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Grapeseed Oil Half-Truths

Grapeseed Oil


By Alan Graham
With Alfred Lehmberg


Our food industry, at all, is a lie wrapped in a distortion

of half-disclosed
truths. A ravening beast of reptilian sociopathy, it
is abundantly facilitated
and very well employed to prosecute profit at
the exclusion of any other
sensibility. ...Any other, reader.

Yes, and to prosecute that very specific sensibility

at the unhealthful expense
of the consumer, our "food" industry
employs misinformation,
disinformation and bad information in just that
time-honored triad of ready
conspiracy and gleeful deceit. Yes Virginia,
"they," with the full support of
a corrupted mainstream, its
hijacked government, and assorted institutions
& media saturators...

The best way to tell a lie, of course, is to use "Half-Truths..."

or use truths to
prop up a falsehood. Say! Isn't this exactly what "Dieticians"
and all these
errant Poly Food Oil producers, like Grapeseed Oil, use to
trick you into
thinking that, not only is their POLY-unsaturated Grapeseed
Oil (GSO) a
healthful oil - but that it is oil even superior to MONO-unsaturated

More patent misdirection? The GSO people especially like

to throw around
that largely irrelevant and misleading "High Smoke-Point"
crap to muddy
the nutritional water. Claiming superiority based on such
is far, far, far from
remotely legitimate... where it is not a foul hubris,
a societal tragedy, and a
stupefying malfeasance.

As a map and to be fair, I'm going to direct most of

my contrast &
comparison to the more expensive and better quality Cold
(<120 degrees F)
Expeller-Pressed (Unrefined) Grapeseed Oil - after
a brief explanation of
the kinds of Refined Poly-unsaturated Oils (mostly
Soy & Corn) that you
buy at the grocery store. Let's roll.

Evilly Unhealthful "Poly" Food Oils:

Dieticians blithely tell us that both Poly-unsaturated

& Mono-unsaturated[11/29/2015 11:19:06 AM]

Grapeseed Oil Half-Truths

Food Oils are healthful because they are both beautiful

liquid oils at room
temp. This is complete CRAP, where not an injurious
insult! It violates
Uncle Al's "FAT RULE #1"...

..."A Saturated Fat is no more necessarily BAD because

it is solid - than an
Oil is necessarily GOOD because it is liquid."

Solid-at-room-temp, Saturated Fat (SatFat) & liquid

Mono-unsaturated Oils
like Olive Oil are very stable! They don't easily
oxidize & go rancid
because the Mono (One) carbon-carbon double-bond
is chemically nonreactive... oh yeah, and wholesome, undamaged SatFat
has no delicate
double-bonds at all! SatFat, actually, is your bodies
Fat-of-Choice for most

On the other hand, Poly Oil (Poly means 'many' carbon-carbon

doublebonds) like Soy, Corn & yes, Grapeseed oil with 2 double-bonds...
has a
reactive unpaired Electron! Consequently, it is Unstable & will
go rancid
easily with exposure to heat, air, light & time.

Most grocery store Poly oils like Corn or Soy -universally

if outrageously
called "Vegetable-Oil"- start going rancid immediately
due to the air & hiheat of commercial pressing, so they must be RBDed
(refined, bleached &
deodorized) with even HIGHER heat to destroy the
rancid smell... but this
hi-heat deodorization also pretty much destroys
the Oil itself!

This "dead," RBDed, and nutritionally weak

oil will equate to a long shelf
life at room temp after the bottle is opened
& it will smell fresh straight
from the store, but in fact, is already
rancid & teaming with cancercausing/heart-stopping free-radicals called
Lipid Peroxide.

These free-radicals attack cell membranes, red blood

cells, and cause
DNA/RNA damage. This contributes to resulting mutations
in tissue, blood
& skin! The preceding can cause or exacerbate virtually
any disease, reader,
especially Cancer & Heart Disease!

See? RBDed Poly Food Oils should never be used for ANYTHING!
pretty much includes every grocery store Food Oil- except Olive oil.

I add that some Poly Seed-Oils like Grapeseed Oil are

very low-yield oils, so
toxic solvents like Hexane are routinely used to
suck out enough oil to be
commercially profitable. Unfortunately, some
of the Hexane is always left
behind, which is a shame, eh? Right... so
avoid using these oils!

