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Persuading Different Types of Audiences... Tost as avert musta thei audiences wlan understand howto each hem ‘facil you should know where yen audience stand on your op 0 you can ‘Geugns mssage that wl encourage them to listen aa conser yor views Chapter 5 ‘Soins Rowen sale an diene any typeof speech This set provides ‘pee satis promsve sper neta address he atid, rales, and bb of ‘Be cannon sudtnce potions negate ort postive cr smpateta divided ttnied snd patetc® Tete sence postions and strategls me summa’ in ‘ble ‘The Negative Audience _Anegativesudlenee ao led shone sence informed sboxt your copie sod holds an nfvorable vw of A negative aience my scem intimidating but “np esposre te eiferng pln of view is where fectine persuasion stars ot Tony ailence menbets Sappose, fer instance you was Your sient apport nie on your eampus to sbaih al general suction requirements That gost sy ‘eimediy unas, so you eight wanto argo fora more moderate step, atch predcing the sgued nome of general eration uni “yen you knoe youl iy encountr high degree of essance to your poston ‘ana top sve tse hlpyoueciew your gol" Budi your ci wih the andionce Developing piv elatonship ‘eth the uence, howagannterest in them, ond eronstting Your exp the on the ope al contrite o manga good impreson. Tike comorgrownd approach the tpi. ensy seas of agreement eh the audience then move t sree of disagreement Iistnes pazcelve hey ‘Sate similar viewpoints with you, they be mere open your message" In fpeschon sane sex mariage, you might draw parallels beneen the right of {and lesbians marry and other struggles over civil rights—sbolshing ‘very, passing ave agin cil aor, oF ging womea the right oot, forlustance You could demonsrte how wich restance thee ws teach ftehee changes and then point out thet there rights ate now considered cia, = Help you audience visualize you topes postive ways. Often js elpng {he endience gt ud oa new ideas the st step ineffective persuasion. Ine peerh advocating incrated funding for space exploration, you might abla 14.2 pe ot Aueoes “ype ot Audenes Muviawotone_| Parade stages negate 7 Gaebler tre 1 Ta crmor ged sprech Sohywiecele) | Aetate wn adie eo + Keep prose ct in eso “Fame > Pater engasng enero to fove convent (ovate -+ 5 Use aaiangung or apes SSrblscrhcty | + nore aries wen poet fortis Bp “Band pense eoraioan cba aon (remeron | © bien ceaoiy fortewaeetat | + Tatcormongeid epoch niet) < ountn rigesle mgs ana pete ees TGannes | Sewroernce tent i aderce (unemod'> | + Donte prize nd nee ‘econ 1 Uasrepeen aa eaaey hace patton ste Teas 7 Gan atare eg ret (romed-rnot | + Stawhowtope feos oxseoe ‘ones {Dap rer a rn 1 tate aoneadeseppnesn + Uae pentane show a ew compuling gt der of Maso distant alist spak the ftulenees imagination and give ther a more favorable anpesion ofthe ‘opie © Prepore or yon aneenegaine action 0 you postion. Consider all Feasons you audience aay net agte with yo, Then dln how you Wl Confont snd vecome tote objeto our speech, Fo expe in2 ‘pes on ling the inion wage in he United States, you could adds Your lisener? cant sboat jb our bypeting test ht shows no Ich eft When you scaovledge the sidence oncerasin your speech, tou émonsrate a understanding of thee perspec, whic ncresses our “tio of winaing ther ove 1 aly ep you persuasive beste thin reson. You ae ot ery Ubaly to move your dence to etina way hs cones with suongelirgs they en ld ebout your topic In his case, make your ojectveto gt the telence to start thokiag dost he oleae Aeent ws For ates 2 ‘enc that setrongy opposed to aloving the US, goverumeat to calet DNA simples fom al cltzen oe ging ga « petton in fr of doing {hata alr Inteing to ou speech avocating fedex. Bat ou might be thle edace the rnttanoean art them thinking about the edetapes YoU think ation] DNA nchve ronda. rhe Positive Audience A positive audience, ai called sympathetic audience, inoumed shou yout ‘wpié indie Favorable view of our poston, These audihee members wan Fave "hiner ionions” med and enforce, les move about the opie and nsomecases, Setanta Jolt acorn af