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Molly OMeara

Unit Plan
Stage 1

Stage 2

What Performance-Based Evidence will show that students can show

understanding of your Essential Question?

What other evidence will be collected in light of the desired results described
in Stage 1?

Students Self-Assessment (What did you learn today?) and Reflection (How
did you do as a learner todayeffort, paying attention, etc.?)

Big Idea
out of 25

The story has a big idea that is similar to one of the stories
we read in class. The student must be able to clearly explain
how their big idea is similar to one of the other versions.

out of 25

The story has its own set of details that sets it apart from the
versions of the story that we have previously read. The
characters are described well and make sense with the story.
The student must be able to explain who their characters are
and how their story is different than the other versions.

out of 10

The story is at least 2 pages long and includes enough

details to tell the story completely.

out of 25

The story follows a storyline and makes sense. There are no

parts that seem out of place. The story details flow together.

out of 5

The story must be accompanied by at least 2 illustrations for

their story. These illustrations will be in the final copy, so
they must be colored and reflect something in the story.

Presentation They story is ready to be published by the due date. It is

out of 10
error free with illustrations to go along with the story. It is
completed and presented to the class. The presentation is
prepared and practiced.
Students will also be recording in a journal the details and big ideas of the
stories they read. They will write about which stories they liked and why they
chose the story they did to write their own version of. They will put their
formative assessments in this journal so it is all in one place. They will put
the things they learned that day in a reflection at the end of the day and it
will be checked either daily or weekly. They will keep their drafts in this
journal, as well as a copy of the rubric.

Stage 3

Reading of the
Cinderella story,
The Gift of the

Reading of The
Irish Cinderlad, a
take on the Irish
version of

-First we will talk

about fairy tales,
specifically bring
up Cinderella

- First we will
ourselves of
what happened
in the story we
- Read The Gift
read yesterday.
of the Crocodile
Students will
as a read aloud
write a detail on
a sticky note and
- Discuss that
keep it for a
each culture has venn diagram
different versions activity after the
of fairy tales, as
next story
they have just
-Read The Irish
- Discuss how
the details are
- Students will
what changes
write down
details of the
-Explain what we story on their
will be working
remaining sticky
on throughout
notes and will
the unit,
share while they
put them on the
finding details
giant venn
and compare
diagram in the
and contrast and correct space
why it is
- Reflect on what
they learned in
- Reflect in
writing journal
writing journal

Multiple versions
of Three Little
- Review details,

Tuesday: Start
- Introduce

Read typical
story of Red
Riding Hood that
most children
are familiar with,
then read Lon
Po Po, a version
from China

Working on
theme, or big
idea with The
Boy Who Cried

-First we will
read Red Riding
hood and then
introduce Lon
Po Po and make
about what will
happen, based
off what
happened in the
first story

- First, discuss
what theme
means. What is
the author trying
to tell us that
relates back to
our lives?
themes are
courage, being
yourself, etc.)
Make an anchor

-Read Lon Po

-Read The Boy

Who Cried Wolf

- Students will
have their own
venn diagrams
to fill out for
these stories,
rather than one
on the board

-Discuss what
the theme of the
story was. What
was the author
trying to tell us?
(Honesty is
important; Once
branded a liar,
always thought
of as a liar even
when telling the
truth; etc)

- Paste venn
diagram in
writing journal
with reflection

Continue Work
on theme, with
The Wolf That
Cried Boy
- First review the
anchor chart on
theme and
ensure student
- Read The Wolf
That Cried Boy
- Compare and
contrast details
of this story with
the one read
- Compare and
contrast theme
of the two
stories; how did
the details being
different affect
the theme? (they
- Reflect on what
they leaned in
writing journal

- Reflect in
writing journal

Class time to
work on PBE
- Students will
further develop

Thursday: First
draft of story is
due, or at least
an outline
- Students will

Friday: Second
draft is due by
the end of class
- Students will
have time to

theme, and
comparing and
- Read Three
Little Pigs
-Divide into
preset groups
based on
reading level;
each group has
a different
version of the
- Each group
compare and
contrast stories
in a group venn
diagram and find
theme, while
teacher walks
around listening
and helping

Evaluation by
showing the
class the
- Hand out
-Students will
brainstorm ideas
about what they
want their story
to be
- Record
thoughts and
ideas in writing

- Each group
presents their
venn diagram
and theme to the

story ideas
- Character
session; class
will divide into
groups based on
the original story
they are
adapting and

work on their
stories while
one on one with
the teacher
when finished
with their draft
- Draft will be
written in their
writing journal

- Theme
discussion; Still
in groups,
students will
discuss what the
theme of the
original story is
and how they
can keep that
theme in tact,
despite changing
details of the

work on the next

draft of their
stories now that
they have each
conferenced with
the teacher
- Teacher is
available for
conferencing for
students who
need it
- Draft will be
written in their
writing journal

- Record ideas
brainstorming in
their writing
journals; first
draft due next

- Discuss all the

stories as a
- Reflect in
writing journal
Monday: Final Draft
is started

Tuesday: Final Draft

is finished



- Students that have

completed their
second draft will now
work on their final
draft. This is the draft
that is typed up and
printed out

- Students will type

up their final draft if
they have not already
done so and print
them out

- Students will
present their stories
to the publishing

- Remainder of
students will present
their stories to the
publishing board

- Students will reflect

on the class

- Students will reflect

on the class

- Students will

- Students will work

on story illustrations
when final draft is
- Reflect on process
of writing in writing

complete illustrations
and prepare

presentations in the
writing journals

presentations in the
writing journals

- Reflect on process
of writing in writing

Parent Letter
Super Cool School
Tampa, FL
Dear Parents,
Our class has just started a fairy tale unit! Your students will be learning about classic
fairy tales, and versions from other authors or cultures. Its going to be quite the experience, so
your students will probably have lots to tell you! Throughout this unit, students will be learning to

pull key details from stories and identify the theme. They will be able to tell what makes different
versions of the same story similar and what sets them apart.
The assignment for this unit is a Performance Based Evidence task. This means that
each student will have the chance to flex their mind muscles and be creative! After we read all
these stories, they will be assigned the task of writing their own version of a story. Each student
will step into the shoes of a famous childrens book author. They will decide which story they
want to model theirs off of and set to work. The only stipulations are that the details in the story
must be different, while the theme remains the same. Im sure they could use your help and
support to come up with some stellar ideas! They will be typing up and illustrating their stories
so that we can bind them in a classroom made fairy tale book of our very own. They will be
writing their drafts and daily reflections in their writers notebook.
I have attached the link to the assignment and its details and have also attached a copy
of the rubric I will be grading their projects on. I encourage you to check your students work, but
allow them to have free rein for what they want to write. Your support is always very important to
your students success! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to email
Best wishes,
Miss. OMeara

I made a story bird, here is the link and here is a
screen shot of each page:

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