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The Official By-laws of the

National Flag Football Association of the Deaf, Inc.
Article I: Name
This organization shall be distinguished as National Flag Football Association of the
Deaf, Inc. and shall also be referred to NFFAD, Inc.
Article II: Purpose/Mission Statement
The object of National Flag Football Association of the Deaf shall be to promote flag
football as a sport, to recognize flag football teams, to provide logistics in upcoming
tournaments, and to receive gifts and donations to promote the health, welfare, and
recreation of the Deaf population through the sport of flag football.
The mission of National Flag Football Association of the Deaf (NFFAD) is to provide
Deaf and Hard of Hearing athletes with an emphasis in developing characters,
discipline, teamwork and physical well-being.
NFFAD is a non-profit organization.
Article III: Membership/Dues
Section A: Eligibility Membership shall be open to those who satisfy membership
qualifications that follows:
1. Deaf or Hard of Hearing individuals
2. 18 years of age or older
a. Proof of age will be requested by all members of each team and each
member will be responsible providing identification with picture and
date of birth (day, month and year).
i. Acceptable forms of identification are:
1. State issued drivers license
2. State issued identification
3. Passport
4. Birth Certification (Along with a picture identification)

b. Members who are 18 years of age or older on or before September 30

of the current NFFAD tournament year will be eligible to play.
Section B: Dues
1. The amount required for team dues shall be:
a. Mens Team: $350 will be paid before the deadline date as determined
by the Executive Board.
b. Womens Team: $250 will be paid before the deadline date as
determined by the Executive Board.
2. Failure to pay before or on the deadline imposed by the Executive Board may
result in:
a. A late fee of no more than $50 per team.
a.i.1 Teams will have no more than seven days after the deadline date
to pay the late fee.
b. Team may be ineligible to participate in the next tournament.
3. Child of Deaf Adult/Sibling of Deaf Adult (CODA/SODA) are allowed but with
restrictions that follow:
a. Each mens team will be permitted one (1) CODA/SODA and upon
registration will need to include an asterisk (*) next to his name. See
registration guidelines.
b. Each womens team will be permitted two (2) CODA/SODA and upon
registration will need to include an asterisk (*) next to her name. See
registration guidelines.
c. If it is suspected a team has more than the CODA/SODAs allowed, the
committee reserves the right to request an audiogram from all
members of said team. It is up to the discretion of the player to bring
an audiogram. If one cannot provide proof of eligibility, the committee
will convene and determine the penalty/penalties of said team. Refer
to current rules and regulations of the Rules and Regulations
Handbook of the NFFAD for further information.
Article IV: Executive Board
Section A: Executive Board The officers shall be a President, Vice-President,
Treasurer, Secretary and Tournament Director.
1. Duties and role of the President
a. Comply and abide organizational bylaws and duties.

b. The president shall take great care in the appointments and ensure
that members of the committee are delegated fairly and the tasks are
done completely and correctly.
c. The president shall attend meetings regularly.
d. The president shall evaluate on-going analysis of meetings and operations
which would lead to improvement.
e. The president shall receive and give feedback to members of the
committee with an unbiased mindset.
f. The president shall set goals in a clear and concise manner.
g. The president shall distribute power to the committee and voting members
of National Flag Football Association of the Deaf.
h. The president reserves the right to veto any motions if a decision by the
committee has not been met.
I. The president on the field has the final say if a decision by the
committee has not be met and/or the by-laws, guidelines and
constitution does not apply to a specific circumstance.

2. Duties and role of the Vice-President

a. Comply and abide organizational bylaws and duties.

b. The vice-president shall oversee members of the committees tasks.

c. The vice-president shall be the person of contact and the liaison between
the president and the committee.
d. The vice-president shall attend meetings regularly.
e. The vice-president shall assist the president in any way.
f. The vice-president shall watch over the committee and sub-committee
systems and assist chairs in said committee and sub-committee.
g. The vice-president shall be in constant contact with the committee and
significant person(s) of interest for NFFAD.


Duties and role of the NFFAD Commissioner

a. Comply and abide organizational bylaws and duties.
b. Primary contact for all NFFAD related activities.

c. Person of contact between the Executive Board and general

d. Enforce all rules and regulations written in the NFFAD Rules and
Regulations Handbook.
e. Communicate with facilities regarding Invitational Tournaments in a
timely manner and update the Executive Board of any changes.