ike minded people or nd out what they can da personally to | sdrance the cause Politeal ampalga speeches and religous ales commonly are postive aulences, Several sratais wil help you fas on reinforcing taught and behavior Incorporate engin evidence that ebforcs he atone commitment othe ‘apie Use testimony and examples your aadince wl find opting ey ay ‘em lng of ats ens static, and dal defttons For instance, you might explain how various sucesfl poll natives—saving fresh és wands, and lakes from polition ad urban sprawl fr example ave preserved valmblnutarl sores and proved the goa of ie oral the Planet inbabias. i se vivid lngung al meges to agen you uence’ enthusiasm forthe ope Refer to “ourshng geen fs iy cold, raging vers wetland teeming vith wife; nd coating lakes the tha ore, ver elend tnd aes” Incorporating e shot series of eco elie dpayng te betty E flan nd wate saved fom derrcton trough plication ea se espn your nadence ppc othe opie They eared on Your sido ge them something tangible to tke aay fn the speech that onkims the opinion and extend ther : snowedge an he opi ey on nastiest aboot you points Soies rock especial wel to eiaforce the posien . telence member sendy hold. Fr example, : ifyou know tat your auience beheves nthe ‘aloe envionment esponsibility speech promoting envionment! stim ight bea : ha sar about the personel experence hat, fetyou invalve isthe top her audience member andy age wit your ie lly hen tke action ot sample. ought encourage your sence to fm eoonmentl rp nthe cement or a campus pap tien Earth Day thse sip inpending ener legilation,parchate eusabe cloth shopping Bags stop Jake, or bop proce hat degrade the enioninent, Fores tobe oy stern ate Sk ee, hia lst Beak now ins ween, ease rth iso Chen eed wrt outa Hs psa xarioncs, fren onal she a webpages ed eens ‘Wor hm a ie cave pene ‘The Divided Audience A ide anne sfrmed bat oui sas ews aime fee Ev nthiine sn enrich Ske a fenced wh dude sen fe win del vere mons sping teat onsen es, = _ {chide dens emai lene spenaing te sede membros pa | Ghpe niyo. Thcre you can employ i ne ba ppech wed fr neue P gclsce Tas ea tt ol wat oct your recy and cemerion he (Pein deaiyleacammor go arte Ys be ope nponie on etatetiamec shesalenon and cont possible objections il you want to actor hose who Seyi we eeen naretes pest tesimeny eda o borg SESS oo yutaet epee ance menrsend yap baste Tater we naa ye speaking oo community group nan urban naghbotod hat an eee eb ahagh stot eet rime in recent yeas: The speci pupose of Your ret ee oat aaience thal video sarvellacecaeras shoud be nile FORE irc Some members of your adiene favor te dena practical way throughout thes meer oppoe he de, viewing isan train he we oariracy Hare nes esi tha il help you are the entre sane tdecwe ws Demonstrate tht you reagze helenae ft argent or a gsi he arcana x probe tat mst be salve et the ight pevicy se ‘isnt principe of democracy and shouldbe upbeld. «Bsc youre by cing tics Sowing ta ve sarelance does Fedcesteet cme signa sabi common ground among lf audience mens by ying youre cin eeeone the oom gins wih height PCT. grt trois for ngtive ad postive ines. La ti ene, you cou a etna dat sure cameras ince onthe camsmunt ght wee sey by ying that he pena keeway anyone gh tribe see my gs that ve een taken ey You can ls enforce he vero sg ogre with you wth esiony a espe fo ps ire avelance cers are sed nthe end, you encourage he estes to atin thee postion nat oot by renin oursmunen snd sopping erence uta brett you Be ses Unltd hat at state in terms of pea “The Uninformed Audience Cainlrmedaudince se uta wih your tpicandbave np pinion dot | Uninfomeda ie pcoldoetwertchina ope yeucresbat bate an mmol For romp tops who arotvig nO) Se petal benno jucan arg tat mebers ibe ae I sn tlie to peel of wand desert ses decent en er a sate wl yu eovidethenrmation tenes ee eins theieagreanet wih 08” Show the lvance of our pct tence By ng tbe ance sep hom ele drtxow mach about this at St sar Psbewbw nt ony mares bt uns Fo SPE, Teese cuning bets for teres, Changing et a saa fem tte nomen but iced benets ight et tae Rapes woth ough bec decree