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Coordination Chemistry and Organometallics / 175 Unit-10 COORDINATION CHEMISTRY AND ORGANOMETALLICS Syllasbus Defination, nomenclature (simple complexes), Elementary idea of Werner's Theory. Isomerism in coordination compounds (Ster, cochemistry to be excluded) Bonding and stability of coordination com- pounds. Organometallic compounds definition and preparation. Applications of coordination compounds and organometallic compounds Objectives In this unit we shall study — + Definition and nomenclature of coordination compounds; + Wemer's theory to explain coordination compounds; + Isomerisms (simple) in coordination compounds; + Bonding and stability of coordination compounds; + Definition and methods of preparation of otganometallies, and + Applications of coordination organometallic compounds. In the previous unit, we leamt that one of the characteristic properties of transition metals ‘is their ability to form complex or coordination compounds. These compounds play a vital role in our lives. The importance of these compounds can be realised from the fact that life would not have been possible without existence of chlorophyll (Mg-complex) in plants and haemoglobin (Fe complex) in the blood of animals, When solutions containing two or more simple stable compounds in molecular proportions are allowed to evapo- rate, crystals of new substances are obtained. Thus, @ — KC1+ MgCl, + 6,0 + KCI MgCl, 64,0 (Carnallite) Gi) K,80, + Al, (80), + 24H, O9K,SO, Al, (SO,), 24H1,0 (Potash alum) and (ii) (NH), SO, + FeSO, + 61,0 — FeSO, (NH), SO, 61,0 (Mohr's salt) (iv) CuSO, + 4NH, > CuSO, 4NH, (Tetrammine copper sulphate) () Fe (CN), + 4KCN > Fe(CN), 4KCN or K, [Fe(CN),] (Pot. ferrocyanide ) These compounds can be divided into two groups (a) Double salts, and () Co-ordination (compounds) (a) Double salts These are the addition compounds which are stable in the solid state but break up into its constituents in dissolved state. In such compounds the individual properties of the constituents are not lost. For example, an aqueous solution of camnaite (KCI.MgC1 ,.6H,0) show the properties of K*, Mg” and Cl ions. (6) Coordination or Complex compounds ‘The addtion compounds in which some of the constituent ions Or molecules lose their iden- tity and when dissolved in water they do not break up completely into individual ions, are called coordinate compounds. The properties of their solutions are different than those of their constitu- ents, When crystals of CuSO, . 4NH, are dis- solved in water there is hardly any evidence for the presence of Cu ions or ammonia molecules. A new ion, [Cu (NH,],", is furnished in which ammonia molecules are directly linked with the metal ion. Similarly, the aqueous solution of Fe(CN),4KCN does not give test of Fe and CN: ions but gives the test for a new ion, [Fe(CN),J*. The ions [Cu(NH,),]"* and [Fe(CN),|* are called complex ions. 1.1 DEFINITION The term co-ordination is coined for (complex) addition compounds; because in all such compounds the central metal ion forms dative or co-ordinate bonds with the species 176 J Chemistry-12 surrounding it HN HN A coordination compound contains a central metal atom or cation which is surrounded by a suitable number of anions ot neutral molecules and usually retains its identity in solutions as well as in solid state, e.g [Ag(NH)),] Cl; KIAg(CNJ]: K,{Fe(CN),] ete. 11.1.1 Terminology used : Co-ordination sphere: In the complexes, the central metal ion alongwith the non-ionisable ligands attached. It is always written in a square bracket [ ]. This part of the complex is called co-ordination sphere. The portion present outside the square brackets is called ionisation sphere. For example, in a complex (Cu(NH),], SO, the part [Cu(NH,),}* is called co-ordination sphere and SO,” constitutes ionisation sphere. Co-ordination number : The total number of ligands (neutral molecules or negative ions) attached the central metal atom in the co— ordination sphere is called co-ordination number of the metal atom. For example, in [Cu(NH,),]SO, coordination number of Cu'* is Ligand : The neutral molecules or ions that surround the metal ion in a complex are known as ligands (derived from the latin word ligate meaning to bind). Ligands are normally polar molecules such as NH,, H,0 or anions such as Cl, OH-, 'CN- ete, which have