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United States Patent Lackey et al. (54) BIODIESEL CU ASPHALT ie 5) Inventors (73) Assignee (2) Notice: Appl. No. Filed: Related US. (60) Provisional BACK ASPHALT AND. EMULSION Kenneth R. Lackey, Gallatia, TN (US); James R. Alcorn, I, Hebron, Ky (Us) Marathon Ashland Petroleum LLC Findlay, OH (US) Subject to any diselaimer the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35, USC. 154(b) by 0 days, 10/447,689 May 29, 2003, Application Data spplication No. 385.278, fled on May 31, Im. C1 CosD 195/00 US. cL 106/277; 106/279; 106/280 Fleld of Search 1062277, 279, 105280 66) References Cited US. PATENT DOCUMENTS. 287712 A * 3/1980 Hardman 106 ‘norte? A 121990 Hayne ea 2033 32001 Msjrceak 6214103 BI + 42001 Kitogawe ross. BIODIESEL US006768542B1 0) Patent No. US 6,764,542 BL (4s) Date of Patent: Jul. 20, 2004 6.285104 BL 82001 Chatopaihyoy etal acing m2 area Weal Caitise Bt ame ca calsom BL 2002 Cu 61721 BL 72002 Yao (OTHER PUBLICATIONS bupslweceps gota cbit/sp42/c finaleA pl, located on pI ine 15. Inup/wwwsoygoll.comimany uses um, loated on p. 3, line 15. Inip/wwwapexnodth.comappliations), Hosted on p. 3, lie 21 Iips/Awwwotle gowbiofels psbiodtese_from_at a0 papi located on p 9, line 21 Ini aema ong Tocted on p12; ine 15. Primary Examiner—David Bruasman (78) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Envch, Schaller, Schaub & Porcello Co, LBA on ABSTRACT A cutback asphalt and an asphalt emulsion comprising biodiesel is disclosed, Cuthack is mixed with 2 suflicient amount of biodiesel to reduce the viscosity of the asphalt, producing, e., a eo patch material which is fre of added Tiguid petroleum, An asphalt emulsion of fine particles of asphalt, water and, preferably, aa emulsifier, can be Formed ‘whieh is free of addled liquid peuoleum. 19 Claims, 1 Drawing Sheet PRIOR ART U.S. Patent Jul. 20, 2004 US 6,764,542 BL PRIOR ART Fig.1 BIODIESEL US 6,764,542 BL 1 BIODIESEL CUTBACK ASPHALT AND ‘ASPHALT EMULSION cro! EFERENCE TO RELATED ‘APPLICATIONS. ‘This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 60/385,278 fled May 31, 2002. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention ‘The invention relates to “cutback asphalis” and asphalt, ‘emulsions made with bioksel 2, Description of the Prior Art ‘A good discussion of asphalt roads, cutback asphalt and asphalt emulsions is contained in hup:/www.epa-govitin chiefiap42/eh04/finales05.pdf, which is incorporated herein by reference ‘Although a considerable oversimplifcation, asphalt toad products could be broadly grouped in three categories: [Neat-asphalt obtained by distillation for making roads, 6g, asphalt cement, CCutback asphals-an asphalt soflened with petroleum solvent, eg. asphalt cement with gasoline or diesel uel, for patching. Asphalt emutsions-sotid particles of asphalt in water, ‘usally with an emulsifying agent [Neat asphalt is used to make new roads and is usually applied hot, Cutback asphalts are used for patching and Some types of new rad construction or resurfacing, though primarily in cooler months. Asphalt emulsions ate used in a ‘variety of thickness and applications, ranging from surface sealers to patching material 10 new coad_ constevctios though primarily in warmer climates. “The present invention focuses on cutback asphalt and asphalt emulsions and problems of repairing and restoring road surfaces, ‘One of the most common problems encountered in main= taining asphalt roads is potholes or chuck holes, These tually sant off small, in arcas where there has been freeze/thaw damage or poor surface preperation or some assault on the road surface. Once stated, they usually grow progressively worse, due to accumulation of water and Pounding. Conventionally, cutback asphalt is used Tor Patching, especialy in coote climates anlioe winter months. ‘To male the asphalt soft enough to work with, and/or reduce fr eliminate the amount of heating needed to make the material workable, a petroleum solvent is dissolved in the asphall. Such “cold patch” materials ae frequently made in advance and stockpiled to provide a source of material for patching ‘Another method of making high softening pot asphalt, fluid enough to process at ambient, or relatively low, temperatue, isto form an emulsion of asphalt in Water With an emalsifir. The asphalt retains its high melting point, but 's ground finely enough, to particles on the order of 5-10 microns, tht a relatively stable emulsion of asphalt in water 's formed which behaves as a liquid with a much lower viscosity than the asphalt particles. The emulsion sets or breaks when the water evaporates andior it reacts