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Detailed Lesson Plan in (TLE) COMPUTER HARDWARE SERVICING 1. OBJECTIVES At the end of lesson the student will be able to: 1. Identify Computer Hazards and Risks. 2. Assess health and safety when working with computers. 3, Appreciate health and safety measures when working. IL SUBJECT MATTER HAZARD IDENTIFICATION, RISK MANAGEMENT, AND RISK CONTROL Reference: Technology and Livelihood Education (COMPUTER HARDWARE SERVICING) Page:68-74 Materials: PowerPoint presentation (lesson content, video, images), Handouts, Visualaids and picture (optional) Level: Grades 7t0 8 Estimated Time:55 minutes PROCEDURE A. LEARNING ACTIVITY ‘Teacher's Activity, ‘Student's Activity > Okclass, everybody stand, and let us > Good morning Sir, Good morning pray. classmate > Good morning class? > We're okSir > Check the attendance. (Use Seat Plan) > How's yourday class? REVIEW: 5 minutes. ‘Teacher's Activity ‘Student's Activity, > Okclass let's review about Preparing and Interpreting Technical Drawing, > Now again what is Drawing? Sir: the art of representing any object by means > Okvery good. oflines and shades. vy Now what is Flowchart? So you're going to draw the flow of the steps ina process. ‘And the other name or term is called ‘Flow Diagram. ‘What are the elements of the owchart? Ok very good. (Define meaning) ‘So when you should use Flowchart? Ok very good. Especially ifyou take a Degree of BS Information Technology. Pagmagspecial project na kayo, ‘What about the Benefits of using Flowchare? Okvery good. ‘Who can enumerate the Basic symbols of Flowchart? (Define meaning) How about the 2 Types of Floweharts? Ok very good (Define meaning) Sir:a diagram that uses graphic symbols to depict the nature and flow of the steps ina process. Sir: the elements are Terminator, Processes, Sub-process, Decision, Connection, and Arrow lines Sir: + Todevelop understanding of how a process is done. + To documenta process. + When planning project sir: 4. Promote understanding of a process. 2. Provide atool for training employees, 3 Identify problem areas and opportunities for process improvement. Sir:Oval, Box, Triangle, Diamond, and Circle Sir: Linear and Deployment Flowchart ANALYSIS Directions: To help students understand the meaning of Computer hazards and risks. Start out with the following activity. Open PowerPoint presentation for your motivation. ‘Ask the student what willbe the possible situation to happen on the image presented, (Students describing the possible situation, for example Electric shock) Repeat the exercise at least three times. Afterwards, encourage students to thinkabout ‘what they learned from the activity. Teacher's Activity ‘Student's Activity, > Okelass, before we move on to our next topic, you're going to think of a possible situation that will happen on this picture > (Display firstslide) Ok, What's the > (Someone will trip, falls or hurts) possible situation to happen if you're ‘going to see this? (Displaying cables running across the floor.) > Oknext. (Display second slide, cable > (Errorin connection to routers, system routing) Ok. What’ the possible unit, speakers, power supply, etc) situation to happen ifyou're going to see this? > Oklast. (Display third side, loaded > (Electric shock, burn) dutlet) Ok. What’ the possible situation to happen if you're going to see this? > Okguys, what did you noticed observed (We observed that when computer during this activity? ‘ables, plugs, wires are not properly connected, arranged or fixed on its place > Okvery good. there's always risk when neglected.) ) ABSTRACTION }ON PROPER Define Key vocabularies: Computer Workplace Hazards; OHS > Okclass let's define frst the word. > Sir: Hazard isa situation that has the > Thank you, so hazard is anything that of people, > Next, OHS. (Calla student todefine) > Ok Thankyou. So why do you think OHS work by recognizing and identifying ‘Student's Activity Hazard, (Cala stude to define) potential to harm the health and safety could hurt you or someone. Sir: is a planned system of working to prevent illness and injury where you is important? Of course to identify and hazards and risks. eliminate hazards where you are ‘working and decide how dangerous they are. To modify the risks that It presents. So these are your advice and guide for our health and safety. DISCUSSION ‘So were going to discuss about HAZARD IDENTIFICATION, RISK ASSESSMENT, and RISK CONTROL