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St Anne’s Catholic School, Southampton – Weekly reflections - w/b 22nd March 2010 LENT 5

Gospel reading

Jesus said, ‘I am the light of the DAY 2 First Station of the Cross*: Jesus is condemned


Do you let Light into your life?

Do you allow your life to be lit up by

the inner Light of God’s love, present
in the world around you, in the people
who love and care for you, at the
heart of
your own being?
God sent his son into the world not to condemn
Be still for one minute. Light a candle the world, but that the world through him might
and let someone say a few times be saved (John 3:17).
Jesus said, ‘I am the light of the Jesus, as you stand condemned by Pilate,
world’. help us not to judge or criticize others.

DAY 3 Second Station of the Cross: Jesus is DAY 4 Third Station of the Cross: Jesus falls the
given a cross to carry. first time

Jesus, as you took up your cross, Jesus, you have hardly begun
help us to embrace the challenges when you fall.
and difficulties Teach us that falling is part
that are part of our own journey of the journey.
through life. Lift us up when we fail.
May your courage Help us not to fear the risks
strengthen us to face our own that come
crosses with following you.

*These Chinese Stations of the Cross can be found at

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