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500 superprzydatnych angielskich zwrotw

What's your name? - Jak masz na imi?

I'm coming to pick you up. - Jad po Ciebie.
How many people are there in New York? - Ilu ludzi jest w Nowym Jorku?
I am hungry. - Jestem godny.
Can you call back later? - Moesz oddzwoni pniej?
Is it nearby? - Czy to jest w pobliu?
A round trip ticket. - Bilet w obie strony.
Don't worry. - Nie martw si.
Which one is cheaper? - Ktry jest taszy?
Is there anything cheaper? - Czy jest co taszego?
Can you help me? - Moesz mi pomc?
I was going to the library. - Szedem do biblioteki.
He's very hard working. - On bardzo ciko pracuje.
I'd like to rent a car. - Chciabym wynaj samochd.
That car is similar to my car. - Tamten samochd jest podobny do mojego samochodu.
Give me a call. - Zadzwo do mnie.
What school did you go to? - Do jakiej szkoy chodzie?
How far is it? - Jak to jest daleko?
I have to go to the post office. - Musz pj na poczt.
My cell phone doesn't work. - Mj telefon komrkowy nie dziaa.
Do you like it here? - Podoba Ci si tutaj?
Who was your teacher? - Kto by Twoim nauczycielem?
Turn left. - Skr w lewo.
I'm a beginner. - Jestem pocztkujcy.
Do you hear that? - Syszysz to?
It will arrive shortly. - Wkrtce przybdzie.
Did it snow yesterday? - Czy wczoraj pada nieg?
Isn't it? - Czy nie?
How long are you going to stay in California? - Jak dugo zamierzasz zosta w Kalifornii?
Let's go have a look. - Chodmy popatrze.
Go straight ahead. - Id prosto.
Please sit down. - Prosz, usid.
Who's that man over there? - Kim jest ten mczyzna tam dalej?
When does he arrive? - Kiedy on przyjeda?
I think I need to see a doctor. - Myl, e musz i do lekarza.
It hurts here. - Boli mnie w tym miejscu.
The books are expensive. - Ksiki s drogie.
What time is it? - Ktra godzina?
I don't want that. - Nie chc tego.
My name is John Smith. - Nazywam si John Smith.
Please speak more slowly. - Prosz mwi wolniej.
It's more than 5 dollars. - To wicej, ni 5 dolarw.
Let me check. - Pozwl, e sprawdz.
My car was hit by another car. - Mj samochd zosta uderzony przez inny samochd.
What do you want to buy? - Co chcesz kupi?

I'm happy. - Jestem szczliwy.

What is that? - Co to jest?
Fill it up, please. - Napenij go, prosz.
How much altogether? - Ile to jest w sumie?
Please take off your shoes. - Prosz zdj buty.
What do people usually do in the summer in San Diego? - Co ludzie zwykle robi latem w San
Do you play basketball? - Grasz w koszykwk?
Do you like your co-workers? - Lubisz swoich wsppracownikw?
There are many people here. - Jest tutaj wielu ludzi.
Where is there an ATM? - Gdzie jest bankomat?
This room is a mess. - Ten pokj jest zabaaganiony.
Can I help you? - Mog Ci pomc?
Have you done this before? - Robie to przedtem?
I have pain in my arm. - Boli mnie rami.
I can swim. - Potrafi pywa.
I'm tired. - Jestem zmczony.
Do you have enough money? - Masz wystarczajco duo pienidzy?
When are they coming? - Kiedy oni przychodz?
I don't like it. - Nie lubi tego.
This house is very big. - Ten dom jest bardzo duy.
Can I bring my friend? - Czy mog przyprowadzi ze sob przyjaciela?
On the right. - Po prawej.
I still haven't decided. - Jeszcze nie zdecydowaem.
I'm going to have dinner. - Zjem kolacj.
Are you allergic to anything? - Czy jeste na co uczulony?
My father has been there. - Mj ojciec by tam.
That's right. - Zgadza si.
Are there any concerts? - Czy s jakie koncerty?
We have two boys and one girl. - Mamy dwch chopcw i jedn dziewczynk.
That's a good school. - To dobra szkoa.
Can I access the Internet here? - Czy mog tutaj uzyska dostp do Internetu?
When was the last time you talked to your mother? - Kiedy ostatni raz rozmawiae ze swoj
When will it be ready? - Kiedy bdzie to gotowe?
I'll talk to you soon. - Porozmawiamy wkrtce.
I'd like a single room. - Chciabym pokj jednoosobowy.
See you tomorrow. - Do zobaczenia jutro.
I've never done that. - Nigdy tego nie robiem.
Are you waiting for someone? - Czekasz na kogo?
Follow me. - Chod za mn.
Do you have any coffee? - Masz jak kaw?
Anything else? - Co jeszcze?
I'm very busy. - Jestem bardzo zajty.
Thank you sir. - Dzikuj panu.
Do you speak English? - Mwisz po angielsku?
Is that enough? - Czy to wystarczy?
I feel good. - Czuj si dobrze.
Across from the post office. - Naprzeciwko poczty.
I'm worried too. - Jestem take zmartwiony.
Do you have a pencil? - Masz owek?
That's fine. - W porzdku.

