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1. Complete the sentences with the information given and your opinion.

is the custom
a. .when you go to a restaurant with friends? (supposed)
b. when you are invited to someones birthday party? (the custom)
c. when you borrow a book from someone. (expected)
d. in the U.S. when you want to visit a friend. (not acceptable)
2. Complete the sentences properly.
a. This new pants I bought are too loose.
They need __________________________________________________________
or _________________________________________________________________
b. This knife is too dull.
c. These curtains are too short.
d. The television hasnt been adjusted in a long time.
3. Complete the sentences with the appropriate verb.
a. I was talking on the phone the other day when It
suddenly__________________. I couldnt finish the story I was telling my
b. My car _____________________, the engine stopped working.
c. The lock on this suitcase is not working well. I think its ___________________
d. This cd keeps __________________ to another song. It must be _____________

e. My computer is ____________________. I need to change the cooler.

4. Composition. You are the owner of the apartment shown in the picture.
Youve rented the place for years. Now you decided not to rent it anymore.
Write a letter to the person who was living in your apartment to complaint
about the problems you found.

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