bene AN sa rene Encl burn on el sol eres, Benes tee {op aon to and a can ect eezyooe ey Denon yur experts on te te nde nodes Pe aan er youl ae ned thei othe Nt OG eared friar fais do you oppor? Wi TS reaper oa ori one, ou mu dsr Fae ar revearch onthe opi and can prove tener win vee peo format an opinion. Audience mens wil be mee uy wo agree with your poston they believe you havegven them ean comprehensive sense of ee, Us patton and redndaney to selfore your points, Yous audiences new to this tps peowde them th ase nfermation abot he tape n sever! forms In oar example about veterans bene, you could deine the purpose ofthe bes, preset fact shout he eve the government curently ofles veteran show dates comparing hove ever withthe proposed scree offer testimony tom scholar eho sade veteran benef an ls ory stout a veteran who used thos enais to achieve an impart gk such 6s competing college. These diferent yes of supporting materials el focus onthe ‘ecerans bene, bldg redundant the perch, 5 ep you persuasion sub Let the audi kno our poston, bt soit pha tlammaary. oc overly panionae trent tend tt mateo fact apres. nour ecupl, ou mighty," sapor the changes to vetrane benefits caren under cosidration, Lt me tl you stot it you wat too Jonge et anience members kno your positon onthe tp, the lected and might deve he inornaton you've pened But tye moieted your lent toes mor about the tpi nd hae estaba ysl mn ers ‘hey be mere ey to tat yout tet the op ty, nbtewer postion You The Apathetic Audience Apathetic audiences are informed abou your oc but not ines in, They maybe ‘pathetibeease think it das apply tothe, Why behero pay tention! Ths ype af audience challange speaker a fargea postive link Been pic and diene. Which canbe achieved inthe allowing ways Gain thir aon nd pique rine. ven snore than wit an wninfonne sudience, you hn o show apa sadience membes fy they should ate bout the topic. For osane lets ya ou want fo ange thet te Ute States shoud provide economic suppat te develepngcoutes To do this you propose tat Ameria should provide tart loans fr sal businesses in ose ues. But your audience sls ot es yous hunch nts ht Your listeners belive be opie ha no relevance ote ves They tony heve hes about Butta meres then enought x them to tink oe ery ‘uch However, ou know they tend to get charity and sopprtseengening local communities overal Ths convinces ou thaw th ight ppel Yul be ableto connect your tpi tthe eae of sci esponshiliy. Uslag song sp. Potingedenc, ou might demonstrate the postive impact that economia, fan ave on thelies of people wove inthe developing wri while posing mow sable and scutes home Show how htop ofes hsp When iene iden with topic and ‘elit elevantto hen hee morelsey tobe persuaded You might be ae convince you suiencs ocr shout his erly daa pity expaning ow ‘hebeath ofthe US economy depends a the presence ofa rable loa economic ‘sem, Yu tl ten that so longs developing counties struggle sonoma, ‘he stabi ofthe gba economic sytem thetened. That recainsconiion Deity fics th American eanany the vale ofthe dls overseas end eves ‘lon securiy So the question of porting developing counties deci fas ‘he asdenes pocketbook and te tlyprimaryhumen motaons tw mich you cave aout the top rou your energy and Show our aude dynamin. in prrstig US. cenomic appar fa developing cone iy but cer see ou vo th energy ana purpose. The cour deep cmitment oan interes nthe tpi. So you sume bake o Teanga your pasion for the sbjecs™ Take a onesie agpronck tele Athough ourst maka alee ur al sity, eng tein ran presetatin mea ean eb engage aap stn. Ts im ba party wh — elence embers general aah aking tts approach othe pls toth easnabe snd eh In pesusing te audience, yoa wl witto nebo ‘eo ha eoreponds wh beens they shoud care sboat the ople ppeopite presentation mela hls the dice veal you ope, tis the fmotons ad ish ‘han words lone" In theese of encour ing people to stpport US. econ ald tpaphs demonseating the postive eect [such id ora ie second chp fom {documentary on iin the developing wor oul need a apatheseaulences

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