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Iodine is an element your thyroid

needs to make thyroid hormones. If

your diet is deficient in iodine, your
thyroid gland will enlarge as it tries to
increase the production of thyroid
hormones. The enlarged thyroid can
cause a mass in the neck known as a
goiter. As thyroid levels fall,
hypothyroidism develops.
Hypothyroidism slows your
metabolism, causing such symptoms
as fatigue, weight gain, weakness,
increased cold sensitivity,
constipation, dry skin, and depressed
mood. Your hair and nails may be thin
and brittle and, if you are female, your
menstrual cycle may become
abnormal. Left untreated, your skin

may swell and thicken, your eyes may

seem to protrude, mental function
may decline, and you may ultimately
lapse into a coma.
Iodine is also critical for development.
Babies born of mothers who have an
iodine deficiency may have problems,
such as mental retardation, deafmutism, gait abnormalities, and
growth abnormalities. Infants and
children who do not get enough iodine
may also have cognitive difficulties,
but those may be reversible.

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