OK, then, but what about the "good-stuff" (sneer

quotes) poly oils...
Unrefined, Hexane-Free, Cold Expeller-Pressed Poly
Food Oils like some
of the, necessarily, fairly expensive Grapeseed oils?
These expeller-pressed
Poly-Oils can start out directly after pressing
with minimum oxidation, it's[11/29/2015 11:19:06 AM]

Grapeseed Oil Half-Truths

touted, so they are portrayed as safe and

healthful oils which can be used for
salads or frying ... "especially
when you consider they have a very high
Smoke-Pt." No!

See, this is where misdirection & several half-truths

are used to confuse
folks! As shown, these 1/2 truths run from "almost-true"
to complete
"idiotic-silliness." Here are some promised examples
of this deception with
regard to the Unrefined, Expeller-Pressed Grapeseed

1/2 Truth # 1.. "GSO has a much higher Smoke-Point

(SmPt) than ExtraVirgin Olive Oil (EVOO)".

...No! ....Well, Yes, but watch close as this gets tricky.

Yes, GSO does have
a higher Smoke-Pt. than Olive Oil because GSO has few
impurities & a
natural substance that raises the Smoke-Point, <BUT>
...isn't it errantly
implied that GSO has even less oxidation at temp's
below the SmPt of Olive
Oil, so Grapeseed Oil is safer as the temp increases
above room temp for

Yes, it is so errantly implied! Though, contrary to the

preceding implication,
GSO is an unstable and potentially toxic POLY-Oil
(as per above)
beginning to Oxidize the second you start to raise the temp
for cooking! The
high smoke point is irrelevant; you still fry your food
in "toxic waste" even
if you stay well below the SmPt!

The stable MONO-Oil (like Olive Oil) may have a lower

SmPt, but it will
NOT rapidly oxidize like the highly reactive POLY-Oils
as the heat goes
up. Consequently, you should never cook with Unrefined
PolyFood Oils...
of any stripe or quality!

Additionally, these Unrefined POLY-Oils like GSO will

rapidly go rancid
(after the bottle has been opened) just sitting around
at room temp! They
should be refrigerated... unlike Stable MONO Olive
Oil that will stay good
for months at room temp & even years if it
is a very cool, dark place.

1/2 Truth # 2.. "GSO is very healthful because it

is high in the EFA
(Essential Fatty Acid), LA (linoleic acid) at a wonderful,
whopping 70%."
Conversely, the GSO people trumpet, the "Mono"
Omega-9 (Olive Oil)
only has a measly 8% of the "Poly" Essential
Fatty Acid, LA. "Essential,"
by the way, means you MUST HAVE
IT- but your body cannot make it, so
it must come from food.

The above, reader, is a "true statement" that

is COMPLETE wackiness...
watch how the reptiles make their magic...

...Yes, the Omega-6 (LA) is one of the 2 Poly fatty-acids

that are
"Essential", the other being Omega-3 (ALA) -- but, unlike
the Omega-3[11/29/2015 11:19:06 AM]

Grapeseed Oil Half-Truths

(ALA), that we need more of... we DON'T need more LA in our

need LESS... much, much less in fact!

This is because a too-much-of-a-good-thing-even-essential

Omega-6 LA is
very unhealthful <BUT> because this "Simple"
(as opposed to "Complex")
oil is already found in EVERY form
of food... to include fruit astonishingly- we never run short of "Simple",
ubiquitous & cheap (albeit
"Essential"), Omega-6, LA!

Mother-Nature abundantly insured we get plenty of UNDAMAGED

Omega-6 (LA) in nuts, seeds, veggies, fruit & meat without having to
to over-dosing on unhealthful, potentially toxic Omega-6 (LA) Poly
oils, reader, a food item very rarely consumed at all by lay humanity
just a
hundred years ago!

See reader, because we are already inundated with unnecessary

(LA), from GSO, Soy, Corn & Processed Foods... that so-called
8% Omega-6 (LA), naturally found in Olive Oil is, in
fact, one of its most
healthful features...

You see, we just don't need more "Simple" Poly

"FOOD-OIL" (LA)... what
we need is more "Complex" Poly
"MEDICINAL-Oil" (GLA), like found in
Black Currant, Borage,
Primrose, Hemp, Seeds & Nuts.
Also we need more Omega-3's (like found in Flaxseed,
Fish, Krill & greenleafy veggies).

