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Quiz (Sustainable Energy, Soil and Mineral Resources)

1. Energy harnessed from radiant light and heat.

2. Mixture of various organic matter and inorganic matter.
3. A measured mineral resource in some circumstances.
4. Occurring phenomenon that increases the need for development.
5. The temperature difference between the planets core and surface.
6. The cultivation of the soil for crop growing, and rearing of livestock.
7. Resources known to be economically feasible for extraction.
8. Non-renewable substance made of inorganic matter.
9. Phenomenon in which plants use more nutrients than decomposers can replace
10. Machine that exploits wave power.
11. Form of energy obtained from non-exhaustible sources.
12. Power generated by flowing water.
13. Any organic material with stored chemical energy.
14. Mineral extraction that removes and replaces land strips.
15. Most threatening effect of poor soil management
16-20. Technologies that take advantage of solar energy.
21-23. Effects of soil erosion
24-26. Functions of Wave Power
27-30. Four important functions of soil
1. Solar Energy
2. Soil
3. Probable Ore Reserve
4. Urbanization
5. Geothermal Gradient
6. Agriculture
7. Mineral Reserves
8. Minerals
9. Nutrient Depletion
10. Wave Energy Converter
11. Sustainable Energy
12. Hydroelectricity
13. Biomass
14. Strip Mining
15. Desertification
16. Solar Heating
17. Photovoltaics
18. Solar Thermal Energy
19. Solar Architecture
20. Artificial Photosynthesis
21. Land Degradation
22. Water Pollution
23. Air Pollution
24. Electricity Generation
25. Water Desalination
26. Water Pumping
27. Plant Growth
28. Water Storage
29. Atmosphere modifier
30. Habitat for organisms

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