at least one unshared pair of valence electrons, They get attached to the central metal ion by a co-ordinate ‘or dative bond. The atom in the ligand which is involved in the formation of co-ordinate bond with central metal atom is called coordinating atom or donor atom, A donor atom is also referred to as donor site of the ligand. A ligand may contain one or more donor sites. Depending upon the number of donor sites, the ligands may be classified as ( — Monodentate (one donor site) : NH, HO, Cl, OH, CD (ii) Bidentate (Two donor sites) ete. 0 =c-0- | 0 =C-0- He iu, ete u~ ~~ coon (ii) Tridentate (Three donor sites) NH,-CH,-CH,-NHCH,-CH-NH, (iv) Tetradentate (Four donor sites) N(CH,CH.NH,), Triethylamine ammonia (¥) Hexadentate (Six donor sites): EDTA (HOOCCH,)N-CH,-CH,-N ( CH,COOH). (Ethylene diamine tetraetc acid) Chelating ligands ‘When a multidentate ligand simultaneously co-ordinates to a metal ion by more than one donar site, then a ring like structure is obtained. It is called a chelate ring, and the ligand is known as chelating ligand (irom Greek word ch meaning claw). Thus o=c-0 o-c=0 No i Cu | H, iH, GN “Nn = cu cH,—-N7 \N—CH, i, H Charge on complex ion and oxidation number of the central atom ‘The charge on the complex ion is the algebric sum of the charges carried by central ‘metal, and the ligands attached to it. For example. [Co(NH,),]CI, The complex ion has charges, indicating oxidation state of coablt (IID) [Co™(NH,), I" Ch, Similary, in K,[Fe(CN),] the complex [Fe"(CH))],;, has 4-charges, this indicates iron hhas oxidation state, Fe(II). Thus, (i) the sum Coordination Chemistry and Organometallies / 17 charges of the constituents is equal to zero the complex is neutral and (ii) for an anionic ot cationic complex, the sum of charges of constitu- ents is equal to the charge on the coordination sphere. 11.1.2: Nomenclature The international union of pure and applied chemistry (IUPAC) published rules for the systematic naming of coordination compounds in 1957 1. Cation is named first followed by the anion. 2, Names of the ligands are cited first followed by the name of the central metal atom. 3. Names of complex cations and neutral molecules have no distinguishing termination, names of the complex anions end inate’ 4, The ligands are cited in their order in the formula, Names of the anionic ligands end in-O, those of neutral arid cationic ligands are the same as for the molecule or cation, exceptions being H,O (termed ‘aquo’) and NI, (termed 'ammine’) 5. Prefixes mono, di, tri, ete are used to indicate the number of the individual ligands in the complex. When the name of the ligand includes numerical prefix, then the terms, bis, tris, tetrakis are used, the ligand to which they refer being placed in parentheses. 6. Oxidation state of the metal in cation, anion or neutral complex is indicated by Roman) numeral in parentheses. 7. According to the latest IUPAC conventions the names of ligands surrounding the cen- tral metal atom are written in alphabetical order of preference irrespective of whether they are negative ‘or neutral. The names of some co— ordination compounds on the Some of these rules are stated below: basis of these rules are given below: Formula jame NICO), Tetracarbonylnickel (0) [Co(NH,,JCl, Hexaamminecobalt (ID chloride [Cr(NH,),CICI, Pentaammine chloro Chromium (IID chloride [Cx(H,0,C1,]C1 Tetraaquodichlorochromium (Il) chloride Potassium tetracyanonickelate (0) {Co(NH,),(NO,),] Triamminetrinitrocobll (IID) [PUNH,),]CI, Hexaamineplatinum (IV) Chloride K,[Fe(CN),] Potassium hexacyanoferrate (Il) (Cr(H,0),(NH)),IC1, Triamminetriaquochromium (Il) chloride Diamminedichloroplatinurn (U1) KINWCN),) (PUNE), Cl) 10.13: Werner's Theory : Wermer in 1893, proposed coordination theory to explain the properties and structure of various metal ammines of cobalt, chromium, platinum, etc. It was first successful attempt which satisfactorily described the formation of coordination compounds from stable molecules. The important postulates are : i) Metals possess two types of valencies; (a) Primary (principal) or ionisable, (b) secondary or non-ionisable, ii) Every metal has a fixed number of secondary valencies or coordination number (CN), CN. indicates the number of groups associated through electron pair bonding with a central metal in a coordination compound. Cupric copper (II) has the CN cobalt (II) and platinum (IV) have CN. = 6. iii) Primary valency of the metal is satisfied by negative ions, but secondary valencies may be satisfied by negative groups, neutral molecules (like H,0,NH, ete.) or even sometimes some positive groups. In every case, the coordination number of the metal must be fulfilled, iv) The secondary valencies are directed in space about the central metal ion. For metals with coordination number 6, the six valencies were regarded as directed to the apices of a regular octahedron circumscribed about the metal ion. Again, for metals with coordination number 4, the four such valencies are either arranged in a planar ot fa tetrahedral manner. This gives rise to 178 / Chemistry-12 various types of isomerism. Werner could isolate even optical isomers. Thus [Co(NH,),ICI, is pictorially repre- sented as below’ For the sake of distinction the primary valencies are shown in dotted lines whereas the secondary valencies are in bold lines. ‘Wermer isolated two geometrical isomers for (CoNH,),CLJCL NH, cl HN NH, HAN NH, co ‘cot HN cl HN —]— NH, a cl 1, 2-0F cis-isomer 1,6-or isomer (Vilio cobaltic chloride)(Praseo cobaltic chloride) According to the modern concept the primary valencies usually indicate the oxidation number of the metal ion, whereas the secondary valencies refer to the co-ordination number. 10.2 Isomerism in coordination compounds ‘The compounds having same molecular formula but different physical and chemical properties on account of different structures are called isomers and the phenomenon as isomerism. In Coordination compounds met- als may have series of coordination numbers and can have different geometries. Hence large variety, of isomerism are seen amongst coordination compounds. In general these may be divided into two groups: (A) Structural isomerism, and (B) Stereo-isomerism (Not in the syllabus) A. Structural isomerism In this type of isomerism the isomers have different arrangement of ligands around the central metal atom The various types of structural isomerism are being discussed as follows: _Tonisation isomerism ‘This type of isomerism arises when the coordination compounds give different ions in solution, for example, there are two isomers of the formula Co(NH,),BrSO,: i) [CO(NH,),Br]SO, and ii) [CO(NH,),SO,]Br. (@ [CoH ,Br] SO, as [CotNH),} + $02" (violet) __pentamine cobalt(II) ion The isomer gives a white precipitate of BaSO, with BaCI, solution. Gi) [Co(NH,),$0,] Bre [Co(NH),S0,' + Br (Red) (pentammine sulphato cobalt (II) ion) This isomer does not give precipitate with BaCl,, but gives yellow precipitate of AgBr with AgNO,. (2) Hydrate isomerism This type of isomerism arises because of capability of water molecules to appear in a variety of ways, inside and outside the coordination sphere to give a number of hy- drate isomers. for example, there are three hydrate isomers of the formula CrCl, 6H,0 as shown below, + [crd4,0),ICl,, Hexaaquo chromium(IID) chloride (violet) + (Cr(H,0),CI]C1,.H,0 Pentaaquochloro chromium(ID) Chloride Monohydrate (blue green) + [Cr(H,0),CIICLH,O ‘Tetraaquodichloro chromium(II) chloride dihydrate (green) (3) Linkage isomerism ‘When a ligand can attach itself (o the metal ion through two or more different atoms (ambident ligands, e.g. CNS-, NO,S,0,%, or CN*), linkage isomers result, which can easily be identified by Coordination Chemistry and Organometallics / 179 infrared spectroscopy. Thus, {Co(NH,),NOJCI, and [Co(NH,),ONOJCI, pentamine nitro pentamine nitrito cobalt(II} chloride cobalt (IM) chloride (yellow) (red) (4) Coordination isomerism Salts having complex cations and anions show the co-ordination isomerism through the interchange of one ligand or more from cation to anion, Thus [COANH,)] (CHCN),] and (Cx(NH,),] [Co(CN),] or [Cu(NHL,], ([PtCl] & [PUNH)),] [CuCl] are the coordinate isomers. 10.3 Bonding and stability of coordination com- pounds 10.3.1. Bonding in Coordination Compounds First successful explanation of bonding in complexes was given by Wemer in 18 93. Werner's theory was explained in terms electronic theory of valency by Sidgwick in 1923. However, the modern theories (i) Valence bond theory(VBT), (ii) Ligand field theory (LIT), and (ii) Molecular orbital theory (MOT) have tried to explain the structures, stability, colour and magnetic properties of coordination compounds. Out of these simplest theory is VBT. Valence Bond Theory: Valence Bond Theory, was developed by Pauling in 1925, According to this theory. 