How long will it take? - Jak dugo to zajmie?

That's wrong. - To jest ze.
Sorry to bother you. - Przepraszam, e przeszkadzam.
How long have you been here? - Jak dugo ju tu jeste?
It's longer than 2 miles. - To jest dusze ni 2 mile.
Do you know where I can get a taxi? - Czy wiesz, gdzie mog dosta takswk?
He said this is a nice place. - On powiedzia, e to adne miejsce.
I'm from America. - Jestem z Ameryki.
These books are ours. - Te ksiki s nasze.
My name is Mike. - Mam na imi Mike.
Where is the bus station? - Gdzie jest dworzec autobusowy?
That smells bad. - To nieprzyjemnie pachnie.
Where is my shirt? - Gdzie jest moja koszula?
Thank you. - Dzikuj.
How are your parents? - Jak maj si Twoi rodzice?
Right there. - Dokadnie tam.
It's ok. - Jest w porzdku.
There's a restaurant over there, but I don't think it's very good. - Jest tam restauracja, ale nie sdz,
e jest bardzo dobra.
What time does it start? - O ktrej godzinie si to zaczyna?
He's an American. - On jest Amerykaninem.
Bring me my shirt please. - Prosz, przynie mi moj koszul.
Sorry, we don't have any. - Przykro nam, nie mamy adnych.
They're the same. - S takie same.
I trust you. - Ufam Ci.
At what time did it happen? - O ktrej godzinie to si stao?
Where's the post office? - Gdzie jest poczta?
Where is he from? - Skd on jest?
His son. - Jego syn.
I think it's very good. - Myl, e to bardzo dobrze.
Can it be cheaper? - Moe to by tasze?
Please take me to the airport. - Prosz zabra mnie na lotnisko.
What time do you go to work everyday? - O ktrej godzinie chodzisz codziennie do pracy?
I'm looking for the post office. - Szukam poczty.
They charge 26 dollars per day. - Pobieraj 26 dolarw dziennie.
I have two sisters. - Mam dwie siostry.
Where is the train station? - Gdzie jest dworzec kolejowy?
When does the plane arrive? - Kiedy przylatuje samolot?
Take me downtown. - Zabierz mnie do centrum miasta.
He'll be back in 20 minutes. - On bdzie z powrotem za 20 minut.
What are you going to do tonight? - Co zamierzasz robi dzi wieczorem?
Is there a nightclub in town? - Czy jest jaki klub nocny w miecie?
He studies at Stanford University. - On studiuje na Uniwersytecie Stanforda.
I'd like a room with two beds please. - Poprosz pokj z dwoma kami.
I can't hear you. - Nie sysz Ci.
Someone is coming. - Kto idzie.
How tall are you? - Jakiego jeste wzrostu?
I'd like to make a phone call. - Chciabym zadzwoni.
Can you fix this? - Moesz to naprawi?
Where's the closest restaurant? - Gdzie jest najblisza restauracja?
Did you get my email? - Dostae mj email?
Where is it? - Gdzie to jest?

Here is your salad. - Oto Twoja saatka.

