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Dear Parents/Guardians

Welcome to your childs classroom. The following is a list of what your child will be covering throughout the
year in their subject areas based on the Ontario Curriculum.
Language Arts
The Language Arts programme consists of a variety of components. The Ministry guideline standards include
Writing, Reading, Oral and Media Literacy. The programme will address these strands through many
components, including Poetry (which we briefly touched on with our Biopoems), Creative Writing,
Literature Study, Independent, Shared and Guided Reading, amongst others.
The Maths strands that we will be studying are Number Sense and Numeration, Measurement, Geometry and
Spatial Sense, Patterning and Algebra and Data Management and Probability. Our Maths programme will
utilize various materials in combination with the Nelson math series. This series draws upon experiential
learning and applications through problem solving. Students will be expected to perform mental arithmetic for
basic operations in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Homework is given on a daily basis and is
due the following day, unless otherwise noted.
I will be teaching only Language and Mathematics to the Grade 5 class.
Science and Technology
Mme Verelst will be teaching Science and Technology. If you have any questions, please refer them to Mme
Religion and Family Life
Religion will be taught by Mme Verelst. If you have any questions, please refer them to Mme Verelst.
History and Geography
The History and Geography Curriculum will be covered by Mme Verelst. If you have any questions, please refer
them to Mme Verelst.
Visual Arts/Dramatic Arts/Dance
This will be taught by Mme Verelst. At certain points throughout the year, we may do some of these within the
classroom as well.
Physical Education and Health
This will be taught by Mme Verelst. Please refer any questions to Mme Verelst.
The Music Curriculum will be delivered by Ms. Spalding. If you have any questions concerning the Music
Curriculum, please contact Mr. Spalding.

Grade 5 Expectations
1) Punctuality
It is imperative that students develop the good habit of being on time for school. It is very
distracting for the rest of the class if a student arrives after classes have begun. Please have your
child at school on time every day.
2) Attendance
It is important that students develop the habit of being in attendance at school every day.
3) Homework
Students are expected to have all class assignments completed on time. If work is not finished
during school hours, it is expected to be finished at home. On average, Grade 5 students should
expect to have approximately 40 mins of homework each night. If homework is requiring more
time to complete, please contact me.
4) Major Assignments
There will be several projects, book reports, oral presentations, etc. which require extra work and
effort on the students part. Students will have sufficient time to research and complete their
assignments. It is also expected that assignments will be completed on time.
5) Gym Classes
Students are required to participate in all physical education classes. A change of clothes including
shorts/track pants, T-shirts/sweatshirt, and non-marking sole running shoes is beneficial. All
students are graded on their participation.
6) Behaviour
Students are expected to co-operate fully with all school staff and students. Failure to do so will
result in disciplinary measures including the potential for loss of class and school privileges such as
participation in class trips and extra-curricular school activities. Students should always treat others
with the respect that they would expect to receive.
7) Manners
Students should use proper manners with other students and adults in the school. The use of
please, thank you, etc, is especially important. Helping others and not making fun of other
students are a couple of other requirements. In other words, Do unto others as you would have
them do unto you.
8) Effort
In a word, TRY! All students are encouraged to work to their potential. If students require
assistance-both academically and socially they can speak to me directly. When report card time
comes, students will receive the marks they have earned based on the completion of daily
assignments, projects, notebooks, tests, etc.



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