Directions: 1 Discuss 3 Steps used to manage health and safety at work (explain and give examples). a. Spot the Hazard (Hazard identification) b. Assess the Risk (Risk assessment) Make the Changes (Risk control) Discuss common hazards encountered by computer technicians and users (explain and give examples). a. Physical hazards ‘Mechanical hazards Chemical hazards Electric shock hazards CRT monitor high voltage hazards Generalization ‘Ask about what they have learned about Hazard Identification, Assessing, and Controlling Risks. ‘Ask the students. Guys did you understand the lesson? (Ifyes, proceed to application; Ifno, ask about what's not cleared for them then explain.) 1D.) APPLICATION ‘A. Direction: Group students into 12; 4 members per group. Provide the student handout. Analyze the given task below and answer the worksheet that follows. Give 15 minutes todo the activity TASK: 1. Choose an industry or type of workplace e.g. computer laboratory, computer manufacturing, ora computer shop. 2, Makea list ofhazards that may be present in that workplace eg. slippery floors from split water ollete; uneven floors from changing floor level. Use the table below. 4. Describe the risks 4. Write dawn ways to control the risks. Spot the Hazard ‘Assess the Risk ‘A Hazard is anything that could hurt you | Work out how likely it is that the hazard ‘or someone. will hurt someone and how badly he/she ‘could be hurt. List the Hazards: Describe the Risk 1 1 2 2 3 3 4. 4. 5. 5 B. Direction: Observe the set-up of your school's computer laboratory. Observe the procedures and arrangement being practiced and used in the workplace. Identify hazards and assess the risk based on your observations. 1 Care for Safe Work Short Answer. ‘Spot the Hazard Ifyou spot something Hazardous, what should you do? ‘© Simple Hazard (e.g. boxes on the floor on the way) Your answer: '* More complex Hazard (e.g frayed cords, damaged equipment) Your answer: ASSESS THE RISK ‘What two main things should the person in charge or responsible for safety consider when assessing the risk? Scoring Rubrics Criteria 7 Number of hazards 2. Description of Risks: 3, Suggested ways of controling hazards 4 dT hazards or more Hazards ‘completely and accurately assessed ‘Complete and doable(practical ) and correct hazards ‘Ailhazards ‘completely and ‘accurately but rot clearly ‘Complete, correct but not very practical Zhazards ‘Ailhazards completely described but not accurately and clearly Complete, not very correct, not very practical 1 Thazard Hazard not completely, accurately and clearly described Not $0 ‘complete, not correct, not practical IV. EVALUATION A. Direction: Read carefully each statement below. Place T on the line ifthe statement is TRUE. Place F ifthe statement is FALSE. _— 1. Health and safety procedure is the responsibility of ll persons in the computer and technology industries, 2. Spotting the hazards means working out how likely itis that a hazard will harm Someone and how serious the harm could be. 3.1f you need to temporarily run a cable across the floor, place a Danger sign similar tw those wet floor signs used by cleaning devices. 4. An LD Monitor has a high-voltage anode inside it, which can carry a charge of up to 25,000 volts, and it can still be holding a high charge days after the power is removed. 5. Inkjet printer cartridges or laser toner cartridges are hazardous to users. B, Direction: Identify what hazard is being illustrated in the situation below: 1 Slippery computer laboratory floor. 2.Hot components or sharp edges of computer devices. 3.Laser printer toner: 4.0bstructed electrical cables. 5. Open CRT monitor. V. ASSIGNMENT Safety First: Preventing Hazards in the Workplace Select five of the occupations listed below and write them in the chart. For each occupation selected, describe hazard that could occur. Then list what could be done to prevent the accident. Chef Police officer Firefighter Pilot Salesclerk Secretary Plumber ‘Truck driver ‘Nurse's Aide. Electrician Florist Farmer Gas Station Attendant Flightattendant_ Mason Bookkeeper Painter Baggage handler Occupation Possible Hazard Preventive Measure ANSWER KEYS: Activity 2. ALT B.1. Physical Hazard 2F 2. Mechanical Hazard 3.7 3. Chemical Hazard aE 4. Physical Hazard 5.1 5.lectrical Hazard Prepared by: Student Teacher To: Cooperating Teacher Date: October 24, 2013, School: Guljalo National High School

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