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Party Platform: 1

The Dynamic Party

Grant Wideman

Party Platform: 2
We are here to explain the ideologies and the beliefs of the Dynamic Political Party. We want to
stress the idea that America has not fallen, and is still a great nation. But we still have room to
grow. We want to take away any faults we have not by major governmental adjustment; rather,
we need only minor adjustments in certain areas and newly developed approaches to different
issues. We are here to make America better, stronger, and closer to where all Americans want to
be. We want to elevate America.

Party Platform: 3
The Dynamic Party
If the Dynamic Party was to be in presidential office, our changes would not be too apparent
too quickly. We believe America continues to be the greatest nation in history, and it should notand should never be-fundamentally changed. With that said, the Dynamic Party wants simply to
enhance the time-proven system.
Among these advancements is National Defence. The protection and safety of Americans is
our first priority. We must adapt and expand our Military capabilities such as defense against
foreign aggressors and new adaptive strategies to root out and defeat radical terrorist groups. We
must also insure peace within our own borders. We need to monitor immigration more carefully
and better regulate foreign attempts to enter the country.
In regards to foreign relations, we intend to be keepers of the peace, not war-mongers. We
will stand our ground against aggressive nations such as North Korea, Russia, and China. We
will insure that our allies will not be alone. We will stand beside all nations of the civilized world
such as France, Israel, and members of the EU and NATO.
Our party also seeks to finish the war on drugs in our nation. We will institute a better
criminal justice system to emphasize rehabilitation over imprisonment. We, however, do not seek
to shut down programs involving medicinal marijuana. We only want to insure that drugs used
for recreational purposes will be no longer be used in such a way and only used for medicinal
purposes if possible.
Concerning healthcare, the Dynamic Party seeks to create a real working universal healthcare
program. Where Obamacare failed, we will learn from and insure that every American will be

Party Platform: 4
cared for and that this new healthcare program will be efficient. We will insure that nobody will
be stuck on a waiting list for a ridiculous amount of time waiting for the treatment they need.
When it comes to energy, our party will break our dependence on foreign oils and institute a
new clean energy plan that will be able to power our country beyond that of any other nation that
depends on oil. We will become more reliable on solar power which will satisfy people who seek
to have a cheaper and cleaner fuel source.
In regards to taxes, the Dynamic Party seeks to abolish the IRS and use the 431 billion dollars
a year to help fund our clean energy plan and healthcare program. Our party seeks to institute a
flat tax rate to everyone underneath the top ten percent. We will insure that with these tax
reforms, this will strengthen our nation and make every Americans life easier.
As to gay marriage, we do not support this. However, we believe that this involves the states
more than anything and that the federal government should not force itself into its citizens
personal life, nor should it force a centralized belief on its citizens as well.
In conclusion, we will strengthen America and insure a greater nation for today and for

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