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ngineer's Computation Pad No, 937 811E @STAEDTLER’ MASONRY DESIGN Wistoricat Perspective. Bricks are oldest man-made material — bricks exist from Walls of Seriche (> 10,000 yes eld) = Iniattly made of mud (oomehmnes mixed w/ swan) — by 1So05 Bc, bricks were Hred Bricks typicatty cartied comer. only - roofs were Hmber or large stones W) short spans Lrapoctont innovahon was masonry arch —\oad corried through compression ~ Shape matches moment diagram - Enabled much larger Spans — first arches tn Boleylen around (400 BC Romans advanced Wrasoncy technology - veined aren building - Introduced cement Ctime + asi) Engineer's Computation Pad ~ No. 937 811€ Q@STAEDTLER’ Notable Roman masonry + - Colosseum wy Rome - [60H high - seats 65,000 - agveducts water ae gna” Stone + lotic arches arel — net only shi exist, some Shll used | Zenith oF masonty arch construchon Was catnedrais te Evtope to 12" 15™" centuries 2] eatonhs fo s Achieved Suing Sabrere + No. 937 B11E @STAEDTLER Engineer's Computation Pad Through 18003, bricks remained primacy material for building constuchoo — design Was largely based on experience handed down to otner builders (craft guilds) — gutdelines For masoncy construchon existed, but were empicel = based on experence Crnon- engineered) Wrth development of new coashvchan materials tn Mods Coteet, vein concrete), \arge skruckires often vsed masonry Foc non- Srructueal applicachons — Intecot Walls - exkerior building envelope =| eemeete Also in (900%, many signthicant strochvto\ masony buildings constructed — Monadaock Building ‘no Cuicago (1889) Wo Stories , UnTeinforced masonry & Fe twice wails ak loose, 1. at top — design based on codified precriphve reqncements (From experience) 3} 4) Engineer's Computation Pad No, 937 B11E @STAEDTLER’® Firsk engineered masonry cocle not developed onh} \Avo 5 Today, mosoncy design in US leased on MSTE code ~ Masoawy Standards Joint Committee" U Tas = The Masonry Society Ac ASCE — referenced oy Int'l Bldg Code (EBC) — when jucisdichon adopts TBC (nearly all US bas), MSTC Cand otner codes) become Vegat Ceayer'ts MSC covers: G\owable shess design CAsbS Stvengta design (Sp) Choice 's Upto designer — empirical design cadhed prescriphve regmits applicable +o only very Simple shvuchores Most modern masonry i reinforced Engineer's Computation Pad = No. 937 811E @STAEDTLER MASONRY MATERIALS Mosonry shuelures consist oF some ot a! oF the follewing: + Concrete masonry unrts | - Ficed clay bricks ~ solid and hollow + mortar + grout + skeel cetnforcement — bars and wires Concrete Mosenty Units - CMUs —> see Agure pg. 2 most comman CMU is Bx Sx Ib umt (nominad dimensions) Fe matter conneching Unity 36" hee 2. aehwal untt dimension plus mavtec Haicknesy tale Weim, onlwerr area (shi 71%" tes) — CMU also avaslable in HOt 12” thicknesses oe ee (a) Two Core (b)One Plain End —_{c) Splitter Unit with One Regular Stretcher (Single Comer) or Both Ends Plain (f Linte! Block for Bond Beams (d) Three - Core (@) Knockout Web Regular Stretcher Bond Beam Stretcher nit Ce © (g) A-Block (h) H-Block (i) Double H-Block FOS (70mm) @ Pilaster Center Wall (k) Pilaster Center Wall Units Laid Alternate Courses Note that (a) to (9 are shown in the 8 x 8 x 18 in, (200 x 200 x 400 mm) standard block size NetSiner Standard widths are avaliable, Half block heights ang other heights can be obteinec. Figure 4.25 Typical concrete masonry units. Rehauior and DEsige” From Masaney Stucures: by Drysdale, Hamid ¢ Baker 3) ngineer’s Computation Pad 10. 937 BITE @staepTier’ * — units mush conform to ASTM C-90 + % I%CO psi on net area * nek area ~ 55% gross area + availble io different slvengtns and weights light wh= 105 peF er lese med. Wht lob - 124 pcF normal Wh # 1ZG pe of higher = CNA mosomy will sheik over Kime Clay Bricks —> see poge + Solid loricke and bricks WI small cores musk confaren to ASTM CGZ of CZ\b = tf cotes are < 25% of area, unths considered OG solid Hollow bricks must conform to CO52 = clay bevckes much higher in comer strength compared to CMUs (y 0,000 esi) — units produced tn vations standacd sizes — orice mosoney wll expand over time exe asim (aden) (100 mm) ¢ 2 (90 mm) Nominal Dimersions Specie Dimensions (a) Standard Modular 5 sas EL ait (100 fom (0mm) Nominal Dimensions (b) 4 in. (100 mm) Norman Specified Dimensions far on) int 5/8 int . 1 S/Bin, ean) (200 me) (fed mn) a) ‘Nominal Dimensions Spectied Dimensions (6) 8 in. (200 mm) Jumbo Figure 4.12 Nominal and specified dimensions for three typical clay bricks. % sein. seein (20 mn) (140 my (a) Hollow Clay Brick Unit (©) Clay Tile Unit Figure 4.14 Examples of hollow clay brick and tile units From * Masonry Stuctires + Behavior and Design” fey Deysdale, Hamid § Baker 7508 in. (+80 me) 5 E @STAEDTLER Mortar Very important 4o sab’sFactory performance = bends until together - seals masoncy System agevost weakner - musk posses oth comer. and bend strengh Morkar typically consis hs of - Portland cement typ. | perk cement — Vone. Ye pork (ime = matonry sand 4 parts sans + walker as need to provids — waber goot consistency Also have pre-blended mortars (add waler) Mortar aust confarm to ASTM CZ 70 - Fee shuchsral applicahions Type N mortar - higher compe strengts Tyre S worker - bigher bond stvengty reqnred in Seismic areas Mortar may le placed on atl conkack area of unit = Fol mortar wedding Or only on tne edges on each Face = Face shell mochar | bedding | 5] @STAEDTLER’ Grour Placed in open areas in vnils (refereed to as cells) — pucpase i¢ fo boond masonry w) reint ~ ray be pours in all cetts = Folly grouled — of poured only tn cells WI ceink. = pachally 4routed Grouk consist oF = Parkland cement — Sand — pea gravel (3/e" max) — somehyres omitted - walker as need te allow grout to be pumped Chyp. B- Wins slump) Grout must confecm to ASTM COG — ‘eth coarse and fine grout - Compr. strengin of grout % 2000 psi a 3 Grout pumped Into cele of wall sechon under Cond. = low LiFe groubiog — 4 Fr tall sechons — Wigh Lith - fu story sechons 4) a Engineer's Computat + No, 937 B11E @STAEDTLER Keinfeccernent Bar reinf. + — Grade 60 and 40 — typ Ne. 3 to No & bars - musk conform to ASTM AGIS or A706 = ¥y Es = 24,000 ksi é ey Wire vera? + — Gold railed wire — Wire Size designates ey gage — see MSTC Table = mnusk conform fo ASTM A45\ cree no well-defved yyelcl poiat — wires aré placed In