It remains! "Simple" Omega-6 Oils (LA), especially

the excessively high
ones, like Grapeseed at 70% Poly, Sunflower at 75%
Poly & Safflower at
80% Poly Oil, do all sorts of "BAD" things
- like the following :

Bad #1 -- High Omega-6 causes the critical EFA (Essential

Fatty Acid)
Ratio (the ratio between Omega-6 & Omega-3 Fatty-Acids)
to be at a heartstopping 20 or 30 to1 Ratio instead of the healthful 4
to1 (or less) Ratio. For
every increase above 4 to1 the death rate increases.

FYI: 100 years ago with no processed foods to speak of,

remember, people
consumed, on average, 1 pound of Omega-6 Food-Oil per
year we
average 75 pounds of Omega-6 annually.

Quickie fat lesson: The reason the Omega-6's & 3's

are "ESSENTIAL" and
are the 2 Fatty-Acids used for the CRITICAL
EFA Ratio (& not the
Omega-9, like Olive Oil or other fats) is because
there are 2 EFA
Prostaglandin Pathways (PW's) that are found in EVERY cell
of your body.

These pathways use "Simple" Omega-6 & "Simple"

Omega-3 to "cascade"
down their individual chemical paths to
become ever more "Complex"
which makes the new, resulting Fatty-Acids
more powerful & exponentially[11/29/2015 11:19:06 AM]

Grapeseed Oil Half-Truths

more healthful.

The 2 PW's lead to 3 different Prostaglandins which are

THE "SuperHormones" controlling virtually everything that goes
on in your body, but in
particular the Big-4: Inflammation, Platelet-stickiness,
Blood Pressure &
Allergic Reactions.

The two "slow-moving" Prostaglandins, the Series-1

& the Series-3
(wrongly called the "good" Prostaglandins)
are always trying to be
"undone" by the single "hi-speed",
Series-2 Prostaglandin (wrongly called
the "Bad" Prostaglandin).
They are not GOOD or BAD...they just are what
they are, reader. Necessary
for life!

Virtually everything you stick in your mouth effects

this prostaglandin
balance... especially Omega-6 & 3 Fatty-Acids...but
many others that are
good, bad or both.

You can easily bring down your EFA Ratio by getting Omega-6
(Soy, Corn,
Canola, Grapeseed, etc.) OUT OF YOUR LIFE & switching to
(Extra-Virgin Olive or Macadamia Nut Oils)! See, all the Omega-9
in the
world has virtually NO effect on the EFA Ratio.
Remember, it is ONLY the 6's & 3's that dramatically
affect the ratio in

To further lower your EFA Ratio, increase your Omega-3

ALA (alpha
linolenic acid) with Fresh-ground Flaxseed, Hulled-Raw Hempseed,
Currant Seed Oil & green-leafy veggies.

So, by reducing your Omega-6 & raising the Omega-3

you can get the EFA
Ratio down to about 4 to1 <BUT> if you go "Full-Tilt-Boogey"
and then
add a few grams of "Complex" Omega-3's from Krill or
Fish Oil you might
get the ratio down a little closer to an even more desirable
1 to1 Ratio...Like
the Inuit (Eskimos) with lowest % of heart disease on
the planet, while
gorging on blubber (SatFat) your brain-dead dieticians
say will kill you.

Bad #2 -- Excessive consumption of Omega-6 LA uses up

all of the critical
D6D enzyme, so there is none left to start the "Simple"
Omega-3 ALA
"cascading" down its Prostaglandin Pathway to convert
"Complex" Omega-3's (EPA & DHA) that a person
might normally get
from Fish, Krill Oil & Eggs.

Consequently, Omega-6 LA Oil is especially bad for Vegetarians

this conversion is the only way they can get the more Complex Omega-3's,
which are in fact the real "Work-Horse" Omega-3 Fatty-Acids.

Unfortunately, even under ideal conditions the conversion

is less than 5 or
10%...not to mention a half dozen other things that Vegetarians,
in[11/29/2015 11:19:06 AM]

Grapeseed Oil Half-Truths

particular, do that will stop the Essential-Fatty-Acid conversion dead

in its
tracks... like eating lots of Sugar, Margarine & Soy. Not good.

