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Learning Activity Plan for Kindergarten

Camouflage Number Comparisons

Age/Grade level


Name of Lesson
Content area(s)/developmental
domain(s) addressed

Camouflage Number Comparisons

This lesson will address multiple developmental domains:
Cognitive: Children will be asked to count, add, and compare quantities, as well as utilize previously
discussed mathematical strategies.
Social: students will be working and communicating with a partner to complete the
The content areas addressed will include comparison of quantities (greater than, less than, equal to),
as well as previously discussed mathematical skills such as writing numbers correctly (not
backwards), and utilizing skills such as counting on or selecting and properly using the appropriate

Brief description of the lesson

This lesson is:



Using the results from their Camouflage Classroom Hunt, students will work with a partner to
mathematically compare and analyze the number of camouflaged animals each student found within
the classroom.
A review of a previous
A continuation of a previous lesson/activity
Students will continue to develop their understanding of comparing quantities and accurately
identifying greater than, less than, or equal to. This kindergarten Common Core skill facilitates a
deeper understanding of numbers and what they represent. Additionally, this lesson continues to
strengthen each childs one-to-one correspondence and other mathematical strategies that have been
and will continue to be utilized when solving future word problems and exemplars.
15 minutes mini-lesson
15 minutes partner work
10 minutes group share and reflection

Learning Activity Plan for Kindergarten

Camouflage Number Comparisons

Objective(s) of the activity

Connections to standards
Language Objectives

Resources/materials needed:
(Include any worksheets or
sources of evidence for childrens
learning you will use during the
Technology inclusion (if
Procedures (step by step)

Children will continue to grow more familiar with the concept of comparing two quantities and be
able to accurately identify, or be developing the skills necessary to accurately identify, if one quantity
is greater than, less than, or equal to another.
K.CC.C.6; K.CC.C.7; K.CC.A.3
SL.K.1; SL.K.6
Students will become more familiar with the vocabulary of comparison: less than, greater than, or
equal to and be able to use those 3 terms during their discussions with their partner and when sharing
their findings with the class.
Camouflage Classroom Hunt results worksheet
Camouflage Comparison worksheet
Smart Board
Number Lines (if necessary)
Smart Board
Anticipatory Set (Connection/Motivation):
The students will be reminded of the hands-on Camouflage Classroom Hunt we went on the day prior
(making camouflaged animals, going on a hunt for them, and recording their findings). Students will
discuss their experiences and review the purposes of camouflage. Introduce the idea to the students
that scientists always analyze their findings and that is what we are going to be doing today. Lets be

Learning Activity Plan for Kindergarten

Camouflage Number Comparisons

Instruction/Mini Lesson:
Ask the students to go to their folders and find their Camouflage Classroom Hunt results worksheet
on which they recorded how many owls, chameleons, and toads the found the day prior, and bring it
back to the rug. Reintroduce the concept of comparing quantities using the language greater than, less
than, or equal to. Complete a few examples: I found 4 toads and Jeter found 7. 4 is ______ than 7.
How do we know? What tools can we use? Scaffold their understanding using hints and probing
Then introduce the Camouflage Comparison worksheet and tell them they will be breaking up into
pairs to analyze their results by comparing their findings to their partners findings. Model the
appropriate way to complete the worksheet using the Smart Board and a volunteer (or by selecting a
student who may need extra support). Think out-loud, utilizing the tools discussed previously and ask
for the students input if you get stuck. Then pair the children up by calling two children at a time
up to get a worksheet from you, letting them know which one is partner A and which is partner B, and
telling them where to go sit and work.
Independent Practice:
Allow the children to work with their partners for about 15 minutes. Observe their discussions and
how they work with one another. Pull a small group if necessary if you know from your preassessment that a select number of students are struggling with the material.
Closure (sharing/reflection, next steps):
After 15 minutes I will have the children come back to the rug with both the Camouflage Classroom
Hunt results sheet and the Camouflage Comparison worksheet. Then I will have every pair share one
comparison and discuss their thought processes. I will then address misconceptions or mistakes in the

Learning Activity Plan for Kindergarten

Camouflage Number Comparisons

Method of assessing childrens

understanding of
(Be sure to include any tools,
rubrics/checklists and/or
worksheets you will use for

Students understanding of the
concept of comparison will have
initially been assessed when the
topic was first introduced and as
a result, I will have a good sense
of each childs level of
understanding. I will also
further gauge their
understanding by observing
their comfort and ability level
when the class is working
through the first few examples
slated for the beginning of this

Assessment of Student Learning

During the independent practice
portion of the lesson, I will be
assessing the students
understanding of comparison by
observing and listening to their
conversations. Additional
assessment(s) will take place when
the class is back on the carpet and
sharing their results. Finally, at the
end of the day, I will review each
childs Camouflage Comparison
worksheet to further assess his or
her understanding.

Assessment of Childrens
Language Learning
I will be assessing the
students understanding and
use of the comparison
vocabulary by listening to
their conversations and
language during independent
work time and while sharing
their results on the carpet.
Additionally, the accuracy of
their Camouflage
Comparison worksheets will
also allow me to gauge their
understanding of the

Learning Activity Plan for Kindergarten

Camouflage Number Comparisons

Plans for differentiated


Supporting children with

identified delays or disabilities
To support children with
identified delays or disabilities:

Supporting English Language Learners

To support my English Language Learners, I would:
1. Model how to complete the worksheet,
2. Provide those students with manipulatives/tools necessary
1. Specialized materials will be
to help them solve the problem, OR
made available, such as pencil
3. Pair them with a bilingual student who could help facilitate
grips, slanted desks, etc.
their learning in their home language.
2. Children who struggle with
the concept of comparison
may be paired with those
students who are stronger in
math, and this concept in
particular. The stronger child
would be able to help support
and teach the child who was
3. A small group would be
pulled if I noticed, based on
my pre-assessment, that there
were a few children who
needed an extensive amount
of additional support.
4. The Camouflage Comparison
worksheet could be modified
to support those children who
were struggling. For example,
I could fill in most of the
worksheet so that they would
only focus on greater than as
opposed to all three
comparison types: greater
than, less than, and equal to.

Learning Activity Plan for Kindergarten

Camouflage Number Comparisons

Follow up/Extension activities

Extension activities could include:

1. Allowing children to make up their own word problems using the comparison language:
greater than, less than, or equal to, that I would write on the Smart Board and we would
complete as a class. Example: Kaleb has 6 owls. Royal has 4. Who has more owls? Answer:
Kaleb has more owls than Royal because 6 is greater than 4.
2. Have the students create their own number lines that they can tape to their desks to help them
further understand the concept.

Any additional information that

would be helpful for the
observer to know
Observer feedback on the lesson plan, including commendations and recommendations for improving aspects of the learning activity

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