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Ameia Denos
Professor Baird
English 1010- Section
27 July 2015
Annotated Bibliography
My topic is on vaccination awareness. Are vaccines necessary in maintaining your
health, or is the reason vaccination is widely encouraged a political issue? The reason I find this
issue pressing is because Im finding more and more discussion on being informed before you
vaccinate. I have very forward thinking friends and being a mother myself, maybe I should take
interest in the mandated vaccinations that my daughter needs every so often.
Jameson, Cathy. "Vaccine Side Effects: What Every Mom Should Know." Age of Autism.
1 Dec. 2013. Web. 27 July 2015.
It seems that with the widespread talk of vaccination, there is a lot of information you
should be aware of. When you get a vaccination you receive a VIS, which is a Vaccine
Information Sheet that a few people ever read. The sheet is very brief in informing that
vaccinations have side effects. The vast array of side effects include those of Sudden Infant
Death Syndrome, seizures, cardiac arrest, paralysis, infertility and death. Many people are
unaware of these side effects. According to Cathy Jameson, Those who might be profiting from
vaccinations may not be saying what needs to be said very clearly. But if we whove witnessed
the side effects say it clearer, better, louder, so be it(P14). Know your rights, do your
homework, ask questions, weigh the pros and cons, look things up on your own, read the
package insert, realize that side effects can be worse than the disease-preventable vaccine itself
and remember that when you vaccinate you can never unvaccinate.

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I think the source is somewhat credible. The author, Cathy Jameson, definitely has made
herself somewhat of an authoritative figure with her dictatorship of how we should be aware and
informed. I do think she is somewhat persuasive since she shares similarities in her opinion with
that of my peers.
I agree you should be informed and aware before blindly following some legislation to
vaccinate yourself and your children. We have the freedom to make choices so we should learn
how to make them. So far this article has addressed what I wanted it to and that is to be aware.
"Are Vaccines Safe?" Catholic Digest 1 Apr. 2010: 92-98. Print.
Vaccines are needed every bit as much today as they have been in the past. Benefits from
vaccines include disease reduction in the United States. Even if we dont see the need for
vaccination from certain diseases, evidence has proven that in areas where parents rejected a
vaccination for themselves or their children, the disease have become prevalent again. Vaccines
today are the safest theyve ever been. Vaccines actually undergo ten years of research and
testing before being issued a license to administer to the public. The MMR vaccine shows no
connection to autism, and multiple shots in a vaccination appointment are safe.
This is a credible source because not only is it a well-known source, it is also peer
reviewed. Many questions were addressed in the article and I found it especially comforting to
know the extent at which vaccine testing undergoes.
There is a lot of skepticism about vaccination. If the public understood that a lot of effort
is put into a vaccine, for our safety and our nation as a whole, I think the public would be more
willing to take advantage of this medicine. It opposes the view from the article, Vaccine Side

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Effects: What Every Mom Should Know, that side effects are harmful. I still think we should
be informed so we know what to look for and also aware that we are in good hands.
Largent, Mark A. Vaccine the Debate in Modern America. Baltimore, Maryland: Johns
Hopkins UP, 2012. 21-27. Print.
A large concern to most parents today is how many vaccines we ought to administer to
ourselves and our children. While most appreciate the capacity of vaccines to help maintain
childrens health, they were nonetheless concerned about the rising number of vaccines their
children were expected to receive. Further complicating things, is if parents wanted to refuse a
vaccine, such as the chicken pox, they cannot do so because Merck combined the varicella
vaccine with a vaccine of the measles, which is more debilitating and needful to receive. Many
public health officials and medical authorities detest skeptics and make allusions to religious
objection when those of us refuse vaccination. From a parents point of view, the author would
rather accept the consequences from a communicable disease than be willing to accept the
consequences of having made the child sick by giving them a vaccine. This attitude was nicely
demonstrated in the Readers Comment section of the New York Times website in response to
a story on personal-belief exemptions for vaccines.
I think the author is credible because he validates his assertions. I am also able to
formulate why he and many people are skeptical of vaccines. It is also a peer reviewed article.
I was unaware of how doctors or scientist are combining vaccines. The more I learn
about this topic the more skeptical I become. Do we really need all these vaccines? Even if I
didnt want to vaccinate my child, it wouldnt be for religious reasons; however I would have to
seek religious exemption. I think it shares a similar viewpoint to the first article, Vaccine Side