4. Duties and role of the Treasurer

a. Comply and abide organizational bylaws and duties.
b. The treasurer shall collect member/team dues within the deadline.
c. The treasurer shall compile a monthly report of the allowance.
d. The treasurer shall maintain financial records in the ledger and are to be
reviewed at anytime if requested by the other members of the committee.
e. The treasurer shall transact business through a bank account which will be
acquired through non-profit incorporated status.
f. The treasurer shall inform the committee of its financial weaknesses
and strengths.
g. The treasurer shall disburse and pay bills promptly upon approval of
the committee.
h. The treasurer shall oversee, maintain contact with the Fundraising
Chair ensure the fundraising committee is up to speed.
I. Maintain the organization's non-profit status and distribute the non-profit
tax number to the appropriate people.

5. Duties and role of the Secretary

a. Comply and abide organizational bylaws and duties.

b. The secretary shall maintain all records, files and details that are important
for the smooth operations of the NFFAD.
c. The secretary shall be prompt, organized and efficient.
d. The secretary shall keep an inventory of all NFFAD properly.
e. The secretary shall club by-laws, guidelines and rules for NFFAD.

f. The secretary shall keep record of minutes and outline important

information of said meetings.
g. The secretary shall collect reports from each member of the committee.
h. The secretary shall work closely with the by-laws committee and
maintain by-laws in a timely manner.

6. Duties and role of the Public Relations Director

a. Comply and abide organizational bylaws and duties.
b. Plan and support all public relation activities which includes:
1. Promotion of registration
2. Events relating to NFFAD
c. Receive up-to-date NFFAD information from the Executive Board and
work closely with the NFFAD Commissioner.
d. Keep general members informed with current and accurate information.

7. Duties and role of the Tournament Director


Comply and abide organizational bylaws and duties.

b. Provide current status of any upcoming tournament (s), events and

activities to the Public Relations Director.
c. Prepare a list requirements and responsibilites for volunteers before,
during and after the invitational tournament (s).
d. Keep the NFFAD Commissioner informed of all tournament activities.
e. Host all necessary meetings except Executive Board meetings:
1. Meetings for coaches/spokesperson of team(s)
2. Meetings of volunteers for the tournament (s) and
events related to NFFAD.
3. Meetings of umpires and officials to keep them
informed of the rules and regulations in the Rules and
Regulations Handbook of the NFFAD.
f. Plan and coordinate activities associated with the Invitational
Tournament (s).

1. Work with the Public Relations Director on events

2. Contact coaches/spokesperson on a weekly basis for
four (4) weeks prior to the tournament.
3. Prepare schedules and brackets for the tournament.
4. Oversee games.

Section B: Selection of the Executive Board All Board Members shall be elected by
the qualified voting members at the annual general meeting by a majority vote of the
members in attendance. All board members shall serve for a term of two (2) years. No
person shall hold more than one office.
a. Elections will be held in years that end with odd numbers (e.g. 2015,
Section C: Attendance - Any board members failing to attend meetings in such a
manner as to consistently cause a quorum to not be established shall have his/her
continued tenure subjected to a vote of the membership in no less than ten nor more
than thirty days from the last meeting of the Executive Board where a quorum was not
established. Any Office may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the
membership present at a membership meeting.
a. A quorum is a minimum of two-thirds of the voting members of NFFAD.
b. Voting shall not proceed unless there is confirmation of a proxy vote by
absent member if quorum is not met.
1. A proxy vote must be confirmed via:
i. Handwritten letter to the President and Secretary.
ii. Email to the President and Secretary.
Section D: Meetings An annual meeting during the month of February shall be held.
a. The meeting normally held in the month of February shall be called the
annual meeting and shall be for the election of officers and
presentation of the budget.
b. A quorum of the Executive Board is required at Executive Board
meetings to conduct business. A quorum is defined as a minimum of
two-thirds of voting members present.