I'm married. - Jestem onaty.
Can I use your phone? - Mog uy Twojego telefonu?
He's right. - On ma racj.
San Francisco is very different from New York. - San Francisco jest bardzo odmienne od Nowego
I speak a little English. - Mwi troch po angielsku.
What time does the store open? - O ktrej godzinie otwieraj sklep?
Do you take credit cards? - Akceptujecie karty kredytowe?
Where are you going to go? - Gdzie zamierzasz pj?
My house is close to the bank. - Mj dom jest blisko banku.
What are you doing? - Co robisz?
When are you going to pick up your friend? - Kiedy jedziesz odebra swojego przyjaciela?
The big one or the small one? - Duy, czy may?
His family is coming tomorrow. - Jego rodzina przyjeda jutro.
When do we leave? - Kiedy wyjedamy?
Are you coming this evening? - Idziesz dzi wieczorem?
It's delicious! - To jest pyszne!
How much money do you make? - Ile pienidzy zarabiasz?
Would you like water or milk? - Wolisz wod czy mleko?
Thanks for your help. - Dziki za Twoj pomoc.
Who are you? - Kim jeste?
Do you think it's going to rain tomorrow? - Mylisz, e jutro bdzie pada?
What's your favorite movie? - Jaki jest Twj ulubiony film?
I'm cold. - Jest mi zimno.
When did you arrive in Boston? - Kiedy przyjechae do Bostonu?
I don't think so. - Myl, e nie.
Can you please say that again? - Czy mgby powtrzy?
The TV is broken. - Telewizor jest uszkodzony.
No problem. - Nie ma problemu.
What does this word mean? - Co znaczy to sowo?
It's very important. - To bardzo wane.
Come here. - Chod tutaj.
Are you sure? - Jeste pewien?
Can you repeat that please? - Czy mgby powtrzy?
I want to give you a gift. - Chc da Ci prezent.
Does anyone here speak English? - Czy kto tutaj mwi po angielsku?
I'm not American. - Nie jestem Amerykaninem.
My birthday is August 24th. - Moje urodziny s 24 sierpnia.
Do you know what this means? - Wiesz, co to znaczy?
This doesn't work. - To nie dziaa.
Take a chance. - Zaryzykuj.
Will you take me home? - Zabierzesz mnie do domu?
He needs some new clothes. - On potrzebuje jakich nowych ubra.
Waitress! - Kelnerko!
I bought a shirt yesterday. - Kupiem wczoraj koszul.
And you? - A Ty?
I'll call back later. - Zadzwoni pniej.
He likes it very much. - On bardzo to lubi.
Call the police. - Zadzwo na policj.
Do you want me to come and pick you up? - Chcesz, abym przyjecha i Ci odebra?
I'm thirsty. - Jestem spragniony.

What do your parents do for work? - Jak prac wykonuj Twoi rodzice?
Hurry! - Szybciej!
How are you paying? - Jak pacisz?
How are you? - Jak si masz?
He doesn't look like a nurse. - On nie wyglda na pielgniark.
How does it taste? - Jak to smakuje?
My friend is American. - Mj przyjaciel jest Amerykaninem.
Do you have a problem? - Masz problem?
Where does your wife work? - Gdzie pracuje Twoja ona?
Open the window. - Otwrz okno.
Do you smoke? - Palisz?
Who is it? - Kto to?
Will you hand me a towel please? - Mgby mi poda rcznik?
Is it far from here? - Czy to daleko std?
I like it. - Lubi to.
Here's your order. - Oto paskie zamwienie.
I've been there. - Byem tam.
I'll have a glass of water please. - Poprosz szklank wody.
Have you been to Boston? - Bye w Bostonie?
Is there a store near here? - Czy jest jaki sklep w pobliu?
What's today's date? - Jaka jest dzisiejsza data?
My throat is sore. - Boli mnie gardo.
When does the bank open? - Kiedy otwieraj bank?
I ate already. - Ja ju jadem.
Are you comfortable? - Jest Ci wygodnie?
More than 200 miles. - Wicej ni 200 mil.
I'm getting ready to go out. - Przygotowuj si do wyjcia.
We're late. - Jestemy spnieni.
I understand. - Rozumiem.
I'm not ready yet. - Jeszcze nie jestem gotowy.
I don't have any money. - Nie mam adnych pienidzy.
I'm going to America next year. - Jad do Ameryki w przyszym roku.
When is the next bus to Philadelphia? - Kiedy jest nastpny autobus do Filadelfii?
Is your father home? - Czy Twj ojciec jest w domu?
It's a quarter to 7. - Jest za kwadrans 7.
Where are the t-shirts? - Gdzie s koszulki?
Forget it. - Zapomnij o tym.
If you need my help, please let me know. - Jeli potrzebujesz mojej pomocy, daj mi prosz zna.
This is my mother. - To moja matka.
They're waiting for us. - Czekaj na nas.
That's enough. - To wystarczy.
It's too late. - Jest za pno.
I hope you and your wife have a nice trip. - Mam nadziej, e Ty i Twoja ona bdziecie mieli dobr
At 3 o'clock. - O trzeciej.
It's 6AM. - Jest 6 rano.
Excuse me. - Przepraszam.
A few. - Kilka.
I don't understand. - Nie rozumiem.
I'm sorry, we're sold out. - Przykro mi, sprzedalimy ju wszystko.
I get off of work at 6. - Wychodz z pracy o 6.

