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Saint Josephs University

Pennsylvania Standards Aligned System

Lesson Plan Format
Candidates Name: Jessica Sweet

Course Prefix/Number/Section: SPE

Date Week of 10/4/2015 Subject Algebra 1

1 Day

Grade Level: 9-12 Duration:

Lesson Topic: Defining and identifying slope

1. Essential Questions (Linked to Big Ideas)
How do we identify slope and what is its significance?
2. Learner Outcomes (Instructional Objectives)
Students will analyze data to identify the slope of a line.
3. Related Academic Standards: Common Core and/or PA Standards
CCSS Algebra 1: 1.B.2-1.B.3
4. Vocabulary
Slope intercept
Ordered pairs

Zero slope

5. Materials/Resources
Internet connection for use of video clips
Student Drill Sheet
Reference notes packet
PowerPoint presentation to accompany student notes
Practice Worksheet
8. Instructional Procedures
i. Students will complete daily drill upon entering the
classroom Students *should* have prior knowledge
of the concept of slope and the slope formula.
ii. Define slope using visuals of mountain skiers
iii. Use Youtube Clip of slope dude to help define
slope in terms of a linear function graph
i. Distribute handout of slope/skier visual and review
trends of positive, negative, zero, and undefined
ii. Display large coordinate plane and ask for student
volunteers to come up and demonstrate various
types of slope using their body as the graph
positive slope with arms outspread going up,
negative slope with arms outspread going down,
zero slope with arms outspread horizontally, and
undefined slope with standing straight.
iii. Use of animated line movements in powerpoint to
assess student understanding of slope trends
1. Students respond with thumbs up for
positive, thumbs down for negative, 0 for
zero, and nothing for undefined
iv. Discussion of how to determine numeric value of
slope via Brainpop video cliplink in powerpoint
v. Distribute notes packet to enable students to follow
along with powerpoint instruction
vi. Teacher guides students through two examples of
each kind of slope-finding problem, asking for
student input along the way and informal checks
for understanding
vii. Students will use notes reference pages to
complete independent classwork practice

i. Students will share with class one thing they

learned about slope during instruction. Students
will complete classwork practice page as homework
10.7. Addressing Learners Diverse Needs
Accommodations and adaptations
o All presentation methods are designed for the DHH
student with particular attention paid to the visual
learning preferences of the students in the class.
Information is scaffolded in a way that bypasses
possible gaps in the student learning and is paired with
pre-instruction in related information to ensure that
the students have the required prior knowledge to
understand the instruction.
o Video clips with closed captions and added visuals and
movement allow DHH students to experience learning
in a variety of methods and hold the students
interests while making learning fun.
Challenges for advanced learners
o No specific challenges are created for students who
complete requirements with ease. However, an
extension activity is included in the lesson
development should any student demonstrate mastery
early on in the lesson.
12.Formative/Summative Assessment
Students will complete thumbs up/thumbs down activity
as assessment of understanding of slope trendsstudents
should be able to correctly answer questions with 75%
accuracy or greater.
Students will complete independent classwork practice as
teacher circulates room to do individual checks for
understanding of determining slopestudents will
demonstrate understanding of concept by attaining a
minimum 75% accuracy.
14.Data Analysis and Reflection on Planning/Instruction; Plans for
Reteaching (as applicable)
Summative assessment results in combination with
details from teacher observation will be used to identify a
need for additional instruction in this objective or the
need for acceleration in related instructional tasks.

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