Section E: Committees - Committees other than Registration and Rules and Games
may be appointed as needed by the President with advice and consent of the Executive
Board for an active life to be specified in the appointment.
Section F: Voting Each voting member shall have one vote with the President voting
only to break the tie.
1. Members eligible to vote:
a.i. Executive Board (Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary,
Commissioner, Public Relations Director and Tournament Director)
a.ii. Committee members will be added at the discretion of the
Executive Board and their roles will be amended in the bylaws by
the Secretary for the duration of the term.
a.iii Coach/Spokesperson of their respective teams will have one
vote each on behalf of their team.
Article V: Finance
Section A: General Funds and Reportinga. The association shall be a non-profit organization. Any funds
received over and above current operating expenses shall be
used to foster and attain the objectives of NFFAD.
b. Funds will be secured from registration fees, raffles, donations,
sponsorships of team (s), events, profits from sales before,
during and after and any other legitimate nature that may be
devised, upon approval of the Executive Board of the
c. Funds and accounts held by the Treasurer shall be subject to
audit as deemed necessary by the President or 2/3 majority of
the vote of the committee and the organization's qualified voting
members at the general meeting, at which time the vote is
d. Funds of NFFAD may not be used for the personal benefit of
any member or members.
e. A Treasurer's report shall be rendered at each Committee
meeting. The report will also be rendered at each general meeting.

f. The Treasurer will prepare and submit all Tax Return forms on
behalf of the NFFAD.
Section B: Usage of Funds
a. No funds will be disbursed or expended without the approval of
the Committee.
b. Funds will be used for the organization such as facility usage,
referees and other costs that benefit NFFAD.
c. Purchases of equipment and uniforms related to NFFAD shall
be made from these funds.
d. Donations for sponsorships of teams shall be in the amount as
decided by the committee of NFFAD. All fund raisers who use
NFFAD as the purpose of gathering monies must be clearly
defined, in writing, and submitted to both the Treasurer and
Commissioner for approval in advance. However, cannot be used
for personal gain and will automatically be asked not to partake in
further NFFAD activities.
e. Each team will be required to pay the dues stipulated by the
Treasurer and prior to registration.
f. NFFAD will use the non-profit tax number for every transaction
made if necessary.
g. The President and Treasurer will be the co-signers of each
Article VII: Tournament Play
1. If a player violates any rules in the Official National Flag Football Rules
of the National Flag Football Association of the Deaf book, he/she may
be given consequences:
a. Verbal warning.
b. Ejection for the rest of game play.
c. Ejection for the duration of the tournament.
d. Lose eligibility status for the next NFFAD tournament.

2. There are no appeal procedure for verbal warnings, ejection for the rest
of game play, and ejection for the duration of the tournament.
3. Appeals will be accepted and heard from the Executive Board, along
with eligible voting members.
4. An appeal may only be written by said teams coach on behalf of the
team and/or the player.
5. A quorum of Executive Board and eligible voting members will vote to
determine reinstatement of players eligibility for the next tournament.
6. A quorum of coaches will vote to determine reinstatement of teams
eligibility for the next tournament.
General Violations
1. If a party or parties constantly belittle or disrespect the Executive Board
and/or the committee due to personal matters or a decision that was
mutually decided upon, he/she may be given consequences:
a. Verbal Warning.
b. Suspension of eligibility status for a set amount of time.
c. Expulsion from eligibility status and any NFFAD
sponsored events indefinitely.
i. An appeal procedure ** applies to the last two
consequences listed above. Please refer to the Appeals
guidelines and Robertas Rules of Order.
2. If any party or parties threaten or physically harm any member of the
Executive Board, the committee nd parties associated with NFFAD, a
zero tolerance policy will be put in place effective immediately and a
consequence will be given:
a. Expulsion of eligibility status and any NFFAD sponsored
events indefinitely.
i. An appeal procedure ** applies to the last two
consequences listed above. Please refer to the
Appeals guidelines and Robertas Rules of Order.
Article IX: Rules of Order

The Executive and general meeting procedures shall be governed as set forth in the
NFFAD, Inc.'s by-laws.
Article X: Amendment
Section A: Such proposed motion/amendments shall be submitted to the Executive
Section B: Proposed motion/amendments to the bylaws must be published and sent to
the members ten (10) days before the next meeting.
Section C: Amendments to the bylaws of National Flag Football Association of the
Deaf, Inc. may be made at any meeting with 2/3 vote of all members in attendance.
Section D: The proposed amendments presented and voted on at a meeting will be
effective the next business day and the secretary will make revisions necessary within
72 hours.

