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40-minute Vinyasa


with corpse pose

dog and cat poses, stretching the back
extend each leg out behind, tuck head in (5x)
downward dog
sun salutation flow-through
o downward dog
o lift leg up and cross to opposite side (do 2x for each side)
o plank
o cobra
o downward dog
o swing leg forward to high lunge
o swing other leg forward to front bend
o flow through up
o Finish with downward dog, come to high lunge
Cartwheel into warrior poses
o Warrior one, warrior two, dancing warrior
o Repeat on other side
child pose
flow through downward dog and come up
tree pose
come to sitting twists
pigeon pose
sitting up pigeon pose
downward dog flow through lift each leg up
half lotus, so lying down and then lifting upper body off the
downward dog flow through
full lotus, lift legs and chest off ground
downward dog flow through
core exercises mountain climbers
o pelvic bridge, full body on the ground and pelvis lifting up
child pose
earth hugging or corpse

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