What's your email address? - Jaki jest Twj adres email?

My watch has been stolen. - Mj zegarek zosta skradziony.
Let's go. - Chodmy.
They'll be right back. - Oni zaraz bd z powrotem.
Are you sick? - Jeste chory?
I'm not going. - Ja nie id.
I'd like a map of the city. - Chciabym map miasta.
Don't do that. - Nie rb tego.
I'm ok. - Jestem ok.
She's pretty. - Ona jest adna.
It's not too far. - To nie jest zbyt daleko.
Excellent. - Doskonale.
I'm American. - Jestem Amerykaninem.
Is anyone else coming? - Czy jeszcze kto idzie?
I'm good, and you? - Czuj si dobrze, a Ty?
I'd like to go shopping. - Chciabym pj na zakupy.
How long have you lived here? - Jak dugo tutaj yjesz?
Is the bank far? - Czy bank jest daleko?
How much do I owe you? - Ile jestem Ci winien?
Do you think you'll be back by 11:30? - Mylisz, e bdziesz z powrotem o 11:30?
Why not? - Dlaczego nie?
What's wrong? - Co si stao?
Some books. - Jakie ksiki.
When do you get off work? - Kiedy koczysz prac?
Turn right. - Skr w prawo.
Would you like coffee or tea? - Wolisz kaw, czy herbat?
What is your name? - Jak masz na imi?
Are you okay? - Wszystko w porzdku?
What's the exchange rate for dollars? - Jaki jest kurs wymiany dolarw?
Sorry, we don't accept credit cards. - Przepraszam, nie przyjmujemy kart kredytowych.
She's going with me tomorrow. - Ona idzie ze mn jutro.
How long does it take by car? - Ile to zajmuje samochodem?
I'd like to go for a walk. - Chciabym pj na spacer.
It's really hot. - Jest naprawd gorco.
I like Italian food. - Lubi woskie jedzenie.
Do you like to watch TV? - Lubisz oglda telewizj?
Where are you? - Gdzie jeste?
The whole day. - Cay dzie.
What would you like to drink? - Czego chciaby si napi?
I don't feel well. - Nie czuj si dobrze.
Start the car. - Uruchom samochd.
Who would you like to speak to? - Z kim chciaby porozmawia?
Just a little. - Tylko troch.
If I go now, I'll be there in 15 minutes. - Jeli pjd teraz, bd tam w cigu 15 minut.
From here to there. - Std dotd.
Do you speak English? - Mwisz po angielsku?
How do you spell it? - Jak to przeliterowa?
That's it. - To jest to.
Why did you do that? - Dlaczego to zrobie?
October 22nd. - Dwudziesty drugi padziernika.
I'd like to send this to America. - Chciabym to wysa do Ameryki.
What happened? - Co si stao?

Which school does he go to? - Do ktrej szkoy on chodzi?

That means "friend". - To oznacza przyjaciel.
It's a quarter past nine. - Jest kwadrans po dziewitej.
Near the bank. - Blisko banku.
John is going on vacation tomorrow. - John jedzie jutro na wakacje.
Great. - Wspaniale.
Which is better? - Ktry jest lepszy?
I have money. - Mam pienidze.
Where can I exchange U.S. dollars? - Gdzie mog wymieni dolary amerykaskie?
Who sent this letter? - Kto wysa ten list?
Certainly! - Oczywicie!
I like her. - Lubi j.
From time to time. - Od czasu do czasu.
Be quiet. - Bd cicho.
I've already seen it. - Ja ju to widziaem.
Do you have any money? - Czy masz jakie pienidze?
Is it close? - Czy to jest blisko?
How much is this? - Ile to kosztuje?
Good idea. - Dobry pomys.
I want to show you something. - Chc Ci co pokaza.
Do you have a boyfriend? - Masz chopaka?
It's half past 11. - Jest wp do 12.
Please come in. - Prosz wejd.
See you later. - Do zobaczenia pniej.
I want to buy something. - Chc co kupi.
What did you do yesterday? - Co wczoraj robie?
What color is that car? - Jakiego koloru jest tamten samochd?
What are you thinking about? - O czym teraz mylisz?
Where would you like to go? - Gdzie chciaby pj?
Clara is Robin's girlfriend. - Clara jest dziewczyn Robina.
Are you busy? - Jeste zajty?
Do you understand? - Rozumiesz?
What's the date? - Jaka jest data?
Is this the bus to New York? - Czy to jest autobus do Nowego Jorku?
I need to practice my English. - Potrzebuj wiczy mj angielski.
Where do you work? - Gdzie pracujesz?
Do you feel better? - Czujesz si lepiej?
On the left. - Po lewej.
How much is it? - Ile to kosztuje?
Where did you put it? - Gdzie to pooye?
Has your brother been to California? - Czy Twj brat by w Kalifornii?
What's the phone number? - Jaki jest numer telefonu?
Outside the hotel. - Na zewntrz hotelu.
Where's the nearest hospital? - Gdzie jest najbliszy szpital?
This is very difficult. - To jest bardzo trudne.
Have you finished studying? - Skoczye studiowa?
Do you need anything? - Potrzebujesz czegokolwiek?
Do you accept U.S. Dollars? - Akceptujecie dolary amerykaskie?
Do you want to go to the movies? - Chcesz i do kina?
How do I get to Taylor Street? - Jak dosta si na ulic Taylor?
Thanks for your help. - Dziki za Twoj pomoc.
As soon as possible. - Jak najszybciej.

