
teacher, 2015). The leadership skills will help pushes the adult to work harder and better,
they will be able to handle a goal and complete it. They will be able to lead their team
meetings in a more organized and planned matter.
Leadership training can help the students self- improvement and overall
performance academically and socially. The training skills that they learn can help make
future decisions/ choices. In high school there can be more followers then there are
leaders, and that isnt good. Having more followers can have the students going in the
wrong path towards success. Student leadership will help that student make decisions in
life and future plans. The leadership skills that the student will have gained will help the

Running head: LEADERSHIP

student take more positive risks which will then lead to having better confidence within
For my Capstone project I did a student leadership training program for freshmen
and sophomore students. This connected to my Capstone because I realized that SMSA
needs more student leaders. The skills that I learned at SLTP were perfect to bring into
the school atmosphere. In high school there seem to be more leaders them followers; that
isnt good for a high school student.

Running head: LEADERSHIP


Nelson, G. (n.d.). Student Leadership Today. Retrieved December 8, 2014, from
Shore, K. (n.d.). Dr. Ken Shore: The Student with Low Self-Esteem. Retrieved December
8, 2014, from
Teachers - How Leadership Influences Student Learning. (n.d.). Retrieved December 8,
2014, from
Using Positive Student Engagement to Increase Student Achievement. (n.d.). Retrieved
December 8, 2014, from
Why school leadership matters - The Hechinger Report. (n.d.). Retrieved December 8,
2014, from

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