with Particles of aggregate. Tn some instances roads are male wit cutback asphalt of asphalt emulsions. ‘Al cutback asphalts contain solvent. The solvent even- tually evaporates, quickly or slowly, depending on the nature ‘of the solvent, eeal weather conditions snd the amount of % o 2 eating. When used to const parking foto road, the mounts of solvent sed, apd dachanged ito the air sre normous—from about 2 tons of hydrocahon per ace of Parking lotup to 10-20 tons of hyrocarbon per abe oa Meder cars, with catalic converters burning clean fuck, generate relly low levels of HC emissions pet nile of travel, an onde of magntae less emissions as Compared to pesalalyic converter ears a conta, mode éim oad building an epair mets have changed Tile nd the amount of slate onanic compoums release. hy taking o repairing roads using eiback asphalt or ssp triuision tar not hanged siguiarly. Abou the ony Sccommodstion tothe poling effet of modern roads is ieglaton in many areas Banning se of cuback spall, except in winter months. “Another pecble with catback asphls, especialy the avick sting warty is that te ge sma of ptoleom Sydkocrbon solvent added, andthe woltity of the fec- tions used, create a fie hard and subject workers, and those near be oud, (0 eapesie o Lose bem ‘We discovered that i as possble to se nar derived from vegetable, i or animal fas, a8 part of & Cathack asphalt oe asphalt emulsion. So fara i kno, biodiesel bas never ban used inthis wey, though tse of Disa as ease agent as ben pote follows Inipsvsoygold comimany uses him teaches ase of iodiescl a ease apet for Esfectie Release Agent Tool Cleaning Drag chains in pans Paving eqipment clan up. bipavweapexnath som "lsstinsteaches sila cs (ee amp ease ent) Bien, is now wellknown and widely avaiable com- snecialy and extensively stad, 5 show by 10O¥papers Jncluded in the repon, Bios Research Progress is. assed above, Biodiscs are trace for fel, and some ter sey, becie they have Hw” Vapor presse, a ton-oxie and are sable, sper HMIS cet and J not deteriorate or detonate pom mild heating Although these bene (ety, oxic) may sem tobe an cbvious prof biodiesel it wos by n0 eas Obvious Took on bodes a suitable for iran ssphall cuback solvent for ae in forming an asphalt culo. Asphalt asa high molecular weight and ishighly aomati. Bioie- scl aliphati, contain osu, has no ing rte oF Eromatic, andi elativcy low molecular weigh, as some Pred to tphalt,Bidise! abo contin large aroun of bxpgen,approsching 10%, I could be argd tha inca, ‘elatvely tow molecular weight aiphtie molecule sich as Diss would be good release agent but not suitable as 2 solvent (in bac aphal) nor for forming sable asin in asphalt emulsions) SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 1. General Statement ofthe Invention (ne embodinent ofthe presea aveation provides cut bacle asphalt comprising phat btine fom perleun by dilaton andor extraction an a eter solved comprising Snester derived from vegetable cls animal fats such a Bisel Despite the discussed above concemns, the aliphatic bindise cutback aspalis and asphalt emulsions worked well and had some very unexpected eae “The cutback aphalis othe present invention, which have been tested extensively as a patch material ay in the US 6,764,542 BL 7 pothole and have met with the customer approval. For {nstance, some beneits lo using biodiesel include fre hazard safety and low toxicity in preparing the materials also the biodiesel is a very nice material to work with; it has no unpleasant odor, and although it will bur, it has such a Tow ‘volatility that if will not form an explosive mixture in a under normal processing conditions. The biodiesel i essen- tially fre of aromatics and considered) on-toxic for skin ‘contact and is readily biodegradable, should aay spills occur In addition, there were some very unexpected benfis to using biodiesel in cutback asphalt ‘he biodiesel cutback asphalt is stable in storage, even when simply left in a pile In a storage yard, which is the Usual mellod of storing suck cold patch material, There is 0 ‘observable rus-l, which can occur wher liguid petroleum solvents are used as.a dient. There is little oF no lose of material due to evaporation, oe perhaps drainage, in that a pile of pateh material retained a pleasing shiny appearance snd was readily worked, after two months in storage While ‘competitors product lost is "luster" after sbout 1 month ‘of storage. Purther surprisingly, itis now possible to make a silisfactory culback phal with relative low amouns of biodiesel, much less than was necessary, oF at least ‘customary forthe prior ar liquid petcoleum solvent cuback, materials, TInanother embodiment, the present invention provides an asphalt emulsion comprising emulsifiable particles of asphalt obtained from petroleum by disillation andor ‘extraction, water and a oil phase comprising an ester ‘derived from vegetable oils or animal fats In yet another embodiment, the present invention pro- vides'a pavement or paving composition comprising agere- ate and from 1.0% t 10.0% of an asphalt composition ‘comprising. 