BAD #3 -- If the Omega-6 LA did NOT gobble up all the

D6D enzyme, then
the Omega-3 would be able to "cascade" on down
the Pathway & use the
next Desaturase Enzyme in line, the D5D, to do
a "good thing" and finish
the job of converting ALA to the other
powerful Omega-3, EPA, which
then activates the "Anti-Inflammatory",
Series-3 Prostaglandin.

...BUT, and this is key, if there is too much Omega-6

(like Grapeseed Oil),
there won't be any ALA cascading down the Omega-3
pathway, so all that
D5D enzyme will be forced to -"Go Over to the
DARK Side"- (the Omega6 side) & do a "bad thing", which
is convert DiHomo-GLA to the
"Inflammation-causing" Series-2
Prostaglandin... INSTEAD of letting it
convert to the "good guy",
the "Anti-Inflammatory", Series-1 Prostaglandin.

If this all sounds like Greek to you... please go my

paper "Fat Facts" to read
a more complete and easier to understand
explanation. This includes a
Picture diagram of both Cascading Prostaglandin
pathways and the foods,
etc. that effect each of the many steps along the
way... like why the
pregnant Mia Farrow was eating Raw Liver in the movie
Baby"'s Prostaglandins, Folks.

Also if you would like to read more about Bad Fats from
my buddy "The
Leaf Lady" then go to
... she's only
been a holistic practitioner for 50 years.

1/2 Truth # 3.. "GSO is high in *Essential* (MUST

HAVE) POLYunsaturated Omega-6 Oil at 70%... where Olive Oil is 76%, NON-Essential
MONO-unsaturated Omega-9, so grapeseed oil has to be MUCH better
it is essential & olive oil is NOT essential."

OK, I've already told you the answer to this silly yet
"nearly truthful"
statement. Yeah, the Omega-6 is "Essential"
but, like I said above, we
already, normally, get way too much Simple Omega-6
anyway! So? That
high 70% LA... is a bad thing, see - not a good thing!

Also, the 76% Omega-9 in Olive Oil, being NON-Essential

is in fact a very
good thing because it will have No effect on the Omega-6
to Omega-3 EFA
Ratio... not to mention, AGAIN, that Omega-9 is stable (resists
where Omega-6 is UNSTABLE and potentially toxic.

It should be clear that expensive Unrefined Grapeseed

Oil should not be
heated because its "Poly-ness" causes it to
oxidize rapidly. On the other
hand it should not be used cold, either,
because its high Omega-6 (70%)
throws your Omega-6 to Omega-3 EFA Ratio
completely out of[11/29/2015 11:19:06 AM]

Grapeseed Oil Half-Truths

whack...where Omega-9, Olive oil does NONE of these harmful


So NO Poly Food Oils like Soy, Corn, Peanut, Cottonseed,

Sunflower, Safflower & yes, even Canola.

Fats to cook with :

1). Olive Oil - Stable Mono oil (at 76% Mono) that resists
oxidation fairly
well as temp goes up. Moderate SmPt in the low 300's.
Does not require
refrigeration... but light & air cause slow oxidation
- fruity, exotic, otherworldly taste.

2). Macadamia Nut Oil - Stable Mono oil (at 80% Mono)
with the highest
SmPt of any UNrefined Mono Oil at close to 400. Does
not require
refrigeration...but light & air cause slow oxidation -
bland, neutral taste &

3). Coconut Oil (Unrefined, Hexane-Free, Extra-Virgin)

- Very, very stable,
magical SatFat called MCT's that has a moderate SmPt
in the mid 300's but
because it is born in the heat of the tropics it has
POWERFUL heat-resistant
Anti-oxidants protecting it from oxidation &
NO delicate double-bonds to
be effected as the temp heads up toward that

It does not require refrigeration & oh yeah, it is

so stable & protects itself so
well, that it will stay good at room
temp for up to 5 freaking years.

Consuming Ccnut Oil anti-oxidants protects your body,

and the other more
delicate Fatty-Acids you consume, in the same way it
protects itself. This is
just one of the many reasons Ccnut Oil is in
EVERY Baby formula!
Additionally, those same MCT's are also very high
in breast-milk! Don't
believe the evil, mendacious, contrived lies that
doctors & dieticians tell
about Coconut Oil.

