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DSFET iS _most “widely used, Enhancement _tupe 6 a ae in, ICs, e MOSFET (NMOS) idea petype subshate dielectnic_(sil'con dioxide) ) setype Font { nt fe nye 1 | = i aa b —o= meee Pee) — int Channel length. Typically (IH-65nm) depending. on technelog The _ thickness. of dielectric ee cally 2=50nm. GATE = _SouRCE DRA ee r on =F (body The _svbstrats) amd source ond drain fe e biased ot all times. We do . Diodes can be visualized as: The. diele dic lay er proents an ae . current flow im _pr ouk_of gate. IN rm_pn. junctions These are _ b Ahi connecting body “to sme J woRage h voltage at gate is zero (Yes =0¥).. 10. votkage. is opplied_ -tv_the gate two reverse biased in “series bebween drain, as No current flows. pth between drain amd source Is high _resistomce.. SR Ses Nee When stn velage ot sence 20 (Ns #0) 4, Nas D : Nas = Va-Vs =Vq Since sone is _grovnded, we call voltage applied at gale Vas. _ Ye. sve wltage ab. the gate rey repels holes _in_the_p* body leawing s ‘behind _o aaa depletion. region. Tt is populated by bouncl_charges (-ve 2 “G siete pas, present _i in_minority._ =4¥ts 5 ‘ ae assem p T—Chonnel Wher, 0 _ Suffialent__mno. of e"s. accumulate, c.__poth forms. between, drain ond Source. This is the channeb. _Tt is_olso_called inversion. Layer_b n-chormel__im a.__phype _Sebsbate. - sufficient _voHage Ves ot_which enovgh electrons _are accumulated _ co form a channel_is_called _Ahreshold voltage VT. ake and the channel -jerm. a. parallel plate. capacetor tah inbetween. i idevelops. inthe _v chon. Tus, the naming MOSFET ere eres e Field “_efcect ” Transistor Sb When _Vos_i$ 0, the. votbage, at ; ey point in the channel is 0 Vqs- i= Vov Noy = Voltage overdcve a Cox = Oxide copoditarce v Tn 3D Length of che channel =. Width of channel. = W. Cox = ox ~ (Capacitamce | axa.) . tox perraitiviry of S10: - Ww 0. 0.2 pin smore_the charge. This _means ie eve one ee case @_ When Vos _is_very = Gee When Vos #0 ‘oy Vo =e" 7 ticity? pt toflow through toe channel from drain to source. (conve When Vas has formed_o channel, a positive Vos couse a. current curvent). Also note that ig +0 When Vins is _very small, we con combine to assume thot the vettoge between, gate and various paints in the chanel is approx. the. kame. orid eqwol to Ves. Tus Q= CV= Cox (WL) Vov- Te voltage Nos. establishes on eclectic field across the chonnel_length. = soe \El= Vos L sien so TWvs_clectre_field__cavses__¢7 to_drift tothe drain. oa velocity = My, (EL = sin Nos tL lo= in Cox ML (Vqs-Vr) Vos —O L. the channel = dn Cox W Vov The __ conductance aes depends on: “irons parameter = Ky» tn Cox Conduckomce of channel _o¢ Kn’ Lesser distance {L) and more orea (w) allows cmore_charne +0 flow) i insistor__ trans conductomce. povameter Kne kn’ .W (AV?) Lb Graph of equation @ Slepe = Bn Cox W (Vas-Vr) ~ L Vas VF ad ae Nas 7 Vt As Nov increases, slope increases. _..___Lesser_resistonee.._ wv Vasevr a Case ©) When Vps is increased ' & DS = Vov" For this Sitmtion, assume Vas 7 VT $0 thet the charmel_/ ed. |! Nos_is_ significant oltage drop S. channet_in this case. Thus if we trowel fom Sowre -to drain, the. volkage. inaeases from 4 zero ty Yos- = Nottage.. at sours = Vas = VT + Vov Noltage at drain = Vqp = Vas-Vos = Vt + Vor - Vos Chammel__depth, depends on “voltage (more than Vi). Channel depth is___ ’ how non = bnifocrn « ‘ ' , ee —. . Vas = Veapt Vos ‘ (ot drain) , — : 4 = a a Voltage drop i Drain iene aa Channel depth 7 proportiimal. to _________veltage_applied. 