Can you help me? - Moesz mi pomc?

What's in it? - Co si w tym znajduje?
Can I have a receipt please? - Czy mgbym prosi o rachunek?
Try it on. - Przymierz.
Were you at the library last night? - Bye w bibliotece ostatniej nocy?
I made this cake. - Zrobiem to ciasto.
One way or round trip? - W jedn stron, czy tam i z powrotem?
I'm sick. - Jestem chory.
How do you pronounce that? - Jak to si wymawia?
I thought he said something else. - Mylaem, e powiedzia co innego.
What's the matter? - Co si dzieje?
Where are you from? - Skd jeste?
I don't speak English very well. - Nie mwi bardzo dobrze po angielsku.
Over there. - Tam.
Call me. - Zadzwo do mnie.
What is today's date? - Jaka jest dzisiejsza data?
How many languages do you speak? - Ile znasz jzykw?
He works at a computer company in New York. - On pracuje w firmie komputerowej w Nowym
I'm bored. - Jestem znudzony.
I'm very well, thank you. - Mam si bardzo dobrze, dzikuj.
Are you going to take a plane or train? - Zamierzasz wzi samolot, czy pocig?
How do you know? - Skd wiesz?
I'm ready. - Jestem gotowy.
How long is it? - Jak dugie to jest?
Who are you looking for? - Kogo szukasz?
It's 11:30pm. - Jest 23:30.
Are you guys coming over tonight? - Czy przychodzicie dzi wieczorem?
Do you have another one? - Czy masz jaki nastpny?
Have you eaten yet? - Czy ju zjade?
Not recently. - Nie ostatnio.
Would you like some wine? - Chciaby troch wina?
How's the weather? - Jaka jest pogoda?
How much does this cost? - Ile to kosztuje?
How is she? - Jak si ona ma?
May I speak to Mrs. Smith please? - Czy mgbym rozmawia z pani Smith?
I need to go home. - Musz i do domu.
Let's meet in front of the hotel. - Spotkajmy si przed hotelem.
Is your husband also from Boston? - Czy Twj m jest take z Bostonu?
I don`t care. - Nie zaley mi.
Are you free tonight? - Jeste wolny dzisiaj wieczorem?
Where do you live? - Gdzie mieszkasz?
It's going to be hot today. - Dzisiaj bdzie gorco.
I want to ask you a question. - Chc zada Ci pytanie.
I'm a teacher. - Jestem nauczycielem.
Tell me. - Powiedz mi.
One like that. - Taki jak ten.
Where did it happen? - Gdzie to si stao?
I have a headache. - Boli mnie gowa.
How much would you like? - Ile chciaby?
How do I use this? - Jak tego uywa?
Why are you laughing? - Dlaczego si miejesz?

Would you like to go for a walk? - Chciaby pj na spacer?