2 cutback asphalt containing biodiesel or an ‘spl emulsion comprising biodiesel [BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is 3 photogeaph showing storage stability and ‘weathering of a cuback asphalt patch material made with biiesel va conventional materi made with liquid hydro- carbon eutback solvent. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS Fog clarity, a number of terms will be defined for use herein, using terminology consistent with that of many sate departments of transporiation, Asphalt ark brown to black cementitious. material (Solid of liquid) of whieh the main constituents ate bitumens which ‘occur naturally oF 38a residue of petroleum refining. Liquid aspahils ae those asphalis which have been liguefied by blending with petroleum solvents Biodiesel Biodiesel is generically defined s the mono alkyl eter of Jong. chain fatty ace derived from renewable lipid sources Suitable sources include animal fats and vegclable oils. A preferred material is biodiesel made fom soy bean oi Cutback Asphalt ‘Asphalt cement that has been cut back or blended with a diluent of petroleum solvents (prior art) or with biodiesel {avention). The types of cutback asphals are defined by ‘American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) speci- fications as follows: ‘SC=Slow cure type (Road Oils): ASTM D-2026-72 ‘Medium cure type: ASTM D-2027-76 RC=Rapidl eure type: ASDTM D-2028-76 % o 4 Dust Palliative ‘Any light application of cutback asphlts forthe express purpose of controlling Toose dust Emulsitied Asphalt ‘An emulsion of asphalt coment and water that contains 3 small amount of emulsifying agent. An inverted emulsified asphalt shall be considered a cutback asphalt if the liquid spall phase was a cutback asphalt Penetrating Prime Cost ‘Any application of asphalt to an absorptive surface 10 penetrate and bind the aggregate surface and promote auhe- Sion between it and the new superimposed construction Primo coats do not inchide dst paliatives oF tack coats, Tack Coat ‘Any application of asphalt applied to an existing surface fo provide a bond between new surfacing and existing surfaces and to eliminate slippage planes where the new and cexisting surfaces mec. ‘he term “asphalt (Sometimes refered to as “bitumen") refers to all types of asphalis (bitumen), including those that ‘secur in nature an those obtained in petroleum processing. ‘The choice will depend essentially on the particular app cation intended forthe resulting bitumen composition. Pre- erred materials have an initial viscosity at 140° F. (60° C.) ‘of 200 to 6000 poise. The intial penctration range of the base asphalt at 77°F. 25° C) is 30 10 350 danm, preferably 50 to 200 dim, when the intended use of the composition Jstoad paving, Asphalt, whieh does not coatain any polymer, sulfur, ete. may sometimes be refered to herein as a "base asphalt” ‘Suitable asphalt componens include a variety of organic materials, solid or semi-solid, at room temperature, Which gradually liquefy when heated, and in which the predom le constituents are naturally occurring bitumens, ex, Trinidad Lake o esidues commonly obtained in petroleum, synthetic peoleum, or shle il retin, of fom coal tar oF the like, For example, vacuum tower bottoms produced ‘during the refining of conventional or synthetic petroleums oils are & common residue material useful 38 asphalt com- position, Solvent deasphalting or distillation may produce the asphalt ‘Solvent deasphalting (SDA) bottoms may be used as part, or all ofthe asphalt ofthe product blend. SDA bottoms are ‘obtained from Suitable feeds such as vacuum tower bottoms, reduced crude (atmosphere), opped erude, and preferably hydrocarbons comprising an initial boiling point of about 450° C. (850° F) or above, Preferably the solvent deasphalt- ing_bottoms are obtained from vacuum tower bottoms, preferably boiling above 538° C. (1000* F.), Solvent deas” ‘halting can be eartied out at temperatures of 93-148° C. (200-300" F). After solvent deasphalting, the esulting SDA. bottoms have a boiling point above 510° C. (950° F.), preferably above 540° C. (1000° F.), and a penetration of 0 10 70

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