Appeals Process of the NFFAD

The Bylaws and Rule Book of the NFFAD anticipates and recognizes members of the
NFFADs desire to appeal. This authorizes the NFFAD Executive Board to establish an
appeals process for such occasions. The Appeals Panel is also the Executive Board
due to NFFADs small size of voting members. The Appeals Panel has exclusive
jurisdiction to hear student eligibility appeals and will remain unbiased. In discharging
its obligations under the Bylaws, the Appeals Panel is bound by the limitations set forth
in the Bylaws and Rule Book.
Q1. Who may pursue an appeal of a ruling made by the Executive Board of the
Eligibility appeals rendered by the Executive Board may be pursued by anybody
who has a vested interest in participating in NFFAD related events may do so regarding
the Executive Boards decision from which the appeal stems, provided the appeal is
initiated by a mediator (a non-voting member of the NFFAD). (See additional information
on how to begin the appeals process in Q3.)
Q2. To whom are appeals of a decision rendered by the Executive Board made?
All rulings made by the Executive Board pertaining to eligibility regarding NFFAD
shall be appealed to the Appeals Panel. The Executive Board shall establish dates on
which the Appeals Panel will convene for the purpose of conducting these hearings, and
the dates will be published announced to all parties involved. In addition, emergency
hearing dates and other contingencies may be established in order to provide for the
effective and efficient disposition of eligibility appeals. (Only in dire circumstances)
Q3. How does someone appeal a decision made by the Commissioners Office?
To appeal an eligibility ruling by the Executive Board of the NFFAD, a
representative of the appellant(s) may be chosen as long as the representative is a
member of the NFFAD and has paid his/her dues, must notify the Executive Board in a
timely manner of your desire to appeal an eligibility ruling that the Executive Board has
made. The notice requirements for this appeal include: (1) names and contact
information of the persons involved in the appeal; (2) the bylaw and eligibility ruling at
issue, and (3) the team in which the appellant(s) desires to participate. After the initial
notice of the desire to appeal an eligibility decision has been made, further information
may be required before the hearing time and date are established.
Q4. Who may attend the hearing on appeal to the Appeals Panel?
A representative of his/her/their choosing may accompany the appellant(s). The
Appeals Panel shall have the authority to require the separation of witnesses as they
may deem appropriate. The appellant or representative shall have the opportunity to
present evidence through witnesses or documentary evidence, supporting the position
as to why the appeal should be granted. The Appeals Panel does not have subpoena

power and thus cannot issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses for this
hearing. It is incumbent upon you to make all arrangements necessary for the
attendance of any/ all witnesses you desire in support of your appeal.
Q5. What is the standard of review used by the Appeals Panel during this appeal
It is important that appellants understand that, unless specifically provided in the
particular Bylaw, the Appeals Panel has no authority to waive the requirements of the
Bylaws (i.e., the standard of review is not whether your case is unique or otherwise
deserving of a waiver of the bylaw in question). The standard of review to be used by
the Appeals Panel is simply to determine whether the Executive Board, in rendering its
ruling, made a mistake of fact, mistake of interpretation/application of the Bylaw in
question or neglected to consider another Bylaw that may be applicable. A great deal of
deference shall be given to the decision of the Appeals Panel. Notwithstanding this
deference, appellants shall be permitted to introduce any new evidence they feel
relevant to their case. Likewise, the Commissioners Office may introduce additional
evidence in support of its decision but are not obligated to do so even though evidence
was never admitted in the first place. The burden of proof shall rest with you, the
Q6. When and how will the appellant be notified of the Appeals Panels decision?
A. Typically, within seven business days of the appeal hearing the Appeals Panel will
render a decision in your cases. Sometimes, however, the Panel determines that more
information from the school or other sources is necessary before rendering its final
ruling. Every reasonable attempt will be made to notify you of the Panels decision via
telephone within 24 hours of the Panel rendering its decision. A more formal letter ruling
by e-mail will be sent to you as soon as practicable thereafter. Because of the nature of
the appeal, there may be instances where the coach of said particular team is first to
learn of the outcome of any appeal. This notice procedure is meant to expedite the
information in order to minimize any negative impact from such a decision and to
maximize the positive impact.

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