Really? - Naprawd?
That's too many. - To zbyt wiele.
Everything is ready. - Wszystko jest gotowe.
That way. - T drog.
Take this medicine. - We to lekarstwo.
What do you recommend? - Co rekomendujesz?
At 7 o'clock at night. - O 7 wieczorem.
Where did you learn English? - Gdzie si uczye angielskiego?
A little. - Mao.
Nothing else. - Nic wicej.
Please write it down. - Prosz, zapisz to.
Can I have a glass of water? - Mog dosta szklank wody?
That looks great. - To wyglda wietnie.
Is there an English speaking guide? - Czy jest angielskojzyczny przewodnik?
What are your hobbies? - Jakie masz hobby?
That's not fair. - To nie fair.
Is it raining? - Pada deszcz?
Let's share. - Podzielmy si.
Have you been waiting long? - Dugo czekae?
Every week. - Kadego tygodnia.
Please call me. - Prosz, zadzwo do mnie.
I'll pay for dinner. - Zapac za kolacj.
Good luck. - Powodzenia.
I don`t like him. - Nie lubi go.
I'd like to use the internet. - Chciabym skorzysta z internetu.
The plane departs at 5:30pm. - Samolot odlatuje o 17:30.
Here you are. - Prosz bardzo.
Is this Mr. Smith? - Czy to pan Smith?
Male or female? - Mczyzna, czy kobieta?
It depends on the weather. - To zaley od pogody.
I still have a lot of things to buy. - Wci mam wiele rzeczy do kupienia.
I think those shoes are very good looking. - Myl, e tamte buty bardzo dobrze wygldaj.
What does this mean? - Co to znaczy?
He's in the kitchen. - On jest w kuchni.
What time are you going to the bus station? - O ktrej idziesz na dworzec autobusowy?
Are they the same? - Czy one s takie same?
It rained very hard today. - Dzisiaj bardzo mocno padao.
When are you moving? - Kiedy si przeprowadzasz?
Do you know her? - Znasz j?
Try to say it. - Sprbuj to powiedzie.
Can I try it on? - Czy mog to przymierzy?
My son. - Mj syn.
Cheers! - Na zdrowie!
How many children do you have? - Ile masz dzieci?
Very good, thanks. - Bardzo dobrze, dziki.
Would you like to rent a movie? - Chciaby wypoyczy film?
How was the trip? - Jak podr?
Are you working tomorrow? - Pracujesz jutro?
Everyone knows it. - Kady to wie.
He's coming soon. - On przybdzie wkrtce.
Nobody is there right now. - Nikogo tam teraz nie ma.

How old are you? - Ile masz lat?

What day of the week is it? - Ktry to dzie tygodnia?
What do you think of these shoes? - Co mylisz o tych butach?
Sorry, I don't have a pencil. - Przepraszam, nie mam owka.
I haven't finished eating. - Nie skoczyem je.
I've seen it. - Widziaem to.
What time did you go to sleep? - O ktrej godzinie poszede spa?
I live in California. - Mieszkam w Kalifornii.
Can I see your passport please? - Czy mgbym zobaczy Twj paszport?
Who taught you? - Kto Ci nauczy?
Where can I mail this? - Gdzie mog wysa to poczt?
That's too expensive. - To jest zbyt drogie.
Are you hungry? - Jeste godny?
I went to the supermarket, and then to the computer store. - Poszedem do supermarketu, a potem do
sklepu komputerowego.
What size? - Jaki rozmiar?
I'm 32. - Mam 32 lata.
I don't have time right now. - Nie mam teraz czasu.
I'm hungry. - Jestem godny.
I need another key. - Potrzebuj innego klucza.
Which one? - Ktry?
Next time. - Nastpnym razem.
I only want a snack. - Chc tylko przeksk.
He's very annoying. - On jest bardzo irytujcy.
Would you like something to eat? - Chciaby co do jedzenia?
I'm just looking. - Ja tylko patrz.
I love you. - Kocham Ci.
Good evening sir. - Dobry wieczr panu.
Do you know where she is? - Wiesz, gdzie ona jest?
Which one do you want? - Ktry chcesz?
Did you take your medicine? - Wzie swoje lekarstwo?
I don't know. - Nie wiem.
For how many nights? - Na ile nocy?
Am I pronouncing it correctly? - Wymawiam to poprawnie?
Would you ask him to come here? - Poprosisz go, aby tu przyjecha?
I'll take that one also. - Wezm rwnie to.
Please fill out this form. - Prosz wypenij ten formularz.
A long time ago. - Dawno temu.
Do you know how to cook? - Umiesz gotowa?
What do you do for work? - Jak masz prac?
Have they met her yet? - Czy ju j spotkali?
What's the temperature? - Jaka jest temperatura?
It's north of here. - Na pnoc std.
Where is the airport? - Gdzie jest lotnisko?
It's over there. - Jest tam.
No, thank you. - Nie dzikuj.
I'll tell him you called. - Powiem mu, e dzwonie.

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