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Effects: What Every Mom Should Know, in such that parents are skeptical and its because our
children receive so many vaccinations in such a small amount of time.
Maron, Dina Fine. "Fact or Fiction?: Vaccines Are Dangerous." Scientific American. 6
Mar. 2015. Web. 27 July 2015.
By age two, most children will receive almost thirty shots designed to boost a childs natural
defenses against disease(P1). The autism myth persists because symptoms of autism develop
around the same time. However, there is no connection. Side effects are usually mild and
typically pass within a few days. Rarely will a vaccine cause an allergic reaction or a high fever
resulting in a harmless seizure. If there is a negative reaction it comes at no surprise since every
person is different, therefore they respond differently. Vaccinations help everyone in society and
failure to immunize a child comes with a much more formidable risk- leaving children
vulnerable to contracting a potentially debilitating or lethal illness. If those children who are not
vaccinated come into contact with someone else unprotected, it could set off a wave of disease
like that of the measles outbreak currently spreading in the U.S. Maladies.
I think this is a credible article because it assesses some misinformation going around by
providing current data. It was convincing to me because it wasnt derogatory when assessing
rumors. The most convincing statement was that she provided current information about the
measles outbreak because the lack of vaccination.
I think that vaccination is still needed today; otherwise there wouldnt be reappearances
of diseases we thought we eliminated. The article is very similar to that of Are vaccines safe?
They both encourage vaccination and derailing the vaccination causes autism myth.

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Robinson, Kim. "Gardasil: The Decision We Will Always Regret." Heath Impact News. 1
July 2015. Web. 27 July 2015.
Katie received the Gardasil vaccine at age eleven. Previous to her receiving the vaccine,
Katie was very athletic, healthy and vibrant. She participated in competitive cheer while
attending school. After the having received the Gardasil vaccine, Katie acquired a list of
symptoms, such as fatigue and headaches. She slept over twelve hours a day. Her symptoms
increased and became more severe with 24/7 stabbing bilateral ear pain, fatigue not relieved by
sleep, abdominal pain, nausea, joint pain, and migraines that did not respond to pain relievers.
After nine months of visiting doctors and looking for answers Katie was diagnosed with Lyme
Disease, active infections with Bartonella Henselae and Mycoplasma Pnemonia. After three and
half years Katies Primary Care Physician agrees that Katies immune system was injured by the
Gardasil vaccine, and that it was a catalyst to her cascading health problems and chronic illness.
Since the Gardasil vaccination, Katie has repeated the 8th grade. Katies mother, the author,
encourages research and questions before blindly following the recommended vaccine schedule.
I think the author is credible because she writes from obviously, a very traumatic,
personal experience. I think she is convincing but I feel like this is a very rare case. With all I
have read, this happens close to never.
This article causes me to question what I would have done if it had been my daughter.
How would have anyone known this could have happened? I think this relates article similarly
encourages asking questions like the Vaccine Side Effects article. It is also similar in the
attitude of the article Vaccine: The debate of modern America, such that her mother would

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rather her daughter have contracted a lethal disease based on omission to receiving a vaccine
than commission.
In conclusion, I think that vaccines are necessary and that they arent just encouraged for
franchise but for the common welfare of society. I do think we should be informed and ask
questions because maybe we dont need every vaccine. I do think we are given a lot of vaccines.
I do wish to further research if we are being vaccinated more than necessary. But with the
exercise of our freedom and research, we can ensure our safety and our health.

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