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In Buddhist architecture, a monumental structure containing relics of Buddha
or of some Buddhist saint.
d. stambhas
2. decastyle
A building having a portico of ten columns, or rows of ten columns.
a. henostyle b. decastyle c.enneastyle d. peripteral
3. Deconstructivist architecture
Architecture that seeks to arrive at new forms of expression by turning away
from structural restraints and functional and thematic hierarchies, and toward
often nonrectangular, fantastic, and seemingly disjointed designs. Such work
often represents an application of the philosophical theories of Jacques
Derrida in France, who sought to arrive at new insights in literature by
breaking apart literary texts into their contradictory and hidden components
of meaning; this philosophy has been applied in the late 20 th century to
architectural structures.
a. deconstructivist b. postmodernism c. structuralism d. futurism

4. dipteral
A classical temple having two rows of free columns, rather than a single row,
surrounding the cella
a. peripteral b. pseudo-peripteral c. antis d. dipteral

5. distyle
Having two columns in front; used in describing a classical building.
a. distyle b. amphi-prostyle c. dipteral d. naos
6. Decorated
The second of the three phases of English Gothic architecture, from ca.1280
to after 1350, preceded by Early English style and followed by the
Perpendicular style; characterized by rich decoration and tracery, multiple
ribs and liernes, and often ogee arches. Its early development is called
Geometric; its
later, Curvilinear.
a. Early English Gothic style b. Decorated style c. Perpendicular Gothic d.
Late English Gothic style

7. dynamic
Said of a structure whose physical behavior characteristics are time-related,
i.e., are nonstatic.
a. ecstatic b. vibrant c. dynamic d. active
8. dead-air space
Unventilated air space within a structure, as in a shaft, ceiling, or hollow wall.
a. Mobile insulation b. air-space c. dead-air space d. insulator
9. dentil
One of a band of small, square, tooth-like blocks forming part of the
characteristic ornamentation of the Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite orders,
and sometimes the Doric.
a. pediment b. rafter c. frieze d. dentil
Said of a Classical building portico having fourteen columns in the front or
end row.
a. decatetrastyle b. pseudoperipteral c. dodecastyle d. dipteral

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