mortar joints = ‘erat reinf " cunning horizontally on masone ‘3 =) S — moy be single wires OF mulkele wires conAgued os Nadder ov tvuss —* see poge 8 3 3 : ¢ : 3 3 3 : & fe and Desi an + Behauio! Drysdale, Hantid Flom * Masonny Strachires < Baker ‘ey 9) Masonry Assemblage — block, Mortar + grout Masonry assemblage strength obkamed from std. test oF “masonry prism” at 28 days t computation Pad Z-tblock prism w) wovtar and grout (F used tn structure fe wi as b | a w = & Pia = Compr, shength of Matenry te ref alengtn Foc design { = pach ores ser (sinter bof gross = 2 for ungrouled prisms Aner Co 1 mssc §\.8.2.Z.! - Em 2 Toofm clay masgncy | Em = Aootm concele wrasonty, | Ewa € MSIC § 3.3.2 Shape similar to Eww Emus 0.0035 ak — | UE curve For concrete Emu z 0.0025 conte! | (out wf some AiFFecences) Additisna\ Ebems | Term nology = Cross-sechon of CMU + eit) ww Face shell cess aes web fe & z oO & & @ Net cross-sechon areas — see pg. tl Bond patterns — see pg. ll - mosk stuchral wasonty latd in tunning bond Wythe = vertical sechion Cloyer) ef masonry one vaik thick - Stagle Wythe wail ~ mutki- wythe wail system - wi or wie couty space belveen wy tres | u Running bond Stack bond 1/3 Running bond Flemish bond Faure 2.2 Typical bond patterns ina wall, Klingner Magoniy St edn” Engineer's Computation Pad + No, 937 811€ Q@STAEDTLER FLEXURAL BeHaviok — similar to RC Moterials: vr $, i yy Es fi ot F =. Emu = 0,025 combe 20,035 ¢! masonry ic eink, —> both have linear region followed by nonlinear region \-oad stages © vneracked sechon — low loads and materials linear a TransForm As into egpiv. area of Ay Masenry Using mecdvlac cahs =o h As nz Es bea Em Awonsformed As = nfs sShesses = T= My Loner, trans remember Stress ta ceca. = Ax Trans ceine ® ehaste cracked sechon service loads and materials hear T= My Ler, tons ie a back or La masony block oz kd beam 3 eae iL no. ia @inse: : ===-P As (Node: nAs n= Efe, \e mosoncy wall ie fe i Stell b to To obtatn C) take momenh of areas aisovt N-o- bet + nAsc - nAsd =O i sl w) os kd and p= As bd b K* a2 + mpbd Kd - npledd =o 2 or Ke \ 2 pn+(pn)* -pe Calwiate Leracked = — Frans®, T= My ot | Em = csr Zeate een Fs = Ak N\ Uteet Zee be Altemahuely, lock ot eqpilderiven regm'ts 2 Fen ef fais Cae tm bkd lever orm behaeen Bree] resottants Te Asfs = jdad-kd a G= t+) From equiliovivm Ms fice x lever oxm = Va fmb ka(d- Kd) = ffm bd? 4 maume) = Asfs (d- tah = AsRjd Greer) 4] @® wikmake etate - estapishes capacity — Monlingar moletial belauior reracked sechon é vsing, Same approach as Tor RE é ie of : Een fT ¢ Be ef eo C= O.8Frab Eee 2 Pt - ile r Q Et a lead cee z T= Asty - note 0.8 Fackers AiFE than Re en) O.8fmab= Asty er a= As fy O.BFkb Maz Asfy Cd - a2) late EM about © oc Manz 0.8 Fl ab (d-%) —— EN obout T 5] Engineer's Computation Pad = No, 937 BITE @STAEDTLER’ Ast. Stresses under 4 specified Allowable stresses Seruice loads fe masonry and eink SsD+ design strengts % loads under extreme event 6 Asm naminal £ LFS x service leads ASD - covered in MSTC Chap. 2 FLEXLRAL DESIGN - both allowable stress design CAD) ond strength design (sd) permitted by MSTC notahon: Fy = cale, cempr, stress th masonry From bending under seruice loads Fez cate. tension stress on reine under senice loads Fo = atlewalle bending Sess In masoney “= 0.45 Fin Msre 2.3,4.2.2 Fe = allowable bens. Shess in céinF. = 20,000 pai Grode 40 - : Mec = 32,000 psi Grade 60 2.33 = 30,000 psi wn wire reing Actual stresses can be cateviaed using drocked, trancfermed % 5 $echion or Using equiliorium eqns. 4] Engineer's Computation Pad No, 937 B11E @STAEDTLER® Masonry slvesses: M = moment ak sechon Hom seruice loacls = @jd = b A bd? jk or fyp= 2M JK ed? where js 1-& 2 3 k= YZ en (pny? pie = Es Lee = AS bd Reinf. Slresses: Ms Asfsjad or Fs = eee Fog Fe ana Fs4 Fs —> one Will contol max M for Asb Engineer's Computation Pad > No, 937 BITE @STAEDTLER’ ASD example: Wall sechon above opening = lintel joint movement i i soint a" a ach End ” 24 : a mominas 8" CMU = 3 courses high ; Soliel qrouled fim = 2000 psi Fy = 60 esi Es = 29,000 ks ea aa Em = Foo fin MSYe As = 1B00 ks Fy= 0.45 Fim = 200 ps Fs 2 $2,000 psi Fe Giode 60 Find As For posibue rein. using Asp 8} Engineer's Computation Pad > No. 937 BITE @STAEDTLER Linke\ condhen is somewhere between xed - Fixed and pinned- pinned —osume Min posbve = L wih? & tepresents ype educe! Mmow, negorve + Lurk? Values 2 For posihve moment: Maw = L (¥.2)(6.6T)%= 23.4 Ft. kips Setuiee a First consider As, leased on Fs: a - assume § = OA — = typ. vawe to begin design + Check lake Esse As jd 32k = (23.4 Heke FK) As Coa) (20in.) or As = 0,49 in® > Fry 2 No. 5 bors (As, 245: = 0.62 40% Now check achal sbresses w) As = 0,62 t= p= As. (a lemez = 9-004 bd (1.628)(20) | | lat omputation Pad id w 4 E a < e a @ PN = (0,0042)(le) = 0-065 K= Yapn* (pod? - pn = Valo.cusd+(o.oe8)? — 0.065) = 6.306 ye \-k% = 1-03 = 04 a 3 + fos 2M 2 2(23.4 x12) AK bd? (oa) (0.30)(7.625) (20% = O.6B2ksn = bE2 psi < Fez AOOkW ok fer masonry shes Foxe MS (23.4412) Asia 0.62 (o2\(z0) eo) 25 Pest) ates kes oe for tetnk. stress J. provide 2 No, 55 for positive Cein® vn Vinbel + provide As for negahve ven to complete flex. desisn Engineer's Computation Pad > No. 937 811E @STAEDTLER’ SD -coavered th MSTC Chap, 3 Mas Asfy Cd - &) wl as Asfy 0,8 Fin b dMn % Mu ) 2M + 1.6Me Prep OA rasye For design, Usually seeking to Find Ag — can therate using Alove egns - of can getup egps in terms of P Mu = @Ma z dAsH[d- Asky : [ ata | = dpbd* fy fi~0.63py peer solve qrodraheatly for Fey and Asyegs = Ry bd ul Engineer's Computation Pad No. 937 B11E @STAEDTLER’ MSC § - oFfechvely cepts Foc Asymin Mn % 1.3 Mee = 3S Fe) S= sechkon medvlus Fr = MOR From MSTC Toble - Function oF mortar tyre and bond pattern te Sohshy by providing SubRcient As MsTc §& — max. As regmit — requires specified level of fens veink slain at fadvte = for membes w/ Ma x | ——— beoms Vudy « depth of mernber to direchon shear applied tensile stain % 1.5 Ey — For shear walls w/ Mu»! Vader ordinary, (intermediate and special shear walt \ L ( 5 ky 3ey 4 ey aS Tnereasing walt cuchliy — For member w/ Mu (1 — squat shear walls Vad CorrratleA ley shear behauor ~» No cestrichon on As moe | ap ‘omputation Pad No. En @STAEDTLER® SD example — same Kntel as used in ASD example 5%" eh Weevee = 4.2 “/te = Snee pe + 3.44 e re Wus 1.2 (0.76) + 1.6 (gue) = 6.42 K z Mus Lowa d? = 35.7 kor 3 use tkerahve approach: OMn % Mu - & = DAsty (4 2) or Asregs = Mu Fy (4-97) — choose trol a = 3.010. ~ Assega = (35,.0)G2) = O38 in? 0.4 (eey(20- 2) ~— cevised a= Asfy = o3 (0) 2 2.Sin fi ot nominal 8” CMU — Beoveses high, Solid grouted Fim = 2000 pst Fy = 60 ksi Ax spons 6.67 O8Fmb 06,8(27. 