1) Asin complexes metal ion functions as Lewis acid, a suitable number (equal to the coordi- nation number) of vacant orbitals must be present on the central atom for the formation: of co- ordinate bonds with suitable filled ligand orbitals 2) These orbitals, on the metal ion, are then hybridised to give stronger bonds with fixed directional property 3) The hybridised orbitals are -then allowed to overlap with those ligands ~orbitals that can donate electron-pair for bonding. 4) The metal can use either inner d-orbitals or outer d-orbitals in hybridisation. When inner orbitals are used low spin, inert complexes are formed; which are quite stable, When outer d-orbitals are used high spin, labile (reactive) complexes are formed; which are less stable. Metal ions use their inner orbit als, with ligands having low electronegativity donor atoms (e.g CN-, NH, etc); while with the ligands having high electronegativity do- nor atoms (e.g. F-, OH, etc) use their outer c-orbitals. K,Fe(CN), is an example of inner complex, while K(FeF ,) is the example of an outer complex. The most important coordination numbers are 4 and 6. In four coordination compounds two geometries are seen, the square planar complexes in which the metal iol-: is dsp” hydridised and the tetrahedron complexes, which involve Sp" hydridisation, Six coordination compounds are octa- hedral, in which metal ion is d'sp’¢inner complex) or sp'd? (outer complex) hybridised. The examples of these coordination numbers are given below: Six coordination complex (Inner complex : [Co(NH,),Cl, Co ion BOGS Q CGO COQCO 4s ~ ap 4a In [Co(NH),]" ion @@@LO__© sp’ hybridisation (i) Outer Complex : [CoF In [CoF)]* ion OOOOH @OPOO sds ap sp'& hybridisation Four Coordination complexes (Square planner complex : (Ni(CN),]" ion @@@OO_ O COO COOOO 3d 4s 4p ia In [NU(CN),}* ion OOOH © disp? hybridisation (ii) Tetrahedral complex : [Ni(CO), In{ Ni(CO),] e 3d as 4p sp? hybridisation In this complex Ni is zero valent hence two electrons from 4s orbital are transferred to 3d orbitals making all the ten electrons paired. 180 / Chemistry-12 113. : Stability of Coordination compounds: The formation of a co-ordination compound involves reaction between a metal ion and ligands. If the force of attraction of the metal ion with ligands is strong stable complex may result, The reaction between a metal ion and ligands may be viewed as a Lewis acid-base reaction, If the’ interaction is strong the complex formed would be thermodynami- cally mote stable, The reaction between metal and a ligand can be described by the following equilib- rium: Me + nL === [MLn}* The stability constant of the complex can be defined as, ‘The magnitude of the stability constant gives ‘an indication of the stability of the complexes in solution. The greater is the value of stability con- stant, the greater will be the stability of the complex. The stability of a complex depends upon the factors pertaining to ~ (Metal ion -greater is the charge/radius (e/t) ratio more is the stability of the complex, and fi) Ligand more basic (better electron donor) is the ligand, greater is the stability of the complex Organometallic compound Organometallic compounds may be consid- cred as organic compounds of metals. These com- pounds contain one or more metal carbon bonds. However, metal carbides are not included amongst ‘organometallic compounds although they have metal carbon bond, since elemental carbon is not an ot- ganic compound. Truly speaking, metal compounds of hydrocarbons are organo-metallic compounds In 1830, Zeise prepared the first organometallic compound, PUC,HJCI,. The other well known organometallics are Grignard’s reagent, RMgx; ferrocene, [Fe(C,H,),] and Tetracthyl lead [Pb(C,H,),]. Organometallic chemistry is a rapidly ‘growing, area of chemistry. These compounds have been proved better reagents and effective catalyst for synthesis Organometallic compounds may be classi- fied into two groups: i) 6 ~bonded compounds, and 4 ii) complexes o-bonded compounds are metal alkyls or their derivatives, e.g. LiCH,; Zn(C,H),; CA(CH),: PO(C\H,),. R-MeX ete. These compounds contain ‘metal carbon bond parallel to metal hydrogen bond ‘in metal hydrides or metal halogen bond in metal halides, The nature of bond in these organometallics