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1 - none at all
2 - sometimes
3 - most of the time


Please read the questions carefuly and answer each questions by putting a triangle symbol depending
of your choice of scale. (∆)

A. Rules and Regulations

A. Rules and Regulations 1 2 3

1. Are the rules and regulations in the RLE handbook guided you during clinical exposure?
2. When you are doubt of your actions, do you read the handbook about rules for guidelines?
3. Do you find your functions and performance well guided because of the rules and
regulations written in the RLE handbook you have read during duty hour?
4. For you, does the Rules and Regulation enlisted helped you in such ways for you to be
prepared in the hospital duties?
5. Do you think that the sanctions that are enlisted corresponding to every mistake is
appropriate enough on you part as the student?

B. Guidelines and Formatting

B. Guidelines and Formatting 1 2 3

1. Are the guidelines written in the handbook guided you well in making your case study?
2. Are the formats written in the handbook helped you in easily making your nursing care
3. Do you find the guidelines and formatting in the R.L.E handbook easy to understand?
4. Nowadays, do you think the guidelines and formatting that is enlisted were deligently

C. Clinical Procedures

C. Clinical Procedures 1 2 3

1. Do you think the handbook completely included the information of the procedures that you
usually perform in the hospital area and other medical fields?
2. Do you find it very helpful in guiding you specially in performing the procedures in every
duties and hospital exposure?
3. Are all clinical procedures that are performed in the hospital are all enlisted in the
4. Do you ever find the procedures enlisted in the handbook difficult for you to understand?
D. NCM Concepts

D. NCM Concepts 1 2 3

1. Are all concepts enlisted accordingly to every year level were eagerly discussed by the
clinical instructors?
2.For you, is the efficiency required no. of hours which corresponds in every concepts are
being followed?
3.Do you find the enlisted concepts helpful for you in the sense of guiding you every NCM
lectures in each school semester?
4. Does the summary of NCM concepts enlisted in the handbook are somewhat difficult for
you to comprehend?

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