625) \3/ Engineer's Computation Pad No. 937 B11E @STAEDTLER® — vevised As resid = 0.42 in? — consider as converged — select 2 No.5 bats (As: 0,62 in?) Check Mn % 1,3 Mer Mn foe 2455 = 57.3 fk Fr From MSTC Tole 4 ~ assume Type $ wordar, Portland cement -lime nraitar Forly grouled tension poraiiel t bed joints ~ Fee 200 pst ae (1.625) ( 2a)" = 732 in? n Mee = (200 ps) (13 Zin?) = I4E,4OD Vin Ae 67,3> | \eS Caz. 2) oe Check As, max MSTC Commentacy § Pray =O erin ty Fee ete | eee Emu + Ey bd Engineer’s Computation Pad No. 937 BITE @STAEDTLER® Where % Fence achal @ use = mulkipties on Ey = 1,5, 3 of 4 depending on member = 0.0% (2) 0.0025 60 0,0025+ Os) eo ) = 0.010 = 200.31) = 0,004 < Pmay ok (7.625) (20) As = @ No. 5 bars > note Same answer at obtained using Acd As} ‘omputation Pad No, 93 @STAEDTLER® Additional Comments on Flexural Design MTC § reinforcing bars No. Vor smater £ Ax Nominal Wart thickness —? Recommend Using Nob o¢ Swaller whenever possilele NSTC § NIL. 3 and 1.16.4. placement oF cernt. masoncy (unt grout) cover % 142 in grouk cover between unit and bar % Ubia, Rae grook % Vain. cove grout clear distance behween pacaltel bars % bin. MsIc § ana = development length for reiné. — embedwent required each side of peak moment sechon - aplcce length = development lengtn —> regpired to aitow conshuchan sequence examples: - a+ top of Footing - every 4 FE oF wall height for low-E greubiog tof é No. 93 @STAEDTLER’® For parbatly grouted walls ; | x A [=] el [2] [] Fae —| Shey [=] (4) ae iS 0 \ eS Emu. a8 Wall Subjecked to bending aloour K-% oxis bars placed in every fed. [ett othe cel cells Wo wars not Qrouted shrains if OF Egyee , need to Shel! treat os T: beam —> Same approach as for concrete T-loeame SHEAR DESIGN _1N_REANS : > will focus only on SD MSTC § - nominal shear shvength Na = Vim + Vas \ Ag masonry, Shear veink. Component component emetic Yam = [+e = 1.75 (Mua y] An VFm + 0.25 TR ia Nadie where Nuz Poctored moment ot o sechon 1S 7 Maz 10 dy = depth of member ip direchon of applied Vp shear To | Nao eq Ane = sek shear area oF section Pu = Ffachored axial load on sechon Nes = 0.5/ A ns = 0 { ar) ty dr where Avs Sheoc rein®. area $ = spacing of shear reint. 0.52 Fachor bo reduce thet Vns (= br kyde to makeh test results Cunode - down Factor) ASD and Sd provisions ia Mssdl Nn,mnax ko prevent brite Pattore — funckion of Wal speck caho => Mu Nude + For Mu £0.25 Une GAnv VF Nude + for Mu % 10 Vie # Ane TE Vader + for 0,25 ¢ Mu €1.0 — inkerpolate Nady For design, « “@Vn % Vu 2 b= 0.8 MsTe Shear =a select Av and ¢ to sabshy above egn. — Yearsvese reiaf. shail le single bac wrt (A0® hook on each end — First bor ploced £ MsTe & dy From end of loear + Ses pel el oi ae & 4Bin- + remember masonry Cell spacing (e.g. every Bs! Ag mia = 0.0007b dir | | | beam shear design example - using same lintel as eacliec| 75/a" 4 i Fim = 2000 psi Fy = 60 Ks bor a" bpans 6.61 FH. & to & supf We = o.1ble ae sermnce loads A = Bake Fe axial load = Oo Wa = 2 (ote) + 1.6 (3,44) = G2 e/a Clear span Face-to-face oF suppt = 6.0t+. Vu ak Pace of suph = Bx G42 = (9.3% be 1625 tn. du = Zhin. Ao = (1.625)lee) = 183 in® =O ak sk Vm = Lie - 1.75 Mi} (183) Vac Vude TOad tes ee = 32.1 Kips . 4]. Oven = OSeisz= 2o2* > Vale ase wot 2. no shear rein’ ceqd for example + chece Vins Van = 32.1% < GV Fm Anw = 89,1 & yes - n Ok IF shear ceinF. regia — use No. 3 bar Whenever possible = 180° hook each end — space at muthples of B in. along span under sewice loads MASONRY BEAM DEFLECTIONS — Two approaches cormmonly Used: ® consider defi. in two pacts — defi. te reach cracking load (Mer) using Daccdeked Lwammest ot |inephe. |. CUunerte | =l Myc use for Slonplierdy + addthonal defl. to reach Full secuice lood using erocked moment oF inerka (Ker, tr) ar@ one defi. cale, vsing efFechue moment of inerha Tete = weighted average of cracked and vrcracked moment oF Inechas MSTo § 3 Tere = ( M«) cals [i= (ay) feel ec Ma Ma where Mer = Sxfr as before em Rvaen_MGSG Thblel Bl @, 2. Ma = mor applied moment under service loads Lee = cracked transformed moment of trerta In = net moment of merhia load Ri Service Noad cracki teas Acrark, Asewice deh» approach @ Aservice = Acrack + Asad \ \ En Tn Em Deete approach @ = Aseruice olutained one Shee Cosed 09 Sle Beam def ke: Tec Ag op = Seen 240 MSTE 1-1B,1-4.1 — for beams f lintels Suppechng oncelat ceohosp Aoox = span +o control crackiny 600 | | beam ceFl. example - using same liatel as earlier Mer = (2.2 b- th Mo Toet Let examples 1%" spon = 6.67% J Wp = O10 kK 20" co Service loads We = 3 & Fr from earlier example at (ote + 3.44) (6.61)? = 23.4 KH Ma > Mer J. beam vs cracked 3 = Taras = 1 (tees) (24) = Tat nt 2 = blka + mAs (4 - kal* 3 mele Kd= (0.3)(20)= Gin. Fe Poke From earlier S=2 0.62 in ‘example bt 1.625 in A= Zin. Lente, = 3250in* 3) 4) Using two-step approach: Ace = 5 Mee w/) Ems (800 Ki 4S Em Det = 5(i2.z west) (eerty® ZB 4& (\e00 ksi) CaTet int) er = 0. 00btn. + Aad = 5(Ma-MerSL? = O. 015 inv #@ Em Ler tr. Asecvice = O,O21in. Y TIF used Terr. approach: Dee = (Mery mes fie MeV] Ser ( <=) i i a) .2\3 (Q 784) + I (iz | (3250) = (22) ( (a3) = 4OS5in® < Ta Asevice = SMa L* = 0.025 in. + 4e EmLere t sinitac to eoclier Be Newt el Ee elente) oss aa. 240 Zuo fe def. Ole | | DI MASONRY COLUMNS - subjected to combined BM FV lo —Y will only Consider ste design A 3 See typicat column and pilaster arrangements on Following pages For combined P € tA loading: Pa = nominal axiol shength — Yunckes of Ro rahe: v We efFechve height of colomn > efFechvely Ned re vodius of gytahon = pe oxtiol Srenghh Poo Fy 4 +r <——/—™ Stanilty, a Combine. y = loucklin mokerial stably ps 3 Fasiore ing FIGURE 5.1 A reinforced masonry column. | From Taty \ Also available in 4° units. FIGURE 5.4 Concrete masonry units for columns and pilasters. | | MST¢ § pure axial éMength = for 258 vr z Pre 0.80] 0.80Fn(An-Ad)* Fy Ast [- & y] in q ) 3 ] (Be ee reduchon iad slvength Axial She. Facloe to aecovht ie. masenny oF veiee reduchon For accidental account Eccénin Slenderness - for WY 44 r Pos 0.80 [o. dot (An-Ast) +fy ax] ther yeas Note: since latecal Hes (reinf.) regd in colomns Uboelen Fou value of Ast Fy used tn Pa (wont be case For walls — wore later) Pure flawral strength — Mn as before for beams For combined axial and moment — use interachen diagram similar to R/C design P Foi\ure envelope for combined BM ar buck, 4] beading ¢ cal. eccentmaty As 5 TAM e Be | Ly et As’ b | | iS d h From Similor triangle} 5! €s= Emu (4 i-c) Es € = SoWoins ae EM (c=3') € ¢ a=0Be stresses £ 0.8Fm Tak Tt @,= 0.8fmab Coe AST! TFver2O Po = O.8fmab + As'fs'- Asks EMgl sO Mae Pr-@ = 0.8Fmob (h- 2) + As’ Pe! (%-d’) + Asfs (a- nay For design bP y Re U1 20% Ror cordoned axial f Hevond Own % Mu MSIE 3.A.404 | ih, Interachon diagram example ee CMA columm units No. 3 celuma Hes — 4 No.5 long. bars nominat 16" Ef} colume ZO FE. column height (5 5/et assume pinned - pinned Fn = 1500 psi Grade 60 cenF. Fied pure axial strength: K Factor = 1.0 for pinned-pinned column (see py. ba) h = (1.0)¢20 Fe) (12a JP) = BRO wy a al a vay rely r T= ft Ui5.025) (is.c28)° = 496T A= (5.025) (is.625) = 244 int re YRRT 2 4. Shen. 7a . hs 240 = 53.2 < 98 eae 4.5) i6s 7 ) ~4(0. ty faz 0.80[0 801500) ( 244 4(o.1))s 6000 a (240 | = 280 kips «[! (Br —) Li Pre 0.9 (280) = 225 kips = one pt. on curve ba} Samanyg hvosoy Peresiag 40 WOsaq hyoy woos 19's] 24 aroy pandepy) “suorpuo pus feonoesd soy xsd v0 “em ‘ounyoo v JoIUsIEY aAROANA g's AANA [e's].y Jo senjea papuewwooes osiv. ore=m soo= 7 aa oz=y o0-¥ noes ae a dye pou wy pu doy pag ‘oeogie pay wa aaa aT i Se L “soul) paysep Aq umoys 51 s19ysel/d pur ‘s\/Bm ‘suUUN}OD Jo adeys papong pauinssy As fy (d-2) = ©.62)o)(12.0 ~ 1,98) od tak = Sul Ptk T note. ignore compe. reint, G doobly rein oeom) JE considered Mnz 35.) fee k Moa = o.% Cae.1)= 30.7 Fk 39 porat — Rnd ‘Mn, Po vawes ito produce Simultaneous Crushing in motonry anc yreldirg oF tension retm® = balanced pt Eos Ey= 2 = 0,00207 Slrains over col, Sechow es Em = Emu = 0.0025 e eet eral adele" ad Emr ey or Cz 6.36 in. (2 6.56 - 3.625, o.cozs = O-cail 6.56 | lay 294 point — pure bending dale as Ash _ (22(0.31)be0) = I-AVin, 0.8 fm b 0.8(1,5 )(15.c2s) Mn = | | Using earlier Pr, Mo eas Po = 0.8Fhab + Aste’ - Asks G21 6.eiel aie izs. As= As’ = 0.62 tn? fs) = Se Ess BULGER Foz fy =o ksi S._|Pn =| 1 BIO: Bigs <— moke sure = fy Mn = (o.eFmab) (R- a) + Ashe (4-8 + As fs Cd- bh) . Ms = 149 inle= GZ. f-k and OP = 0.A 08102 72.4% Mn = 0.9 (02.4) = Se.D hee K Pa pure refined cvcve Ovioh pf From program 200 Column in a building will Fyptcatty hove muthele leading Cases to consider ~ load cose ti Pus 120 kips \ an load cases Maus 25 Peeks must foe inside deggn = load case 2: Pas 4O kigs See cene Mu = 35 ft-kies pies MsTC § 14.1.3 - verbeol reiaF in a column = min, of 4 bars —— oe - rein area % O.0028An = 0.0025 (2ubid) = int —- be £ 0,04 Ane A Thin —— Ow § A. — weink, Hes tn a Coloma a ploced in mortar oink or ~ He dia. % Abin. — Tnside cell in grout : contals * — verhes! spacing £ 1b db long lear = 16(0.625) = 10"o.6, 4Ody he bar = (0.318) = \8"o.c. 3 in nates bse No.3. ay bar atiameker - \st Le at Se above toohng and last he oF Se below Floor aveve = addihonat Hes reqid in end regions of columns Tn high Puur = Fockored weight of wall oF seismic Ly walt heignt h = footing bo cook a height ae Ms Fur en evel wil) eceor beth dorechon. a moment From moment from root lead wind of Seismic Wall designed for fockored moment and axial leads at midheghe (vehween Footing and roof) + secondary moment From P-A on wot Tas Pur+ Mu = mid due te wind Paws a Pat ey + ba Z where Suz defl. due to factored loads ab mid height oF wall —> olstained using defi. calc. procedures as before eaceot using factored loads + need to consider PrA effects Citerate) Poraper wall designed as canhlever W) aval loading Fram Se\Fuk only €.g, every other bar —> typically Will carry Some of al( of wall vert reiaF tnko poraper Wat Strength + Watts must have PL & O.2 fin per MSTC + Po, Mon inlecachion diagram as Fer columns except dont include reinf. In compt. because no Hes + shear strength Vn as for beams Out -of - Plane _woll design example: roof \ead en wall 20 eof wind load. a a Vet assomed ba Meee oe = ees) Toor jorsk = 700 Wet DL + 350 tes UL e & ab = 2.5tb rn, from wast q Walls mominad Sin. CMU Filly qrouled Fm = (500 pst Grade 60 reint e=2.56" Py Po Zoek hz 16 Sr design bosed on UF vecBeal snp | | ts TBC lead cases. (per 2009 TBC) i 20+ Leb 2 2D LoWs FL 40.5 (le or Ser R) 3. 09D 41.6W +164 Whee Dz dead (vad L = lve load Cotrer than reef live load) Les toot lve load in \.0 foe Roors tn public places of iF ) 100 pst = 0.8 otverwise Wt wind load S= Snow load H = loads From lateral eartn pressure (eq, cekasnias ) Rez rain load Since moment capacihy increases vi) Increasing auial oad, O.AD+ \.GW) often cevbeal leading Cose roof a4 te ied ets ee ob wh both direchohs 2 midlneignt . +e Critical cose eae: when tnaments Foohng ade moment due to moment eccentwc roof load From wind —~~y as triad desiqn, evaluate No. 5 bass veckcaluy Gk 4Bia. o.c. along wall length | | 6} Develop interochion diagram using same procedures at for columns except : = neglect comp. reinf. since vo ties to walls - base on Ft width of wall No. 85 D 48 in. 0-6. {EIEE IB Be B/E Se ee} kK aoe —-—»| t= nominal wall ao Bt ~hickness MSTC effective wall width = 2Zibin per bar s{___,—____~ & & te € bor spacing effechve widte = 4B in- Zot 4 Ain. = Siolugsdfeccetiedanel Sey Taterachen chiagram per foot of wall ePhechve width in Ph. Use motonry design program ar Spreadsheet +o obtuts talerochon come — see Next page = | | Brin. CMU wall, Fully grouted, No, 5 bors D 4B in Grade Coe, [Vas 50,000 + wall 79 25,000 Consider load case of O.ID+ LOW roof dead load = “Too \k Wall Selfwt: Using table below, normal wk Cmu, Fully grooted TABLE B-3a Average Weight of Completed Walls," Pounds per Square Foot, and Equivalent Solid Thickness, Inches (Weight of Grout = 140 pet) ”_ Hollow Concrete Block Hollow | Equivalent Lightweight Medium Weight | NormalWeight | Clty Block | Solid Thickness? 