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Learning Experience Blueprint

Name: Kyle Gilman

Project Title: Classroom recipe book

Grade Level: 4th

Project Essential Question: What is the

relationship between culture and food?

Subject: Math

Lesson Title: Recipe Translation

Duration: 1 day, 60 minute lesson


Connection to Global Mini Project
This lesson is one of the first lessons after the students choose their recipe. Students will
be in groups of 2-3 and have a recipe that is specific to a country that they chose. This
recipe will be used for the cultural night that the students will engage in. They will have to
make the recipe in the quantity that the teacher provided. This is related to the students
essential question What is the relationship between culture and food? by providing the
students with additional time to work with their recipes and prepare the recipes for the
cultural night.

Curriculum Alignment (Standards)


DOMAIN: Measurement & Data

Cluster: Solve problems involving measurement and conversion of
measurements from a larger unit to a smaller unit
4.MD.1: Know relative sizes of measurement units within one system of units.
Within a single system of measurement, express measurements in a larger unit in
terms of a smaller unit.
DOMAIN: Number and Operations Fractions
Cluster: Build Fractions from Unit Fractions by Applying and Extending Previous
Understandings of Operations on Whole Numbers
4.NF.B.4 : Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication to multiply a
fraction by a whole number.

-By working with fractions within the context of a recipe, the learners will be able to
multiply fractions to get a desired amount of a whole recipe. (For example 1/2 of a recipe
or double a recipe )
- By working with fractions within the context of a recipe, the learners will be able to
develop their own process for multiplying and dividing fractions that they personally

I want the students to know how to multiply
and divide fractions in an authentic context.
I want students to understand, for example,
how multiplying by a whole number
makes it smaller and how dividing by
makes the number bigger.

I want the students to develop their own
process for multiplying and dividing
fractions that they personally understand.

Understanding (Big Idea)

Children should be able to understand how
their recipe fits in to the overall picture of
their culture.

Dispositions/Habits of Mind
Questioning and problem posing
Thinking about your thinking

Assessment: Students will have to write down the amount of each ingredient
before and after they multiply it by the desired amount. This will be documented
on one piece of paper for each group. They will have to list out each ingredient in
the recipe and then the ingredient after translation. They will have to also show
their work/explain (if using manipulatives) how they reached each answer.
Product/ Records to be Assessed
Recipe translation

Showing work

Evaluation Criteria

The fractions are written appropriately

Each ingredient is written how it is in the original recipe
The answers are given correctly and the information is
The students used the amount that the teacher said to
The answers for each ingredient are right
Each answer has an explination or the work is on the
The work gives a clear indication of how they got to the
answer that they did
If there is an explination, the explination is clear and
provides insight into how the students reached that

Vocabulary & Terms
Dry measuring cups- usually separated by distinct amounts and are used for dry
ingredients. Examples: rice, flour, sugar.
Liquid measuring cups- usually have markings to show many different measurements.
Numerator- the number on top of a fraction
Denominator- the number on the bottom of a fraction
Instructional Materials and Supplies:
These supplies will be in the middle of the room for children to choose from
- Liquid measuring cups that go up to 3 cups
- Dry measuring cups of and 1/3 cups
- Rice
- Base 10 blocks
- Water/Sink Access
- Materials for drawings/diagrams (colored pencils, markers, and paper)
- Optional worksheets(attached)
- The students selected recipes from prior class


3 minutes

Procedure/Activity; Questioning Strategies; & Management

The teacher will start the learning experience by saying I know we are all
excited to work on our recipes, but sometimes the recipe is too much or
not enough for the people you want to make it for.
How would you alter a recipe made for 10 people and you were having
20 people over? Students will respond. The expected response is to make
double the recipe.
The teacher will then ask: How would you alter a recipe made for 10
people but you were having 5 people over? The expected response is to
make the recipe.
The teacher will then ask How would you alter a recipe made for 10
people but you were having 50 people over? The expected response is to
make 5 times the recipe.

The students will be in their table groups of 6. They will have to solve this
real world problem in their groups: Suppose I have a recipe that calls for
2/3 cups of water. I want to double this recipe. How much water do I use? I
want to make of this recipe. How much water do I use? I want to make
1/3 of this recipe. How much water do I use?

15 minutes

The students will have the ability to choose from the following
manipulatives, these will be on the teachers desk:
- Liquid measuring cups that go up to 3 cups
- Dry measuring cups of and 1/3 cups
- Rice
- Base 10 blocks
- Water/ sink access
- Materials for drawings/diagrams (colored pencils, markers, and
The children will have to explain their reasoning. While children are
working in groups the teacher will go around and help the children work
through the problem and make sure the children are working on the right
path. While the children are working the teacher will write the following on
the board.
4 strips turkey bacon (about 3 ounces)
1/4 teaspoon ground cumin
1/4 teaspoon ground coriander
3 (8-inch) multi-grain tortillas
3/4 cup shredded reduced-fat Monterey jack cheese

20 minutes

When all students are done the teacher will return to the front of class.
The teacher will ask a group of students to go to the front of class and
present their findings. The students will be chosen based on their method
for working through material and their understanding of the material. The
teacher will determine this while walking around and helping students.
The chosen students will present how they worked through each question,
the answer that they got, and if applicable the students will demonstrate
how they reached their conclusion. The teacher will then ask if other
students have another way to solve the problem. The students will
present those below.
The teacher will then present the following scenario. My favorite food is
bacon quesadillas. None of my friends or family likes bacon quesadillas.
The recipe I have is too much for just me. Making of the recipe is the
perfect amount for me! So I only need of all of the ingredients.
The following will be on the board-

Sample recipe for bacon quesadillas:

4 strips turkey bacon (about 3 ounces)
1/4 teaspoon ground cumin
1/4 teaspoon ground coriander
3 (8-inch) multi-grain tortillas
3/4 cup shredded reduced-fat Monterey jack cheese
For this recipe the teacher will call on groups to work together to make
of this recipe.
The students will hopefully reach the following conclusion:
2 strips turkey bacon (about 3 ounces)
1/8 teaspoon ground cumin
1/8 teaspoon ground coriander
3/2 (8-inch) multi-grain tortillas
3/8 cup shredded reduced-fat Monterey jack cheese

20 minutes

The teacher will ask how the students reached this conclusion and the
method they used.
The teacher will then go to his/her desk to get the students recipes.
This will start by the teacher handing back the recipes to each group that
all have the designated quantity that the students must transfer each
ingredient to. The quantities will be determined by the teachers
discretion to what he/she thinks is the best amount for the cultural night.
The students will work in their groups of 2-3 that are based on their
country of choice. They will be given an optional worksheet to help them
work through each ingredient. They will also be able to use the following
- Liquid measuring cups that go up to 3 cups
- Dry measuring cups of and 1/3 cups
- Rice
- Base 10 blocks
- Water/ sink access
- Materials for drawings/diagrams (colored pencils, markers, and
They will have to multiply each ingredient by the quantity given in order
to have the whole recipe transferred to that new amount. The teacher will
go around and assist students, answer questions, and clarify concepts.

2 minutes

The students will then return to their seats and the teacher will collect the
students work. The teacher will then ask can someone explain how they
multiply fractions? Does someone understand fractions in a different way?
Can you explain how you multiply fractions? The students will then
discuss how they understand the concept of multiplying fractions. The
teacher will then say now these are the amounts of the recipes that we
will use for the cultural night.

*Additional Resources + Materials:

Optional Recipe Translation Worksheet

Group members:

Amount that the teacher says:

Amount of ingredient:











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