also varies with the nature of metal from highly ionic to purely covalent as it varies in case of metal hydrides or halides. Thus, while alkali and alkaline ‘earth metals give ionic metal-hydrocarbon bonding: Zn, C4, Cu, Al ete. form covalent metal hydrocarbon ‘6-bonding, ‘k-complexes involve coordination of r-elec- trons of the hydrocarbon to the vacant orbitals of transition metals. Common examples are Zeise's salt, ferrocene ete, Metal carbonyls ate also in- cluded amongst organometallics. According to the M ~0 bonding and Metal —> Legand (L) m (back) bonding. Struc- tures of these complexes are given in Fig. 10.1 104.1; Methods of preparation of Organometallics (a) By reacting metal with alkyl halide. These reactions take place in presence of some suit- able solvents e.g. diethyl ether. R-X+ 2M —(2H820 Rot + MX Me «Rx —CHCHRNO , Rye x (b) Reaction of an organometallic reagent with metal halides SnCl,+4Buli + (Butyl Lithium) POCI, + 4EtMgBr > Et,Pb + 4MgBrCI (Tetraethy-Pb) (©) Preparation of —complexes i) HC=CH, + PCP [(CH)PCL) + Cr (Zeise's salt) ii) 2H, +Cr(Vapour) {(C,H),Cr] Dibenzene chromium iii) 2CHMgBr+FeCl,o((C,H)),Fe]+ 2MgBrCl Ferrocene Bun + 4LiCl Coordination Chemistry and Organometallies / 181 = bond MeL Fig. : 10.1 (a) Metal-ehtylene bonding in zeise’s salt Re kpcie 640) Zeise’s salt Fig. 10.5. Applications of co-ordination compounds Coordination compounds possess many in- teresting physicochemical properties, hence are used in different fields. In addition to this they play vital role in the biological activity. The important appli- cation of coordination compounds are given below: 1. These compounds constitute the minerals, plants and also animals. 2. They play vital role in practically every bio- logical activity. 3. Basis for photosynthesis in plants is chloro- phyll, a Mg complex. @ fe OD Pell), crete. Dibenzene Chroiam 0.1 (b) Structure of some t-bonded organometallies Similarly, important component of animal blood (respiration) is haemoglobin an iron— complex. Coordination compounds are formed during metallurgy, water softening, electroplating, ion exchange, textile dying ete. Large number of complexing agents are used in analytical chemistry for the qualitative and quantitative estimation of metallic ions Number of complexes and complexing agents are now used in medicines. ‘Fixing’ in photography also involve forma- 182 / Chemistry-12 tion of complex (Hypodissolves unexposed AgBr to give argentothiosulphate complex). 105.2. Applications of Organometallic com- pounds: Organometallics are quite important as start- ing materials for variety of organic synthesis (e.g. Grignard’s reagent and metal alkyls), They are also used as catalysts in industry. Thus, 1, Silicones are used as polymers having variety of properties. 2. TEL (Tetra ethyl lead) is used as antiknock in ‘gasoline (due to pollution problems its use as antiknock is restricted now). 3. Grignard’s reagent and metal alkyls are im- portant reagents for organic synthesis. 4. Metallurgy of nickel involves important use of Ni(CO), for the separation and purilica- tion of nickel. 5. An organometallic-Rhodium compound, Que: Descriptive Questions 1. What are coordination compounds? In what way they are different/from double salts? 2. How coordination compounds are named to IUPAC system? Give suitable examples. 3. How Wemer explained bonding in complex ‘compounds? What explanation was given by Sidgwick for Wemer’s postulates? 4, Define Coordination sphere, Coordination number, Ligand and Chelate. Give suitable examples, 5. Give structural formula of blue-vitriol and indicate primary and secondary valency of ‘copper in this molecule. What is the coordi- nation number of Cu(II) in this compound? 6. What do you mean by isomerism? Give dif- ferent types of general isomerism seen in coordination in compounds. 7. What do you mean by ‘stability of a coordi- nation compound’? How it is expressed? On what factors does it depend? 8. What are organometallic compounds? Why ‘metal carbonyls are studied along with ‘organometallics? Give examples of different types of organometallies 9. How the coordination and organometallic ‘compounds are important to our life? Give Wilkinson's catalyst, [Rh(Pph,),Cl], is used as a homogeneous catalyst in the hydrogena- tion of alkene, Similarly, Zeiglar —Natta is a heterogeneous catalyst in the polymerisation of ethylene. Important concept 1 10. 