103 pet 115 pet 138 pot pet mene Wall Thickness | 6” [ 8” |10"]12"| 6° [8 [10°] 12"| 6” [ @" [10°] 12"| 4” [e" | @° | 6" | 6° [10°] 12" Sold Grovied Wat 52 | 75 | 98 [118 | 58 | 70 98 [124 | 65 | 64 [104 [195] 30 | 65 | 77 | 56] 76] o6|ni6 Vorical | 16r00. | 41 | 60] 62 | 88 | 47] 63] €0| 04] s2 | 66] a6 [ros | ss | 45] se | 45] 58] 72] 85 Cores zeros. | 37 | 85| 61 | 72| 43 | 58] 72 | 05| 48 | 61| 78| 94 31 | 42] 54 | 41] 52) 63] 75 Grouted | S2%oe. | 36 | 52] 57] 74 | 42] 55] 68 | 80] 47 | 50] 74 | 80 30 | 40] 51 | 40] 49] 59) 70 a ares. | 25] 50] 85] 71| 41 | 53] 68 | 77] 46 | 58] 72| 88| 20 | 39] 49 | 38] 47] 57] 87 aoc | 34 | 49| 53 | 68 | 40 | «5 | 64 | 75] 45 | 55 70 | 83] 28 | 38] a8 | 37] 45| 55] 65 No Grout in Wall 25 [oa a6 [ «7 | 32] 6 | at | 59] 37 | a2] 47 [ 62 | 25] a0] 25 | a6] 40] 47] 55 1. The above table gives the average weight of completed walls of various thicknesses in pounds per square foot of wall face area. ‘Anaverage amount has been added into these values to include the weight of bond beams and reinforcing sel 2 Bquivalent solid thickness means the eslculated thickness of the wall if there were no hollow cores, and is obtained by dividing the volume of the solid material in the wall by the face azea of the wal. This Equivalent Solid Thickness (EST) is forthe deter- ‘mination of ares for siructural design only, e4 fg=P)(EST)®. A fire rating thickness is based either on equivalent solid thick- ‘ness of ungrouted units or solid grouted walls (patel grouted walls are considered as ungrouted for fire ratings). | | 8| From the talole, woti weight = Stk pst per sqpare Fook of walt arco More § Mus wah*, Pur@u 4 Pudu Mate Fyn 3-35 eS = ; aT moment moment wroment trom FO From lateral From toot load at wid heghr load ak b eccenticly Wall mid-height ald height Commentary nokes 44s eyn epolies fo simply-supr Wols only = different ears Wi exist for other condshons In egvation 3-25 h= wall heigne Wut factored \ateal load on wall Put > Factored roof load at eccentich, Cu Pa = fockred arial load ok mid- height of wall $u= dell. ak midheight under factored load — note Su ts a Bachon of Mu tout Mu depends on Su fo treroke For defechon cale's, use same procedures as before uk wl) some simpl thqing assumprroos | | — consider cracked sechon For all leads Su = SMub* EB Em Lente — Opprox. Terte = ok Tg For example: — dmiad load at wall midheight due to wall seitwhr = 16, Bbpst = 672 lb per fe of wat a — considering load case oF OAD + L.EW Pac 0.9 (ree + 612) = (235 lb/H Pue = 0-A(700) = 630 lb/Fr Foctored moment ab midheight due to wind = be x Lo) b)* = 102 eet Att i = 12,208 loots. / FE Ffanttred moment at midheignt due to rook load = Re Eh = eae 2. 54\ = B00 lb in/ Fics} consider Suz 0 Mus 17,288 + B00 + 13,088 lb-in/ tH Next calc. Su for Mus 13,088. Ib-tn Sus SMuh? 48 Em Lee 4) | we (6 FF = S42 Em = 900 fin ae tie 0.454 a " 13 50,000 psi o.4(4) (2) (7.628)? (aint N or Sus 0.21 in. ak widheighr Update Mu = 13,088 lbeln + 1235Ib (0.21 in) = 13,3847 (ein et Updated Su = O.Zbin. <—— converged éo Pus 1235 lb Mu = 13,347 (bin dragtam on pq. 7 2. No 5's DY¥Bin.o.c. Oe Check pho max per MOTC Mu 57 1-0 by inspechon Nady ond Ww] out-ef- plone leading => KELS - per commentary where only tension teint. Sabine Eru 3 & ies eer ty ( Emu + KEy bd te y plots just tnside interachan & consider ates ood coses 03 appopriolke where P= \.OD+O,75L+ 0,525 Ge = \:0 (700 +672) + 0.15(350) + 0 1635 Ibs 5 Coe = Peete 2.0025 \- 1635 0.00254 15 (0.00207) 60,000 = 0.0065 acwal f = 0.31 = 0,0017 < Pre Of (48) (3.81) BEDUB ROC SBE HB On. MoTC § — ltt on horizontal del. ab wall midheignt due to serice loads = fs $s rt 5 Mee hb? Meer = wail moment eas ot midheighr 48 Em Ler due fo semice loads ors $3 & B.00Ah = Pic lexamaple Ute = O.contipetkx 123) = Udita 4h Since Gu = O.2\ ia. fom earlier ee boy Inspectan Shear design as before Re lbcams (masonry only ) > nearly impossible to be ariheal | | uf MaAsoney WALL - In-plone Loading = Shear wails Applicatie code sechons: MSIC 3.3.6 \.18.3.2 — appticabte to watts that are part of Seismic force cesishny system G@Aperai_Behavice PM transferred inbe Shear Wall through roof | Floor and rook diaphragm ha floor sever hy Fooking shear wall canneded 4. Bohing —> assumed os Rred Consider os canhlever Vo Solid Shear mi eee Vehe Va (og +N sheav moment Khe) | | 21 For combined PM loading — use | tatecachion diagtam For design (negleck comer. reinf since no Hes) —> provide verheal rein to carry P+M loadins — often will concentate rein® near ends of Shear wall = jamb rein?. — plus require distibuted verheal bors along length of éheay wail (depends en shear wall ype) For V loading — use shear design procedures developed earlier —> provide horizontal reiaf. over heighe oF walt typically evenly spaced ever height = plus spacing limits on hori. cetoF. dep ending, On wal sype. Shear Wall Types - defined io MSIC 1.18,3.2 Ordinary reinforced rnasony Shear walls i Vncreasi os intermediate retaP. masonty Sneac walls want dueh tl Special rernf. masonry Shear watl> Type of wail determines level af duchiil) achieved by wou of Faclore Cdelermines R fader Ry setimic design) ~ diFFecenk rein?, regpa'ts for each wall ype — Hype oF Wat depends on Seismic Design Category A 7 F An order oF increasing geverh of seismic loading Achined loy ASCE 7 | ! SOc A,B,C —* can use ardinory, tatermediale of Pallinon Special shear walls SPC D,E,F —> only special shear walls seattle Ordinary Sheor waits § UNB.5. 204 \ + vert rein. of oF least 0.2 i® CNo.*) provided - ak corners = W/ta Ve tn. each side o& opening — Whim & in. Each side of movement joint - wiin. Bia. end oF wall ~ at max spaciny oF (20 ca, along lengtr of wall + horiz. rein® of af least 0.2 in? (oA) provided - oF mat Spada of 120 in. over heighr of wall = ot bottom and foe of openings extendiag Zt Ja. posh openiay each side — ak alt Roor and oof levels — win ein. of top oF wall SY ee pas 4 For summany oF reinP cegm't for otcheany Shear wall These preserichve regmils are mninimum values = SH need fo delenmnine rece. bo corey loads - preeriphue regm'h often contvel foc low-rise Sheuewres es roy aesy |) 20 ‘ul 9} ® jusuisoiqjulos qulol Z'1M 40 90 ¥ OL © sieq pH 90 1 OL © sieq pH BIW C0) i (03) WU oso) Est Co) (od lexodat jo ul g ulm (uw) seq pH qulof jo1jU00. [vl farey [Up Mm-ialelale]}(eLolo} swiBeiydeip ® (uw) seq p# yedeieq jo doy yedesed jo do} jo ‘ul 9) wBeydeip UILYIM (UI) Jeq pH For) S|IEM JO spud Lmao (JEP (ee) FO Ay (ul) 1eq pH 90 xew ‘ul gy © $J0}98UU09 joo4 9 9qdS pue sjjeM jJesys Aieuipio 40} JUSWSDIOJUISI rekeB Ital oysy 5/ Special shear was § 1,18. 