3 “The _awerage voltage drop across channel = 1 Vos ot = (midpoint) . Channel, depth ot that point sx. < 1 Vos) ~ As ‘bs imereases, the owerage channel depth decreases. Tus, tp is net oceaa Nps__omymore. _ > _(k ne My Mest \ ‘as Ne lyn Nos 4 Nov, Vos 7Nov ~T Trereasing Vps?Vov Sadvrates the. @ 5 © Pes Tp Wyaver = Pky ¥ Vavay oo tae * Yo sat "ine Vee Se i [Bas ots et "iis ie not the cae Straight ipaves _ Wiode Voy _ Sabration Vos » © Nos_7Nov. -— (M_ Nog = Nov voltage at dram Vago = Vas Vos + Vr+Vov Yas = Vr = The__channel_depth at drain is_zero. This is called channel pinch. off. fo- As Nos _imereases above Vov, the pinch. off point moves slightly ‘cea Yowords the source. (Non - infinite rresistave) _ f abn across channel remains onstant ot Nov. Addition voltage , ie 3 drop _actoss narmw depletion reqion between end of channel ond drain. This voltage awelerates the e's : __imbo_the drain. Pinch off does net neon blockage. After_ptn ch off (Nos- Nov) accelerates he_¢$ _4threugh_electnic a Souree chore i Drain, ‘ : ' ' “vy, 7 Vov wiv ‘ Soret a The __charmel__length is reduced fm» _L to L-AL. This is_ca ed ’ channel length modulation. ZZ Since_tp x 1 ip _mowone with an vncrease im Nps (above Vow). a L fo = 1k ( ) by L . = { W__( Vas -Vr)* L/=L-AL : m CL GS -VT where, ; Pan a 7 oo = | kn’ Ww (Vas-Vvr) 2 Let _ 7 et kw (Vest 7 LRG SDS ones 7 =i kw ow f t+ AL) (Vas-Vr)* g z El ey / Alc Nos. 4 _AL= a’ Nps 2’_is_based_on. the technology used (device ech parame) ie as x Ai device porameter_(V"') i 3. ip = 1 kn’ Ww [1+ 206) (Ves-Vr)* : a k 7) ee = 1 kn’ W [t+ a¥ps) (Vas: Vr)* Nov =, 28, —— Va_is adevice parameter with dimensions of V. Va> | = b f ; Vals | = VAREVAL a x V where VA‘ depends on A’ which enttirely depends on technology. Slope = ge cae} Vos In is drain _aurvent without channel Ips sk! W_{Ves- Vr)* C mos i$ not _usvally preferred for high power devices. Subthreshold When Vas< Vr, a. smal, drain urrent flows . The drain curren’ is exponentially related to Vasylike_in BIT. operaion. Tn BIT, current Flows shragh p-n juncbion ( disdes). | Body effect z Usually body iS _ connected to_souree and grounded. Jn this_case body (Substrate) does not. play carole. In Ics, the substrate is u syansistors. Tn order to _anaintain the cut off condition -for all the substrate --t» ~channel _pncbion the. culbstrate 15 _comected -to the most _neqabive. power Supply . fa. eee: mae Yeverse te bias =TVsp (reverse bias voltage) for_cafedy : Nse_affects device operation. The _-ve Noltage repels e°s inthe dhamnel amd_thus channel alle is redwed “Te rebury tp normal width depth, Vas bas to be_moreosed, V1 increases - Vi: Vto 2Gr+V ____ where _V4o = Vie when Vsa 0 . is physical parameter (26 ¢ 2 0-6V) X80 fabrication process _paromitix. 24Na Es (nat works for PMoS_ where Cox Nais replaced with No) a ele Example 0.18 um process: Minivnum, charmed Length v0.1 3um L = 0.18 um We 2 wm Cox = 8.6 4e Baz 450 Cm IVS Me= 0.5V By fied Ves, Vos that xoputt wm MOSFET operate 04 the, 0 edge of saturation. Tp =100uA. iii | Kn = kn! w= A 3mA frye L Ip =} kn Voy* 2 Vov = 0.22V Vacs Vy-+ Vov = (OS + 0.22)V NDS = Voy= 0.22V

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