12, 14, 15 Formation of coordination compounds results from the Lewis acid property of the metal ions with high efr ratio, Structural isomerism, in coordination com- pounds, results due to different arrangement of ligands around the central metal ion; while the stereo isomerism results due (o the spatial orientation of secondary valency, Shapes of the coordination compounds de- cided by the electronic configuration of metal jon and hence the type of hybridisation which the metal ion undergoes during coordination of the ligands. as and problems. important uses of these compounds. How bonding in coordination compounds can explain their structures. Give examples of different strereochemistries (Answer with the held of VBT) ‘What are inner and outer complexes? Explain why- i) ferrocyanide [Fe(CN),]* ion is dia- magnetic but ferroluoride ion (Fe(F,)* is paramagnetic and ii) (PUCL*is square planar, but Ni(CO), is tetrahedral is geometry? Give TUPAC names/formulae of the following complexes: (@) KIPICL Bn), &) [CoNH,), CLH,O)ICI, (6) [Co(en),|CL, (a) Zeise's salt (e) Ferrocene, ( Sodium pentacyano nitrosyl ferrate (ID. ‘Name the type of isomerism exhibited by the {following pairs (2) [Co(NH,),Br]S0,and [Co(NH,),S0,]Br (b)[CotNH,) NO, JCI, and [Co(NH,),ONOIC, (©) [Cr(H,0),JC1, and [Cr(#,0),C1}C12.H,0 (a) [PUNH,),[PCCL and [PUNH,),CL{PtCL] Give type of hybridisation and structures of (a) [CUONH,) J* (b) [PICL} [Fe(CN) J How bonding in Zeise' salt can be explained using hybridisation? Give structure with suit- Coordination Chemistry and Organometallics / 183, able explanation of bonding. Short Answer Questions. 1, Howone can distinguish between ~ (a) (b) 2 10. u 12, ‘A double salt and a_ coordination compound. Coordination number and oxidation number in a complex compound. Give examples of bidentate and tridentate ligands. Why they form chelates? Which stereo isomers were given by Werner for [Co(NH,),CI, 1’ ion? Give their structures and names, What is ‘effective atomic number (EAN)? Calculate EAN of iron and nickel in K Fe(CN), and Ni(CO), respectively; Draw structure of ferrocene and show how the metal is linked in this compound? Show the types of hybridisation involved in giving the following geometrics to the com- plexes. (a) Square planar (b) Tetrahedral (©) Octahedral Give two examples each to show ~ 4) Tonisation isomerism and ii) Linkage isomerism Why metal carbides, metal cyanides and metal carbonyls are not included amongst organometallics? Metal carbonyls are generally studied along with organometallics. Why? Give two examples to show utility of com- plexes as catalyst. Give structures of various hydrate-isomers for CoC, 6H,0. Also show how many chlo- ride ions can be precipitated with AgNO, solution in each case? Explain why- (a) Co(NH,),C1, is inert, but Co1,0),Cl, is labile (reactive) () (Pt Br, (NH)),] is square planar and [ZnCl F is tetrahedral (©) [CU(CN), is coourless, but Cu(NH,),"" is blue violet. Sood 13, 4 15, Give the types of hybridisation and shapes of (Fe(H,0), and Ni(CO), Give diagramatie representation of bonding in Zeise’ salt. Discuss Werner's theory taking example of CoC, 6NH, Very Short Answer Questions 1 10, iv 12, Give TUPAC names of (a) NafAg(S,0,),], (b) [Cu(H,0),]80,4,0 (©) NaFe(Fe'"(CN), Give primary and secondary valency of Fe(II) in FeSO, 7H,0 {n which of the following reactions complex is formed? KCI and MgC1, solutions are mixed in equimolar proportions and crystallised. NH, is added to copper sulphate solution. Precipitate of AgCl is dissolved in ammonia solution. CaS precipitate is dissolved in dil. INO,, In what way primary and secondary valencies differ? Give examples ‘What is coordination number? Give two ex- amples, (MP Board 2010) Give one example each of bidentate and hexadentate ligand, How oxidation state of the metal in a com- plex is worked out? Take examples of Ni(CO), K,Fe(CN), and Cu(NH,)SO, Give two examples to support definition of coordination isomerism. example of @ -bonded organometallic compound and show bonding in it Give one Give one example of bonded organometallic compound and show bonding in it. Give one example each of homogencous and heterogeneous catalysts, which are organometallics or complexes. Give one example of each of octahedral and tetrahedral complexes.

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