3.2.6 Must meet oa\ of regmh far ordinary Shear Walle plus > max spacing of vert reine $ Ye wall length in Ys watt height 2 48 in + Worzortal reso Shatl be uniformly distributed ar max spacing £ Ya wait length 4 V3 watt herger £ Bin, + Sum of verk. and heriz, tein? catos Y 0.002 B= Avert ‘ E Bites gross = WALI cross-sechan a centered amood load} P= Avociz (ditterent Agros. hosie ho Bearers and vert fe % Oo. 7 Plus And e 0.000 + Shear reinf. provided w/ (80° hooks ok ends ie = see pg. 5 for Summary of vein. regets Lae Special shear Walls 90 4 p © sieq p# 20 Wy © sieq v# yulof jouju0o sulof jouuoo |e RoR arse) ny (CU) eee B10] (0) fl fo) (Uos0} TWlofatoyTeywtcyaola UW Loro) EWU Ta}-¥]e (0-110) eT 3 yedeieg Jo doy Lie Comms) ol) Emma [10 ere) Pome eT (uw) seq pH ) yedesed jo do} jo ‘ul gp (eV lof-ale(el-1]9) COTTON COTO ese a Ferod) 90 XEW ‘Ul gy © ESToytel= 10 Vox Coley] sjjem seays jeioseds Plot Mm LUE-JIV Tres (oY IOIE-) Mm oL-¥ IT a) ot=y a Brin CMU Shear wall Fix = 2500 px rae Grade 6O reint. Solid grouted ee evel Fleer level Hooe Vevel foe of fechny Unfactored axiol loads DE wa @® FO Kips & \Bo Kies ® Zio kies ® BLO kies Example - Sweor wail design for (n-plone loads \S tes 35 lags BS kee 1S lap al vnPactered lateral loads Gelemic) 308 7 ack 3c —y bot 300 fk 30 > ade 00 Fee | 30% —> | \aok \800 4k Baco Ft shear nomen Consider load case af O.VD+\1.0E Check gheat: Vu,max = 120 Ki tn Wait © Vaz Vane Vins and Yam [enh (ey) An Vim + 0.25 R Mu = B00o Rk x Zing x Ne = 36,000,000 ta.tb Vue 120, 000 Ibs dy = depth oF wall tn direchen of applied sheor = htt « Zim 2 2S8u. * ae a 4.) = 1.0% => use 10 in Yam egn | | Sf Anz (7.625 m)( 288 tn.) = 2196 in® fim = 2500 psi Pu = 0.9 (3G0K~ i000 lr) = S24, 000 Ibs ee Ss Nan = 328,050 tbs = B28 kips if no shear teint. Vn = Cam = (0.8)(328 ke ) 2 262 kw > Vas (aoe fo No Shear veinF. cegid Chede Flexural strengln — Consider © M ialerachon mr bry No. S bare verbcally ak HBin, oc. along walt ‘Strength Interaction Diagram by Spreadsheet Clay Masonry Shear Wall fr, = 2500 psi, 24 ft long, 7.5 in. thick, #5 bars @ 4° 2500 —— — u Sealberness > SN PS 200 rane os & hoe a o ssn D “ 1000 = a] 500 = =, a se 0 2000 4000-=—«6000-«««8000-=«10,000 12,000 14,000 Mp fkips Figure 6.28 Moment-axial force interaction (strength basis) for reinforced shear wall, neglecting slenderness effects. lof 3 Sz {= Bs 4, Cesnnz) Cne2s) = 1640 tat At C2unre) (W628) = 2196 vo loc Wa | A, Zeta Wo. sos WZinte 2 55 < 94 - Zito *. Slenderness Ceduchon Factor = [he ( hh y Woe, = 0,85 For 0.90 + 1.08 Pus (0.9 x360) = 324 Win } plots inside tnlerackon Mus 3000 4h Kips aiagqam) ote TF wall was special shear wod + + verk. cetn® = No S & 4B in, O.e. meets No, 4 ot larger - Spacing £ Vz wart length = Ain. 4 Va wail keignt = \eoin. £ +B in, oe Oe ~ R= O:3Blin® = 9.00085 > 0.0007 (4.625) C48) on foc horizontal rein — weed be® fe >.0200Z or a % 0.002 - 0.00088 % 0.00115 cheese No. 5 bars Rls to Bie® = 0.0015 (a.628u.)(s) or Spactng = 35 ia. 2. use No. 5 @ 32in. occ. over wail height - meets spacing bimibs Check cho mox pec § = From Commentary for watl w/ uniformly dish. reint As vnoy per unit length of wall = As BI one fn b ( Exo. )- e Emur bEy ae Sioa Erou ) Emaar & Ey where Ym= 2500 ps be 7.625in fy = 60,000 Po de = MHA Uw > 288i Emu = 0.0025 m= & Foc special Ey= 0.00207 Shear wall | | and P= D+ 075 + 0.525Qe 360,000 los + 0.75 (15,000 lw») +0 46,250 lbs " 1 AS 2 0.043 in? per in. of wall engi, dv wi Soar spacing = +8 in. As,mon pec bar = 0.043 x48 = 2,06 in* No, S area = O.3lin™ Slow Nz) I | SHEAR WALLS - lateral load dishituhon E wall elevahon bldg plan Lateral loads from wind / earthquake towards N ~ Pet loaded out-of - plane = Cook act as beam Cdiophcagm) to bansher loads +o W and E walls (shearwails loaded inplane ) — distibukion of Jalecol loods fo each shear wall depends on: + Flezibiliby of roe® diaphragm + sr@eness oF each shear wall torsion effects iF center of mats and center of shifness offset = dishvlubven of shear load tn E wall depends ton telohve shPfoess of wall segments a, b,c Werizental Diaghragms - rigid, Fleable, or somewhere ‘nbehween rigid diaphragms — Floors ot TooF whose tn-plane SheRress ls much grecler than shear wall shHmess ASCE 7: — horizontol diaphragms may be Considered as Cigid iF they consist of conerete slabs ac conerete- Filled metal decks Aleaibie diapheagms - Ploois/rools whese lo-plane shefness is much less than Sheer wall shtfness ASCE 7: foctzontal diaphragms tay lee Consictered Flecicle (F trey consist oF untepped metal decking oc wood Strucwral panels shear force cistnioules equoily fo Wand E gheor walls ne gheer load to N or S wails | Load Disbibuhon w/ Rigid Diaphtagms - based on shffness oF Coch wall considering only sweoring deFormohons (ox iF wail equal q hegtr i A Vv AG where Ge Shear modulus of mosongy A= Shear area of wall Lx thickness wl @, Hand +hickness being the Same for al\ walls th a butldrog A so r\< and ohtPres 2 MY col Az ) gaear loods ore dishbuted in proporhen © +o wall lengtns lore Total watl length in ditechon of lolerai loads = BOe4e TBR = 45,33 FE \ a W wall E wall Vwest = Be (12.6) = 8.3% 45.33 Veosr = 1633 (i.e) = WBE 45,33, Nivtotin = Viewty = O08 For Segments tm E wall: Valeo Chal etet Ss | al Vel 15.33, Np = 1.33 G3) = 2.16 \5,33 Se a is : C Shear distiloubon does not consider eccenmah of Cenkr of ross and cenler oF shtPness i 1 5 Center oF shffness is Found by: sci! TS Mad oe: Yu Sku Ye =z ket where Kyle shtfnegs in y direchan of Wail i FL ot wath itn ¥ direchon Kt = X diskance Tyom ref. point bo wat i Similar ny = $" i e)"* Vex lateral load torsion moment Hacough CS aloouk C5 + K bidg plan For (ateas load trough CS? Vos Li Vi a8 betere for cote when CMe CS Ft — no V in Wats 1 fe lateral load For torsion moment about CS + =i where Vex z torsion moment T= polar moment of trecha = E (Ke yer byt xc?) Kis L of wath i tn X citechen Ye = y cask te wat t from Co eke ZLyi Xi = (30) + ('5,33)(30) = 10.1 Ft. Zhu 45.38 ce @e= 32. \o.t = 4.9 Zz FrtSF and Cyr O because symmebic bf Te F (bei ys + Lyi xi?) (2) (30) (ie)* + (30.10.07 + (5.93) Qeeea)* 22,631 Ww Considering lateral loads through CS Vwest = 8.3% Neost = 43% Vien = OF Veotn = OF plus loads From torsion: Ciasint Ces 22,031 Vwesk = UGbianyisole Ty, Oriented oppor +e 6.3" load Medui= Oa Nuon = 126 Vsoum = 1.26 —> Final wort loads er mee i |} ct —= irae — Vere = Vez 3 | | | Note effects of Cons derigeccentweily oF CM from GS Ts nok large tn Hats example — + torsion effect can become signihconr IF butlding layout becomes irceyvlor Cosymmeic) | FLOOR AND Rook DWAIRAGMS shear moment = act to