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Universidad Catlica de la Santsima Concepcin

English Major
Teaching Practice IV

Lesson Plan # 1

Level: Begginer
Teacher: Isaias Valdebenito
Grade: 1st grader
90 min
2 period
Student Teacher: Matias Galvez
Age: 13-14
Type of School: Subzidied school
Aim: at the end of the lesson SWBA to Identify the requirements to get Exponents:
their objectives (written).
- I need to
- I must
Assumed Knowledge:
- You need
- Personal pronouns
- You must
- Specific vocabulary ( Jobs)
Target Language:
- Verbs (write, study, work, get, pass, be)
- Personal pronoun + modal verb (must / need to)+ (action to get their
- Nouns (objects)
Anticipated Problems
..and Solutions
- Ss dont know the specific vocabulary
T explains by gestures and pictures
- Power point
- Ss dont understand instruction
T explains step by step by modeling
- Work sheet
- Ss have problems doing the activity
T provide vocabulary in the whiteboard
(lack of vocabulary)


Target language Interaction
What am I going to?

Warm Up / T says hello to students asking how

Lead in
they are today.
T introduces the key concept
(objective) to Ss by a personal story.
T introduces the following concept
(requirements) and the relation with
the priveousone
using the same
personal story (by drawiing a concept

T-Ss, Ss-T


What Im going to say


Page # 1


Good morning children, How are you today ? fine? Not good?
First, let me talk about me
My objective for the future is going out the country, to Europe.
That is my objective, so I need to know some streets name but I
must know english and probably
So , these two are the requirements to get my objectives.
You Sx, do you have any objective, plans, dreams for the future ?


T asks their Ss what their objectives

are, translating the sentences in the
T presents the first objective (Being a
football player) and talks with Ss
about what any person need to do
and must do to get that objective.



Now lets see this

This is an objective..Being a football player, and the
requirements are
Fast is it and obligation or not.
Like Gary Medel, he is not so fast but he has resistance, so is not
an obligation. The answer is You need to be fast. Because is it a
requirement bur not so strong.
Now with dicsipline (showing the picture). It is an obligation or a
not. Yes, this more like an obligation. So you must have dicsipline.

T present the first activity

T guides Ss asking what is the
corresponding requirement to get the
objectives. Asking Ss the difference, if
it is an obligation or just a necessity.
the activity using 3

T monitors each answer giving the

T presents the following activity
T asks Ss to make group of two and
answer a question, providing possibe
answers (pictures) to guide Ss

T gives a worksheet to Ss write their

T checks and provides feedback,

Let see the first activity.

How strong are these requirements to get those objectives?
SY what do you think is the requirement?
Now lets complete the rest.



You SsX what do you think is the necessity and what is an

Now the second activity,
Please make group of two, you are going to concentrate in the
answer of the following question, what are or my objectives in the
future?. You can ask me if you want.
you can use some of the example in the witheboard:
-Being a policeman?
-Being a Ingenier?
-Enter to the university?.
-Getting the Hischool certificate?.
-Making money?
Now, write three answers in your notebooks, I will check your

Now you have your answer please, tell your classmate what are
your objectives. For exmaple, my objectives are beign a
policeman, a fireman, and getting the highscool certificate.

T explains what Ss have to do with

the answers (by modeling) and
monitors student talk.


T presents activity 3
T explains the following activity and
the instructions using an example in a



Now lets go with the last activity.

In this paper you have your objectives, right?
Now you have to right what you need to do and what you must do
to get your objectives.
At least two obligation and two needs

T models an example, showing an

T delivers the worksheet.

Whatch here please, you take this objective (being a football

player) and write for example, I must be good at playing footbal
and I need good clothes ok?..... you have 20 minutes to do it, and
at the end of the lesson you give me the worksheet back.
Here you have the work sheet

T collects the activity.

Now, I am going to collect the papers.

T ask Ss understanding by CCQs

Now lets check. Please answer yes or no

Do you use need to, when is it an obligation?
Do you use need to, when is it an obligation?
In what othe situation you can use it?

Assessment plan:
-Rating scale
-Check list
Good (4)

Acceptable (3)

Need to improve (2)

Non observed (0)

Use of the target language

In each activity, S shows a

Ss presents coherence in most of
coherent use of the modal verbs sentences related to the use of
(grammatical and contextual), just modal verbs. 1 or 2 mistakes.
one mistake.

Ss presents coherence in some of Ss does not present the use of

sentences related to the use of
modal verbs.
modal verbs. 2 or 4 mistakes
(making the sentences incoherent)

Following the Instruction

Ss presents polite attitude

following all the instruction

Ss presents polite attitude

following all the instruction.
Having some problems.

Ss presents unpolite attitude not

following few of the instruction.
Interrupting his/her own work

Use of the language

1 or 2 mistakes, the sentences

are still clear.

2 or 3 mistakes, the sentences

are still clear. (dont
communication interferences)

4 or more mistakes, the sentences Not language perfomance

are still clear. (message are not

Activity complete
Polite attitude during the use of the language
Use of written language (Modal verbs)


Ss presents a complete unpolite

attitude nott following any of the

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