Reader, every time you hear a dietician say that Coconut

Oil is heart
unhealthy because it is 90% Solid Saturated Fat... you know
they are: either
black-hearted evil liars or they are as dumb as a bag
of broken mousetraps.

Sincerely, to maintain such rarified ignorance they must

every morning
attach their horse-blinders to the sides of their head firmly
so they can not
see anything on the periphery - but only see what's put
right in front of their
ignorant little noses... ok, circuit-breakers are
getting warm...

I hope that wasn't too harsh... No, wait. I don't care

that it was harsh!
Actually, if you want to know the truth... if I didn't
respect PG rated
concerns it would be a lot harsher! Anyway, I digress.

4). Ghee (clarified-butter) - This is the "REAL

DEAL" for hi-heat cooking
with its extraordinarily high SmPt at close
to 500 degrees. This is because[11/29/2015 11:19:06 AM]

Grapeseed Oil Half-Truths

with Clarifed-Butter the water & proteins

are removed.

Ghee will not break down or oxidize as the temp goes

up because it is a very
stable SatFat with NO delicate double-bonds to
be destroyed and so go
rancid and toxic. Additionally, the arcane short-chained
Fatty-Acids in
Ghee have extreme anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory healing
It will raise HDL & Lower LDL cholesterol, so it is
GREAT for your Heart.

If you keep Ghee in an air tight container at room temp

it can last for
YEARS without oxidizing. And please don't mention to
"dieticians" that
what is essentially real "Butter"
(but clarified) is good for yourheart, brain,
joints, eyes & it lowers
cholesterol... ...because if you do tell them - it might
make their pointy
little heads implode. A billion Ayurvedic Indians are
likely on to something,

Vegetable Ghee (2 types) :

(1). Pure Palm Oil Ghee is OK...not as good as real Butter

Ghee but pretty
good, none the less, as long as you don't see the word
(inter-ester-ified) or Vegetable Oil anywhere
in the ingredients section or on
the label.

(2). pHVO (partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil) [Toxic

Alert!] Ghee... a
TransFat ABOMINATION just like Margarine! Those who
sully the sacred
word "Ghee" by sticking it on something akin
to deadly "Flavored Crisco"
should be summarily sterilized to
keep them from urinating in the shallow
end of the "Gene-Pool."
I mean it reader! Such evilness should be
penalized. Such intention
should be prosecuted!

"Gee wiz Al, what about other "Specialty"

Mono cooking oils I see, like
Walnut, Hazelnut & Almond with very high
SmPt's in the 400's or...
Avocado Oil with a SmPt over 500?"

Don't be fooled... these are Refined oils that should

be avoided unless you
find them in their Unrefined form...but guess what?
Then their SmPts will be about 100 degrees lower than
the refined form! For
example, Walnut Oil drops from 400 (refined) to
320 (unrefined)... Sesame
seed oil drops from 450 to 350..etc, etc.

Also avoid the Oil that I have actually seen idiots get
"misty-eyed" over!
These are mouth-breathers who love Canola
Oil because they believe it to
be a Mono Unsat Oil ...just like Olive Oil...
NO! NO! No, it is NOT!
"Canola" is a partial Mono Oil at
a low 54% Mono which leaves plenty of
room for about 30 to 35% Poly...
which does all the BAD things Poly Oils
do. Canola is crap!

C'mon, get yourself some Ghee, Extra-Virgin Olive Oil,

Extra-Virgin[11/29/2015 11:19:06 AM]

Grapeseed Oil Half-Truths

Coconut Oil & real Butter and you have your Fat &
Oil requirements
covered... you don't need hazardous Grapeseed Oil or any
of the other
dangerous Poly-Food Oils.

...And please don't do like brain-dead dieticians do

all the time!
These try to meld toxic Poly FOOD Oils with non-toxic
Oils like Black Currant, Borage, Hemp, Flaxseed, Fish &
Krill, like they
were the same thing. Poly Medicinal Oils are processed
with expensive
refrigeration! Lumping them in with rancid Poly Food Oils
is just stupid...
they are an entity all their own.

Of course, that is just one of numerous misdirection's

(lies) that dieticians
tell concerning Fats & Oils. Read my paper
"Fat Facts" where I list their
8 most egregious lies &
half-truths.[11/29/2015 11:19:06 AM]

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