transfer laberat loads to Shear Wats V cheas Watt — provide conmectass between wall and diaphrogm to cacy shear fa tension from Flexural loading of dtaphragm —> provide ceroh fn Wait ab fevel of diagneagm w = chord reine. d ty ty provide connectors Cancher belts) to provide ted shear force /lengtn of wall tension chord = Te wr l® Bd zy provide As in wall of level of chaphragm to cosy T Aa | where , 2 Om ra tye. 2 No.5 bare ~ bend \beam around FLW perimeter SSS? fleor diaphrage *— anchor bolt to transfer ‘hear ledger beam verkeot retot ta wall Anchor Bolt Design Example Applications 24GA., Gil. taghing 2B cont. w/h"@ x 10" . AB. at 48" 48 ledger w/2” 6 AB. at 48" 0c Types of Anchor Bolts voctead am “eels (UL Savore Head a vs (Ce (@) Headed Anchor Bolts (©) Bent-Bar Anchor Bolts 3 Anchor Bolt Failure Modes e Tension » Radial cracking followed by masonry tension breakout « Straightening of bolt hook followed by bolt pullout « Yielding of bolt followed by bolt fracture ° Shear = Radial cracking followed by masonry shear breakout = Yielding of bolt followed by bolt fracture Anchor Bolt Failure Modes ° Tension « Radial cracking and tension breakout Anchor Bolt Failure Modes e Tension = Hook straightening and bolt pullout Anchor Bolt Failure Modes e Shear « Masonry crushing along with bolt yielding Bea Anchor Bolt Failure Modes | ¢ Shear MSJC Anchor Bolt Provisions | Section 1.16: general anchor bolt requirements applicable to both ASD and SD e Section 2.1.4: ASD provisions for anchor bolts embedded in grout | e Section 3.1.4: SD provisions for anchor bolts embedded in grout ===> Unlike previous editions of the MSJC, ASD and SD provisions for anchor bolt design are now largely the same 9 Effective Embedment Length, /, » Headed bolts - embedment measured perpendicular from the masonry surface to bearing surface of plate or head of bolt | » Bent anchor bolts - embedment measured perpendicular from masonry surface to bearing surface of bent end, minus one anchor bolt diameter ° Minimum /, = greater of 4 bolt diameters or 2 in. 10 | | Tensile Breakout Failure of Masonry P (failure) ! ‘Assumed Cone for Calculation of A, Equation 1-2 = '48°Conical '45° Conical Udy Failure (O__1 Failure Surface Surface A, = projected area in tension on masonry surface press) of cone = 7 1,? it - | Anchor bolt edge distance, |,. Edge distance, /y., is the distance measured in the direction of load from the edge of the masonry to the center of the anchor bolt 2 | | Shear Breakout Failure of Masonry Ay, = projected area in shear on masonry surface of half cone = 7 1,,7/ 2 13 Anchor Bolt Pryout MSIC Code 2.1.4 - ASD of Anchor Bolts ¢ Tensile capacity governed by: + tensile breakout + yield of anchor in tension + tensile pullout (bent-bar anchor bolts only) | © Shear capacity governed by: Lea + shear breakout masonry crushing | * anchor pryout | = yield of anchor in shear | | f « For combined tension and shear, use linear interaction 15 Allowable Tensile Capacities for Anchor Bolts By =125A wf masonry breakout By, =0.6A,f, tension yielding By, = 0.6 fy €, 4, +1202(1,+e,+d,)d, bent-bar pullout Allowable tensile capacity B,, = smallest of (B,,, B,,B,,) A, reduced for edges, open cells or adjacent anchors 16 Allowable Shear Capacities for Anchor Bolts By =1.254,, V fa masonry breakout By, = 3504 f,,4, masonry crushing Bary =205 Ag Vf anchor pryout B,, =0.36 A, f, Gy shear yielding Allowable shear capacity By = smallest of (Bs, Bre, By, Bes) Note effects of edge distance are incorporated in A,, and A,,terms 17 _ «Anchor bolts subjected to combined shear Combined Tension and Shear eS on Anchor Bolts and tension must satisfy a linear interaction equation 18 MSJC Code 3.1.6 - SD of Anchor Bolts + tensile breakout + yield of anchor in tension Tensile capacity governed by: + tensile pullout (bent-bar anchor bolts only) + shear breakout * masonry crushing * anchor pryout + yield of anchor in shear interaction « Shear capacity governed by: » For combined tension and shear, use linear 19 Code 3.1.4 - Strength — Reduction Factors for SD Capacity of anchor | Strength — reduction bolts as governed by factor ~ steel yielding 0.90 masonry breakout, 0.50 z masonry crushing or bolt pryout pullout of bent — bar 0.65 anchors 20 “Nominal Tensile Capacities for Anchor Bolts Bans = 4A Sy masonry breakout Bans = AS, tension yielding Bay = 1.5 fee, d, +300(I, +e, +d,)d, bent -bar pullout Design tensile capacity B,, = smallest of (0.5B,,45 0.9Byyy50-65Byy,) A,, reduced for edges or adjacent anchors | 21 | Nominal ‘Shear Capacities for Anchor Bolts Byy=4 Ay fa masonry breakout B,,, =1050 7,4, masonry crushing | Brow =8 Ay V Sar anchor pryout | By =0.6 A, f, shear yielding Design shear capacity & Bw» = smallest of (0.5Bmns, 0.5Bme, 0.5 Brno, 0.9 Bm) are incorporated in A,, and A,, terms 22 | Note effects of edge distance Combined Tension and Shear on Anchor Bolts « Anchor bolts subjected to combined shear and tension must satisfy a linear interaction equation Design a connection to transfer 1800 Ibs/ft horizontal tension force (service loads = 800 D + 1000 L) from a roof to a masonry wall (force perpendicular to wall) e ¥- inch diameter, A307, Grade A, headed bolts (yield value not defined; use 27 ksi) e Embedment length = 4 inches e 8-inch CMU walls, f ‘, = 2000 psi ASD Tension Design . . . T = 1800 Ibs/ft Ag = ly? = a (4)? = 50.3 in? Breakout allowable load = 1.25 A, (f ‘,)°° = 1.25 (50.3) (2000)°5 = 2810 Ibs/bolt Bolt yielding allowable load = 0.6 A, fy = 0.6 (0.2) (27,000) = 3240 Ibs/bolt Allowable tension load = smaller (2810, 3240) Spacing required = 2810/1800 =1.56 ft = 19 in. --- practically space at 16 in. o.c. 25 ° SD Tension Design... T,, = 1.2 (800) + 1.6 (1000) = 2560 Ibs/ft Age = 0 |,? = a (4)? = 50.3 in? Breakout design strength = © 4A, (f ‘,)°5 = (0.5) (4) (50.3) (2000)°5 = 4500 Ibs/ bolt Bolt yielding design strength = © A, f, = (0.9) (0.2) (27,000) = 4860 Ibs/bolt Tension design strength = smaller (4500, 4860) Spacing required = 4500 / 2560 = 1.76 ft = 21 in. --- practically space at 16 in. o.c. 26 | Example — Anchor Bolt in Shear « Design a connection to transfer 1200 Ibs/ft horizontal shear force (service loads = 400 D + 800 L) from a ledger attached to top of a masonry wall (bolt in center of wall) |e Yo- inch diameter, A307, Grade A, headed bolts | (yield value not defined; use 27 ksi) e Embedment length = 4 inches | « Edge distance = 7.625/2 = 3.81 inches ° 8-inch CMU walls, f ’,, = 2000 psi ASD Shear Design .. . ¢ V = 1200 Ibs/ft © Ay = wl? = x (4)? = 50.3 in? © Apy = (5 lpe)/2= m (3.81) / 2= 22.8 in? | e Breakout allowable load = 1.25 A,, (f es = 1.25 (22.8) (2000)°5 = 1275 Ibs/bolt | e Masonry crushing allowable load ='350 (FAD) 0.25 | = 350 [(2000)x(0.2)]925 = 1565 Ibs/bolt 28 | » | 1 ASD Shear Design (cont) . . . » Anchor pryout allowable load = 2.5 Aj. (fF ’m)°° = 2.5 (50.3) (2000)°* = 5624 Ibs/bolt » Bolt yielding allowable load = 0.36 A, fy = 0.36 (0.2) (27,000) = 1944 Ibs/bolt e Allowable shear load = smallest of (1275, 1565, 5624,1944) « Spacing required = 1275/1200 =1.06 ft = 12 in. --- practically space at 8 in. o.c. 29 SD Shear Design... * V, = 1.2 (400) + 1.6 (800) = 1760 Ibs/ft © Ag = ml? = a (4)? = 50.3 in? © Apy = (at Ipe2)/2= x (3.81)? / 2= 22.8 in? « Breakout design shear strength= ® 4 A, (f ’,)°° = (0.5)(4) (22.8) (2000)°5 = 2040 Ibs/bolt | « Masonry crushing design shear strength = © 1050 (fF 'y Ay) 925 = (0.5)(1050) [(2000)x(0.2)]925 = 2348 Ibs/bolt, a J} SD Shear Design (cont)... » Anchor pryout design strength = ® 8 A, (f ‘,)°° = (0.5)(8) (50.3) (2000)°° = 8998 Ibs/bolt * Bolt yielding design strength = ® 0.6 A, fy ° ie = (0.9)(0.6)(0.2)(27,000) = 2916 Ibs/ ° =" shear strength = smallest of (2040, 8998, 2916) ° Spacing required = 2040/1760 =1.16 ft = 14 in. . --- practically space at 8 in. 0.c. 31 MSIC 1.16.3 - Requires ¥2 in. Grout Between Bolt and Masonry With grout surround Without Grout Surround Except anchor bolts placed in drilled holes in the face shells of hollow masonry units permitted to contact the masonry unit = Post-Installed Anchor Bolts _ a 7 J Adhesive Anchor Mechanical Anchor | 33 Allowable loads (nominal strengths) determined by tests: « Anchor bolts shall be tested in accordance with ASTM E488, except that a minimum of five tests shall be performed. Loading conditions of the test shall be representative of intended use of the anchor bolt. e Anchor bolt allowable loads (nominal strengths) used for design shall not exceed 20 | percent (65 percent) of the average failure load from the tests. Quality Assurance and Constructability Masonry Construction Masonry Construction Laying Concrete Block Reinforced Walls Reinforced Walls 2 [D.* < At plasters and changes in Wall thickness. Control Joint at Openings Reinforced Walls ee Control joint Horizontal bars ~ Opening Jamb bar typical Ke za ‘a 28 Control Joint Details Movement Joint - Cavity Wall Mason Contractors Constructability Survey e Prefer 90° bend for shear steel anchorage Prefer one bar per bond beam (8” cmu w/ bars each face) Two vert bars/cell work best in 10/12” Prefer expansion or bent bar anchor bolts " Mason Contractors Constructability | Survey | ¢ Prefer High-lift grouting (job | dependent) | e Can accurately position rebar without positioners 24” o.c. verts or less = solid grout e Lap lengths impact productivity | _ Mason Contractors Constructability — Survey Prefer #7 vert rebar max Consider 8” high strength cmu and 10”/ 12” cmu « 16” max pilasters easier to build e Interest in self-consolidating grout e Recommend pre-job conference | Cold/Hot Weather Construction ° Cold Weather | + Heat mixing water (40°F - 32°F) + Protect newly constructed masonry : Maintain mortar temperature above freezing (32°F - 25°F) = Heat grout materials + Maintain grout temperature above 70°F 2 Cold/Hot Weather Construction e Hot Weather « Ambient temperature >100°F or 90°F with wind >8 mph = Control mortar and grout temperature + Retemper with cool water + Use mortar within 2 hours = Shade materials and mixing equipment (115°F/ 105°F) Masonry Quality Assurance « Project Specifications e Structural Notes e Building Code IBC 1704.5 Inspection & Verification Requirements for Masonry Construction | « Two inspection levels » Dependent on occupancy category Design Approach Occupancy Category I, I, Iv Empirical & No special Level 1 spec. Veneer* inspection insp. Engineered Level 1 spec. | Level 2 spec. insp. insp. * Inspect veneer > 30 ft. in SDC D-F 30 Level 1 Special Inspection (IBC Table 1704.5.1) » As masonry work begins, periodically verify | + Proportions of site-prepared mortar = Mortar joint construction = Location of reinforcement and connectors ¢ Prior to grouting, periodically verify + Grout space is clean and cleanouts used if high-lift grouting + Placement of reinforcement and connectors + Construction of mortar joints » Proportions of site-prepared grout a . . . Level 1 Inspection | » During construction, periodically verify « Size and location of structural elements = Type, size and location of anchors + Size, grade and type of reinforcement | = Cold weather (< 40° F) or Hot weather (> 90° F) protection ... Level 1 Inspection « Continuously verify grout placement Continuously verify welding of reinforcement e Periodically observe preparation of mortar specimens, grout specimens and/or prisms ... Level 1 Verification je Verify compliance with required inspection provisions and approved submittals [* Verify f ',, prior to construction except where exempted e Verify slump flow and VSI for self- consolidating grout Level 2 Special Inspection (IBC Table1704.5.3) additional requirements e During construction, continuously verify = Type, size and location of masonry anchors - Grout space prior to grouting - Preparation of any required test specimens and/ or prisms « Periodically verify placement of masonry units Level 2 Verification additional requirements ° Verify f ', prior to construction and every 5,000 square feet during construction + units and grout or prisms e Verify proportions of materials in premixed mortar and grout as delivered Statement of Special Inspection. (IBC 1705.2) Prepared by the design professional, includes - Identify materials, systems and work required to be special inspected or tested « Type and extent of inspections and testing + Seismic or wind requirements (no seismic if SDS < 0.5g and height < 25 feet) + Specify continuous or periodic special inspection MSIJC Specification Part 1.5 - Submittals e Mix designs e Material certificates e Construction procedures - Hot/cold weather MSJC Specification Part 1.6 — Quality Assurance e Services and duties of the: - Testing Agency « Inspection Agency + Contractor » Sample Panel ° Grout Demonstration Panel

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